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Yes, mike_the_whino! I got your puling, begging E-mail, asking for yet another spanking.

I shall consider it.

It's too hot in my workroom to play on the computer, so I've been staying in the cooler part of the house. I've been living in the refrigerator. I rigged it so the light doesn't go out.

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Ah... "Moral"!

Check off another word of which Hiram doesn't know the definition.

Let's see... that brings the tally up to..... ah, yes. Most of them.

ha! made me check and yes, it means what I thought it means. "concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior"

This is me showing my concern.

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I think we got this all sorted out this morning, but just in case:

No I have not patched CMBN. I am enjoying watching your cowardly HMG crew surrender surrounded by your own men. Perhaps it is the sight of their massacred Battalion HQ that has them so spineless?

After this morning's exchange, you should have turn 50 waiting for you to play. I am starting to think that your excuse of poor email handling is just a cover for problems with remedial math. Let me help you: The turns numbers are ascending. This means that you should be sending me turn 51, not turn 49.

I emailed you yesterday asking about this new patch. I have not applied the patch yet and am somewhat reticent in doing so insofar as I have a magnificent mac and there are many issues with this new patch.

Granted, you might have not received that email yet. I have noticed some difficult with my Gmail as of late. Both you and Niden have not been getting my turns. Before you infer any duplicity on my part, I would respectfully remind the denizens of this MBT that I am far far more moral than the rest of you.

So, Buzzy. I'll type this question slowly. Have you patched your version of CM:Norm?

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I think we got this all sorted out this morning, but just in case:

No I have not patched CMBN. I am enjoying watching your cowardly HMG crew surrender surrounded by your own men. Perhaps it is the sight of their massacred Battalion HQ that has them so spineless?

After this morning's exchange, you should have turn 50 waiting for you to play. I am starting to think that your excuse of poor email handling is just a cover for problems with remedial math. Let me help you: The turns numbers are ascending. This means that you should be sending me turn 51, not turn 49.

Hiram can be a bit spotty sending the correct turn. I think that glorious mac he keeps blabbing about has some hand in it. I don't want to accuse him of being a complete ninny, but sometimes I think he is.

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What a tremendous PITA, gentlemen. Tell you what. Let's go ahead and chalk up both battles as wins for both of you. I'm feeling generous today.

Since I don't know if it's my mail servier or my mail client, its a moot point in the greater scheme of things.

good game, gents

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Hiram you skirt wearing OGSF want-a-be, don't you DARE fold to Buzzsaw. You will force me to make him a squire, with all rights and priviledges, as he now has a win.

Dang it, looks like I don't have a choice. Let it be known that Buzzsaw is hereby promoted to Squire in House Rune. ngcavscout to be his mental errr... mentor to kanniggitthood. Buzzsaw is now officially no longer a SSN, but please, don't let me stop you from treating him as such.


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Hiram you skirt wearing OGSF want-a-be, don't you DARE fold to Buzzsaw. You will force me to make him a squire, with all rights and priviledges, as he now has a win.

Dang it, looks like I don't have a choice. Let it be known that Buzzsaw is hereby promoted to Squire in House Rune. ngcavscout to be his mental errr... mentor to kanniggitthood. Buzzsaw is now officially no longer a SSN, but please, don't let me stop you from treating him as such.


Hiram surrenders and Buzzcut gets to be a Squire!!! How does that work.? He should have to play someone else who isnt playing on a mac. He should have to play mike_the_wino.

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Hiram you skirt wearing OGSF want-a-be, don't you DARE fold to Buzzsaw. You will force me to make him a squire, with all rights and priviledges, as he now has a win.

Dang it, looks like I don't have a choice. Let it be known that Buzzsaw is hereby promoted to Squire in House Rune. ngcavscout to be his mental errr... mentor to kanniggitthood. Buzzsaw is now officially no longer a SSN, but please, don't let me stop you from treating him as such.


My Gawd you're a dim bulb.

{sigh} ... if he was an SSN then the next step is to propose him as Serf to the CessPool as a Hole. There are no requirements for that, you just do it and then you have Rites of First Refusal which, while unpleasant for the Serf is rather amusing for the rest of us.

Once he's a Serf you continually check on his progress and, if he shows the rite stuff, you may THEN take him to Squire and yes, yes, you then have the ius primae noctis about which the less we know the better.

So ... do you wish to propose the lad as a Serf to the CessPool as a Hole?

Furtherless I'd remind you that YOU don't proclaim anything, unless it's to proclaim that you're an idiot in which case the proclamation will be agreed to by voice vote.


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No Joebob, once again you prove alzheimers patients should be shot on sight if they belong to the justicariat. A SSN is anyone who comes is, I took him under my wing as a Serf a while ago. Since Hiram cannot be trusted and threw in the towel faster then Stuka at an AA meeting. he is promoted in House Rune to Squire.

