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Peng Challenge Thread: And Maybe, There Will Be Toast!

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In other news, LeeO is in need of some wire hangers, graham crackers, chocolate bars and marshmallows for smores.

I mean, I helpfully provided him with plenty of campfires in the woods, conveniently close to his Toyota pick-em-up trucks. A more panoramic view -- one would almost think it was a scout campout, if not for the moans of the dying and the screams of the wounded.

Ahh. Nice to know that even after a year-long hiatus from the game, I can still count on LeeO to Die-A-Lot. The remarkable thing is how little effort was required on my part to achieve these results.


It's also nice to know that there remain those who find great glee in creating lopsided battles in an attempt to assuage "lost honor" for not finishing previous games.

It's not as if I'm a frikken SSN, and this attorney thinks it's funny to completely stack the deck against me. Not that I care about winning, I'm in it for the fun, but apparently said "Spkr" is into the domination game. Pitiful, really.

Ha Ha, hee hee, ah, 'tis to laugh.

Perhaps I can buy you a magnifying glass and an ant farm? May-hap a laboratory mouse and a snap-trap? Would that help the superiority bone?

Oh, the tears of laughter I shed. Oh, the hearty harrumph I bellow. This, a "knight," does not prove to be a fellow.

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Psychology is such an interesting thing, i would not be able to deduct that kind of information based on the time frame in which a person sends their PBEM turns, but then again, I don't judge the character of my peers with pessimism on the basis of their gaming.

Not often, anyway.

Well, okay, i do.

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It's easy.

When I'm winning, God's in his heaven, and all's right with the world.

If my opponent is winning, it's because he's a dirty CHEATER! CHEATER!! CHEATER!!!

Everybody always overthinks this stuff with big words like "tactics"... well, okay, that's not really a big word. Not even that medium sized, really... anyway... I wonder if the coffee's done yet.

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I would say that poor Leeo, must go through considerable angst when he realizes that his claims of the parameters of a battle "being stacked against me" as he so pathetically mewls, is a just big lie that he likes to tell, and actually what is really stacked against him, is his lack of any tactical acumen or common sense.

Face it Leeo, you really just suck at the CM franchise of games, and if it wasnt MrSpkr whuppin your ass, it could be anyone of us, even Boo Radley , and he loses about as much as you do.

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I am moved to make an observation, which is not so much an observation as it is a Challenge.

Boo Radley, you are a low and loathsome fellow. Your taste is all in your mouth. You are a disappointment to all your kith and kin, but most especially to your parents, who always wanted a son. It is not right to characterize you as too stupid to pour piss out of your own boot, given that God made you the perfect mechanical for pouring piss out of boots. The fact that you're incapable of doing so from your own boot is simply a commentary on your inability to sense that you've filled them. Were you capable of appreciating the gentle 'slosh, slosh' that accompanies your every movement with the fact that your boots are filled with piss, I've no doubt that you would stop, grunt softly, beetle your brow with an attempt at thought, and then sit upon some lump of earth, remove them, and pour their contents over your head in a celebration of what passes as post-graduate cerebration for you.

You are large. You are thuggish. You are a living example of what the one short, thick plank said to the other as it lay atop it.

The fact that you have, in every previous game we have played, beaten me like a gong, I hold as nothing. Literature is filled with examples of Caliban overcoming Prospero because the latter did not anticipate how the brute stupidity of the former might set at nought the cleverness of the more brilliant mind.

So, Boo, I challenge you to a game. I will repeat this more slowly, with smaller words and with simpler if just as insulting terms, if you need me to do so. In fact, to save time, I will do so:

Me big man Seanachai. You ox-like cud-chewer Boo. You send me game set up, chop-chop, 'cause you dumb as two rocks banged together on head. You make it 1,200 points or less, prefer CMBB or CMAK. No like desert, as there is no place for you to hide stupidity.

I look forward to your set-up, but I praise the gods from whom all blessings flow, that I do not have to watch the three day process of you attempting to decipher this post.

After a certain point, the contemplation of you engaged in thought makes one begin to doubt the assumption of Darwin that Evolution is unidirectional.

You have been Challenged, man-beast.

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I thought you were banned, feckstick. Grovel and scrape a bit to get back, or just passing through before they block your IP address again?

Whatya got sh*t in your ears? It was just a warning thanks to all you useless tattle-tell girlies with your panties in wad. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

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You lot are hopeless, so you are. Trying to maintain a sense of order around here is like ... well ...


BE IT NOW KNOWN ... the SSN known as MeatEtr is now and shall be considered Sent to Coventry. No member of the Peng Challenge Thread shall respond to his posts within the confines of the Peng Challenge Thread. Members of the Peng Challenge Thread are encouraged to add said SSN to their IGNORE list.
It's Seanachai's fault as usual of course ... the man just can't help himself.

And now I have turns to get out ... there are many of you who are in need of thumpin'.


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You lot are hopeless, so you are. Trying to maintain a sense of order around here is like ... well ...


It's Seanachai's fault as usual of course ... the man just can't help himself.

And now I have turns to get out ... there are many of you who are in need of thumpin'.


