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Impression of the Standalones?

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Hardly anybody's mentioned the Standalone missions yet (except to praise 'UK Breaking the Bank' which I was playing just last night, myself). What's your opinions of the pile? Most favorite? Most goofy? Most vexing? Most tactically challenging? Most realistic feeling?

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If we are talking only about the Brits here I can only comment on the demo mission. It was challenging for several reasons, mostly not being familiar with the Brit units. They definitely do not seem to have the power punch of the U.S. forces. The Challenger is good, but the rest of vehicles can be taken out by heavy machine guns pretty easily, and their infantry units are smaller. Overall I enjoyed the demo mission despite the dummies constantly running out of the Police Compound building to get killed, but I got the victory in the end. Look forward to the 1.20 patch release, still playing the base game w/marines (lots of gameplay for the money!), so I am not thinking about getting the Brits just yet.

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Wow, the Campain first, the opposite of me. I figure I need a little practice first. :D

I suspect that many of the players who enjoy playing against the AI are going to dive into the campaign fairly quickly because the campaign adds that element of role playing to it that is lacking in the free standing scenarios. Players who enjoy going up against other players will obviously need to be playing stand alones but if they are playing PBEM you won't get any feedback on them for a while. Naturally free standing scenarios will be played against the AI as well, but the campaign is probably the primary draw for the AI players and it's probably natural that you are getting quick feedback on that. I haven't got the Brits yet otherwise I would make some comments since I was complaining about the scenarios previously. I'm guessing that my Brits will be coming by land so hopefully they will arrive by the end of the week. For some reason playing against the AI for me is so de motivating that it's difficult for me to even complete a scenario let alone a campaign. No matter how challenging a scenario is with the AI it's just .... missing something for me when playing the AI.

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I played the U.S. vs Brits one. I found it semi-challenging only because of the 15% maximum casualty rate.


It would be a lot more difficult if the U.S. Abrams don't mindlessly try and "flank" and expose themselves to flanking shots from your over-watching challengers. They should get into a good position and over-watch themselves. That would make assaulting the town extremely difficult as the Brits.

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I played the U.S. vs Brits one. I found it semi-challenging only because of the 15% maximum casualty rate.


It would be a lot more difficult if the U.S. Abrams don't mindlessly try and "flank" and expose themselves to flanking shots from your over-watching challengers. They should get into a good position and over-watch themselves. That would make assaulting the town extremely difficult as the Brits.

Cheers for that Dave :) That's one I drew up. There are several AI Plans so be careful what you wish for ;)

As an aside it's a tough one coming up with an AI Plan that has the AI attack effectively (with Red units it is easy as for armoured units you pretty much are looking at variations on a massed high speed assault. Trying to get the AI to move up intelligently using cover is a toughie. I do find working with the AI Plans far easier to get stuff to happen along the lines you want compared to say CMX1 where you had to mess about with flags, so it is an improvement.

In saying that one of the AI Plans in this scenario (i set it to use the most often, but still luck of the draw I guess) does work more effectively than the others. I find that designing the first AI Plan gives an idea of what sort of works and other AI Plans then build on stuff you find out from testing the previous AI Plans.

Also this will play out very differantly if played H2H, which if I recall was the main way it was designed to be played. Then it's a tougher fight for both sides.

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Cheers for that Dave :) That's one I drew up. There are several AI Plans so be careful what you wish for ;)

As an aside it's a tough one coming up with an AI Plan that has the AI attack effectively (with Red units it is easy as for armoured units you pretty much are looking at variations on a massed high speed assault. Trying to get the AI to move up intelligently using cover is a toughie. I do find working with the AI Plans far easier to get stuff to happen along the lines you want compared to say CMX1 where you had to mess about with flags, so it is an improvement.

In saying that one of the AI Plans in this scenario (i set it to use the most often, but still luck of the draw I guess) does work more effectively than the others. I find that designing the first AI Plan gives an idea of what sort of works and other AI Plans then build on stuff you find out from testing the previous AI Plans.

Also this will play out very differantly if played H2H, which if I recall was the main way it was designed to be played. Then it's a tougher fight for both sides.

I must say I enjoyed it though. It really highlights how lethal modern combat between two modern forces can be.

The map also was spectacular btw. Extremely realistic and engaging.

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Hi Dave

Cheers for that :)

Re your comment about how lethal modern combat is between two modern forces. I can echo that. In my first playtest I got a real shock with the speed at which units engaged and died. I played it first in RT then had to go to WEGO as stuff happened far to fast for me to keep a handle on.

Anyways - cheers for the feedback always good to hear how people get on with these scenarios.

Cheers fur noo


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I´ve played Brit vs Syrian H2H mech infantry (don´t have the exact title at my fingertips) via TCPIP with Elvis. Essentially both sides have light vehicles, lots of infantry and access to one set of off- map Mortars. The game ended in a bloody draw (I was playing the brits). I recommend this one highly. I think there are many tactical posibbilities to this scenario.

I´m currently playing the H2H armour clash (Challenger2s vs. T72s) as PBEM. I´ll report when all my T72s have been destroyed ;O)

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As usual, the release of any computer game one wants to play coincides precisely with a busy period but I have had a couple of play throughs of "It ain't half hot mum"

Interesting scenario but I haven't been able to do anymore than fight the AI to a draw/minor defeat for the British forces.

