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v1.10 is great: now let's talk about v1.11


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I'm sure BF.C is working on v1.11. There have been one or two small bugs which cropped up after v1.10 was released. Instead of a talking about fixes, I thought a thread on desired tweaks or improvements would be useful. (Assuming BF.C needs input into possible improvements!)

My ideas;

1 - The ability to place a "Hold" on Special Equipment items so they do not get expended. The purpose would be to, say, limit the number of Javelins fired in a given WeGo turn.

2 - Better Artillery/Air Support UI. I'm not looking for more CONTROL, just better FEEDBACK to the gamer. Right now the number of rounds available is a total mystery. The green dots on artillery are supposed to, per the manual, relate to responsiveness. As it is now, they turn red during and after a fire mission, then gradually rebuild to more green. What's up with that?

3 - Tweak area fire to engage any action spot in a building, not just the centerpoint.

4 - Allow me to fire the coax mg of a Bradley when I want, not have to wait until the 25mm cannon is out of ammo. This applies to all other AFV's.

There are others out there, but I rank these the highest.

Any other thoughts?



p.s. Obviously the speedometer on the hummer needs fixing... :)

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I haven't yet gotten around to the new patch because it hasn't been released to us non-marine gamers yet. But from the 1.08 I think that maybe adding actual water tiles that aren't just "marshes" into the game would give the overall appearance a great boost. They don't need to be impassable but maybe knee deep so that you can't lay down in it.

Smaller pause intervals - 10 seconds? 5 seconds?

better response when troops come under heavy fire with some cover nearby. Instead of continuing to run and then dropping in plain view, maybe just start heading towards cover in the first few seconds they have contact.

I was also hoping for a kind of a function for LOS for each squad/unit. Maybe a hotkey that enables or disables a circle around the unit that is color-coded for the line of sight. Like if I click a tank in the middle a group of buildings and push some button or something, everything that the tank has line of sight of is captured in a radar sort of thing. and everything that is out of line of sight is grey or unhighlighted. Sort of like using the target line and sweeping it 360 degrees and showing each line as a kind of map.

Its kind of confusing to explain but I think it would be a great addition to the game.

Oh. and i forgot. I kinda hope some special movement or Special key can be assigned to joining 2 different squads together if their squad size is really small. For instance: Squad 1 had 9 people but now has only 3 and Squad 2 had 7 people but now has 1. Maybe if I move them close together, select them both, and click a "join squads" button, they will combine. I want this because I've had some problems managing squads of only 1, 2 or 3 people in them.

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I completely agree with #1 and 2. The others would be nice, but the situation right now with those doesn't bother me that much.


Water is not making it into CM:SF, for a number of reasons. Steve has said this on a number of occasions, you can probably find them if you do a search.

Smaller pause intervals would be very nice.

1.10 already includes the better TacAI response to coming under heavy fire. Trust me, you will love the new TacAI.

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2 - Better Artillery/Air Support UI. I'm not looking for more CONTROL, just better FEEDBACK to the gamer. Right now the number of rounds available is a total mystery. The green dots on artillery are supposed to, per the manual, relate to responsiveness. As it is now, they turn red during and after a fire mission, then gradually rebuild to more green. What's up with that?

I always assumed that red dots equals longer delay in the mission - if they have just finished a mission and have lots of red dots, it takes them longer to get reorganised for another shoot. I have no idea whether that is right though :)

As for the others, all good ideas. But as always, coding it so that the player can use it is only part of the problem. Having the AI able to use it sensibly can be a bigger problem.

I'd personally love to see move speed (slow, move, quick, fast) and move logic separated (just move, move to contact and stop, move to contact and continue when contact is lost, move until LOS to a specified point is found). You could create complex behaviour with that kind of system. But. Can the AI use it to plot reasonable move orders in a the available (real-)time? Can the UI accomodate it without making plotting even a simple move require twice as many clicks? (bit of a killer in real-time games). I suspect it is not practical, as much as it would be very powerful in the hands of the player.

But yeah, fix the damn hummer tachometer already :D And add the odometer - I want to know how far my humvee has driven in a scenario...

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2 - Better Artillery/Air Support UI. I'm not looking for more CONTROL, just better FEEDBACK to the gamer. Right now the number of rounds available is a total mystery. The green dots on artillery are supposed to, per the manual, relate to responsiveness. As it is now, they turn red during and after a fire mission, then gradually rebuild to more green. What's up with that?

Artillery/air support ammo is displayed in the vertical bars that appear to the right of the mission parameters when you select an artillery/air support asset. With air support i'm not sure which bars represent which weapons, but with artillery the far left bar represents all ammo I think.

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Yep, so far us non-Marines customers have yet to play 1.1. Something seems to have gone wrong. They said a few days on Friday and here it is Wednesday afternoon.

they also told us it would be a "few" days after the game went gold, then two weeks later the module was released so............... i think release dates need be taken with a grain of salt.....just saying. By the way the patch and module are friggin awesome.

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In one of the newer maps in cmmods, I saw a picture of a marine assault force coming from water onto a beach. Was that a custom thing?

Another thing that would make this game more realistic but probably won't come out anytime soon is peeking around corners. If I set a squad at a building corner or a wall corner, the guy closest to it can have a little animation where he is kneeling but looking around the corner so that his head is sticking out. Possibly shooting too?

