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Peng Challenges the Ninth Circle


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"4. Members agree, through use of this service, that this Forum will not be used to post any material which is...vulgar...obscene... sexually oriented..."

No need for Coventry, just report him to BFC.

Oh I think there's a need for Coventry in any case ...


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Agreed, lads and lasses I think we have a new candidate for Coventry ... what say you.

But don't we need something like this to define what is beyond acceptable? A shining example for the generations of someone who should be promptly stoned at the city gates? Then run over by a large, heavy vehicle? Repeatedly? Until nothing is left but a dark red jelly for the ants to eat?

I think he serves a useful function.


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But don't we need something like this to define what is beyond acceptable? A shining example for the generations of someone who should be promptly stoned at the city gates? Then run over by a large, heavy vehicle? Repeatedly? Until nothing is left but a dark red jelly for the ants to eat?

I think he serves a useful function.


Well you're wrong ... besides we already have someone who serves in a cautionary role ... but we've gotten used to you.

Mind you I do like your solution.


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Stuka screaming in agony and terror as he died would be even better. Especially if he does a bit of weeping and pleading along the way. Calling out for his mama at the end would be a nice touch.

How did I miss becoming a movie maker? I could have been a billionaire by now.


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MtEtr's offensive self portrait has been removed and he's been issued a warning for Forum rules violation. We generally don't give a flying fig what goes on here in the Peng forum unless you guys take offense. Which, in this case, more than a few of you did. When a Cesspoolian citizen takes offense we know something has gone too far.

You may now return to your normally scheduled banter.


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MtEtr's offensive self portrait has been removed and he's been issued a warning for Forum rules violation. We generally don't give a flying fig what goes on here in the Peng forum unless you guys take offense. Which, in this case, more than a few of you did. When a Cesspoolian citizen takes offense we know something has gone too far.

You may now return to your normally scheduled banter.


Steve, that was rather good ...

As to the rest however, we are the very epitome of civilized behavior, and anyone who says otherwise is a right Bastiche.

However, we here in the Peng Challenge Thread aren't about warnings and such ... we're about swift and certain retribution for real or imagined violations of real or imagined CessPool policies.

In this case BeatFtr has transgressed, his sentence has been proposed and, no objections being heard from the membership of the Peng Challenge Thread ...

BE IT NOW KNOWN ... the SSN known as MeatEtr is now and shall be considered Sent to Coventry. No member of the Peng Challenge Thread shall respond to his posts within the confines of the Peng Challenge Thread. Members of the Peng Challenge Thread are encouraged to add said SSN to their IGNORE list.

Sir Joe Shaw, JFLPCT

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Steve, that was rather good ...

As to the rest however, we are the very epitome of civilized behavior, and anyone who says otherwise is a right Bastiche.

However, we here in the Peng Challenge Thread aren't about warnings and such ... we're about swift and certain retribution for real or imagined violations of real or imagined CessPool policies.

In this case BeatFtr has transgressed, his sentence has been proposed and, no objections being heard from the membership of the Peng Challenge Thread ...

BE IT NOW KNOWN ... the SSN known as MeatEtr is now and shall be considered Sent to Coventry. No member of the Peng Challenge Thread shall respond to his posts within the confines of the Peng Challenge Thread. Members of the Peng Challenge Thread are encouraged to add said SSN to their IGNORE list.

Sir Joe Shaw, JFLPCT

Alright ya big blowhard...come down off your soapbox before you pass out from over exertion and hurt yourself. Oh...and send the next turn...twit!

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How could he possibly have time to send turns when he uses it all to compose his bloviating posts?
Would you have me neglect my duties as the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread for my own selfish pleasure of showing you to be the incompetent you are?

As Gov. William J. Le Petomane once said ... "Affairs of State, must take precedent over the Affairs of State."

A call for Coventry is a solemn matter and demands the utmost of attention. Form 455.7/a ALONE takes two hours to fill out and while I could ask Boo Radley to complete it I'd prefer to have a typed copy rather than one that was filled out in crayon.


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W00T! There be SNOW on the ground here in Seoul!

Only a little bit swept into gutters and against walls but I haven't seen snow for years, what are you complaining about Boo? Snows fun!

Quite right Stuka, it's just gangs of fun. And you know what, there's more where that came from and it's just around the corner from you.

Two words, Chosin Reservoir ... you can get all that lovely snow and I'll bet that they'll give you your own shovel so you can play all day in the snow. But it's a real vacation spot so you might need to sneak in, be sure to carry some material explaining democracy.


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Would you have me neglect my duties as the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread for my own selfish pleasure of showing you to be the incompetent you are?

As Gov. William J. Le Petomane once said ... "Affairs of State, must take precedent over the Affairs of State."

A call for Coventry is a solemn matter and demands the utmost of attention. Form 455.7/a ALONE takes two hours to fill out and while I could ask Boo Radley to complete it I'd prefer to have a typed copy rather than one that was filled out in crayon.


Next thing you'll be wanting a highway named after you.

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Come on now, you all loved it and don't have the balls to admit it. Buncha tattle-telling cowards.

As usual, the Peng thread disappoints.


Don't worry about it much most of these guys are known for crying like faggotts to the moderators. Come to think of it most of them are faggotts.

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