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Seanachai Challenges Peng to the Inappropriateness of Shock Thread


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Hey! I got a raccoon under the porch!

You know it's damn cold out when the wild critters are relying on me for heat!

What the hell is wrong with you? Get out there and give the poor little bastard some port! Call yourself a host, do you...</font>
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Seanachai Challenges Peng to the Inappropriateness of Shock Thread
What the hell is that? Seanachai challenges Peng TO the Inappropriateness ... TO the Inappropriateness?

Now I certainly don't expect Shakespeare from Australians, but I DO expect at least a VARIANT of English.

As to the ongoing stoat (spelt but not bolded) controversy, I find that the offer of Blood Hamster to be entirely in keeping with the Traditions of the CessPool SINCE and ONLY since it was OFFERRED by the original claimant. His claim had value (of a sort, it IS stoat (spelt but not bolded) we're discussing) and it is a time honored tradition that such articles of value be placed on the block in exchange for other articles of value.

But, there lies the rub. What will Seanachai be wagering in this contest eh? Now granted he IS playing rleete and likely his tactical acumen will hardly be pressed ... how hard is it to hit GO over and over again? But still the forms must be obeyed ... what will YOU wager Seanachai, should you lose?


p.s. I'd like to thank the FISA Committee for their fine service ... except for Boo Radley who was a SPECTACULAR failure as Chairman.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Seanachai Challenges Peng to the Inappropriateness of Shock Thread

What the hell is that? Seanachai challenges Peng TO the Inappropriateness ... TO the Inappropriateness?

Now I certainly don't expect Shakespeare from Australians, but I DO expect at least a VARIANT of English.

As to the ongoing stoat (spelt but not bolded) controversy, I find that the offer of Blood Hamster to be entirely in keeping with the Traditions of the CessPool SINCE and ONLY since it was OFFERRED by the original claimant. His claim had value (of a sort, it IS stoat (spelt but not bolded) we're discussing) and it is a time honored tradition that such articles of value be placed on the block in exchange for other articles of value.

But, there lies the rub. What will Seanachai be wagering in this contest eh? Now granted he IS playing rleete and likely his tactical acumen will hardly be pressed ... how hard is it to hit GO over and over again? But still the forms must be obeyed ... what will YOU wager Seanachai, should you lose?


p.s. I'd like to thank the FISA Committee for their fine service ... except for Boo Radley who was a SPECTACULAR failure as Chairman. </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Abbott:

Hey Emrys i think I found a gal that lives up in Wash. for you...

Wait one...

I got a pic around here someplace...

Oh, here it is...


You laugh, but when I first moved into this place, there was an elderly lady here who was regularly visited by a covey of four or five similarly aged ladies on motorbikes. Nothing as "progressive" as the machine in your pic, you understand. These were just a bit more than mopeds, but when after an hour or so they'd all go snarling out of here sounding like a nest of gigantic Japanese hornets, it was something to behold!

:rolleyes: :eek: :D

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Abbott? I knew I should have shown up in that shotgun thread and told the bloody world that I am sick and tired of your macho posturing,

I guess it was the MoveOn joke huh? Well, he is a Wartime Vice President, who did you think he was going to shoot?
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Boo!, your new sig will be in the mail tonight. I have edited that little snippet I sent you awhile ago to an appropriate length and for content. Oh, and there's a link so people can see the real you - up close and personal. I think you will like it.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Boo!, your new sig will be in the mail tonight. I have edited that little snippet I sent you awhile ago to an appropriate length and for content. Oh, and there's a link so people can see the real you - up close and personal. I think you will like it.

Oh, I'm sure that if it came from your warped and stygian-like mind, it will be a thing both odd and reprehensible.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But, there lies the rub. What will Seanachai be wagering in this contest eh? Now granted he IS playing rleete and likely his tactical acumen will hardly be pressed ... how hard is it to hit GO over and over again?

Joe, what is the likelihood that this match will ever get finished ?

Neither of them is very swift in the turn sending department, why rleete still owes me a turn from 2004.

