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WWII European Theater Campaign (Large Map)

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This is still a work in progress but we are getting much closer and with that in mind we thought we'd throw out a screenshot of the current setup for the invasion of Poland.

This will hopefully give everyone an idea of what we would be looking at here in terms scale and how we are really trying to take advantage of the brand new European Theater map derived from the highly rated WWI release :)


Invasion of Poland - Click here for the full size image

Once complete, this campaign will be a part of a free add-on to the WWI release!


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I would think the unit density would have to increase to compensate for the increase in size of the map. Perhaps the Armies could becomes several Corps each with more Corps, Divisons and detachments.:)

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Hi Karhu,

Yes and no and it all depends on how you break down the units. For the Polish representation we are so far just using the their main Armies on the map and not including any of the 'Groups' that made up the armies.

For example, the Krakow Army was made up of the Slask Group and the Beilsko Group and so on but so far we are just placing the Krakow Army on the map.

For the Germans we have Armies such as the 3rd, 4th, 8th, 10th and 14th Army on the map but also we've filled in the lines a bit with their sub Corps to give them the appearance of more units.

Why? This helps replicate the rapid advances of the German army and if we don't want to revise the turn lengths then this is ideal. If we end up lengthening the game by shortening the turn lengths to let's say 7 day turns throughout then it would make sense to add more Polish units to slow things down.

As mentioned it is a work in progress but as it stands now the current setup does allow the Germans to capture Warsaw near the historical time frame while at the same time giving us a reasonable turn length relative to previous releases.

So far it plays out pretty well and does indeed feel like Blitzkrieg of the Polish forces and countryside :)

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The unit density has increased slightly, i.e. if you compare the above OOB relative to let's say the Weapons and Warfare Expansion 1939 Fall Weiss Campaign, but at the same time we didn't want to add too many units as initial testing is showing that with just the right number of units relative to the increased maneuverability, the game plays out quite well and you are more likely to see sweeping encirclements and engagements.

Essentially what we were after with this release was to really take advantage of the bigger map :)

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Ok, fair enough of course. I just remember reading that the German numerical supriority was not as great as is often assumed, but naturally there are always game play considerations.

According to the WW2 database (see http://ww2db.com/battle_spec.php?battle_id=28), the Poles fielded 600,000 men during the campaign, the Germans about 1.8 million, so a ratio of 3:1 would be about right. Of course this doesn't take account of tanks or planes, where the Poles faced even greater odds.

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Remember that a counter represents a wide range of divisions because each country had a different size for their divisions.

Italians had 10k divisions for colonial units, Germans 10-15k, USSR 18k at 1st then 10k after the war with Germany, USA/UK 18-20k, and so on.

Do counters represent any number of division groups and are probably based more on the physical number of men. Then there is quality issues and training issues.

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best greetings and thanks you and thumbs up to the development team for the extra work on this scenario/add-on, the more i read from it and with the screenshot on poland i are waiting it without patience as i know it will be the best european theater of operations available to date for we, wargamers, cannot easily wait to play it and work on some mod with it, again, thanks for the extra work and labor the team are sending to this extra add-on,

have my best regards,


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Hubert, thanks for the peek at the new mod. While I'm looking forward to it, I'm glad it's not out just yet, as I'm still trying to work through all the WW1 campaigns included in the game. But the mod looks fantastic, and once again thanks for giving such incredible value to your games... as Bossy57322 said above you can't argue with free!


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What dedicated gamer, whether it be old grog or youthful novice -- wouldn't rejoice about this new WW2 ETO GS scenario?

You have Bill's improved and larger map (... scale of ~ 20 miles per tile) so that you can have many more "tactical" encounters, all the while you remain the Strategic Commander who must keep the "big picture" in mind. Sure, you must plan ahead, but also can have the great good fun of trying out your combined-arms tactical maneuvers -- yep, plenty of room now!

And you will be able to complete a full game in a reasonable amount time. Seems as though this would be IDEAL for all those who enjoy playing head to head, mano'a'mano. And for those who prefer solo games, they too will able to finish a complete game fairly quickly.

