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(This post is in reference to this locked thread and also this one.)

and I will lock this again, without comment.

Yet, here's the comment:

And for the record, the reason why the thread was locked, was because after your provocative post,

I'm sorry, but I see no way to discuss the undue influence of jews/zionists, their myriad of organizations or their statelet of Israel, without at minimum coming across as "provocative".

In fact, it is quite absurd to expect to allow politicial discussion, as you generously have up until now, without expecting there to be some sort of "provocative" issues being brought up. It's the nature of politics.

The fact of the matter is that terms such as "provocative" are always and without exception only the first derogatory comments leveled at anyone who has the temerity to point to the aforementioned 800-lb gorilla - that is, the near total jewish control of US foreign policy, especially as it pertains to the Middle East, the near total jewish control of the mainstream media and their near total censorship of any discussions thereof - the only major exception being the internet.

Someone on the other thread inferred that the graphics I posted did not qualify as "intelligent" discussion. Rest assured that if I wanted to, I could inundate this board from top to bottom with intelligent articles dealing with said gorilla and related issues, on an almost daily basis.

Alas, I'm content with occassionaly posting a reality check, as I have a life outside of gaming forums.

the only way the temperature in that thread was about to go was up. Right, wrong, good, bad... doesn't matter to me. As soon as it goes above 90° it gets locked.

And what, exactly, would happen if the thread temperature would go above your arbitrary temperature of 90 degrees?

I'm aware of your predicament, Mr. Moon. If you don't cut off these discussions immediately, the various jewish readers (of which there is an unusual preponderance in this hobby - these otherwise "peaceful" unassuming creatures, these individual "lights upon the nations of the world" are drawn to it like flies to a flame) of this forum would quickly spread the word that Battlefront.com allows "anti-semitic" viewpoints to be expressed on their website. After that, your company might find it increasingly hard to do business, as many other companies have found out in the past.

You don't cross the jews and get away with it.

You're hardly the first or only webmaster to have to deal with this.

Know this though, Mr. Moon. People are becoming more aware of this issue and every time a webmaster such as yourself bans someone for bringing it up, people are watching. You may have your vocal supporters who will post their snide comments in your support, but it's the ones who merely observe and take notes that will decide the issue in the future. The jews have been overreaching again, as they often have in the past, and, as in the past, there will eventually be a "correction".

Notice the "no politics" sign at the front door.

Weak, but I took note of that on the day I registered. I knew what it meant and you would be more honest with your customers if you put up a sign that read, "Political discussions are allowed, except for any criticism of individual jews, jewish organizations, or the state of Israel".

Should you bring it up again, CoFarmer, you'll get banned for good.

Thanks for at least reducing the somewhat clumsy expression of "the 800-lb. gorilla in the kitchen" to "it".


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..."Political discussions are allowed, except for any criticism of individual jews, jewish organizations, or the state of Israel".

I feel confident that criticism of individual jews is acceptable as long as it can be shown to be justified and is conducted in a calm and reasonable manner. Seems to me that the same applies to jewish organizations and the state of Israel. I haven't noticed any of those getting a free ride.

But simply condemning any of the above for being jewish is not reasonable and what you have posted was far from being calm.

So long. You won't be missed.


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Know this though, Mr. Moon. People are becoming more aware of this issue and every time a webmaster such as yourself bans someone for bringing it up, people are watching. You may have your vocal supporters who will post their snide comments in your support, but it's the ones who merely observe and take notes that will decide the issue in the future. The jews have been overreaching again, as they often have in the past, and, as in the past, there will eventually be a "correction".

WOW Moon you better look out! It appears that once there is a "correction" and the JEWS are put in their place, you will not longer be protected. The same enlightened folks out to stop the evil Hebrews will come back to settle the score against those that attempted to stop the cleansing....opps....sorry "correction".

Sorry, but this guy is a pig.

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I hope that CoFarmer's ISP has been sent to whatever local law enforcement jurisdiction he lives in. Not that anyone as pathetic and attention starved as him would actually be important enough to be dangerous, but weaklings like him sometimes do get recruited by local chapters of Aryan Nations-type organizations and occassionally do odd jobs for larger neo-Nazi type organizations until someone important realizes they're too stupid to do much but run for coffee and sandwiches. Still, just to be on the safe side....

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And I thought I was going to win the "Nong of the Month" award for going in the 9/11 thread to give my opinion on the competitive remembering and honouring. But here's CoFarmer saving my bacon.

Even disregarding your worldview, and it's pretty damn hard to do so, you are a dumbass. You get the lock thrown on you twice. Somehow you thought this an invitation to continue that line. Unlike everyone else, who took on board and obeyed the STFU that the two locks implied. Bye now!

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Hmm, he seemed normal 'till the 9/11 discussion. His continued effort to make a point despite our ridicule and the locks from moderation is entrancing. I've never watched someone ram their head repeatedly into a wall, but I'd like to think that I'd be the sort who'd stop whatever it is I was doing and stand politely by and witness the act of damaging self. Much like watching this fella work at his point.

Or in other words, hi Mom!

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I hope that CoFarmer's ISP has been sent to whatever local law enforcement jurisdiction he lives in. Not that anyone as pathetic and attention starved as him would actually be important enough to be dangerous, but weaklings like him sometimes do get recruited by local chapters of Aryan Nations-type organizations and occassionally do odd jobs for larger neo-Nazi type organizations until someone important realizes they're too stupid to do much but run for coffee and sandwiches. Still, just to be on the safe side....

You are just as far out of line as CoFarmer is.

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