Hi Joe Shaw, sorry to see you make an appearance.



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I am moved to make an observation, which is not so much an observation as it is a Challenge.

Boo Radley, you are a low and loathsome fellow. Your taste is all in your mouth. You are a disappointment to all your kith and kin, but most especially to your parents, who always wanted a son. It is not right to characterize you as too stupid to pour piss out of your own boot, given that God made you the perfect mechanical for pouring piss out of boots. The fact that you're incapable of doing so from your own boot is simply a commentary on your inability to sense that you've filled them. Were you capable of appreciating the gentle 'slosh, slosh' that accompanies your every movement with the fact that your boots are filled with piss, I've no doubt that you would stop, grunt softly, beetle your brow with an attempt at thought, and then sit upon some lump of earth, remove them, and pour their contents over your head in a celebration of what passes as post-graduate cerebration for you.

You are large. You are thuggish. You are a living example of what the one short, thick plank said to the other as it lay atop it.

The fact that you have, in every previous game we have played, beaten me like a gong, I hold as nothing. Literature is filled with examples of Caliban overcoming Prospero because the latter did not anticipate how the brute stupidity of the former might set at nought the cleverness of the more brilliant mind.

So, Boo, I challenge you to a game. I will repeat this more slowly, with smaller words and with simpler if just as insulting terms, if you need me to do so. In fact, to save time, I will do so:

Me big man Seanachai. You ox-like cud-chewer Boo. You send me game set up, chop-chop, 'cause you dumb as two rocks banged together on head. You make it 1,200 points or less, prefer CMBB or CMAK. No like desert, as there is no place for you to hide stupidity.

I look forward to your set-up, but I praise the gods from whom all blessings flow, that I do not have to watch the three day process of you attempting to decipher this post.

After a certain point, the contemplation of you engaged in thought makes one begin to doubt the assumption of Darwin that Evolution is unidirectional.

You have been Challenged, man-beast.

I'm sorry, what?

You get to talking and gods help me, I just doze off.

So... that was your challenge? You want to stick with that one? Wordy, yet lame.

I once compared you to Alexander Wolcott, and that challege of yours reminds me of something W. Gibbs, an editor of The New Yorker, once said about A. W.'s writing,

"You could take every other sentence out without changing the sense a particle. I guess he was one of the most dreadful writers who ever existed."

Perhaps you two were separated at birth?

And to think I was going to invite you to my Thanatopsis Literary and Inside Straight Club.

You'll get your set up.

Or perhaps we could just continue the game we were playing a year and a half ago when you suddenly scampered off?

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I hate everybody. Once, the particular, I hate Mr.squeker; He is as a carbuncle unto my sight. Second, the groupular, I hate BOO (admit it, I scared you just a tech there). As to the Thirdulous, I completely abhor said Nidan1. As four Fordulous, Mr.Spkr-the-squealishness is a stink to me. Fifthulous, Joe Xia, owes me recompense for my utter thrashing of his Tanklickles.

As f0r the rest of you'se all's, COME GET SOME!!

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I hate everybody. Once, the particular, I hate Mr.squeker; He is as a carbuncle unto my sight. Second, the groupular, I hate BOO (admit it, I scared you just a tech there). As to the Thirdulous, I completely abhor said Nidan1. As four Fordulous, Mr.Spkr-the-squealishness is a stink to me. Fifthulous, Joe Xia, owes me recompense for my utter thrashing of his Tanklickles.

As f0r the rest of you'se all's, COME GET SOME!!

I sent you another setup after your T-90s killed ALL of my substandard M1s ... I blame the map as it clearly gave you the high ground before my lads could scamper up there.


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I hate everybody. Once, the particular, I hate Mr.squeker; He is as a carbuncle unto my sight. Second, the groupular, I hate BOO (admit it, I scared you just a tech there). As to the Thirdulous, I completely abhor said Nidan1. As four Fordulous, Mr.Spkr-the-squealishness is a stink to me. Fifthulous, Joe Xia, owes me recompense for my utter thrashing of his Tanklickles.

As f0r the rest of you'se all's, COME GET SOME!!

Take the paper bag filled with gold spray paint away from your face for a few minutes and send me a turn, you yodeling yoick.

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Ever have that Oppenheimer moment where clarity is omnipresent but fleeting? One wonders how The Firm fares these days. Also, there once was a German-boy that caused me to wax pedantic on occasion.

I have vague memories of barking at the elderly on this site many years ago. Was that me or am I summoning memories of imbecilities past? Yes, I can envision a flabby, pasty faced gnome who type much but said little.

One memory for each hair on my shoulders...

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Ever have that Oppenheimer moment where clarity is omnipresent but fleeting? One wonders how The Firm fares these days. Also, there once was a German-boy that caused me to wax pedantic on occasion.

I have vague memories of barking at the elderly on this site many years ago. Was that me or am I summoning memories of imbecilities past? Yes, I can envision a flabby, pasty faced gnome who type much but said little.

One memory for each hair on my shoulders...

Hiram Sedai it's really, really average to see you here again.


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