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The Sound of Steel Drums of the Apocalypso, Dorosh, and A Supplicant Upon His Knees

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I come before this Community, and BFC tonight, not to praise Grog Dorosh but to Exhume him.

This may not be the proper stage for this passion play. But the Peng Challenge Thread is on a different level of reality. And does anyone actually read the General Forum these days, other than to see if someone responded to their fantasies about their weird news story, or alien sighting?

I do not come before all of you to plead the case of Grog Dorosh. Frankly, he's annoying as hell, and I can't imagine that I could muster a Corporal's Guard to see his ashes consigned to an outhouse.

But I do come before Battlefront to ask for...a sort of clemency.

This is a Board long predicated on the Free Speech of it's Members. But, like Freedom of Speech within America, it has been bound about with caveats and conditions, and the realities of life in a Free Society.

I am an Advocate, here, and I do not deny (nor, I think, would Michael Dorosh), that he was given a set of lines he should not step over.

And he stepped over them.

Sometimes, passions run high. I have, myself, stepped well over the lines. Of course, I was mainly shouting obscenities at...

But that is another time. I was granted the mercy of a 30 day suspension. I was foolish, I was head-strong. I was wrong.

Ever since I came to this Board, I've been reading the endlessly pontificating, arrogant, occasionally helpful posts of Michael Dorosh. I've been coming here for a long, long time.

I, as an Advocate, cannot ask BFC to simply reinstate Grog Dorosh as though nothing had ever happened. Actions have consequences. Stupidity must be payed for.

I've never shirked that fact myself. I'm on record as actually having banned myself for 30 days, because I was stupid. To my knowledge, I'm the only person to actually ban himself from this Forum.

So, I do not ask BFC to simply reinstate Grog Dorosh. After Tumpty-tum fecking thousands of posts he's become a sort of 'spokes-creature' for the Forums. Doesn't matter how much everyone hates him. Letting him back in would send the wrong message.

He's been banned. And he should be banned. He got stupid.

No, I'm here to ask BFC to show clemency. I'm asking them to at least let him post again. Not in the Forums that matter. Not in the Shock Force forum. He's abrogated the right to play at being the 'Big Fella' on the game forums.

But, after more than half a decade of reading his posts, and mentally calling him a c*cks*cker, I miss him.

I miss that arrogance. That certain surety of purpose. That...'Doroshness'.

So, I come before BFC tonight as a Supplicant.

I come before you tonight, as I said, not to praise Grog Dorosh, but to...

Ask for... a certain level of clemency.

I would ask you to let him post in the Combat Mission Forums:BO-AK. He has things to offer. I would ask you to at least let him post in the General Forum (hell, is anyone in there still sober enough to wonder about where their car is?!).

At the very least, and I ask this as an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread, I would ask you to let him post in that most useless of places, the Peng Challenge Thread.

There were once Four Horsemen of the Apocalypso. It was a damn good joke. I don't see why we should stop telling it.

Steve: I know that you had to go in and bring the hammer down on Grog Dorosh. I know why you did it. And I know that it cost you, and you didn't want to do it. But I know what this weird arsed community means to me. And I think I know what it means to Grog Dorosh.

And I can't actually tell you that the dumb bastard will never be stupid again.

But I will offer you this: Let Grog Dorosh post to the Forums (and which Forums, I leave up to BFC), and I will stand surety for him.

If he does wrong, or steps outside the line, I will not only curse him with my last breath, but I will leave the Forums.

And I like the Forums. I like the Peng Challenge Thread. I feel...comfortable, there.

[ May 08, 2008, 10:29 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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True art! Only you could twist the famous Shakespeare/Bacon/Vere/ funeral speech from Julius Caesar in such a marvelously perverse way and produce such a masterpiece. "I come not to praise...but to exhume..." Brilliant! You should probably auction off the sig rights straightaway.

Now, how did I miss something as cosmically significant as the dropping of the dread Maul du Grammont? When did this drear reckoning occur?


Despite the fact that Herr Dorosh has repeatedly been, er, less than kind to me, I would like to join the superbly argued petition of Seanachai and ask that Herr Dorosh be granted CM Purgatory, as opposed to permanent banishment from these "celestial realms." Naturally, should said petition be granted the duration of the purgatorial, purgative, cleansing experience is ever at your discretion.


