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salam aleikum

in morocco-co-co.smoking huge amount of extremely good hash. thinking of settling down in Quarzazate ,"gate to the desert " in arabic.. the people are beautifull ,and food is beyond anything you could come out with in degenerated west...weather is simly amazing,and I don't wish you all are here.



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salam aleikum

in morocco-co-co.smoking huge amount of extremely good hash. thinking of settling down in Quarzazate ,"gate to the desert " in arabic.. the people are beautifull ,and food is beyond anything you could come out with in degenerated west...weather is simly amazing,and I don't wish you all are here.



Hopefully we will be bombing Quarzazate very soon.

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salam aleikum

in morocco-co-co.smoking huge amount of extremely good hash. thinking of settling down in Quarzazate ,"gate to the desert " in arabic.. the people are beautifull ,and food is beyond anything you could come out with in degenerated west...weather is simly amazing,and I don't wish you all are here.



I understand that if anyone from Poland is found doing drugs in Morocco, they are thrown into a small cell without due process, and forced to listen to DJ Tiesto music played backwards for days on end until they become a gelatinous mass of blubbering insanity.....oh wait they could probably skip that part with you.

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Goobernationals ... there ought to be a bounty on 'em.


Joe you ever think these 'plans' of yours through? Or does the sound of passing car just jolt you out of your nap..huh!??!?!? wha? Damn kids...where was I?

If one was to place said 'bounty' on said 'Goobernationals', who would you send? Surely not some fine, red-blooded, 'merican....I mean said 'merican couldn't find a Goobernation, much less the individual Goobernationals within said Goobernation. And then there is the chance that the fine 'merican lad (or lass, let's not be sexist here) could be overcome by said Goobernational culture and turn to techno. Who wins then? Surely not us, or even U.S.

How about we subcontract said bounties to Goobernationals? Sadly, even this plan has a downside...we are encouraging Goobernationals. Granted, we are encouraging Goobernationals to kill other Goobernationals but that is encouragement nonetheless. And just look at this Goobernational, hashish smoking Pole in Quizzy-otter-land...any one ever seen 'Midnight Express'? Left to their own devices, they will find their own way to a proper downfall.

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I understand that if anyone from Poland is found doing drugs in Morocco, they are thrown into a small cell without due process, and forced to listen to DJ Tiesto music played backwards for days on end until they become a gelatinous mass of blubbering insanity.....oh wait they could probably skip that part with you.
Nidan1 I'm normally of the opinion that you're one Nidan too many, but the above was right on the money.

I'm not sure where konrad went to until recently but I've noticed an improvement in the logical framing of posts since then ... and of course that sets the bar pretty damned low.


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Joe you ever think these 'plans' of yours through? Or does the sound of passing car just jolt you out of your nap..huh!??!?!? wha? Damn kids...where was I?

If one was to place said 'bounty' on said 'Goobernationals', who would you send? Surely not some fine, red-blooded, 'merican....I mean said 'merican couldn't find a Goobernation, much less the individual Goobernationals within said Goobernation. And then there is the chance that the fine 'merican lad (or lass, let's not be sexist here) could be overcome by said Goobernational culture and turn to techno. Who wins then? Surely not us, or even U.S.

How about we subcontract said bounties to Goobernationals? Sadly, even this plan has a downside...we are encouraging Goobernationals. Granted, we are encouraging Goobernationals to kill other Goobernationals but that is encouragement nonetheless. And just look at this Goobernational, hashish smoking Pole in Quizzy-otter-land...any one ever seen 'Midnight Express'? Left to their own devices, they will find their own way to a proper downfall.

By George lad that was as fine a piece of genuine CessPool gibberish as I've seen in a long time. I think you have promise lad, or at least as much promise as we've seen around here in a long LONG time.

Keep it up and perhaps, just perhaps, some down on his luck, half drunk, deeply disturbed Knight of the CessPool may propose you for Serfdom. That's right lad, the Pissbucket of the Stars could be YOURS to tote. But it will require dedication on your part and most of all, stick-to-it-ivness ... and a bit of wit wouldn't be out of place ... nor a stack of used twenties.


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Nidan1 I'm normally of the opinion that you're one Nidan too many, but the above was right on the money.

I'm not sure where konrad went to until recently but I've noticed an improvement in the logical framing of posts since then ... and of course that sets the bar pretty damned low.


