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Monster Video AAR / Tutorial for Newbies (now uploaded)

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It's up and working in HD. It took a long time to upload... but it's there!

Tutorial AAR Video

Weighing in at 2hours and 40 minutes I have recorded a Video After Action Report aimed at utter newbs or people struggling a little with "correct" tactics in CM:BN.

I cover everything from UI quirks to building assault tactics to scoot-and-shoot waypointing. I understand that since this video is nearly as long as Saving Private Ryan not everyone has the time to watch the whole lot, so I have helpfully timestamped all the "lessons" so you can jump to the areas that interest you.

Because of the way it is recorded, it makes more sense watched in order, but I understand not everyone has the time and patience for that! Also lessons tend to overlap a bit. For example, while showing you a text-book assault on a barn, I also get to talk about friendly fire and tank damage :)

Veterans will no doubt find this quite boring - the AI was no real challenge afterall, but I scatter tips and tricks throughout the whole video that I've picked up in my own playing (and these here forums) so I hope that people who are frustrated or overwhelmed with the game will benefit greatly.

Below I list my "chapters" and "lessons". Please enjoy... I hope someone benefits!

**** Pre-battle ****

0:00 - briefing: analyse friendly and enemy forces. Review Objectives.

9:08 - preparing your attack: Analyse forces, anaylse terrain, develop plan, execute pre-battle moves/setup

10:20 - Icons, selecting units, army structure - teams/squads/platoons

13:45 - C2 network

16:35 - stats - leadership, experience, morale, tiredness

18:30 - jumping between units in a platoon

19:30 - tank platoons - radio contact

20:20 - anaylse terrain

20:30 - Camera controls 1 - 9

21:20 - develop plan

21:40 - reserves

24:05 - Combined arms tactics - tanks and infantry

25:25 - AT guns vs Tank tactics

**** Setup phase / first turns ****

28:40 - First turn orders

29:25 - The different movement commands - quick/fast/slow/etc

30:40 - Recce (reconnoiter)

31:25 - splitting teams

32:10 - Cover arc as "hold fire"

34:30 - Prepared artillery bombardments

37:40 - Calling Artillery

42:40 - 60mm vs 81mm vs 105mm

43:50 - placing waypoints/artillery missions near hedgelines/walls

47:00 - The different types of hedges

48:10 - artillery bug to be aware of

48:50 - rejoining teams

50:00 - All paths

51:00 - giving further commands at waypoints

51:50 - peeking through bocage

54:40 - relative spotting

57:30 - initial contact and minor mortar tactic discussion

**** Assault ****

1:00:35 - Planning an assault on a building

1:02:30 - tank buttoned vs unbuttoned

1:03:30 - Overwatch and building assault theory

1:05:10 - Overwatch options

1:07:40 - Assault timings

1:08:20 - Target light in an assault / friendly fire

1:10:25 - Giving commands for an Assault

1:11:30 - binoculars matter

1:12:25 - regrouping on waypoints

1:12:40 - line of sight from a waypoint

1:13:40 - Forcing the use of grenades (for building assault)

1:13:55 - The Pause command on a waypoint

1:14:40 - MG area suppression

1:18:05 - Reinforcements

1:18:30 - The tacAI cancelling orders

**** fighting through Bocage ****

1:20:20 (also 1:17:30) - Bailing out of a tank

1:22:30 - Tank turning speeds

1:23:50 - buddy aid

1:27:30 - the sounds of gunfire

1:28:20 - The pros and cons of a house

1:29:40 - targeting a unit

1:30:30 - blasting through bocage without engineers

1:31:30 - Ammo cookoff

1:32:40 - Direct fire mortars

1:32:40 - Cowering to break line of sight

1:34:30 - Enemy Artillery spotting rounds

1:35:25 - Scoot and shoot or firing limited smoke rounds

1:36:00 - Wind effects

1:39:00 - buddy aid

1:42:20 - buddy aid in action "medic"

1:43:50 - permanent morale and fitness penalties

1:46:15 - infantry screen for tanks theory

1:47:45 - trading and collecting ammo

1:49:30 - low hedges. Hedges tanks can cross

1:50:20 - more buddy aid

1:51:10 - the use of the hide command to break line of sight

1:53:10 - tank statistics - ammo/damage

1:53:30 - losing tracks (going slower reduces chances of throwing tracks)

