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Small question...Shockforce base game needed for Normandy?

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Just out of curiousity, will CM:N be a standalone game? 'Cause if I remember it correctly, when Shockforce was just being released, BF stated that the WW2 games would be installments over the Shockforce base game. But now, following the Normandy related posts here, it appears as though CM:N will be a 'base game' on it´s own, followed by it´s related add-ons. Anyone who could clarify this? And what will happen when the eastern front finally starts to rumble?

best regards


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That's right, CMN will definitely be stand-alone with modules for it. Also the East front will be the same, stand-alone with it's own family of modules.

Edit: I know there's at least a couple posts from Steve indicating this somewhere out there. Try your search-fu.

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My search-Fu is strong today, but I had to fight a lot of 'Will Normandy have its own forum' and 'can we have a Normandy Bone' threads out there.Its crazy how many of them there are.

Here's a few good ones on Normandy for ya


and this one


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I did find this quote from Moon though:

I am not sure either but if the poster thinks that we're not going to do Eastern Front anymore then he's VERY wrong. In fact, we plan to have a Russian-native team do most of the modules for that family of titles.

So more than likely the Russian team doing Afghanistan will be doing the East Front modules. That means work on the East Front game will start very soon since that game is just about done. Or I'm just being over eager as usual. ;)

The likely release order is:




That's based on how close to completion each is at this very moment. Afghanistan is at the stage of testing the Campaigns.


Anyway Gurra, hope to see your mods for CMN and eventually CM2:East. I liked your CMBB mods very much.

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I can confirm that Normandy doesn't require anything Shock Force related. When we get to the Bulge it won't require anything Normandy related either.

The structure is to have a primary release and between 2-4 Modules as add-ons. Each is self contained as a "Family". You will never be required to purchase a particular Module within a "Family" of games, only the base game.

The one exception to this is CM: Afghanistan. This is a one-time game without any plans for Modules. That's because damned near everything from the entire 10 years of the war is included in the base game. That's the way our Russian partners wanted it, so that's what they got :) The funny thing is that in real life there is far less to simulate for that 10 year period than there is for 3 months of the Normandy timeframe. It definitely helps to have only one nation as Blue!


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What Steve is ACTUALLY saying is that if you did not buy CMBO, CMBB, CMAK and Shock Force (in all its flavours) you will not get the add-on module called tentatively CM:Normandy.

Where have you been?! It's all in the small print, dude.

That was mean. ;)

You'll just confuse the boy and he'll ask a whole bunch more unnecessary questions that have already been answered a dozen times.



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I believe the plan is to cross-reference whether you bought CMSF (and all the modules), and if you didn't you will get the 'other' build of CM:Normandy where you're guaranteed to lose every battle. "How did my six Tigers and SS Battalion manage to lose that battle against an Army field kitchen Coy?!" :D;)

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Ha Emrys, judging by your post count of 13K+, you've asked too many questions indeed ...

Nonsense. Everyone knows that I bring the light of wisdom to every discussion. It's my sacred duty. And anyway, I got ripped off of nearly half my post count when the GF got pruned in the Great Forum Formatting Debacle. So I am only making up for what was irretrievably lost.


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Ha Emrys, judging by your post count of 13K+, you've asked too many questions indeed ...

For Christ sakes, look at his sig quotes, if he wasn't constantly reminded that he's rarely correct once in awhile he may just wet himself. Besides, even a broken clock is right twice a day. :D

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Nonsense. Everyone knows that I bring the light of wisdom to every discussion. It's my sacred duty. And anyway, I got ripped off of nearly half my post count when the GF got pruned in the Great Forum Formatting Debacle. So I am only making up for what was irretrievably lost.



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Was it of any substance?

Well, to be fair, apart from some disturbing photographs of a mannequin in his living room dressed in an SS uniform and posts during his late period break down, a lot of his posts were well-informed and informative. I for one am sorry his is gone and wish him well on the road to recovery, if such is possible.


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"I always thought his posts screamed "I need a woman"...as far as recovery, a hooker might help."

Well, to be fair, wouldn´t we all, in terms of CM addicts, prosper from a little womanly distraction? I do have a wife, but I could consider extension on that part.

Anyway, nice to see that so many of you veterans are still around!

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Anyway, nice to see that so many of you veterans are still around!

There is a sizable contingent of folks around here (myself included) that are not all that interested in modern warfare; hence, we typically don't contribute to those discussions. Obviously, now that the WW2 title is getting close, you will start seeing more and more "contributions" by the WW2 grognard vets.

One wonders whether this is destined to be a good thing or bad, but, looks like Steve and Co. have made the only sane decision- keep info to a bare minimum until the release is upon us. Otherwise, all hell will break loose and the "monkeys" will turn this board into an asylum. :eek:

...or something like that. ;)

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Yup, that's pretty much spot on except for the obvious error in your last line:

"...or something like that."

You should have wrote:

"...or somefink like that."

Another gaff like that and I might have to revoke your veteran status by resetting your registration date to 2010. Fair warning :D


I thought the correct quote was "....or sumfink like that."

Another blue like this and we'll have to revoke your Administrator status!




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