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Best H2H Scenarios

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  • 2 months later...

OK so I have yet to complete any CW scenarios but I have completed quite a few of Fredrockers excellent Sie Kommen II scenarios. The comment earlier in the thread that says you can't go wrong in playing any of these H2H is spot on. Excellent work!!!

Some of the highlight scenarios: -

All in a Mornings work (could be tough as Allied if strong German Player)

Canal Bridges (wow some great action and some good design on VP locations, I won't say more to spoil it)

Highway Song - another excellent game and great map. Again some great thought on VP locations.

Goin County - Small action intense fun...

The only slight let down was Blast the Strong Hold. This did not give us a good game as my style of set up messed up the Allied players chances so pretty poor play. A great idea and depending on what each player does it could be fun, but I would avoid it unless you want to try something very different.

All in All excellent work and I still have plenty left to play once I get the CW playing out of my system.

Once again thanks to all the designers for some excellent game play.

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I saw Sergei post this in another thread so cross posted here to try and use this as a good central place to keep track of HtH scenario reviews....

He says


CW scenarios that I have played PBEM:

In the Shadow of the Hill 5-6 AM (might slightly favour the attacker, but the defender has his chances)

In the Shadow of the Hill 6-7 AM (just starting)

Buron: Sticking It Out (was a bit one sided as you note, although as the defender I did manage to wreck a few StuGs before it went irreversably downhill)

Keep Calm And Carry On (went fairly even, in the end the attacker won)

Linking Up & Breaking Out (Germans might be the underdogs, although both sides have a shot at victory)

There are also a bunch of scenarios that I think are reasonably balanced, but as I haven't played them H2H myself I cannot attest.

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  • 10 months later...
CW Ubique: this has a good map and unusual units. I'd tweak the balance a little so that both players would have better chance to win, but so far this has been one of my best CW scenarios.

Which side would you give the stronger player? I.e. Which side has the least chance of winning in your opinion?

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I have just found another useful tool for helping to select scenarios to play. The blitz have a great page that shows scenarios played and who has won. This can be checked to see which scenarios give even results.

Linky poo here: -


So for CW Keep Calm it shows played 11 times and won 8 by the British and drawn three times. So no wins for the Germans in 11 games recorded. Useful to know and that and the Wiki should help people find good H2H scenarios.

BTW Keep Calm was a good scenario and we had fun but my Oppo and I agreed that The Germans stood little chance against what I had to use on him...


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Just trying to find this scenario it is listed as being a WBoB tourney game and well balanced.

MP1 TournamentVire

Anyone know of a place where I can download it from? My Google Fu is failing me...

im taking part in the tourney, i won that round, but getting killed in the second - im sure i have the map somewhere - once im in front of gaming pc i can let you know - its a great, great map

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Interesting that Bois de Baugin seems to be so wildly unbalanced ... and kinda puts the lie to designers labelling the play-mode of their own scenarios. I'd thought that one was be reasonably well balanced, or at least possible to win from the other side :confused:

(as an aside, that table isn't especially well labelled. For instance, BdB has a '% win' of 0-0-100 ... I assume the middle number is draws, but which side is which for Axis and Allies?)

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Interesting that Bois de Baugin seems to be so wildly unbalanced ... and kinda puts the lie to designers labelling the play-mode of their own scenarios. I'd thought that one was be reasonably well balanced, or at least possible to win from the other side :confused:

(as an aside, that table isn't especially well labelled. For instance, BdB has a '% win' of 0-0-100 ... I assume the middle number is draws, but which side is which for Axis and Allies?)

Yeah, a designer can fiddle around and try to get something in there that each side has a chance to win, but the only way to know for sure is through repeated playings with players listing their results as shown in those tables. So yeah, a designer can toss a line on there but it's basically only representative of the designer's opinion.

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Hi Jon, Yes I think you are right with the middle number. I have usually expanded the details to exact number of wins / draws.

I played Bois De Baugin and lost as the Germans. The Americans are just way too powerful and I was rolled. I did my best and fought a desperate rear guard action but my TD's were just hit by too many American shells and the guns put out of action, despite my armour bouncing the shells coming at me...

I enjoyed the challenge but it was a hopeless fight. Maybe the new HMG model would help the Germans and I would certainly think about different ways to win by using the woods to better effect.

If you add my result that would be 6 losses to the Germans and I am a reasonable player and my oppo was Sublime if I remember correctly. He had just started to play and used his armour well.

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The whole question of H2H and balance is a minefield and ultimately I guess the only way is through these sort of stats.

BTW I am going to give Le Desert a go with Jim with me as Germans. Will be interesting to see how I get on with it.

Bois was a great map and the memories of the game are still imprinted on me... So excellent work...

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I have usually expanded the details to exact number of wins / draws.

Ah, I see. Thanks.

Hmm, the comments there are "Slightly Pro Allies", "Well Balanced", "Slightly Pro Allies" and "Very tough map to conduct offensive operations" (written by US player). Even though the results say one thing, at least it's perceived as being nearly balanced. I guess. :confused:

[bdB] excellent work

Thanks :) That's probably one of the scenarios I put the least effort into, but it all (apart from the scoring) seemed to come together quite well.

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I have won and lost as the Germans in BdB and both were bitter fights. It is about as balanced as I think anyone can actually get. Luck still plays a role and for the Germans you really need to husband those JgdPz. Half of their function is threat. If you can time your artillery well and keep your AT assests alive it is winnable, but the Americans can take some punishment.

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(as an aside, that table isn't especially well labelled. For instance, BdB has a '% win' of 0-0-100 ... I assume the middle number is draws, but which side is which for Axis and Allies?)

Interesting I never noticed the confusion but you are right. The number differs from scenario to scenario. If you click on the details a popup will tell you which side is first and which side is second. That tells you which win % is which. The centre number is draws.

I never noticed because the way I use the table is to look for a scenario with a fair number of games played and something close to balanced (20 35 45 is close enough for me). I don't need to play a game that is perfectly balanced but I want a shot at winning.

I am one of those losses for BdB but it was an enjoyable loss.

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-A quick plug for my upcoming H2H-only, QB-only bocage map. Though non-historical, it is a painstakingly accurate to-scale recreation of a real (modern--but it could have existed!) hamlet in Normandy. I'm making it using google satellite and street-level views. You can see pics of the early stages in the thread below:


I'm updating the thread with new pics each week as work progresses. It should be out in 2-3 weeks.

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I don't know if they're reviewed anywhere, but all of the scenarios from "The Farm" tournament played out very evenly across multiple games (elimination tournament that started with 32 players in two groups, so 16/8/4/2 games). I'd have to go back and dig up the stats, but it was close to 50-50 in each round IIRC. They're all in the Repository.

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