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Campaign TF Narwick

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Just finished up with a Total Victory using RT play. Was great fun though the last one was laggy for me and never had that problem before on my machine. Was actually more units (maybe too many) in this one than I needed or could control! I liked the little "flavor" entry surprise that I won't say.

Great job and thanks again. Many hours of fun on your campaign.

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Originally posted by bardosy:

Anybody, who finished mission 8...

Is the last counter-attack too late?

I almost capture the whole map, when a lot of T-72s appeared very near to my units.

Wasn't for me though I didn't capture the whole map. I focused on one side of it and even then was finishing up at the far end just as the game ended. I had some M1's on the highway by chance when they appeared and well what happened next was wonderful. ;)
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I played the first mission (and was almost finished when the computer froze - drats!), and I noticed that the bradley that starts on the map is within range of a very talented RPG in the village. It got nailed within three turns and never moved.

Also, there is a bunker in the corner right next to the US setup zone. That may be a bug.

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Just finished 8. Blast of a mission, got a Total Victory in the end, but a great fight. Won with eight minutes to spare. In the last few minutes, though, my frame rate was down to zero at times. Really punished my pc.

Yes, I think the Syrian tanks come in a little too late. My boys were set up and ready for them - they only managed to take out one Bradley, and were otherwise toasted within 20 seconds. Really, to have any chance, Syrian armour needs to be able to arrive undetected and take up ambush positions.

The problem I have now is that something got corrupted in the save, and I can't advance to the next mission. The only way I can do it is to play mission 8 all over again from the beginning, which is a bit of a pain. Don't know if I have the patience to do that just at the moment - it's such a big long battle, I was really looking forward to charging on to the next one, and finishing the campaign.

Some great touches in there. Such as ******Spoiler Alert!!!**** I don't want to give away too much, but there are some buildings that are not quite what they appear to be. It was several turns before I realised that. Nice one! Had me fooled. (I'm assuming you know what I'm referring to, bardosy??)

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I went back in and replayed - this time, just as the final Syrian counterattack arrived, the game crashed. It had dropped to zero fps, and obviously couldn't cope any more. What a bummer.

I've got a Core 2 Duo E6600 pc with 2Gig Ram and Nvidia 7950 GT video, so this sort of thing just shouldn't happen.

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Finally sorted it. Seems to be the amount of visual data being collected causes the crash. I solved it by saving every turn, and shifting the cam view to an empty-ish part of the map before clicking save. Worth noting if anyone has a similar problem.

Great. Now I can move on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I've just completed the campaign. Am I the first?

Anyway, came away with an overall Major Victory. Some very tough, very enjoyable, and varied missions. Highly recommended.

Bardosy, the designer, is making a few last minute tweaks following feedback from myself and others, then (soon) the final version will be up on CMMODS. Any campaign fans out there, it's among the best. Go get it, and good luck!

(Now it's time to restart Webwing's Ghost campaign. It's going to be interesting to see how it plays out under 1.08. I started in 1.05 and had to stop after three battles, due to bugs, which I'm happy to say have now been eliminated, and a new finale added, so - the weekend starts here!)

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Hey fellow wargamers!

Thank you your great help to fix the small problems on the campaign!

Your feedbacks helped me to rework a little bit the whole campaign and handihoc fix the briefings. So I repack the campaign and update it on CMMODS. (Alternately, you can download from here.)

Seabee: of course I changed the victory condition, so minor victory is enough. Thx!

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  • 5 months later...

I did it.... I updated the campaign with Bradley ERA and new equipment, and enemy arty support. (I will upload the new version soon).

But I found a very anoying bug: The MG bunkers was flying in the air. (new superweapon...). I can't solve it, I had to remove all MG bunker. (it could be a good news, because a few missions are easier now. But it's a disgusting bug.

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Jak170: thanks the info, I didn't know that. I just remove the bunkers :(

Normal Dude: A little bit frustrate, isn't it? ;) Ok, I guess you mean two missions:

* in the chemical factory mission, I added a depth to the map, and a wall to cover the vulnerable Bradleys, so you can start without direct fire.

* The ambush mission is only little reworked. It's very important to use speed and smoke in that mission. Of course in the setup phase, you can remove your units from the highway, but the arrival reinforcements usually appear in the highway (in possible direct fire). But - because of your feedback - not all reinforcement arrive on the highway...

Thanks for your comment!

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OK. I upload it to CMMODS.

New features in 1.2

* CM:SF 1.10 compatible

* New Army equipment (eg. Bradley with ERA)

* A few map are detailed by feedback

* Syrian arty support

Warrior: every feedback will welcome! If you found bugs, showstoppers or strange parts, just drop here a message.

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