I say we give them each a Louisville Slugger and let them pummel each other until only one is standing. I guess that might be a little difficult to determine in the Gnome's case, but it certainly would not take as long.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But, there lies the rub. What will Seanachai be wagering in this contest eh? Now granted he IS playing rleete and likely his tactical acumen will hardly be pressed ... how hard is it to hit GO over and over again?

Joe, what is the likelihood that this match will ever get finished ?

Neither of them is very swift in the turn sending department, why rleete still owes me a turn from 2004.

I say we give them each a Louisville Slugger and let them pummel each other until only one is standing. I guess that might be a little difficult to determine in the Gnome's case, but it certainly would not take as long. </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Speaking of Blood Hamster!!! matches, Peng finally was able to squeak out a win against me.

I guess a Tactical Victory counts?

So, he will be in charge of my sig for the next 30 days. Expect to see something both purile and vaguely upsetting. Much like Peng himself.

Good. I am thoroughly sick of the disgusting display of narcissism in your current sig. Revolting. And unwarranted as well.


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Dear fracking Peng in a Sandwhich what the bloody hell has been going on now!

(Gunzel) Some ‘orrible little critter here has been fiddling with my dear Stenographer! She ain’t saying who, but it’s gotta be one of you lot. Come on, one of you own up… and none of that ‘I’m Spartacus’ nonsense

(IXc) It beggars belief but the flipping Nu-Yoika is correct, a traditional Blood Hamster will take far too much time.

However I'm sure that if one of us cooked up an extremely quick ‘special’ scenario for the pair of them we could get a result for ‘stoat the lovetoy’ before the end of the year.

I, of course, offer my services to both the FISA panel and the Greater Cesspool community (still) at large.

(ipso) Shirley there must be some way to stop these oddstralian threads? I mean, put it this way, I first showed up in an oddstralian thread.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Seanachai Challenges Peng to the Inappropriateness of Shock Thread

What the hell is that? Seanachai challenges Peng TO the Inappropriateness ... TO the Inappropriateness?

Now I certainly don't expect Shakespeare from Australians, but I DO expect at least a VARIANT of English.</font>

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Dear fracking...


You owe me a turn from about two weeks ago, you foetid fishmonger!!!

Now, no more of this lollygagging galivanting around, former Squire of mine, or I'll plant this BOOT!!! so deep, your breath will smell like shoe polish!!!

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I still maintain that if a Blood Hamster is to be waged for the Squireship of young stoat (spelt but not bolded), then the length of said Blood Hamster is NOT critical and in fact must be secondary to the actual PROCESS of determining the ownership of the lad.

That being said, I did once create a "special" CMBB scenario devised solely for the purpose of getting my then Squire, Papa Khann to his requisite five CessPool games. That being accomplished I could declare him Knight and BE RID OF HIM and his layabout, idle, slothful ways.

So ... I created a scenario of TWO TURNS in length ... he actually won, not that I cared. The name of the scenario was, as I recall, "Let's Get Papa Khann Out Of The Castle Then Shall We?"

It was a wonderful thing, blizzard like snow, a viciously cratered landscape, minefields, virtually zero visibility and, I loved this touch, SKI TROOPS on both sides. It was a Ker Dessel* special of course.


* Ker Dessel - When It's Called A Setup For A Reason

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I was able to press my attack pretty well up until the last two turns. Jeff has stopped my attack in its tracks or is that and it's tracks? Anyway he took out two MKIV's a couple of turns ago which blunted my advance now he has destroyed my PZIII which was holding the center. It looks like his pair of T-34's will continue to wreak havoc upon my infantry. Well done.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Forget the Blood Hamster...

We should decide the Stoat issue with a manly game of 'paper, scissors, rock'.

Just as soon as Seanachai can extract his fingers from his puppets....which may take some time...

ummm, I don't think that is his puppet, unless he uses a life size puppet of Dalem....

Well, I guess they get bored during those long, cold, dark Minnesota winters...

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

Boo!, your new sig will be in the mail tonight. I have edited that little snippet I sent you awhile ago to an appropriate length and for content. Oh, and there's a link so people can see the real you - up close and personal. I think you will like it.

Oh, I'm sure that if it came from your warped and stygian-like mind, it will be a thing both odd and reprehensible. </font>
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