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my infantry lie slaughtered and screaming on the battlefield. my armored vehicles are in flames.

myself, i'm to be shot this very evening.

can someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong?

i have the superior force. i try to use my superior firepower. yet i continually get destroyed. like vince lombardi used to say,

"gentlemen, this is a football."

can someone explain football to me?

goodbye cruel world,

captain midnight (literally)

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The number one thing to remember is: If you can be seen you can be killed.

Slow down, WAY DOWN. Basic tactics are even more vital now than in a WWII game where you have more of a buffer. In WWII, if you are seen you get shot at. In modern warfare, if you are seen you get shot.

Take advantage of terrain, get to know it. Zoom down to unit level and see what your guys are seeing. The representaion isn't perfect but it will allow you to get an idea of where you can send your guys.

Be decisive. If you are going to take something don't just nickle and dime it. Take good routes and get there with lots of combat power. Along with this, isolate the point of attack. Don't just blunder into the enemy's killsack. Use whatever is necessary to limit the number of enemies that can shoot at you. If that means taking out minor flanking positions prior to moving to the main attack then so be it. Once you commit to your main objective you don't want to be getting clobbered from the flank.

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Don't feel bad igor ..I get my cookies dusted all the time ..someone said in another thread that U.S. infantry was hard to kill ..funny, I don't seem to have a problem getting them killed :(

My little guys hate me. I always get that funny sensation that I'm about to be fragged by my own guys.

I don't think I have grasped just yet how to use this new fangled hardware. But hey, I'm having a good time learning.



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This is a good thread... I've been having the same issues. I regularly get all of my armored vehicles decmiated well before I can even get in close enough to drop my troops off. I guess it's just a new set of tactics to learn.

I'm just happy that the game is now fun enough to play that it's worth trying to learn those tactics.

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I regularly get all of my armored vehicles decmiated well before I can even get in close enough to drop my troops off.
well, thats a clear sign that you dismount much much to late!!!

as i "learned" to play CMx1 when i had it new, i had to learn that a battle can be won(for me personally) also if i acually lost it(minor defeat or so ;) ).

means you go as slow as you think, possibly a bit slower, than you will most probably end up near the objective without beeing totaly waxed but too late to get the objective.

thats some kind of win! :D

now when you can do that regulary, you can add speed at some points to acually "get" to the objective at the end of the battle.

but by getting totaly destroyed you dont learn all too much in game therms, its better to learn wich functioning units.

well that was my philosophy, luckilie CMx1 and CMx2 play verrry similar so more or less all wich applied to CMx1 applies here too.

so i generally sack the opposition here in CMSF.

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Originally posted by Mishga:

CMSF is like making love to a beautiful woman. Take it slow, cover every approach and don't plunge in to fast smile.gif

You make it all sound so easy ..I'll have to give those tactics a go ....but she is not gonna be happy! :D

Just when I'm really starting to get into the game ..I get sidetracked. But I think I'll be back in about 5 minutes .. smile.gif



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Well ...got sidetracked again. I forgot Nascar was on so I turned that on to watch about 30 laps or so. Now I'm sleepy. F1 is coming on about an hour from now. Might watch that. I already forgot what this thread was about ...Oh, tactics I think. I think me has short attention span.



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The engagement ranges for the M1 in the game are not exactly optimal. On the open field you would want the most stand off you can get. If urban, and you are using armor and armored vehicles use your firepower, smoke and indirect fires to isolate the battle and suppress the enemy.

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Just got 2 M1A1HCs and M1A2 penetrated and KO'd by Syrian T-62MVs and T-72M(2001)s. That didn't make me wonder per se, but the fact they were all penetrated thru fontal aspect did. No side-shots..straight frontal penetrations in head to head fight over 1k distance.

Kind of wonder that. Even AT-11 is not supposed to do that...much less their sabot rounds.

So..I'd really like to see hit texts to clarify why they were penetrated.

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Originally posted by Sardaukar:

Just got 2 M1A1HCs and M1A2 penetrated and KO'd by Syrian T-62MVs and T-72M(2001)s. That didn't make me wonder per se, but the fact they were all penetrated thru fontal aspect did. No side-shots..straight frontal penetrations in head to head fight over 1k distance.

Kind of wonder that. Even AT-11 is not supposed to do that...much less their sabot rounds.

So..I'd really like to see hit texts to clarify why they were penetrated.

Yeah, that doesn't sound right either, at least for a T-62....hmmmm. I wonder what is going on. They should not be able to penetrate from the front, but I am not an expert on the ammunition these T-62 could be using or if there is a type of ammunition that would penetrate the front of an M1A2.

As for the AT-11, if it is a top down attack weapon then I could see it killing an M-1, but not a frontal armor hit.

I know during Desert Storm there were several instances of M1s taking multiple frontal armor hits to the turret with no penetration. Now that may have been due to the ammunition used back then too, not sure. I am not a tanker, just a lowly infantryman.

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I love the "making love" analogy! Only on this board BUT check out this move:

You must mount quickly and then dismount . I usually mount my US troops during set up and get a fistful of "infantry Viagra" that would be the Javelin. I start most scenarios dismounted and use the troops to spot and then decimate the enemy with Javelins. Next a slow methodical advance with split squads hunting. The back up is Stryker’s and Bradley’s. The guys are right slow is the key word. Meet all resistance with all the firepower you can muster.

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Good rules to live by; especially from Mishga ;) . Me personally I find you must be very methodical in how you approach fire and manuever. Make sure that you cover every possible enemy location with at least a covered arc. The covered arc will allow your units to see and engage quicker if they are ambushed. also any known or highly suspected location should be covered with area fire. Once this is done then move your maneuver elements to a good firing/ covering position then rinse and repeat.

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I found that it helps to approach (as the US Army, at least) from long range, where your big guns, javelins, MGs, and Strykers can cover your advance. Advance slowly with infantry, and as soon as they draw fire, have them hit the dirt and start shooting with everything. Even if your men haven't actually spotted the enemy, just area fire to suppress them. Besides, area fire with an M1A2 can usually cause more casualties than aimed fire with an M4 . . .

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I gotta second the Field Marshal's post.

I just tried using similar tactics, taking a lead infantry platoon, splitting two squads into fire teams and using them to advance using hunt to draw fire. Behind them was half a company's worth of firepower including a Javelin team with more than sufficient ammo. Every time an enemy position opened up it was hit from 6+ sources and if they were in a building a Javelin or MGS round made their day less than pleasant. No casualties to my scouts because their fire support would hit before the enemy could do much.

Never really got much use out of my infantry for scouting before reading this, but definitely think I will be getting more use out of them in the future.

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