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CM:SF 2 Suggestions

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There can be no doubt that Battlefront have been working hard lately, with the completion of the British module, the near completion of the Nato module and the early development of Combat Mission Normandy.

Given Battlefront's bussiness model of working on both a WW2 title and a Modern title simultaneously, it must be nearing the time when BF starts to develop for CM:SF 2. To relieve the burden of BF having to also think of new modern kit for the new CM:SF2 title, I thought the good people at the CM forums could lend them a hand. :)

In this spirit, I'll kit off with some modern Russian armour

Chiorny Oriol (Black Eagle) MBT



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There can be no doubt that Battlefront have been working hard lately, with the completion of the British module, the near completion of the Nato module and the early development of Combat Mission Normandy.

Ummm, hate to tell ya, but the British module isnt complete. While it's safe to say yes it's being worked on as we speak, with BFC, complete means its went through the cycle so it's as close to as good as can be. Yes, there will still be issues after release as we arent a huge tester group, but I know this game gets atleast 8 hours a day from me, not to mention the rest of the people that may play it far more than that (MikeyD must have 100 hours in his day). I dont spot the same things as some of the other testers, and they wont spot all the stuff some of you will.

Only two differences between the testers and the customers is that we get to see it first, and we get to be way more frustrated for far longer than you. This is why your suggestions are not dismissed as with other companies and get lengthy responses from Steve as to why it can or cannot be done.

And NATO is just a blip on the radar at this point hehe.

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I found some black eagle video, I thought you guys might like to see it it action.

Unfortunately it is true this tank will not be fielded with the Russian army, as the T95 has that honour. It is however interesting to see where modern tank design is heading and is an alternate choice in a game like CM:SF 2, compared to your run of the mill T80's or T90's.

Yes I agree not much is known about this tank, however with 125mm gun, low profile turrent and compartment based crew postions. It is clear however that this tank was designed to give western main battle tanks a run for there money.

Sorry Sixxkiller, I must have miss read one of Steve's posts thought the modules were nearly done. Thanks for the informative insight into testing, I had no idea have much 'work' you guys have to do ;)

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Well, here's a thought: CM: post-Modern should include MBT's (of whatever variety) with wading/snorkelling gear. Since water will be modelled (included in CM:N) we have the perfect combination! No, silly men, I'm not talking about merely fording rivers. No, something more diabolical than that.

I want to be able to set up my tank platoon UNDERWATER! Yes, that's right, underwater. I'll need a small, innocent looking pond on the flank. When the enemy advances past the pond, my submerged platoon will emerge and destroy them all!! Mwah, ha, ha!

Okay, maybe I got this idea from watching too many zombie movies, but still, it'd be sweet.


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I think modern MBTs are boring. They all almost have the same gun, speed, armour, reaction times bla bla. I so much miss PzIVs, Shermans and Tigers. Each with its own personality. What difference will a Black eagle or a Challenger bring to the game compared to the Abrams for instance?

Steven J. Gould once wrote an article about how things seem to evolve towards a norm. I think he was on to something.


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Speaking of modern MBTs, is it just me, or does the Leopard A2/A4 look rather like the late 20th-century equivalent of the Tiger? The latest Leopard version, the A6, has those sharp angles of its turret armor, which makes it look even more menacing. (You'd think the angled armor on the underside of the turret front might function as a shot trap, but I guess modern anti-armor rounds tend to function a little differently than they did in WW2.)

To me, it's little surprise that the Abrams, the Challenger 2, and the Leopard 2 all use variants of a German gun (M256 smoothbore L44, L30A1 rifled L55, and Rheinmetall smoothbore L55 respectively). :D

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The idea of this thread was to give the developers of Battlefront, an idea of what hard core CM:SF players would like to see in the next CM:SF 2 title.

I must say I'am quite surprised, that the number of dedicated hard core Battlefront fans that frequent this this forum, do not have any suggestions for the developers on what content they would like to see in the new up comming CM:SF 2 title.

