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CM games for steam?

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If this has been asked before then I'm sorry

Recently I had a brain spark and noticed that the TOW games are on steam but the CM games are not. I myslef personally like steam for its easy login and unlimited download system for the games you have brought to the account you are using. Now battlefront is a great place and a great places for games but would Battlefront consider making most if not all their games available to steam then the users which may not know about battlefront proberly would end up buying the games and could bring in protential new players to the community. On top of that Id imgaine Battlefront would make some extra money so it could be in battlefront intrest to invest in bringing their game to steam and they would proberly make a nice return and profit off that investment. Obviously im not an accountant so I cannot say that for 100% certinatly but still.

If you bring them to steam BF ill re-buy the games which I have already brought on here so you will at least make more money off me :)

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If this has been asked before then I'm sorry

Recently I had a brain spark and noticed that the TOW games are on steam but the CM games are not. I myslef personally like steam for its easy login and unlimited download system for the games you have brought to the account you are using. Now battlefront is a great place and a great places for games but would Battlefront consider making most if not all their games available to steam then the users which may not know about battlefront proberly would end up buying the games and could bring in protential new players to the community. On top of that Id imgaine Battlefront would make some extra money so it could be in battlefront intrest to invest in bringing their game to steam and they would proberly make a nice return and profit off that investment. Obviously im not an accountant so I cannot say that for 100% certinatly but still.

If you bring them to steam BF ill re-buy the games which I have already brought on here so you will at least make more money off me :)

Battlefront have commented that they have looked at the business model for Steam and said it is not something they are planning to do.

A quick search for "Steam" bought up numerous threads, so pick one that takes you fancy and catch up on numerous posts. There is a Steam Group that has a Combat Mission focus.


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From their website;

"The year is 1942

Adolf Hitler has succeeded in resurrecting dinosaurs. The reptilian horde has trampled Europe and the Mediterranean. Can nothing stop the Nazi’s dinosaur army?

Dino D-Day is a frantic, action-packed multiplayer game that will transport you to a World War II that should have been. You and your friends will battle online choosing to serve the cause of the Allied nations or Adolf Hitler. The Allied side includes six playable characters each with unique weapons and abilities to use in combat. Gun down a Dilophosaur with your trusty M1 Garand, blast a kamikaze pterosaur out of the sky with your Thompson sub-machine gun, toss out a dead jack rabbit to lure a raptor into a trap.

As an Axis player you will have your choice of three human classes and three dinosaur classes. Ambush your enemy with speed and stealth as the Raptor, mercilessly pound the enemy with the Desmatosuchus’ heavy 20mm gun, rampage through enemy groups as the Dilophosaur, pick up a body and throw it at an enemy for a double kill! The German soldier classes are the perfect complement to their dinosaur comrades.

You’ve played World War II games before…but have you played a World War II game with dinosaurs?"


I think they plan their first expansion about to be about female zombie dominix-clad SS squads. Oh and ninja's ofc. :P

But it makes me wonder.

Does CM:BN properly model dino's? What are the rarity points for a T-rex?

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Whoops, since I managed to get a red card for (I guess) "Blatant advertisements", I'd just like to apologise and point out that I think anyone who buys such a game involving nazi's and dinosaurs is certifiable and the entire game concept is frankly laughable to the extent that I still can't believe it's not an April Fool's joke. No offense to anyone here who's rushed off to buy the (not)aforementioned game, of course. ;-)

Now, nazi's and ninja zombie dinosaurs? That is an entirely different matter. :-D

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Whoops, since I managed to get a red card for (I guess) "Blatant advertisements"

Battlefront doesn't want you taking away customers from all of their games involving alternate reality/historical fantasy/parallel universes/dinosaur based warfare.

Okay, I'll go back to lurking now :D

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Forget about fighting Nazi’s, Ninja’s, Zombies or Dinosaurs, I just saw this leaked BattleFront press release on the internets.

The next major title using the CMx2 engine will be set in a parallel universe:

It is Mar. of 1944 and the allies are planning the Normandy landings to liberate France, but a strange twist of fate will bring Fascist, Communists and the forces for Democracy together to oppose a single foe. A crustacean so terrible that the very existence of mankind hangs in the balance. Can humanity come together to meet this challenge? You’ll find out when “SPACE LOBSTERS from Epsilon V” land in your front yard. Coming Dec of 2012

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Forget about fighting Nazi’s, Ninja’s, Zombies or Dinosaurs, I just saw this leaked BattleFront press release on the internets.

