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"Would be nice" feature list

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When playing against the AI, I would also like to see the 'Ceasefire' option implemented in the same manner as it was in the CMx1 engine.

I much preferred the 'hidden' ceasefire concept and the way the AI wouldn't automatically accept a ceasefire, but rather base it's response on the current state of the battle.

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Would be nice...

Some sort of indication at the very end of a WEGO turn of which units took hits/casualties that round, for those turns when you want to watch just once and not from a zoomed out vantage. Maybe the icons flashing at the end of the round or a text log type of thing.

  • Slight differentiation in the floating icons for unit types so we can see at a glance which are infantry, ammo bearers, XO teams or pioneers.
  • When a squad takes casualties, the floating icon could flash a different colour to the flashing when the unit is selected?

These, plus have icons shaded differently depending on their relation to each other – i.e. if you select 3rd squad/A team, have the rest of 3rd squad brighter than the rest of the platoon.

Scroll bars in the pre-battle GUI instead of the 'Next' button.


Have a "Follow Unit" command for columns down roads.

This, or at the very least have a little extra space (programming, not visually) at the side of roads. As it is now if the lead vehicle goes even an inch off the road it slows way down and the convoy is mucked up.

I'd like to add my idea (from a previous thread) to be able to click on an HQ unit and see which subordinate units are within C2 range. See image.


+1 but URL isn't working for me, did you mean this one:


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1) I second the idea of an instant or default 180-degree covered arc

2) In setting a covered arc manually, it would be useful to know the limits of its LOS, as in CM1.

3) Easier-to-see lines for the ordered movement paths of units.

4) I second the idea of an easier method for seeing which units are in command of an HQ

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Additional support for campaigns. Things like complete tally of all units + reinforcements across the campaign in between battles so you can see the effect of your battle losses. Terrain stays destroyed if using same map. Some sort of campaign ongoing map showing progress. Anything to help create continuity and the feel of something larger than a single battle itself i guess although i am unsure what is required to be honest.

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I have always thought that a political marriage between the Combat Mission series and the Close Combat series would result in something beautiful. Persistent stats for units, such as health, kills, experience, ammunition and morale would be great. Persistent damage between consecutive campaign battles would be another welcome addition for me. The stats for the squads would be great. Then we could name each soldier individually instead of just the squad leader. Hell, while we're at it, let's drag the medal system into the mix too. Is it necessary? No, probably not. Would it add some much needed flavor to the mix? Yes.

Not to mention the much sought strategic level that is sorely mission from the Combat Mission series.

:) that would be the ultimate without a doubt but BF has stated many times there reluctant to go down this development path. IIRC it was much to do with the resources required and taking focus away from there core products which they have an endless list of things that the would still like to do to it. If you look at the Combat Missions Campaigns threads from Hunter it does give some insight into the potential issues. Its unfortunate really , it would be something special but at least we have a product like Combat Mission and that in itself is head an shoulders above any competitor IMO.

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The three biggest engine additions for me would be:

-JPEG overlay in map editor so that "real world" map images could be used with better precision

-Persistent damage between chosen scenarios in campaigns (ie. short hand for the older "operations")

-Triggers in the editor for instances such as: "If position "A" is taken by enemy, then trigger plan #2"

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Some orders that'd make my wego go so much smoother:

  • Armor cover arcs: Already covered.

  • Spread out target orders: Instruct units to lay fire on a stretch of hedgerow, several adjacent buildings etc.

  • Limited/timed target orders: Instruct, say, a mortar to fire a quick burst at a target of opportunity, or tell a tank to fire a couple of rounds into a building before it's stormed by the infantry. The latter is usually doable by playing around with paused waypoints, but more than once the friendly infantry has been cut down by a tank that kept shooting for the whole turn.

  • Improved hunt order: Either a definable order or tweaked AI behaviour, so that hunting units don't just stop in their tracks when fired upon, but back up the way they came. It's just maddening to see that recon halftrack get blown up time and again, when it stops after the first miss and merrily waits for the AT crew to adjust their fire (or, if issued regular move orders, keeps on going possibly right towards the enemy).

    Also a separate hunt for armor order would be nice, so that a tank doesn't stop the second it's hit by a single rifle round.

  • Restructured German squads: A little too often German squads become a single lump after a detached scout or AT team. A recent example; I have a nine man squad in a house. I detach a scouting unit, and the remaining seven men form a single team. Now, the scouting party gets cut down by a Sherman, which then proceeds towards the men in the house.

    Since the squad is now a single team, they can't assault, or more pertinently, can't detach an AT team to emerge from the house, so the remaining options are to risk the entire squad by engaging the tank, or get the heck out of dodge and hope the Sherman doesn't come around the house too quickly.

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Scenario Editor:

-Ability to Draw Roads with much fewer clicks, best would be IMO to click start and stop point and computer draws the road in a straight line or if selected in a curve, same with poles for telegraphs and fences, Bocage (everything that is drawn in Linemanner)

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Better hide behaviour, at present hide destroys all spotting ability while unhiding makes your troops obvious. There should be some option to "stay low" and avoid sighting by the enemy while keeping eyes open.

Back in the CM1x days, I would give units a covered arc only a few meters in front of them. This allowed them to spot while keeping them from opening fire on anyone unless they're about to step on them.

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Back in the CM1x days, I would give units a covered arc only a few meters in front of them. This allowed them to spot while keeping them from opening fire on anyone unless they're about to step on them.

It isn't so much that they open fire the cover arcs work fine it's that there's no way to maximize concealment without sacrificing spotting ability.

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How about this as a design option for scenario makers: In some cases allow bonus points for completing the mission in less than the allotted time, say ten points for each minute saved. This would be good in situations that are time critical. For instance, clearing a roadblock or capturing an intersection to allow (hypothetical) follow on forces to pass.

I can see this kind of thing coming up in post-Cobra scenarios and Market-Garden scenarios.


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