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It's a Man's Life in the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Originally posted by Zemke:

Well Nidan1 I just thought I would post what I thought, as everyone else was posting what they thought, now we see what you think about what I thinking, but that is ok because we all will never agree.

False premise... you don't think, therefore Nidan1 can't have a thought about what you're thinking.

You may aspire to become a pimple on Seanachai's backside, but currently, you fall somewhere below pond scum. Stick with your strengths, return to the style of posts you had prior to you starting to post

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Originally posted by rammer4250:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Zemke:

Maybe I should add a........

22. Airport security is a joke, done only to make the mass of dumb asses "feel secure".

I agree with Mr. Peng on this one. If a determined person really wants to do something, none of that security will matter. The attacker AWAYS has the initiative and will determine the time and place. No amount securty in the world can deter a determined attacker.

So you agree, let's have no security. You guys are genius'. It's obvious you can't stop everything. Oh wait! That's right they attacked us by airplane again while I was sleeping the last 7 years. That does it let's put away security we certainly don't need it. While we are at it let's cut down all the fences around our military bases and send security home. It doesn't work. Peng and Zemke says so. </font>
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Originally posted by rammer4250:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Zemke:

Maybe I should add a........

22. Airport security is a joke, done only to make the mass of dumb asses "feel secure".

I agree with Mr. Peng on this one. If a determined person really wants to do something, none of that security will matter. The attacker AWAYS has the initiative and will determine the time and place. No amount securty in the world can deter a determined attacker.

So you agree, let's have no security. You guys are genius'. It's obvious you can't stop everything. Oh wait! That's right they attacked us by airplane again while I was sleeping the last 7 years. That does it let's put away security we certainly don't need it. While we are at it let's cut down all the fences around our military bases and send security home. It doesn't work. Peng and Zemke says so. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rammer4250:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Zemke:

Maybe I should add a........

22. Airport security is a joke, done only to make the mass of dumb asses "feel secure".

I agree with Mr. Peng on this one. If a determined person really wants to do something, none of that security will matter. The attacker AWAYS has the initiative and will determine the time and place. No amount securty in the world can deter a determined attacker.

So you agree, let's have no security. You guys are genius'. It's obvious you can't stop everything. Oh wait! That's right they attacked us by airplane again while I was sleeping the last 7 years. That does it let's put away security we certainly don't need it. While we are at it let's cut down all the fences around our military bases and send security home. It doesn't work. Peng and Zemke says so. </font>
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Originally posted by MrPeng:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rammer4250:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Zemke:

Maybe I should add a........

22. Airport security is a joke, done only to make the mass of dumb asses "feel secure".

I agree with Mr. Peng on this one. If a determined person really wants to do something, none of that security will matter. The attacker AWAYS has the initiative and will determine the time and place. No amount securty in the world can deter a determined attacker.

So you agree, let's have no security. You guys are genius'. It's obvious you can't stop everything. Oh wait! That's right they attacked us by airplane again while I was sleeping the last 7 years. That does it let's put away security we certainly don't need it. While we are at it let's cut down all the fences around our military bases and send security home. It doesn't work. Peng and Zemke says so. </font>
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Originally posted by rammer4250:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rammer4250:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Zemke:

Maybe I should add a........

22. Airport security is a joke, done only to make the mass of dumb asses "feel secure".

I agree with Mr. Peng on this one. If a determined person really wants to do something, none of that security will matter. The attacker AWAYS has the initiative and will determine the time and place. No amount securty in the world can deter a determined attacker.

So you agree, let's have no security. You guys are genius'. It's obvious you can't stop everything. Oh wait! That's right they attacked us by airplane again while I was sleeping the last 7 years. That does it let's put away security we certainly don't need it. While we are at it let's cut down all the fences around our military bases and send security home. It doesn't work. Peng and Zemke says so. </font>
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Originally posted by rammer4250:

On a lighter note I can't wait for Thanksgiving. Me and my family throw on the Christmas lights after dinner and then watch Christmas vacation. I love Abbott in that one. I can't figure it out though. Is he cousin Eddy or the guy driving the pickup?

Now you are showing just a twinkle of promise. Attacking Abbott is great sport, but you can do better.

You are from Upstate New York are you not?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rleete:

Now who's whoring for the SSNs?

Hey pal, I put him up for Coventry. If Seanachai hadn't had another attack of NICE we'd be ignoring the idiot now.

If he MUST post here let's at least make it easier for us to see where his nonsense starts.

Joe </font>

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So, Seanachai stood up for rammer (Does he get points for a completely stupid user name? Is it his way of saying he pitches?). So, all you'd need would be Peng and I to over rule his nonsense... that that would just take rammer annoying us. Given the low, sloping forehead and knuckles dragging on the floor, that shouldn't take to long

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Gyrene has a whole BBS you can use to vent and lots and LOTS of fellow conservatives who will breathlessly agree with your every word.

And isn't that really what you're looking for? There's not a lot of Liberals on there now since I left. I got tired of the constant back and forth.