The next major title using the CMx2 engine will be set in a parallel universe:

It is Mar. of 1944 and the allies are planning the Normandy landings to liberate France, but a strange twist of fate will bring Fascist, Communists and the forces for Democracy together to oppose a single foe. A crustacean so terrible that the very existence of mankind hangs in the balance. Can humanity come together to meet this challenge? You’ll find out when “SPACE LOBSTERS from Epsilon V” land in your front yard. Coming Dec of 2012

The Space Lobster's "Scalding Drawn Butter Throwers" were a fearsome weapon!

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Even though CMBN won't be offered on steam, you can use it for one of it's best features. You will be able to run CMBN through steam and just hit shift+tab while in game to instantly pull up your friends list, web browser, chat rooms, etc. Hit shift+tab again and it goes away. It's a pretty handy little feature, especially for setting up multiplayer games or just chatting while playing vs AI. I know it works with CMSF so I imagine it will with CMBN as well.

I don't get why you guys are so down on steam anyway, if not for Valve there are tons of indie games that would never get publicity. They also host dozens of mods for free, including mods for games they didn't make.

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If i'm given a choice between activations and Steam i will always take Steam, so i don't need to worry about my activation count.



I prefer to support the devs and also developer independence, even if it means terrible activation methods. A world in which there are only devs and no publishers is a bright one indeed.

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I prefer to support the devs and also developer independence, even if it means terrible activation methods. A world in which there are only devs and no publishers is a bright one indeed.

I prefer to support both tbh, i have over 30 games on Steam and love the ease of access and the service Valve offer, but i also believe the future of gaming in general would be a very dark place without the independents out there who more than most push the boundries of all genre in ways most large publishing companies wouldnt be willing to take the financial risk in doing.

I think there is room for both and in a way Steam helps a lot of independants by allowing them to sell there products through a delivery system that has over 30 million accounts. I am not saying it is perfect as Valve wouldnt be offering the service if there wasn't a profit in it for them but it helps.

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I would prefer to have CM on Steam, but according to BF it's not interesting financially. Physical copies and limited downloads is old fashioned to say the least and inconvenient for most users.

I've been gaming on a PC since '93 I think and I do not have the space to keep all my CD's/DVD's. Now there's another silly collector edition metal box thingiemedingie that will take up even more space. This is the digital age for crying out loud, we watch internet via TV, I stream my music wireless from my server, Steam saves my games in its cloud (for some games) but BF insists on sending me a physical copy I do not really want (but need due to limited downloads)...

*edit I'm not just a steam fanboy, Gamergate is fine by me as well.

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Well, you don't really need a physical copy. You can always download and back up your digital copy, the same way that you backup photos, music, and other data you don't want to lose. No physical media required.

And as convenient as digital distribution is, some of us still like physical media. The further we move towards completely digital distribution the more companies want to keep control over their content and force us to re-buy things that we already own. I'm not talking about BFC, but content creators in general. I can never re-sell the digital content I've bought through Xbox Live, iTunes, Steam, etc. With a disk and an activation key, I *can* sell/transfer my game in the future, should I choose to do so.

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Even tough steam is a great to good system in the digital era, and i have bought a few from them, as a grognard I would buy the hard copy for two reasons, I want a physical copy of all my titles from Battlefront, I do not want to waste ink/toner to copy a pdf, the hard copy of manual, finally there is a special place in my house for all Battlefront titles to store.

Storage of CD use to be in the cd drive, now it is on my homemade shelf.

I am sure BF will make a second pre-order announcement for PC and First for MAC, the second option for PC will be digital download.

BF, a small company, want to and need to control all costs, especially in this questionable economy, small businesses need these controls to stay in business.

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Steam is an excellent game platform ! No hassle with activation, updates and **** like that .....

This is pretty much the reason why I asked about if BF was intrested in the first place. On top of that I ended up re-buying alot of games I already had onto steam so I could free up pysical space in my room. but if BF are not intrested thats fine, it was only a thought :)

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