Its a little bit hard to put in a company attack with when outnumbered 3.5 to 1 into complex terrain. Almost the exact opposite of the superiority you'd strive for. Also little bit harsh that you are minus javelins and any guns in support yet the nemy have crew served weapons a go go

Even with a kill ratio of 6:1 in favour of the British force, I am having trouble fighting my way into town with enough time to clear the town itself without suffering unacceptable casualities (while dodging incoming mortars that are on song despite attack helos and fixed wing jets operating in the area).

Suspect my results are an indication that I am not utilising the Apaches, 51mm and reece group properly, and would be interested if anyone has had a better result.

It may also be that I am attacking along the eastern (left) flank in company strength with half my fire support group in support from the cluster of buildings along the main road (the warehouses?). I then assault the ouyling objective and try and assault into the town through the dead ground created by the walls, with supporting fire being proivded from the high ground to the north east.

As you can guess I have become obsessed with the scenario, to the point where I think about it at inappropriate times.

Will spend the weekend playng it/hacking it up. Will change it up to give it a 3 hour time limit, and possible a 2nd harrier and some 105mm tubes (or even 155mm tubes) and see how that plays. Might just start with making everyone fit and adding the javelins back in.

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"It Ain't Half Hot Mum" killed me.. I concur with everything you just mentioned average. Beautiful map and last night i couldn't sleep because I kept replaying the battle in my mind! ugh...

It obviously takes a lot of coordination with British Forces and Fire Support to get much done especially if you have no real armor and are understrength... It didn't help that when i received Harrior support it seemed to have a grossly spent payload to assist me with.. lol.

That map has severe and staunch resistance (which is mentioned in the breifing). I want to try it again.. and probably will get brewed up again and again.

i extended myself too much in initial attacks and didn't take enough time to identify the most dangerous threats and take them out with Air support. It seems like the 3 hour time limit might help with that. I felt like i had to rush. Regardless though the map is beautiful and it REALLY entrenches you into the game!

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Aside from 'Breaking the Bank,' (quickly becoming one of my favourite CM missions ever,) the three I've really enjoyed so far are 'The Crucible,' 'It Ain't Half Hot Mum.' and 'Operation Hammersmith'.

****Semi Spoiler*********************

I particularly liked having an obj Aviemore in 'Operation Hammersmith' for the simple and rather childish reason that I grew up in Aviemore and have always wanted to blow the place up with mortars. :D

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For me "Sabers at Dawn" has me sitting to all hours trying the crack. Those missile launchers and MG's in the trenches stop me dead in my tracks. Pesky buggers those. Don't even get me started on whats waiting in the buildings. The BMP-1's become a real pain too. A good match for the scimitars. An excellent scenario by Paper Tiger (If my memory serves me correctly)

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I'm loving "The Full Monty" at the moment, although it is making even my fairly powerful work computer have some relatively low frame rates from time to time (what with 90 odd blue units, heavy combat, largish map, lots of buildings and wheatfields). With a full infantry company on hand, with all the odds and sods, plenty of time, and a lot of artillery and air support on hand, I've been able to take my time, slowly advance, and when I find some resistance, bring up the appropriate response to deal with it without having to rush things. Having great fun with it. And two of my snipers have nailed the best part of 5 ATGM teams, a sniper and 2 HMG teams almost on their own. The benefit of crack troops, I suppose...

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I particularly liked having an obj Aviemore in 'Operation Hammersmith' for the simple and rather childish reason that I grew up in Aviemore and have always wanted to blow the place up with mortars.

Weird. I just loved the go karts. :D

the karts - and the entire center - are gone now, replaced by a conference hall and attendant facilities. I was never allowed on the Karts anyway...:( I do miss Santa Clause Land, though, and the cool Action Man diorama they had.

Anyway, I digress. has anyone else tried 'The Crucible' yet? for the first time since i've had CMSF one of my snipers did something useful and took out a grenade launcher that was causing me some problems. Another really nice map but i've yet to finish playing it.

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;1148460']I´ve played Brit vs Syrian H2H mech infantry (don´t have the exact title at my fingertips) via TCPIP with Elvis. Essentially both sides have light vehicles, lots of infantry and access to one set of off- map Mortars. The game ended in a bloody draw (I was playing the brits). I recommend this one highly. I think there are many tactical posibbilities to this scenario.

I´m currently playing the H2H armour clash (Challenger2s vs. T72s) as PBEM. I´ll report when all my T72s have been destroyed ;O)

Glad you enjoyed it.

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What no one mentioned Britains Joy? Really fun and challenging and suspenseful. The most unique use of the game so far. Also loved the nod to Joy Division. Is Battlefront full of Joy Division fans?

Thank You. I ran the storyline by a SpecOps guy. He was very helpful. But He'd never head of Joy Division :D

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I´ve now finished H2H brit vs. syrian armo(u)r PBEM. I lost as the syrians but took most of the challenger 2s with me. So the force balance seems right for a fair game.

In this game at least my T72s almost exclusively used theit AT11s even at very short range. That makes for bad shootnscooting, since you have to stay in LOS till impact. I think increasing the size of the map and making it a little hillier might make this map more interesting.

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I enjoyed the Crucible mission, although I adopted the Blue forces setup a bit. Removing the Reece platoon and Scimitars, adding a battery of L118s and another platoon of infantry.

The enemy's grenade launchers are quite deadly. Probably even more dangerous than enemy tanks since GLs are much harder to spot.

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