1:54:10 - using enemy equipment. surrendering

1:55:15 - American doctrine for bocage assault

1:58:05 - Bocage assault in action

2:00:40 - Forcing the use of grenades

**** mopping up ****

2:01:40 - German infantry squads with MG42s

2:01:00 - 2:08:00 lull

2:08:00 - More bocage assault. The assault movement command

2:08:00 - Area fire

2:11:00 - Buttoning up tank commanders

2:12:20 - Buttoned up tank vs Panzershrek

2:14:30 - bailing out of tank

2:17:45 - committing reserves

2:17:50 - tanks on roads and mine concerns

2:19:30 - another example of overwatch maneuvor. How to choose your assault squad and overwatch squad

2:21:00 - Errant spotting rounds. calling for arty, then spotter dying.

2:24:10 - judging your opponent by incoming fire and fire superiority

2:26:20 - Buttoned up tank vs Panzershrek #2. Example of why tanks should not lead attacks

2:29:30 - Tank TacAI taking evasion moves

2:30:45 - recrewing a tank (can't recrew a different tank)

2:31:40 - buddy aid tip

2:32:15 - careful placement of waypoints near obstacles (bocage)

2:33:30 - surrender and objectives

2:35:30 - recrewing a tank

2:40:00 - semi-deployed machine guns

2:37:00 - After Action report screen

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You're much more aggressive with your troops than I'd have been, but you certainly got the job done quickly.

I was surprised you could fire as early as you did, as I thought you needed a line of sight to your targets and had to have your mortars set up. I'll have to restart the demo situation and examine my starting options more closely.

In any event, I sure learned a lot from your video. Thanks a lot for all your effort.

I did get confused a few times by your pronunciation of bocage sounding so much like blockage. I think the word is pronounced more like bow (as in bow tie) cah (as in the first syllable of cockatoo) ge (as in Age with the A silent).

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Nice video. Will be very helpful to newcomers.

There were a couple of things you weren't too sure about, and I'll offer my take on 'em.

Friendly fire suppression:

There were some lovely examples of suppression by causes other than enemy fire. The exploding tank, just as you started the assault on the barn certainly started the suppression of the assaulting element, but they were pinned, I think, by the HE rounds exploding short, against the tree. Maybe they were a bit lucky not to take any casualties,but it was a good illustration of what HE does, even when you try to be careful sometimes. There were some good examples of friendly small arms fire racking up the suppression meter, during the assault on the bocage, too.

Squad splitting:

Assault squad, using the US Infantry team as an example, will take the squad leader and make a team up with rifles. That team isn't supposed to include any AT weapons or the BAR, but will in some circumstances (often if the zook is in "A Team"). It'll be about 1/3 the strength of the squad, if it's not had any squads split off, 1/2 if it's the second team split. The Assault team will also get the majority of the squad's handgrenades.

Split Squad will just divide it up along the team lines, without trying to reassign weapon specialists between teams, or even out numbers.

AT team will get any AT grenades and rifle grenades as well as the AT Rocket launcher, and half the squad's grenades.

I think it was great that you got a little bit fast and loose with the tanks towards the end. It was an object lesson as to why you don't lead with tanks :) Highly eddimucational.

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You're much more aggressive with your troops than I'd have been, but you certainly got the job done quickly.

I was surprised you could fire as early as you did, as I thought you needed a line of sight to your targets and had to have your mortars set up. I'll have to restart the demo situation and examine my starting options more closely.

In any event, I sure learned a lot from your video. Thanks a lot for all your effort.

Do you mean on the first turn? That's the special case of "prepared bombardment." You can fire any arty without line of sight and it will start falling immediately if you give the order during setup. And yes, it needs to be set up, but mortars should be by default for exactly that reason.

I did get confused a few times by your pronunciation of bocage sounding so much like blockage. I think the word is pronounced more like bow (as in bow tie) cah (as in the first syllable of cockatoo) ge (as in Age with the A silent).

I have often been confused about that word. I originally thought it was "bow-cage" but I imagined I heard someone say "bock-age" and figured that was correct. I apologise if it got on people's nerves :)

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I think it was great that you got a little bit fast and loose with the tanks towards the end. It was an object lesson as to why you don't lead with tanks :) Highly eddimucational.

Yes... that's why I did it... in the name of eddimucation!

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I did get confused a few times by your pronunciation of bocage sounding so much like blockage. I think the word is pronounced more like bow (as in bow tie) cah (as in the first syllable of cockatoo) ge (as in Age with the A silent).

