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First NATO screenshots are here!

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Thanks for the screenshots, very impressive! :)

A few questions:

1. Why is there no Transportpanzer Fuchs in the game? It seems, that you are focusing on a Panzergrenadier-Bataillon, which is o.k for the chosen war-scenario in Syria, but you surely will include Panzerpioniere (combat-engineers) as support element to the Germans, will you?

The vehicle of the Panzerpioniere is the Fuchs.

2. Why do the Germans have only the G22 and no G85, i´m wondering, because the 50 cal. Beret is already in the game. The weapon is also used by "normal" german troops in Afghanistan, so why not in Syria.

3. The screens are alpha, o.k, but will the tanks and vehicles have the typical german desert camouflage?

4. Why are there also the old Leo 2 A4 and Marder A3 in the game, i never saw a Leo 2 A4 in a foreign operation of the Germans. Even in Kosovo years ago they used the modern version.

Nevertheless, great job so far, I wish you the best for the rest of your work!

Greets, MARS42

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The screens are alpha, o.k, but will the tanks and vehicles have the typical german desert camouflage?

One supposes Germany would rush their native equipment onto rail transport, whisk it across Europe and offload from flatcars at the Turkey/Syria border. Germany may have a few dozen armored vehicles painted camou for Afghanistan but the bulk would still be in NATO colors on NATO bases. I don't think the backstory suggests a year of prep & painting before the invasion takes place. To quote Donald Rumsfeld, you go to war with the equipment you got.

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The module is still in Alpha exactly because a lot of things can still change. This is mostly due to the fact that we are still working on the TO&E.

The list of equipment is "preliminary". However we thought it would be better to release a list that can change than to release nothing.

I´d like to see the Fuchs in. We even have the 3d model finished. We´ll see.

Same goes for the G85.

As for the Leo A4 I see no problem in having it in the low quality settings for some units. But it´s not guaranteed that it will be in the final release. Personally, I would love to have it in.

It is good to read comments and suggestions here! Keep them coming! :)


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It flies UNDER the map, it's Nap Of The Earth is SO extreme. So no need to model it. Well, I guess you have to model the fountains of sand and rock as it's missles erupt from the ground on their way to the target.


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One supposes Germany would rush their native equipment onto rail transport, whisk it across Europe and offload from flatcars at the Turkey/Syria border. Germany may have a few dozen armored vehicles painted camou for Afghanistan but the bulk would still be in NATO colors on NATO bases. I don't think the backstory suggests a year of prep & painting before the invasion takes place. To quote Donald Rumsfeld, you go to war with the equipment you got.

I don´t think your are right here, because in this case, the soldiers would paint their verhicles for themselves. During my aktive duty, we made these things in winter for example and in the first years in Afghanistan, the troops made also their own camos.

Another topic:

1. What really disturbed me in the british Modul were, that the british machine gun, the GPMG, was not used by the infantry sections, although you see no video of Afghanistan, were it is not used by soldiers on footpatrols. In the campaign, the Gimpy would have been useful a lot of times.

Please give the german troops their MG4 and MG3 with tripods in the sections!

2. The sound of the hand-weapons in the british modul was terrible, it sounded like toys. Please improve that in the NATO-Modul, especially the characteristic sound of the MG3 is very important. :D

Greets, Mars 42


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Oh come on! You should only be disappointed if they don't actually appear in the module!

I'm prepared to be pleasantly surprised by whatever new Syrian units we end up with (this is said with the expectation of getting a red truck, naturally)

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I mean, I'm glad BFC had mentioned they put at least some new units for the Red side, but I was expecting more details in the news, along the lines how other three nations' units were described. And when I've read all text, this picture immediately came to my mind :]

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Болт да слава богу, что после фиг знает какого кол-ва тем про сирийские грузовики и шилку они таки cдались, хрен с ними с деталями, будет приятный сюрприз ;)

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As for the draw distance thing, I have already put in a request to have a user be able to independently force the draw distance variable for certain LODs. Nothing has been done on this so far and I'm not sure what the state will be for the release of NATO.

Any news on that ?

I would buy the NATO-Module just for this little draw distance fix, it is so damn annoying...

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I mean, I'm glad BFC had mentioned they put at least some new units for the Red side, but I was expecting more details in the news, along the lines how other three nations' units were described. And when I've read all text, this picture immediately came to my mind :]

Yes, but as it is the NATO module, any Syrian units are a bonus, and so would not be detailed in the same way.

BFTs way of keeping us keen!

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Болт да слава богу, что после фиг знает какого кол-ва тем про сирийские грузовики и шилку они таки cдались, хрен с ними с деталями, будет приятный сюрприз ;)

Nou, wat moet ik hier nu weer van vinden?

Het begint steeds meer een trend om af en toe in je moerstaal te posten hier. Lijkt me geen slim idee. Wordt het zo onleesbaar van.

Gewoon in het Engels converseren, wel zo netjes.

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Well I tried "Yahoo Babelfish" to translate the russian post by ALEX

I find the translation quite "polished".

Болт да слава богу, что после фиг знает какого кол-ва тем про сирийские грузовики и шилку они таки cдались, хрен с ними с деталями, будет приятный сюрприз


Bolt yes glory to god, which after fig. knows what quantity that about the Syrian trucks and [shilku] they after all they c[dalis], horseradish with them with the components, there will be the pleasant surprise

Well, any questions?

I for my part from time to time appreciate a post in a language other than english. It is quite refreshing isn´t it? :D

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lol, google translate is good with russian. Long prose is almost readable but maybe informal speech is a bit harder. Still not bad though:

"Bolt but, thank God, that after figs knows what count so wa about Syrian trucks and Shilka they did cdalis, the hell with them with the details, will be a pleasant surprise"

On topic, I am now really looking forward to this module. The Canadian Leopard C2 will be an interesting match for the more modern T-72s and the variety of different armies will make for some varied battles.

I am also beginning to think of early 80s cold war battles too. Leopard C2=M1 Abrams anyone? FV432=M113? AT-7=Dragon? Its close enough!

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Another feedback from me:

It seems, that the basic-colour of the uniform is not absolutely exact, it looks like a white-grey or so, but not as sandcolour.

To compare it, look at the pictures:



By the way, at this picture of a Marder you can see, that the crews sometimes colour their vehicles for themselves. So, please use the desert-camo for the german vehicles, looks cooler! :-)



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Yes, we are still working on it. The shade should be more towards yellow than red. It needs a few more adjustments as well.

As for the vehicles cammo, only now we are seeing pictures of German vehicles painted in desert cammo. Most of the images of German vehicles are of them in green with loads of sand in them. I imagine in a war in Syria they would not have time to paint them. The Marines, in the game now, have their vehicles in green commo, for instance.

However nothing is 100% sure at this point.

Either way, one of the first things that get modded are the skins, and we do have very talented texture artists in the community. I bet you will see the desert cammo available in day one! :)

Regarding the modding community we plan to release the template, and layered files, of the textures of all vehicles with the module. This would save modders a lot of time, since most skins have loads of sand and dirt in them, which is usually a nightmare to get rid of.

Thanks for the feedback.

By the way, did you get my PM, MARS42? Check your inbox! ;)

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Regarding the modding community we plan to release the template, and layered files, of the textures of all vehicles with the module. This would save modders a lot of time, since most skins have loads of sand and dirt in them, which is usually a nightmare to get rid of.

not to become homo-erotic webwing but I love you :D

Like the only reason why I havent bothered modding any skins for CMSF is that I had to do new templates, wich I cant be arsed with doing nowadays...


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