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Briefings are full of typos.. does it matter?

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Obviously it's not a game breaker - but my personal opinion is that spelling mistakes reflect badly on a product . It could suggest a lack of care and possibly undermine a player's confidence in a scenario designer.

Just out of curiosity - did someone at BF check all the briefings before full release?

Comments welcome... am I alone in my thinking?

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What kind of spelling errors? Armour Armor?

Missions were created by a bunch of different nationalities. Should they have streamlined it to US "English"? Probably, but I don't think it's a huge issue.

If this is the main negative you've noticed about the game, then I think you should have confidence in the product, right? ;)

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I'm not having a gripe - merely opening a topic for discussion. I'm just interested to know if it bothers other players. I've worked in print for a few years, so please understand my eye is easily drawn to this kind of thing.

I've only played a couple of missions, and have noticed mistakes in both.

An example:

From 'A Strange Awakening' - "Adept the current situation an occupy the Railway Station."

Admittedly, I suspect that English isn't this designer's first language (apologies if I'm wrong), but - and my query is this - shouldn't someone at BF proofread the briefings before release?

On a more helpful note, if any scenario designer (especially any non-native English speaker), wants me to check their copy, I'd be very happy to do so.

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I'm not having a gripe - merely opening a topic for discussion. I'm just interested to know if it bothers other players. I've worked in print for a few years, so please understand my eye is easily drawn to this kind of thing.

I've only played a couple of missions, and have noticed mistakes in both.

An example:

From 'A Strange Awakening' - "Adept the current situation an occupy the Railway Station."

Admittedly, I suspect that English isn't this designer's first language (apologies if I'm wrong), but - and my query is this - shouldn't someone at BF proofread the briefings before release?

On a more helpful note, if any scenario designer (especially any non-native English speaker), wants me to check their copy, I'd be very happy to do so.

I get what you mean. I write documentation (Solutions Architect) for a living, and it's extremely unprofessional to send work to customers filled with typos.

However I don't think it matters too much here, given the fact that most people download and play scenarios released online, by the community, filled with typos anyway. It would allow for a more polished release? yes. Priority? no.

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I've worked in publishing for a couple of decades now too and my eyes are also drawn to typos, but they don't really bother me here so long as the meaning is clear. As far as typos in briefings reflecting badly on the game, I don't think they do given its total scope. The manual is a far more important part of the overall impression and I think it is an excellent example of non-technical technical writing.

I did notice an error (not strictly a typo) in the briefing for The School of Hard Knocks mission. In the designers notes it says there is a light wind "from the south-west" when it should be "to the south-west" - thank the war gods for my saved game when my smoke barrage started to blow the wrong way. But looking at the writers name I imagine English is not his native language so it's just one of those things. Besides, I have other reasons to hate him for because of that mission besides something as comparatively trivial as an error in the briefing ;)

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Are you meaning to say that the wind in the scenario was stated as being from the South West when it was actually from the North West?

I have never heard winds being indicated by any other means that by the direction they come from, it come from the old seafarers in that it is the direction you face when you feel the wind in your face.

Typo's in any production you pay for are inexcusable in my book, seems to have been getting worse in recent years, grammar as well.

" I wish to offer you some advise " is my pet hate!

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WIND: 2000 5000 7000 10000 14000 18500

A: 090/15 090/15 090/15 090/10 MS02 090/10 MS10 VRB/10 MS19

B: 360/15 350/15 340/15 340/20 MS01 340/15 MS09 350/15 MS17

As others have said it is standard practice to describe wind direction as where it is coming from not to.

The quote is an excerpt from an aviation forecast, first line of figures is altitude, the A and B lines are forecast winds on either side of a front it reads as direction wind is coming from in degrees / wind speed in knots.

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Ah yes, I know the windy conventions, but I see that my comment was unclear.

To clarify, the scenario says "Wind: light from SW" when it should say "Wind: light from NE". So I meant that the wrong wind direction is given, rather than that the phraseology is wrong (which isn't a typo as such).

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Ah yes, I know the windy conventions, but I see that my comment was unclear.

To clarify, the scenario says "Wind: light from SW" when it should say "Wind: light from NE". So I meant that the wrong wind direction is given, rather than that the phraseology is wrong (which isn't a typo as such).

Ouch. that can really mess up the smoke orders. Definitely needs flagging up for a V. 1.01 scenario.

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To spell or not to spell.

I am not a native English speaker so forgive me. Spelling is nothing more than a set of rules to help people to improve communication. Bad spelling could lead to misunderstanding and frustration. In the worst case even to terrible incidents or accidents. But..it can never be a main goal on itself unless you are teacher in English for example. Back to the case. BF has international volunteers to make scenarios and beta test the game and they have a limited staff for programming, modelling etc etc. They don’t have/ want to spend money on a full time grammar checker. If they would do it by themselves then BF could release less scenarios cause checking all grammar takes a lot of time.

Question do we want less scenarios? Do we basically understand the mission brief? If yes case is closed. If not the briefings should be improved.

What’s really pissing me off (AND THIS IS NOT PERSONAL), there are 193 county’s doing their best to communicate in English to understand each other. Then US English is different than UK English… For native English speakers this is not a problem but for the rest of the World (in common) it is. It’s pretty frustrating if people of the only country in the world who have the luxury of using their native language on the internet start picking on none native posters about their none native grammar.

Basically I would like to see that people would putt their energy in the will to understand each other instead of pointing out the mistakes who people make. Of cause we are never too old to learn and if people really want to improve their English they would have bought language course instead of Combat Mission Battle for Normandy imho.

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I agree with Jaws' sentiments as he expressed them, above.

Some of the more egregious mistakes do detract from the polish of the final product.

My suggestion is to use this thread as a single point source for all suggestions to improve the briefings. Might I suggest that if you've found some sort of mistake that you post it here, clearly denoting the scenario title, the specific part of the briefing which you think is wrong, and your correction?

For example, "Big Busty Battle, briefing, first page, second paragraph, "you're" should be "your".

Instead of a general condemnation of all things BF.C, specific recommendations like I've just described will do far more to improve the game.


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To clarify, the scenario says "Wind: light from SW" when it should say "Wind: light from NE". So I meant that the wrong wind direction is given, rather than that the phraseology is wrong (which isn't a typo as such).

Why? The wind source in that scenario is SW, not NE. :confused: And it's not just the briefing. If you click the Conditions button, it says the same.


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I think that Jaws is perhaps not seeing this in the same way I do.

I cannot design scenarios, I cannot reliably speak one other language so have a huge affection for those who do make scenarios and do work in a language not their own.

In CM it is fortunate that it is a military context and most of us know what we talk about. However do we want people from Sri Lanka, Australia or Chad unfamiliar with military matters reading a scenario with incorrect English and thinking that is a correct spelling.?

As to how long a spell/grammar check would delay a scenario? Well I read at several hundred words a minute so I would think five minutes tops. If BF were banning scenario designers from having their text checked then I can understand Jaws being peeved.

As I have said I have checked rules for Les Grogs - I am not interested in being paid I just like things error free and am pleased to help.

On a general note English is a primary language in more than one country, and funnily enough India probably is one of the countries with the most correct usage. Overall it is around the third most commonly used language. It does raise the question as to whether you wish that everyone should spell English in their own way - or that we should tend towards a correct spelling.

With around one million English words misspellings of common words can actually also be proper words.

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