Shaw , I'll even let YOU quote and insult me, as is your usual wont, without a comeback. BECAUSE, in about 30 minutes American, the NFL gets cranked up for the 2008 season.

My Boys in Blue go against our arch-rival Redskins from the Nation's Capitol. I am just too happy.

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Shaw , I'll even let YOU quote and insult me, as is your usual wont, without a comeback. BECAUSE, in about 30 minutes American, the NFL gets cranked up for the 2008 season.

My Boys in Blue go against our arch-rival Redskins from the Nation's Capitol. I am just too happy.

Oh please, in the first place you've NEVER had a decent comeback to anything I've said and second the Five Time World Champion Dallas Cowboys are the consensus choice to win the NFC East this year as they did last year but THIS year they're also the consensus pick to go on to the Superbowl ... so enjoy it while you can.


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Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah

blah blah blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah


Shut up and send me a turn, you swiller of Mogen David.

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Oh please, in the first place you've NEVER had a decent comeback to anything I've said and second the Five Time World Champion Dallas Cowboys are the consensus choice to win the NFC East this year as they did last year but THIS year they're also the consensus pick to go on to the Superbowl ... so enjoy it while you can.

There really are only two teams worth paying attention to. Da Bears and anyone playing Dallas

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I bet none of you grew up with an batshti insane person for a father. Here is how football season went in my house:

Dad: The Eagles SUCk! The Eagles SUCK!

small son: I thought you liked the Eagles?"


ss: Oh!

D: Will you look at that granny tackling? Jesus effing christ on an effing whore.

ss: Wot's granny tackling?

D: Shut up and watch the replay - you'll see - OH CHRIST did you see that?! What a dung-heap of a player. Piss-poor. It's like he's not even trying. He should be beaten with a log-chain and fined a thousand dollars. THAT'S RIGHT LEONARD TOSE you PRICK-FACED JACKASS! Take some control of your goddam worthless team! BEAT THE SONOFABITCHES IF THEY DON'T PERFORM!!! FIRE THE ****ING COACH! THE EAGLES SUCK!!!

&cet for four quarters, every Sunday, all season long. His invective was some of the most creative I've ever heard. He could invent new words, new ways of combining old words and especially knitted the profanity together in magnificent cataracts -floods of cussing - Niagaras of swearing - and a voice that bellowed across the entire town. He could shout "OK" and make it sound like eleven syllables and in a timber that could decalcify bone. He said "OK." When he was out of profanity ideas - when he said "OK" you had better duck and cover, because the belt was coming off and tanning your hide - or the shovel was bashing the side of the truck, or whatever came to hand was smashing whatever wasn't doing EXACTLY what he wanted it to do: Child or car or bike or snow plow or television. When the Eagles lost, he said "OK." I swear if my old man had ever met Leonard Tose in person (longtime owner of the Eagles way back when) he would have said "Hello, Mr Tose." and punched him in the nose.

The old man sure loved his Eagles. Now he's a goddam Bucs fan.

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There really are only two teams worth paying attention to. Da Bears and anyone playing Dallas

An excellent example of insanity: The old man called the Cowboys "The Dallas Assassins" because JFK's assassination happened in Dallas. He actually hated the Dallas football team because of that geographical fact. So it always made him exceptionally cranky when Dallas beat the Eagles.

MrBerli, now that you've been transplanted to Colorful Colorado I think you should abandon your Bears and be a Bronco supporter.

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Why does it take 4 hours to play 90 minutes of football?

Actually, an American Professional Football game has four 15 minute quarters....which adds up to 60 minutes of play time. Stukes we all know that your sense of time is distorted by drugs, alcohol and living in a GooberNation, so we'll let that gaff of yours go quietly this time. The other three hours are tacked on for replays, halftime festivities and an endless parade of beer and car commercials, which are really more important than the game itself as far as the broadcast networks are concerned.

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Football? You want to talk about football, Sparky? You want to talk about a team that has NO CHANCE at all for the season?

Well, then we should be talking about THE BROWNS!

Preseason injuries, quarterback controversy, a couple of starters who are out for the season and 4 lost preseason games... you name it, we got it!

But, hey... there's always next year!

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Morocco was first to recognize the USA (in 1777 ) ..."The Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship stands as the U.S.'s oldest non-broken friendship treaty "

I let you know if they still like You thought ...

this stuff is so strong

ps: hi Joe

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