John Kettler

[ May 08, 2008, 11:31 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

Now, how did I miss something as cosmically significant as the dropping of the dread Maul du Grammont? When did this drear reckoning occur?


John Kettler

It took place in the Peng Challenge Thread itself, where most things go, if not unregarded, at least unremarked.

It's been something like 3 weeks. I have been in the Wasteland, coming to grips with how I should regard it all.

The Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread...we have certain obligations. Duties. Each according to Our Nature.

Berli judges. Peng mocks. I...

Have decided to speak up for Grog Dorosh.

Because everyone should have someone to speak up for them. So that there wasn't a silence when they came for them. Wrong or Right, no one should go into that good night without someone to speak for them.

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Hmm...Is he and his buddies not slagging BFC off on other forums tho? I know that is not relevant per se to this forum but it's not exactly Gentlemanly conduct.

Meach is still banned and he feels he should not return either cos he's a sweary lad who calles a sharp edged gardening earth moving implement a "f*$£%ng spade" It's his mental condition, really.

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Sometimes Seanachai makes sense.

Not often.

Not on purpose.

Not sober.

But sometimes.

And I have an old ASL Annual that I keep in the downstairs bathroom, and that Annual has an article by Grog Dorosh. And sometimes, when I'm in that downstairs bathroom, I read of it. And I think of Grog Dorosh.

And I've met Canadians who know of him, and kinda sorta don't think he's a complete and utter git. And one plays the pipes, and one has a basement museum of Commonwealth WWII stuff somewhere near Windsor, and I bought a bunch of poorly-painted microarmor from him, and it sits in tackle boxes in my basement waiting for the day when I might re- base it for my own purposes. And the one who plays the pipes is even now doing a crapload of work for the engineering of the new I35W bridge in Minneapolis.

And if that doesn't mean anything, well, then, I'm posting at 3:38AM CDT after a couple of rum&Cokes and near the end of a Partagas Black Gigante cigar that has the rough dimensions and weight of a baby's arm, and if that doesn't earn Seanachai's stupid ideas some significance, well, I don't know what could.

And, I Met a Slave Girl on the Road to Ar and Spanked Her for Approximately the Next 47 Pages.

-le dale

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As long as he still takes pot shots, I won't welcome him back.

"They offer another "campaign". Will be interesting to see who is left on the scenario design team and what new faces have been recruited. Maybe fans will be "treated" to 20 more rune specials..."

He has been an ass to me for no reason. End of story.


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Fools said I, you do not know

Silence like a cancer grows.

Hear my words that I might teach you,

Take my arms that I might reach you.

But my words like silent raindrops fell,

And echoed

In the wells of silence

Paul Simon

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I say leave him where he is (still bashing BFC and Steve personally) making wild assumptions about their furniture arrangements. Seems his only remorse is that he wasn't a martyr in some other thread than Peng.

Nice effort on your part. How much were you paid? Make sure you count it. smile.gif

He wanted The Pit now he's got it, "PTing till till his a$$*%^# is sucking buttermilk" (his words) Some of the only ones I liked) 34tanba.gif...


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Dorosh is an ass. But he is kinda /our/ ass. Like the dog that can no longer hold its bowels or the toothless cat that sits and dribbles in your lap, putting its claws in places you wish it wouldn't; he's an utter pain but somehow comforting, if only as a reminder that you shouldn't invest so much of yourself in an online presence.

So I'd be OK with him coming back, but I'd understand if he couldn't. Steve had given him more than enough rope and he's turned himself into one of those weird Japanese fetishes that look so much hard work before hanging himself. You know the ones.

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Originally posted by monkeezgob:

You can't set a precedent like this...

Other members, even a cranky Irish physician IIRC, have been banned and then un-banned, and so dear young one it is decidedly not setting a precedent.

In anycase, a tip of the ol' mug to Seanachai for the effort.

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Such bitter flavor i got form his latest posts that i think it would take alot of self-disipline from him to NOT keep on writing in such way like he did.

