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Everything posted by fallenhalo

  1. whats wrong with that though? i can see belt ammo vs clip ammo. but why not have soldiers be able to transfer ammo between each other. for instance i was doing the pointe du hoc battle and had a whole platoon run out of m1 ammo. i brought a few other squads from a different platoon over to finish off some germans and the ammoless platoon just had to sit there. would be good to allow the two to either divy out ammo between each other or allow a aquire type command to do so.
  2. i can see why you wouldnt want to fire either of the 3 inside a building but it has been done in real life. i was just reading in Patton's Vanguard that during the battle for Singling, which was highly documented by the 4th AD that some of the infantry did so. A pair of assault guns were waiting around the corner for shermans to pass by. but some of the infantry spotted them before and warned the shermans. they decided to take a crack at them with bazookas from the attic windows. one of them wouldnt fire and the other they fired 3 times. only to have the rounds bounce off. pesky panzers.
  3. i can see that happening, but i once had a squad in a trench in the middle of the road that runs along the the back part of the map. between where the main bocage area and the mortars are set up in their default location. i just cant see any amount of intel being able to locate an individual squad hiding behind some random bocage.
  4. so i have been playing the german side of the busting bocage battle. and some reason now matter how i position my guys the US always seem to bombard specific units with mortar or artillery. now this would be nothing out of the ordinary except that my guys are hidden inside trenches or fox holes. what i dont get is how does the AI know to attack these areas. shouldnt the computer not know where any of these positions are since they are out of los? even if i hide one of the 75s behind a hedge way out of site of the american starting position they still get hammered. how does the computer know where these units are to bombard?
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