Think of it. Everyone will now have all of those great features recently introduced in the WWI game, to include the ones recently added with the first patch as well.

And keep in mind that since SC-1, Hubert has always been -- The Great Game Magician -- who has usually surprised us with something new, something different, whether that be an additional feature, freshly scripted events unique to the scenario, or even a cool new unit.

Frankly, I have not been this excited about -- a new game -- for quite some while. And IMO, it is surely much more A WHOLE NEW GAME than merely just another scenario. How many game makers out there have been this generous? I've been around the gaming world since the 60s and I cannot recall -- even one, doing this kind of thing.

For me, a plain old gamer who happens to prefer the WW2 ETO GS genre, I am absolutely thrilled about this latest development. And again, I tell you true, I haven't eagerly anticipated a new game since, well -- way way back when we were all anxiously awaiting SC-1.

And not to omit -- the many Modders are now going to have the opportunity to create WW2 scenarios using all of the new features, and most if not all of the available units and terrain that have appeared over the course of these many years. Hubert's editor is the very best in the entire gaming world, and he just keeps on improving it as we go along.

All in all -- who could ask for anything more? :)

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Eloquently said with focus on the facts, and great to hear from our old fellow SC brethren Desert Dave, alias Elmer Etwas.:cool:

Good wishes, great health and may God bless:), as I know how tough it is to conjure up the old gaming passions............................but you know we can always ask for more!;)

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Eloquently said with focus on the facts, and great to hear from our old fellow SC brethren Desert Dave, alias Elmer Etwas.:cool:

Ummm, Brad? It was always "Immer." Immer Etwas. Elmer is the long lost brother who no longer lives in the USA. I think he is somewhere in Texas. JK! Ah, you know, Rick Perry and how he DOES like to yak and yak and... ;)

Good wishes, great health and may God bless:), as I know how tough it is to conjure up the old gaming passions............................but you know we can always ask for more!;)

Appreciate that, and same to you, and yours. I trust you are yet the Mage w/the chemistry set, and still surf the Gulf waters now and again. A little slicker than it used to be, I reckon.

Anyway, I am pretty sure you and rambo jr (... once he is through re-doing his paper route, yeh, too many flung up on the roof and deep in the rose-bushes -- yet again!) and Skando Mondo and the Boardwalk Raconteur too, and all the other old bang-the-gong gaming gangers will soon enuff be N-joying the heck outta this great new WW2 ETO! :)

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Sea Monkey,

The eloquent Desert Dave has been here playtesting with some of us playtesters along (and may I say he's done a great job of it, believe me) and doing his best to help make this WWII addition a great one. You will definitely enjoy this one. :cool:

I'm sure some of the ole gang will be showing up here soon, once this baby is out. :eek:;)

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Right you are Dave, the old memory banks needed a little defrag, but I remember the Immer connection. So Hubert, can the Betas expand on some of the campaign highlights? Like has anyone tried an early UK landing in the LC, or Denmark? How about a Rome Gambit or the French and RN assault of Italian naval assets. Any comments on Baltic busting and my favorite, the early Barbarossa or Sealion time?

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It's still a little early as I just gave everyone a sneak peak last week and I wanted to wait until I put together all the scripts, i.e. events and AI, before I handed off a version for official testing which will be in the next few days... we'll have more info hopefully soon enough :)

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  • 9 months later...

So I see this thread is about wwII campaign yes. Nonetheless in the battlefront sc wwI section Map Viewer the issue I adressed is just simply there, thats why I even speak out on this. That means Kattowitz with East-Upper Silesia is not allotted to Germany in this timeline where it should be in accordance with RL.

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So I see this thread is about wwII campaign yes. Nonetheless in the battlefront sc wwI section Map Viewer the issue I adressed is just simply there, thats why I even speak out on this. That means Kattowitz with East-Upper Silesia is not allotted to Germany in this timeline where it should be in accordance with RL.

Then it should be Kattowitz for the WWI map but the city does not even appear on the WWII map.

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