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A new Loading 29% picture!

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I've been playing a fair bit of PBEM CMBN recently, so I've seen a lot of Loading 29%.

Thus I was gobsmacked just now to see a new picture - one I haven't seen before!

It was a JagPZ looking thing coming through a breach in bocage, with lots of soldiers standing around looking like it's been a heck of a job getting it through.

This made me wonder how many pictures there are, and how they are chosen. I get about 4 of them very regularly, and some extremely rarely.

Here's a list off the top of my head:

German dudes looking at a map - common

Shrek team looking out of foxhole - common

Panther (?) near a statue - common

Panther (?) rushing towards us on a road - common

Tragically fresh young troops marching away from us, one looking back - moderately common

Marder-ish thing in a forest - moderately common

Two Pz-ish things closeup - moderately common

A JagPZ looking thing in a town, with foliage cammo - rare

A tank looking like bush on a road, with a wreck behind it - rare

A street fight scene, guys facing away from us - very rare

Troops proceeding away from us in a street with a wall on the left - very rare

Two guys with an MG facing left - very very rare

Sherms facing away from us - very very rare

JadPz looking thing in a breach - only seen once

Did I miss any?

I guess modders can see these in the Data somewhere?

Do other people experience the same sort of rarity?



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I have the mod (can't remember the name) which adds a lot of extra pictures but still get similar results. At first I thought it wasn't working since nothing new appeared for awhile but then they started filtering in. Even now one will pop up that I've never seen before on occasion while certain ones appear all the time.

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Axis and Allied sides have their own loading screens. It sounds like you play only rarely as the Yanks! ;)

I think you may have answered a question that was going through my head. Some of what he lists as very very rare I see quite often, like the 2 Shermans facing away.

I don't think I have seen the Jpz at the bottom of the list, I'll have to keep my eye out for that.

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I have included my comments within the quote.

German dudes looking at a map - common Somewhat common

Shrek team looking out of foxhole - common Same here

Panther (?) near a statue - common Somewhat common

Panther (?) rushing towards us on a road - common Rare

Tragically fresh young troops marching away from us, one looking back - moderately common Very common

Marder-ish thing in a forest - moderately common Only somewhat common

Two Pz-ish things closeup - moderately common Rare

A JagPZ looking thing in a town, with foliage cammo - rare Rare

A tank looking like bush on a road, with a wreck behind it - rare Not sure I've seen this one at all

A street fight scene, guys facing away from us - very rare Moderately common

Troops proceeding away from us in a street with a wall on the left - very rare Moderately common

Two guys with an MG facing left - very very rare Common

Sherms facing away from us - very very rare Somewhat common

JadPz looking thing in a breach - only seen once Not seen this one at all

Did I miss any? Yeah. Three GIs with a mortar: common. M10 pulling up onto a road while a GI (MP?) holds up traffic: moderately common. Maybe another one or two I'm not recalling.


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Axis and Allied sides have their own loading screens.

Not exactly. It may be that which side you are playing biases the selection, but I doubt even that, since there are several German subjects that have turned up for me regularly and I have yet to play the German side. I am sure that the selections are made from the same common pool regardless of which side one is playing.


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Never seen the pic, you´re refering to, GaJ. Wow - thought I´d seem them all at least five times.

The one with the three GI´s with the mortar-pic facinates me - for two reasons:

1: Two of the guys look to me like they might be identical twins

2: They all seem like they´re trying hard not to laugh out loud (at the photographer and his silly request for a staged mortar-firing in the middle of a friendly town, probably)

Other pictures:

Sherman (76?) with crew´s heads popping out of hatches and looking at camera

GI running across road in front of Stuart

US tank (M10?) in camo driving towards camera amidst wrecks of german vehicles

Stuarts drivnig into Avranches

GIs standing on corner in town - one is aiming at window in house across the street

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Not exactly. It may be that which side you are playing biases the selection, but I doubt even that, since there are several German subjects that have turned up for me regularly and I have yet to play the German side. I am sure that the selections are made from the same common pool regardless of which side one is playing.


Oh man, I get to say it...sorry Michael, but you're wrong!:D

The umodded loading screen images are titled "force-specific background red" or "force-specific background blue" with a number following the name. They are, erm...force specific. Somewhat ironically, Blue are the pics of the Allies (but in a reddish sepia tone) and Red are the Germans, (but in a blueish-grey tone).

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What I would really like to see is random main menu splashscreens. I'd bet I'm not the only one sick and tired of the two Stuarts driving towards me. This could easily be added to the game since the mechanism is already in place, just use it for the main menu too.

I know there's mods for it already or you can just add your own fav pic for the main menu. But it would be kool to randomize it too.

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Hah - amazing how different the distrubutions could be!

I've also had that one withe mortar a few times: I forgot about that. I always think "_this_ is what these guys are doing, and they can land with _that_ precision? Really?"

The others mentioned: I don't think I've seen!

Note: Just because the pictures are forces specific, that doesn't mean that each bunch has to have only Axis or Allied pictures in, does it? For absolute sure, I've had Axis pictures while playing Allies.


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Yes, there is a dead german, Luke.

About the force specific pictures: It seems to me that the pictures are not force specific, the first time you load a file. But that they are force specific when you subsequently load an axis or allied game....I think...

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The umodded loading screen images are titled "force-specific background red" or "force-specific background blue" with a number following the name. They are, erm...force specific. Somewhat ironically, Blue are the pics of the Allies (but in a reddish sepia tone) and Red are the Germans, (but in a blueish-grey tone).

So what does that all come down to when I get both German and American force pics every time I load a new game or a saved game?


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So what does that all come down to when I get both German and American force pics every time I load a new game or a saved game?


You may only be partially wrong???:D I haven't really watched it too closely when I play, but it "seems" that I get Allied when I play Allies and German when I play German, but then again maybe it's based on who is the attacker, regardless of which side you play. Or maybe it is random....

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You get them both, EVERY time? I only get ONE picture per loading sequence. Have you been at the prescription bottle too much again? :D

No, dimwit, I get one per sequence, but I save every turn and I often leave off play after two or three turns. Ergo, I get a different (usually) pic every time I load a saved turn to begin playing again. There, is that clear enough for you?


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I'm not as sure as I originally was that I'm getting Axis pictures when I play Allies.

I realised that the tank coming through a breach is a US tank destroyer, so that's a US picture (there's no way the German army would have all those guys standing around enjoying themselves like that ;) ;) ) .

I will keep a careful watch :)


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No, dimwit, I get one per sequence, but I save every turn and I often leave off play after two or three turns. Ergo, I get a different (usually) pic every time I load a saved turn to begin playing again. There, is that clear enough for you?


That is slightly clearer, but do you still remember which side you were playing earlier when you load that game again? Or, do you remember what you were about to do after the game has loaded? :D

Naw, just pulling your fossilized peg leg there. I'm unable to check this myself right now, but my earlier perception has been that when I start or load a game as Allied or Axis, the loading screen is relevant to that side. However, I can fathom that it would be possible that I would be mistaken. I mean, in theory it is possible. In theory it's also possible that all people living east of Sweden, west of Russia, north of Estonia and south of Norway are not completely awesome. So far, though, science has been unable to prove such theories untrue.

P.S. 'Dimwit' is, in case you weren't aware, an insulting term. We prefer the term 'bonehead' around here, thank you very much! Or, if you want to be really PC, **** ******** **** **** is a good alternative spelling. But I'll let it pass this one time...

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