Yes, yes, I would love to throw the lad into a hole and cover him with a bulldozer, but promises were made and a Kanniggitt must keep his word, after all, if we don't, how are we better then the goober-nationals? Yes, yes, IQ, Looks, an willingness to die for the pope..I mean besides that.

Buzzsaw, as a squire in House Rune, let ngcavscout lead you in the way of actually winning more then 1 qb. Ngcavscout, remember, Spare the .45, and spoil the Squire.


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It is true, in the third game of the second coming of Buzzsaw, I have achieved victory for House Rune!

Hiram was forced into surrender by a careful combination of my glacial pace of attack, badgering about sending turns, and a scenario which burdened him with too many conscripts. Sadly, his early surrender means that my daring raid on several empty buildings was not launched, so I can only present a few uninspiring screenshots (not even a single burning AFV for ambiance):


I'm going to the chapel, and I'm gonna get - BLAM!


Future pilgrims can follow the trail of bodies to the abbey


Not really ready to call it a total victory, since Hiram's troops still had some fight in them and held the abbey, but I like those casualty ratios.

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No Joebob, once again you prove alzheimers patients should be shot on sight if they belong to the justicariat. A SSN is anyone who comes is, I took him under my wing as a Serf a while ago. Since Hiram cannot be trusted and threw in the towel faster then Stuka at an AA meeting. he is promoted in House Rune to Squire.

Yes, yes, I would love to throw the lad into a hole and cover him with a bulldozer, but promises were made and a Kanniggitt must keep his word, after all, if we don't, how are we better then the goober-nationals? Yes, yes, IQ, Looks, an willingness to die for the pope..I mean besides that.

Buzzsaw, as a squire in House Rune, let ngcavscout lead you in the way of actually winning more then 1 qb. Ngcavscout, remember, Spare the .45, and spoil the Squire.


Then why, pray tell, did YOU call him an SSN eh? If he was a Serf then he was a Serf and not an SSN. An SSN is a Scum Sucking Newbie and remains an SSN until or unless he is proposed as Serf to the CessPool as a Hole at which point he becomes a Serf and ceases to be an SSN.

Howsomenever I will allow you to promote the lad to Squire providing that you provide the proper instruction and guidance. I'm sick of Squires that are promoted to Knighthood with only a sketchy knowledge of the requirements of the office ... not to mention the fact that you're saddling the lad with membership in House Rune which is a travesty in and of itself.

So, in accordance with the rules and regulations written or perhaps not the Serf Buzzsaw (spelt but not bolded) is now and shall be considered a Squire to House Rune and therefive is entitled to having his name spelt and bolded and ... IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME ... may be considered for Knighthood in the CessPool.

So let it be written, or not, so let it be done. Go fifth young Buzzsaw and do honor to your House ... actually just go fifth, you really can't dishonor it more than it already is.

Sir Joe Shaw, JFLPCT

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Hiram you skirt wearing OGSF want-a-be, don't you DARE fold to Buzzsaw. You will force me to make him a squire, with all rights and priviledges, as he now has a win.

Dang it, looks like I don't have a choice. Let it be known that Buzzsaw is hereby promoted to Squire in House Rune. ngcavscout to be his mental errr... mentor to kanniggitthood. Buzzsaw is now officially no longer a SSN, but please, don't let me stop you from treating him as such.


Thank you, o gracious and noble liege. It is with great reverence that I accept the solemn duties of squire in House Rune, and I hope that my first deed will be to deliver a glorious victory over that Shavian dog Oberst.

P.S. Can someone check Shaw's Depends -- he seems to be getting very fussy.

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What are we voting for?

Do we need to devalue the Euro?

If we were to privatize the printing of the Euro—i.e., anyone with the necessary equipment could turn out as many in whatever denominations they liked—the Free Market would just automatically take care of that. See, economics is easy once you cut through the namby-pamby neo-liberal fog.


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Gamey updates

NG Cavscout is weeping, well either that or cursing my name, well probably both actually. Three, yes that is right three of his four Panthers are flaming wrecks and his fourth is I think immobilised, as it hasn't moved in the last half hour, just outside the victory location. My only concern is his millions of stormtroopers and an as yet unsighted Stug lurking in the background.

Nidan1 has decided to send emails without the file attached but then again we have to make allowances for the aged.

Stuka after much ignoring has finally sent the turn 1 movie. His email comments, quoted here,

Jeez, if last nights hangover wasn't enough, now i've spent about 2 hrs ginning around with this setup! My head is throbbing!
gave me great joy that I had some part to play in his suffering.

After losing two Pumas and their entire crews without reply I have finally got a measure of revenge against Noba courtesy of a third Puma and it's 50mm main gun (picture below).


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