Then again i can see minor seeds of damage in MD's ban. Some persons just can't be replaced by others waiting in the line... Dunno is MD one of them, but i've got impression that he knows much about things usually discussed in these forums and can offer lots of info (which generally are right) about various subjects. There are some guys in other forums which i miss if they got banned, and lack of their presense is damaging atmosphere of forums in general... and can't be replaced by others. But, overall i'm new person in these forums, who just recently has started to visit here regularry.

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Originally posted by Mishga:

Hmm...Is he and his buddies not slagging BFC off on other forums tho? I know that is not relevant per se to this forum but it's not exactly Gentlemanly conduct.

Meach is still banned and he feels he should not return either cos he's a sweary lad who calles a sharp edged gardening earth moving implement a "f*$£%ng spade" It's his mental condition, really.

Meach's sin was he swore at a fellow forum member, not that he swore at a gardening implement. I believe he need only recognize that error in judgement to be re-instated. Personally I wish he would. The forum is less fun without him. ;)

Dorosh?...wasn't he some kind of Far North tribal God?

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Don't tip the mug too far, DW, or you'll have dalem and Lars at your feet trying to sop up any spillage.

I have known Grog Dorosh for far longer than I care to admit, and, quite frankly, am rather convinced that the man is a few screws short of an orgy. At the very least, he is certainly, as the venerable phrase goes, crazier than a tree full of rats.

I've been the target of some of his abuse, and, of course, have not refrained from heaping a steaming pile of abuse upon his pointy Canuckian head myself.

I can see both sides here -- Steve of Battlefront has the right to control what goes on in his virtual house, and we who are but guests can merely make requests.

On the other hand, Grog Dorosh is a Cesspuddlian, of sorts, and I firmly believe that having another useless git in the Muthah Beautiful Thread is always worthwhile, because they tend to make me look better in comparison.

Perhaps, after time, Battlefront could choose to invite Grog Dorosh to return and participate, on their terms. I, for one, would welcome such a move.

Oh and Rune -- we all hate your scenarios. They bring forth in us a righteous anger that burns white hot in our veins. We would all like to feed you feet first into an industrial sausage press, then scatter the remnants amongst a group of chattering Capuchian monkeys just for the joy of watching them fling it about like so much poo before finally consuming your putrid flesh.

To be honest, Rune, the thought of your remains being eaten by an organ grinder monkey amuses me more than you can possibly know. It makes me giggle to think that you might finally be repaid for such monstrousities as Assault on St. Vith, The Hills are Alive, Crossroads in the Fog, Night of the Engineers, and so many others. Frankly, lad, with your karma, the best you can hope for in the next life is to return as a junebug, to be squished quickly and unmercifully beneath the wheels of a passing redneck's dualie.


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Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

Other members, even a cranky Irish physician IIRC, have been banned and then un-banned, and so dear young one it is decidedly not setting a precedent.

Fionn only lasted about a week after that, as I recall. ;)

But then again, surely we can suffer a Dorosh for another week? smile.gif

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Details, details.... :D

So was the final banishment number three then? Thinking back, and wow its been a few years, wasn't he banned a couple times before the final padlock was applied?

Heck of a CMx1 player anyways, learned a lot from him.

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Originally posted by MarkEzra:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mishga:

Hmm...Is he and his buddies not slagging BFC off on other forums tho? I know that is not relevant per se to this forum but it's not exactly Gentlemanly conduct.

Meach is still banned and he feels he should not return either cos he's a sweary lad who calles a sharp edged gardening earth moving implement a "f*$£%ng spade" It's his mental condition, really.

Meach's sin was he swore at a fellow forum member, not that he swore at a gardening implement. I believe he need only recognize that error in judgement to be re-instated. Personally I wish he would. The forum is less fun without him. ;)

Dorosh?...wasn't he some kind of Far North tribal God? </font>

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As the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread I answer the call of an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread and weigh in, on behalf of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread, on the important question of the reinstatement of Grog Dorosh.

I hereby and on behalf of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread hereby formally and irrrevocably commit the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread to a firm policy of ... "We Don't Give A ****e One Way Or The Other."

So let it be written, so let it be done.


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