That's not a nice way to talk about Roger!
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Originally posted by Gyrene:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Gyrene has a whole BBS you can use to vent and lots and LOTS of fellow conservatives who will breathlessly agree with your every word.

And isn't that really what you're looking for? There's not a lot of Liberals on there now since I left. I got tired of the constant back and forth.

That's not a nice way to talk about Roger! </font>
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

So, Seanachai stood up for rammer (Does he get points for a completely stupid user name? Is it his way of saying he pitches?). So, all you'd need would be Peng and I to over rule his nonsense... that that would just take rammer annoying us. Given the low, sloping forehead and knuckles dragging on the floor, that shouldn't take to long

Well, TECHNICALLY if any member of the CessPool stands up for the proposed Coventryee then it's off the table.

However, it's been a long established tradition that a majority vote by the Olde Ones can override prior traditions that have been traditionally established by tradition.


p.s. I'm trying my best to send your turn but my ISP is acting up and won't send the damned thing.

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Berli, Olde Chum! And by that I mean rotting fish-bait. How good of you to drop in! Yes, you've seen the slope of the cranium, the ineffectual knuckle banging on the keyboard, the latent, sissified, homosexer posturing (not that there's anything wrong with that...) and the vociferous "DEMOCRATES R DUM!" chant and come to the correct conclusion. Rimjob is, indeed, just about as clever as a termite ridden fence post in HeyAbbott's! south forty. Not that any of HeyAbbott's! shiny, newly planted posts would be termitey just yet, but you get the idea. Seeing as you are not an eedjit, but merely evil incarnate asada or something.

I dunno about Coventry though. The boy is a bit of a mascot of HeyAbbott's! by now I think, and while as an "Other Recognized" HeyAbbott! has completely screwed the pooch on any quests, training or other servitudinous, piss-buckety carrying dirty jobs for the little yip dog rimjob, ([gasp] Ab actually challenged him - an SSN - to a game![/gasp] he does seem to have grown somewhat attached, and it would be a darn shame to muzzle the little whelp just as his milk teeth are getting all sharp. Let him nuzzle a nice Hillary bone and get all comfy in his master's lap, eh? Who knows, someday he may actually learn to use UBB code. From there, heck, he might learn to think a bit before he types!

I know, it's a stretch, but after all we have Macey and Stuka - bloody Aussies! - and they are quite a lot of fun. I've never been much of a fan of Coventry anyway. I know we are living in a Triumvirate of Olde Ones with our lackey... I mean the Fine Justicariate of the MBT to enforce our whims, and it's nothing at all like a Democracy, but well, I still think even the most moronic among us should be allowed to spew what ever talking points Hannity or Limbaugh are hammering this week. Normal, rational people are able to see what a load of crap it is then and make fun of the jibbering ninnies. If you try to silence them you just end up in a game of whack-a-mole and you look foolish instead. So I say, let him have the title of HeyAbbott's [unbolded] LapDog.

Are ya with me er agin me?

Oh, and just for you, yippy little lap dog rimjob, picture this if you will*... it's 2010, you have been identified by the Thought Police for thinking mean things about our Dear Leader Hillary. They crash down your door in the middle of the night, your Glock is locked in a cabinet according to Dear Leader's Safety Decree Number 37 "Lock up your guns." You are defenseless against the thought police. You protest your innocence, but they have you on tape at work. A coworker heard you making disparaging remarks against Dear Leader's facial appearance and turned you in. Then the real horror begins. You are not going downtown for some water boarding. No. Dear Leader has something special planned for you: A three-way with her and newly appointed Secretary General of the Thought Police - Janet Reno.

There. Now have a nice day. Do try and get some sleep.

*WARNING - Unless you are rimjob, do not read the next bit as it may cause permanent brain damage, gastritis, shriveling of the gonads, loss of appetite, loss of cookies, loss of hair, unexplained bouts of sobbing, weeping sores and other unexpected results...

er sorry, guess I shoulda put the warning BEFORE the scenario I painted for rimjob. Anyway, I've had enough of you people for a few months. Try not to let my thread get so ghastly boring again. I don't really have time to come in here and shake things up. Carry On.

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Well, that's it then ... Peng has actually been taken over by the pod people ... again.

Here's the thing Berli, I don't think we'll need to wait too terribly long for stammer1984 to show his true colors (pink and fuscia I believe, whatever color that is) and we'll have yet another opportunity to send him to Coventry.

It was a noble attempt but there's no accounting for which synapses will be firing at any given moment in the Pengster's cranium.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well, that's it then ... Peng has actually been taken over by the pod people ... again.

Here's the thing Berli, I don't think we'll need to wait too terribly long for stammer1984 to show his true colors (pink and fuscia I believe, whatever color that is) and we'll have yet another opportunity to send him to Coventry.

It was a noble attempt but there's no accounting for which synapses will be firing at any given moment in the Pengster's cranium.


Wait, does that mean you've decided he is, or isn't going to Coventry?
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