AFAIK it's indeed bo (as in bow tie, but without the w at the end), then ca (as in carnival) and ge (don't know an English word that uses that particular softer 'g', but the 'je' in the French je t'aime is what it sounds like.

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When I try the demo scenario, I don't see ANY German floating icons, and certainly no German floating icons with question marks for fleeting glimpses of units or short duration sound contacts with possibly inaccurate directions. In the video, there seemed at times to be as many as ten floating question mark icons on the map, and there were a few visible during the setup phase.

Should I download the demo again to get those icons, or are those icons only a feature of the demo scenario in the full game?

The US mortar on the map at the start is not setup, and it shows that way whether I select the mortar, the weapons platoon leader, or the other platoon leader. The two platoon leaders do have artillery selections, but the mortar is unavailable to both of them.

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The US mortar on the map at the start is not setup, and it shows that way whether I select the mortar, the weapons platoon leader, or the other platoon leader. The two platoon leaders do have artillery selections, but the mortar is unavailable to both of them.

It has to be setup to fire; there is an order: 'deploy', it takes a moment for them to do, but it should immediately become available to anyone capable of giving it orders via audio/visual/radio.

I doubt your demo is broken somehow, check first that floating icons are turned on - 'alt+I' is the toggle.

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As above. I could be wrong that they are set up by default always, but if you give the command in the setup phase, perhaps they instantly deploy?

If that fails, its a bit of a scenario oversight. They really should be setup to begin with so you can use prepared bombardments.

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When I try the demo scenario, I don't see ANY German floating icons, and certainly no German floating icons with question marks for fleeting glimpses of units or short duration sound contacts with possibly inaccurate directions. In the video, there seemed at times to be as many as ten floating question mark icons on the map, and there were a few visible during the setup phase.

Should I download the demo again to get those icons, or are those icons only a feature of the demo scenario in the full game?

The US mortar on the map at the start is not setup, and it shows that way whether I select the mortar, the weapons platoon leader, or the other platoon leader. The two platoon leaders do have artillery selections, but the mortar is unavailable to both of them.

Did u play basic?

Only thing I can think of.

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I'm playing version 1.0 of CM:BN which I downloaded on 11 May 2011. I've never turned off the floating icons, and I've never seen floating icons with question marks.

The US mortar at the start of the scenario is not set up, and all the units which can control the mortar fire (all the units with radios and, of course, the mortar unit itself) show the mortar as not set up.

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I'm playing version 1.0 of CM:BN which I downloaded on 11 May 2011. I've never turned off the floating icons, and I've never seen floating icons with question marks.

The US mortar at the start of the scenario is not set up, and all the units which can control the mortar fire (all the units with radios and, of course, the mortar unit itself) show the mortar as not set up.

Very, very strange. This is the same scenario from the video we're talking about? Or the demo?

Anyway, did ctrl-I work for the icons? Also, did you try giving the mortars the command "deploy weapon" ("/" is the hotkey) during setup phase? I suspect they'll set up instantly.

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It's always helpful to check these videos. I knew most of the stuff but I got couple new things there too. Thank you!

If you're wondering what did I learn:

1) You can CLICK waypoints, make pause & fire and check LOS. Great tip! Now I know how to assault building.

2) Did I mention that I can click waypoints? :D That really changed my playstyle.

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1. ctrl-I does toggle the icons. Except for testing the toggle capability, I've never turned the icons off.

2. At demo scenario start, the mortars do NOT set up instantly on the deploy command.

Although nobody has told me I'm using a version of CM:BN which has been updated, nobody has told me I'm using the latest version available. I'll download CM:BN again and see for myself.

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I've now checked six of the seven download links for the Mac version of the demo. I skipped ePrison (Germany) because I don't want a German language version of the manual.

All six sites give the same v1.0 demo generated around 12 May, so I suspect the ?-mark floating icons and the set up prep fire capability only appear in the full version of CM:BN.

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I've now checked six of the seven download links for the Mac version of the demo. I skipped ePrison (Germany) because I don't want a German language version of the manual.

All six sites give the same v1.0 demo generated around 12 May, so I suspect the ?-mark floating icons and the set up prep fire capability only appear in the full version of CM:BN.

It's in the demo. You're doing something wrong, have you tried the suggestions made by other posters?

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