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Better in-game interface. That's the main thing for me. It could use a lot of improvement. Things like keeping track of unit kills would be extremely welcome, movable waypoints, more animations, better graphics, in-game mod management, ...

BUT, just as important as that question is: What do we want to KEEP? What are the core elements of the CM series that need to stay? Wego (and RT), realism, squad based tactics, moddable!!!, scenario editor, the current great sound system that accounts for the speed of sound, etc....

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Given Battlefront's bussiness model of working on both a WW2 title and a Modern title simultaneously, it must be nearing the time when BF starts to develop for CM:SF 2. To relieve the burden of BF having to also think of new modern kit for the new CM:SF2 title, I thought the good people at the CM forums could lend them a hand. :)

In this spirit, I'll kit off with some modern Russian armour

Chiorny Oriol (Black Eagle) MBT



I dunno. There seems to be a wide gap between what the manufacturer thinks about this tank and what people at e.g. tanknet (not counting some Russians who are company line) think what it'll do in practice.

This applies to almost all Russian weapon systems that haven't been fielded in Iraq before the Americans came. You always get a huge assumption gap between the different camps.

Making a game around that will see the mother of all grog battles. On the bright side, you could probably declare the forum to be the main game and charge for it.

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Making a game around that will see the mother of all grog battles.

Unfortunately, I doubt that. I think I can count the threads that contain serious discussions about equipment capabilities on both hands plus change. I hope that this implies that BFC got the data right. Of course, it could also mean that (a) nobody actually knows the necessary details, or (B) nobody cares.

Best regards,


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I'd like to see hotkeys that don't require you to be on that 'page' of the interface for them to work. I don't know how many times I've had to improvise because my squad started shooting instead of moving.

A more intuitive AI (the one from CMx1 was alright) that can make tactical moves that are not part of the ''plan''. I'd also like to see some more intelligence in weapons choices, as a squad of infantry should know that it shouldn't be putting rifle ammo on a hard target when there's an AT4 or Javelin or RPG availible. CMx1 wasn't always perfect at this, but the infantry would at least try to fire a panzerfaust or a molotov or a grenade bundle before shooting the tank with rifle fire.

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The idea of this thread was to give the developers of Battlefront, an idea of what hard core CM:SF players would like to see in the next CM:SF 2 title.

I understand that you want to read about equipment, not features (like, e.g., persistent map damage!).

Actually, I think that after we are through with the CM:SF modules there will be very little modern equipment be left out. We have all but the most modern Russion tanks, and shall get most of the Western hardware also.

Left out will be AT guns and all kinds of AA guns, apparently. But apart from that, there is a lot of Red hardware on the table already.

What is missing is Western hardware from the M60, M113 age (1980?). Sheridans. Leopard 1. That kind of stuff.

Best regards,


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It would be cool to see my pixeltruppen fast rope out of Blackhawks onto roof tops.

This is simulatable even in CMSF: just have the pixeltruppen show up as reinforcements on said rooftops.

Showing said pixeltruppen fast-roping from Blackhawks would involve new models (for Blackhawks), new animations (for fast-roping and for Blackhawks cruising into view), and no little amount of time and mental energy from our already-busy free-time-killers at BFC.

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This is simulatable even in CMSF: just have the pixeltruppen show up as reinforcements on said rooftops.

Maybe it's just me, but that immediately makes me wonder what happens if you have a reinforcement zone that is entirely on/in buildings, and have some tanks arrive there. Do they turn up on the roof tops? May have to go test that at lunchtime...

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Ok, Suggestions that could be in the realms of possibility could include real time day/night cycles whereby the sun,s postion and moon,s cycle would have to taken into account before taking an objective. The implementation of realistic weather such as fog, as this alone could have interesting ramifications on the battlefield. Destructable environments such as building rubble which snipers or AT teams could take advantage of. A non linear or branching campaign. An overall improvment to the interface (see the miriade of current suggestions) and an update to blufor and opfor AI so realistic QB is possible.

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