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I'm sure BF.C is working on v1.11. There have been one or two small bugs which cropped up after v1.10 was released. Instead of a talking about fixes, I thought a thread on desired tweaks or improvements would be useful. (Assuming BF.C needs input into possible improvements!)

My ideas;

1 - The ability to place a "Hold" on Special Equipment items so they do not get expended. The purpose would be to, say, limit the number of Javelins fired in a given WeGo turn.

Some want this micro managment. Some do not. Guess which camp I am in?

2 - Better Artillery/Air Support UI. I'm not looking for more CONTROL, just better FEEDBACK to the gamer. Right now the number of rounds available is a total mystery. The green dots on artillery are supposed to, per the manual, relate to responsiveness. As it is now, they turn red during and after a fire mission, then gradually rebuild to more green. What's up with that?

The feedback is pretty much already there. As to your specific issue, what's puzzling you? If a gun battery is firing, it would seem obvious that it indicates that it's responsiveness is way down on account of being busy.

3 - Tweak area fire to engage any action spot in a building, not just the centerpoint.

It doesn't fire at a centre point. Area fire is distributed along the length of the selected floor of the targeted building.

4 - Allow me to fire the coax mg of a Bradley when I want, not have to wait until the 25mm cannon is out of ammo. This applies to all other AFV's.

This one has been discussed at length already. I am not convinced it's all that important as you make it out to be. Most AFV crew members seem unaware of the overkill concept and opt for the gun that makes the most reassuring bang 99.9% of the time.

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Yep, so far us non-Marines customers have yet to play 1.1. Something seems to have gone wrong. They said a few days on Friday and here it is Wednesday afternoon.

Heh... nothing is wrong. I said a couple of days to get the installers built, not released. It takes a couple of days to go through that process to. Unlike Marines we had to go through and support different publishers' copy protection systems. Fortunately, that's gone pretty smoothly. Overall, we're just about where we thought we would be.

As for the suggestions for improvements.... we've got lists and lists and lists of things that we could improve for the next 10 years or more. So no worries, in 10 years we can promise you that many of the suggestions people are making will get into the game :D

We are moving on to full time work on CM Normandy features, data, etc. We will continue to support CM:SF, but it will be more-or-less in maintenance mode from now on. Most games are completely abandoned after a couple of months! We're at 1+ years from initial release so at some point we have to move on. Version 1.10 seems like a pretty good spot to start that process.

Version 1.11 is in the works now, so no worries there. For the most part it will only be tweaks/fixes and not fundamental changes like v1.10 released. Sure, we'll probably slip some new improvements in here and there, but it's not our focus like it has been for the last 1+ years.


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Heh... nothing is wrong. I said a couple of days to get the installers built, not released. It takes a couple of days to go through that process to. Unlike Marines we had to go through and support different publishers' copy protection systems. Fortunately, that's gone pretty smoothly. Overall, we're just about where we thought we would be.


Ok, on that note, ignore my "where's 1.1" thread bump masquerading as a DP. :D

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I just thought of a few more.

1. selecting all units on the screen/ selecting all units of that type on the screen/ selecting all units in the battle/ selecting all units of that type in the battle.

I dont really dig the way that double clicking a unit selects the platoon that it belongs to because I tend to not care too much about the platoons. Maybe there could be an option to change that so that when I double click a unit (e.g rifle squad), all rifle squads on the screen will be selected. and maybe a hotkey CTRL-something that would select all units on the screen no matter what.

2. Assigning Units to groups. - I think this is quite prevalent in many RTS's. I select a group of units and press "CTRL-#" and they form a group so that whenever I press "#", the units that I assigned to that group would instantly be selected. This could be used to make mixed teams that I can keep track of instead of cherry-picking each 1 after they get mixed in battle.

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Definitely would like to see changes to the pause times, 5 second increments would be a big help.

I prefer the WeGo play to RT, just can't shake old habits from CMx1, but it would be great if we could change the turn time from a minute to something else, maybe 15, 20 or 30 second times. Modern warfare is deadly and 60 seconds can be a long time.

Finally, stealing a bit from Full Spectrum Warrior, a scout function where you can send one member of a squad forward to scout a location rather than the entire squad.

Also having a feature to move split up squads in assualt so that you only expose a couple at a time to incoming fire rather then 4 or 5.


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A kind of ROE interface will be fine for me, just to adjust Tac AI (that already, really work well in 1.10) for all unit or 1 unit

like the one in TacOps:

If eny seen, pursue movement/stop/hide/fire/pop smoke/retreat x meter

If fire, pursue movement/stop/hide/fire/pop smoke/retreat x meter

If fire upon, pursue movement/stop/hide/fire/pop smoke/retreat x meter

if hit, pursue movement/stop/hide/fire/pop smoke/retreat x meter

with this the Hunt order can remain a simple normal tactical movement, different of the simple move order

and may be, with fire and light fire, a new fire order like Heavy Fire, to see all weapons not really useful against the target (ATGM vs Inf for ex) could be used and where simple fire order will be a light fire order in the same situation (1 shot or slow rof ATGM vs Inf).

About graphic, a simple river/AT ditch tile (even without water ;) ) will be good.

Water don't miss me too much, bridge are another story, bridge would be interesting in urban environment.

Water itself is just a matter of color, nice to have but don't bring something new in tactical consideration, but bridges...

Another point for more or less the next ten years:


suburban environment will be really interesting, like underground, subway, sewer, underground parking lot and so on.

Not for CMSF, but its the kind of things that will be nice to see in a tactical game, especially for future urban warfare.

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