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The Peng Challenge Thread Sings For It's Supper

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I got it right off....Jarhead, check my post, against the quote by Leeo, I'm not a dumb as I might appear.

By the by, I went to the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico a couple of weeks back, a very impressive place...I managed to maintain a woody from the moment I pulled into the parking lot until I hit 95 on the way back to Washington, all without one Viagra!

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By the by, I went to the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico a couple of weeks back, a very impressive place...I managed to maintain a woody from the moment I pulled into the parking lot until I hit 95 on the way back to Washington, all without one Viagra!

I've been wanting to get out there. As I understand it, they put that together while my old battalion commander (Chuck Krulak) was Commandant.

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It opened in 2006, and if you check out its website you will see that it has very unusual and interactive exhibits. There are also plans for additonal expansion due in 2012.

Very well done...they have a laser rifle range simulator with M-16s, you get ten shots at a target at a simulated range of 100 yards, my 80 year old mother in law scored the highest after we all took ten shots. It was great, she was so excited and the young corporal who monitored the thing was very patient and very nice in showing her how to stand and hold the rifle...it was great fun, but highly embarassing for the old Corps Marine who was shooting high and to the left.

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Very well done...they have a laser rifle range simulator with M-16s, you get ten shots at a target at a simulated range of 100 yards, my 80 year old mother in law scored the highest after we all took ten shots. It was great, she was so excited and the young corporal who monitored the thing was very patient and very nice in showing her how to stand and hold the rifle...it was great fun, but highly embarassing for the old Corps Marine who was shooting high and to the left.

Ok, I'm having trouble stopping the laughing fit. I'm picturing this lil' old lady mumbling, "sight alignment, sight picture, steady squeeze"

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She wants to defile my kids, then she is fair game.

What's with all this "defiled" crap? Nothing was done to your kids, or you either, for that matter. If you think there was, then there is something vastly wrong in the way that you perceive the world. For as long as I have noticed you posting here, Abbott, you have seemed way too touchy and thin-skinned about your personal ego and have lashed out angrily at people when it wasn't called for. Then you go on and claim that you weren't really angry, you were just "having some fun". I for one simply don't believe you. If you were just acting out of fun, you would be more forthcoming with an apology when you see you've said it wrong. The thing that sticks in my craw about you is that you have all along assumed that it is we who have to adapt to you and never the other way around. That's pretty self-righteous and I don't see anything about you great enough to justify it. If you don't like us and don't like the way we play, then why are you even here? You've got a bus to build and that's cool. I've said before that you seem to be a good workman and I can respect that. Maybe if you and I were ever to sit down at a table somewhere, we might end up even liking each other, or maybe not, who knows? But I neither like nor respect the kind of venom you have displayed here.



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...I'm not a dumb as I might appear.

In fact, that would require quite an achievement.

By the by, I went to the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico a couple of weeks back, a very impressive place...I managed to maintain a woody from the moment I pulled into the parking lot until I hit 95 on the way back to Washington, all without one Viagra!



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I do appreciate the fact that you took the time to post your thoughts Mike, they may have been received better if you hadn't (as usual) tried to tell others how they are supposed to think when their beliefs do not agree with yours.

No hard feelings,


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She wants to defile my kids, then she is fair game.

However, Patch did apologize for it and I always think that's a sign of a decent person.

Calling her a sl*t and not apologizing for it however is, for me, the sign of the opposite. If you're not prepared to apologize I'd say coventry as well. **shrug**

Anyhow I think I've had my say so I'm going back to being not so serious.

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I just wanted to say that I've found my Scunthorpe button that allows immediate defilement with the very thickest crayons and much else

[and with a hop and jaunty skip hooves scribble across a rough effigy drawn in the dirt of a very icky large lump of congealed, cold and fatty over-pompous southern-fried chicken bus conductor with a freakish third drumstick growth rammed up a carefully studied cross section of an auxillery pump]

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{SNEER} And you call yourself an ad man ... EVERYTHING works on radio if you use the right words. Oh right, forgot who I was talking to ...


Joe, Joe, Joe.

You could not be more wrong. You could try to be more wrong, but you would not succeed in your all encompassing wrongness.

Visuals do not translate well to audio. Sure, you can paint word pictures (No, put your fingerpaints away. Craft time is later. Yes, right before nap time. sigh... Yes, you can have pudding after your nap. sigh.... YES you can have pudding after all seven of your naps, now hush and let me finish!), but trying to verbally explain a visual joke inevitably turns the joke into a learning experience.

And THIS lot don't have adequate attention spans (Joe, look at me when I'm talking to you!) for that.

Most of them are as thick as two short planks glued together, for crying out loud.

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are you still sneering? I didn't see the [/sneer] so i'll assume you are...
If you'd pay attention you'd note that I didn't use [sNEER] but rather {SNEER} ... it's a whole 'nother thing entirely and denotes the presence of a sneer whenever the individual so tagged makes any remark ... be grateful I didn't apply it to you.


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Joe, Joe, Joe.

You could not be more wrong. You could try to be more wrong, but you would not succeed in your all encompassing wrongness.

Visuals do not translate well to audio. Sure, you can paint word pictures (No, put your fingerpaints away. Craft time is later. Yes, right before nap time. sigh... Yes, you can have pudding after your nap. sigh.... YES you can have pudding after all seven of your naps, now hush and let me finish!), but trying to verbally explain a visual joke inevitably turns the joke into a learning experience.

And THIS lot don't have adequate attention spans (Joe, look at me when I'm talking to you!) for that.

Most of them are as thick as two short planks glued together, for crying out loud.

Yes, I'm certain that "crafting" word pictures can be difficult if, like you, one has such a limited palatte with which to paint.

Yes lad, palatte ... no it's not something you eat, perhaps you're thinking of palate ... yes I know you like the purple crayons, we can all tell.


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I think your'e making the rules up as you go along again......

It's a conspiracy I tells ya!

You DARE to accuse your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread of making up rules? I LIVE by rules lad, rules are the guideposts of my existence and the road maps of ... uh ... well you get the idea.

As the appointed (one might almost say annoited but I'm not sure if that ale Seanachai spilled on me in ManyAppleLess counts) keeper of the Sacred Traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread I should bitterly resent your remark and refuse to play another turn with such as you ...

But as I've said before I'll be the better man and wave off your comments as the drivel they are.


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