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Ammo Sharing

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This is really stupid. Why wouldn't a soldier share ammo that is needed in the heat of a battle? Just because they are in different platoons??? What's the historical basis for this?

edit: "Sorry buddy, I know there's tank coming down the road straight at us but I can't give you any AT rounds cause you're in 2nd platoon."

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This is really stupid. Why wouldn't a soldier share ammo that is needed in the heat of a battle? Just because they are in different platoons??? What's the historical basis for this?

edit: "Sorry buddy, I know there's tank coming down the road straight at us but I can't give you any AT rounds cause you're in 2nd platoon."

Before we get our panties in a bunch, how about we first get some info? I don't think anyone had said it is historical, it just could simply be that programming it is difficult and has negative implications. Asking is always a good place to start.

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Well, this might wreck my efforts of loading down drivers with ammo and then dismounting and trying to run the ammo to the troops, they might just be sitting there saying. "Sorry Boys, cannot give you any of this fine Ammo, program says I am not allowed to share this with you"

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Before we get our panties in a bunch, how about we first get some info? I don't think anyone had said it is historical, it just could simply be that programming it is difficult and has negative implications. Asking is always a good place to start.

Heck no! I like my panties in a bunch. :cool:

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Well, this might wreck my efforts of loading down drivers with ammo and then dismounting and trying to run the ammo to the troops, they might just be sitting there saying. "Sorry Boys, cannot give you any of this fine Ammo, program says I am not allowed to share this with you"

Yup. I think the 'same platoon rule' is there to stop people being too free with their interpretations of ammo dumps like MG team ammo bearers and incidental jeeps. It forces you to work for your extra bullets. It would be a nightmare to code which unit type can share with which other unit type: for example, an American MG Ammo bearer's 'extra' ammo is all in belts in ammo boxes. Sharing that with a rifle team would be a tricky exercise in the face of the enemy: stripping it out of the belt and loading it into Garand strip-clips and BAR box magazines (assuming there were any empties floating about).

I think it's one of those abstractions we just have to deal with because the alternative is not having the game yet :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

What about engineers sharing demo charges? I split a squad of engineers and one of the teams used up all of their charges. I recombined the teams into one squad and then split them again and still one of the teams had zero charges and the other had four charges. Is there some thing that I am not doing correctly?

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Yup. I think the 'same platoon rule' is there to stop people being too free with their interpretations of ammo dumps like MG team ammo bearers and incidental jeeps. It forces you to work for your extra bullets. It would be a nightmare to code which unit type can share with which other unit type: for example, an American MG Ammo bearer's 'extra' ammo is all in belts in ammo boxes. Sharing that with a rifle team would be a tricky exercise in the face of the enemy: stripping it out of the belt and loading it into Garand strip-clips and BAR box magazines (assuming there were any empties floating about).

I think it's one of those abstractions we just have to deal with because the alternative is not having the game yet :)

whats wrong with that though? i can see belt ammo vs clip ammo. but why not have soldiers be able to transfer ammo between each other.

for instance i was doing the pointe du hoc battle and had a whole platoon run out of m1 ammo. i brought a few other squads from a different platoon over to finish off some germans and the ammoless platoon just had to sit there. would be good to allow the two to either divy out ammo between each other or allow a aquire type command to do so.

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whats wrong with that though? i can see belt ammo vs clip ammo. but why not have soldiers be able to transfer ammo between each other.

What's wrong, I think (and I'll emphasise that this is just my guess), is that if any could share with any, everyone would, by the nature of gamers to play to the rules, not the spirit, a lot of the time, share with everyone. There would be lots of 'exceptions (in RL) becoming the rule (in game)', which BFC have often said they try and exclude by their design.

So if they just let everyone share, they'd have to code in specific exceptions (like belt vs clip fed guns) so that ammo bearer teams wouldn't just be magic bullet stores for the rest of the company and that's another layer of complexity, so more coding and testing and information in the unit database. It's a question of realism (sure A-Coy's 3-plt could share the odd Garand clip with B-Coy's 1-plt) vs having to recognise all the times when that couldn't happen realistically. BFC have avoided the coding problem by making it a blanket rule. Maybe in x3 there will be nicer distinctions between ammo feed types.

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What's wrong, I think (and I'll emphasise that this is just my guess), is that if any could share with any, everyone would, by the nature of gamers to play to the rules, not the spirit, a lot of the time, share with everyone.

While I agree with you in principle, womble, I would like to say way to go with the commas there. 7 in one sentence is really rackin' em up! :P

Took me three readings to figure out what you were saying...

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Kept two squads of the same platoon in the same spot with their Plt HQ as well as their Co HQ and HQ support team AND their mortar teams (who had lots of small arms ammo as I never use em to fight...) and I saw NO ammo sharing between any of the units.

How does ammo sharing work, if at all?

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Erwin - were any of them short of ammo?

They won't spontaneously cross-level. Sharing only kicks in when a unit expends all ammo of a particular nature. At that point, it will grab one 'unit' (round, clip, magazine, or belt, depending on the weapon) and continue firing. Then grab one more unit of ammo, and so on.

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Ok, I think my low ammo teams had maybe 20-30 round of .45 rounds for the Thompsons. I was hoping that other units in the same platoon would share their 150 rounds of .45.

But you are saying that ammo sharing is only magazine by magazine when one unit is completely out of a particular ammo, and only so long as the two units are in proximity (within 8 meter IIRC). Is that correct?

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Ok, I think my low ammo teams had maybe 20-30 round of .45 rounds for the Thompsons. I was hoping that other units in the same platoon would share their 150 rounds of .45.

But you are saying that ammo sharing is only magazine by magazine when one unit is completely out of a particular ammo, and only so long as the two units are in proximity (within 8 meter IIRC). Is that correct?

I think the range is 16m (one AP's gap), but otherwise, that's how I think it works.

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What about engineers sharing demo charges? I split a squad of engineers and one of the teams used up all of their charges. I recombined the teams into one squad and then split them again and still one of the teams had zero charges and the other had four charges. Is there some thing that I am not doing correctly?

Demo charges and hand grenades are never shared. Rifle grenades are shared.

And yes, individual soldiers will grab one clip, magazine, round, etc at a time when they are completely out of ammo from a unit (in the same platoon that has ammo) right next to them.

One exception to the platoon rule is that in platoons with section HQs below the platoon HQ, the sections will only share within the section (i.e. 80mm mortars in section 1 won't share with mortars in sections 2 or 3 of the same platoon).

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