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To kick things off... a poll of sorts...

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1. Scale

2. Interface


1. More terain flexibility

2. Controll over air support (IE HQs mark targets for them)

3. Ability to simmulate raids on bases by commandos / convoy ambushes

4. AI that can handle embarked troops better and use boats.

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1. Fluid C/C. It can be very frustrating (and highly unrealistic) to have C/C represented as an on/off switch. It should be scaled to some degree.

2. Some changes to make 3rd party uber-campaigns easier.

3. Game Options for dimishing the All-Seeing Eye Problem. A couple that options that I can think of are:


  • A. option for different turn lengths (2 minute or 3 minute turns as opposed to just 1 minute turns)</font>
  • B. Friendly Unit FOW setting. In some limited situations, I think it would help to not have perfect information about what is happening to my units, but still be able to give them orders.</font>

4. SOP's

5. Convoy Rules

Dont Change

1. AI Focus. Keep the empahsis on the Tac AI as opposed to Strat AI.

2. QB's

3. Import Map and Troops (always wondered why this option was not in the editor as well)

4. PBEM (or some other asynchronous play option)

5. adding multiplayer to release 2.

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2) realism

3) WW II


1) Dumb movement and pathfinding, unit shouldn't travel straight between waypoints, it should find some inteligent path. Allow convoys and other formations.

2) Drop order delay per waypoint

3) Drop God's eye view, make all terrain features (trees, houses, etc) spottable. At the beginning of the game, player should only see barren landscape.

4) Let the player draw various markers and lines on the map.

5) more randomness everywhere (I mean things like speed of movement, visibility, reaction time, etc).

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

5) More cowbell

Don't fear the reaper... :D

1. Allow combining of 1 man remnants into larger squads, perhaps at a cost to overall morale.

2. Provide for water courses of different types, and add some water sound effects.

3. Provide a linked campaign system with core group history.

4. Maintain current historical integrity. No Arcade gaming here.

5. Don't feel that you have to over-tax current technology just to make a great looking game that only plays on top-end systems. Allow the user to toggle hardware demands from the pre-game interface.

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1) PBEM support - with reduced files per turn

2) (Relatively) stream-lined selection of orders -> playability

3) Turn-based WEGO system

4) Support for user mods and scenarios

5) Vision as tactical simulation versus "game"


1) Mac OS X!

2) Campaign support, even if just import/export hooks for third party usage

3) AI scripting or other means to improve single player scenarios

4) More varied scoring-victory conditions

5) Liven up AAR screen by highlighting top performers for each side

Looking forward to getting back into CM!


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1. Focus on World War II

2. Realism over eye candy

3. Scale of game

4. Mod-ability of terrain, forces and scenarios

5. Ease of play


1. More fog of war for own and enemy forces and terrain features

2. More weather effects on movement and fatigue

3. Reduce the gaminess of the map edge so it's more difficult to secure your flank by moving along the side edges of the map ... perhaps have edge-huggers draw fire from abstracted enemy forces off the map edge

4. Support Mac OSX

5. Return the "ride the tank" feature from CMBO on camera level 1. (You could select a vehicle and the camera view would be from the top of the vehicle as it moved.)

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- Scale - squad to regiment(?)

- Reasonable balance between armor and infantry

- Ability to create and distribute scenarios, campaigns and mods

Change or Add:

- Ability to control the initial movements of the AI. In certain scenarios (such as an ambush scenario), the scenario designer may wish to plot specific movements for the AI opponent in the beginning of the scenario. A good example of that would be the old Harpoon naval game: At each plot point there is a % chance of course deviance (e.g., 30% to go this-a-way, 60% to go that-a-way, 10% chance to go the other way). The idea is to give the AI a very general set of commands like "Move to the hill via the town". The % deviance would enable even the designer to play the game against the AI and be surprised. Reinforcements could be handled the same way.

- Variable rates of artillery fire

- Transfer of Units and Game Maps from one game to another. Same thing goes for Battles to Scenarios and vice versa.

- Show targetable area as a color overlay rather than single LOS

- Map-building: A drag-and-change altitude tool like the old Sim City map editor; cut and paste ability with map features (possibly with filters such as "altitude only" or "man-made features only"); variable weather (starts out rainy and ends up foggy, for example)

And of course horses and motorcycles!

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I would like to see

1. Ability to keep core units and gain experience with them similar to SPWAW

2. Able to change name of person in unit

3. I would like to see the terrain heights more easily seen for a level 3 and 4 so you can plot unit moves more easily.

4.. Flag placements and missions

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Not read all the posts so maybe I have a number of repeated points.

Players have used CM for large multi-player Campaigns so I would like to see tools that would help with this.

Umpire mode with management systems and editing of troops which would normaly be considered cheating. (I think this needs some thought and discussion with players who have run these campaigns.)

(I am against units getting better with combat experience because the opposite effect is what really happened.)

Motorcycles and Mounted Cavalry represented if possible.

Better modelling of MGs on tanks – coaxial (more like HMG) different from Hull (LMG burst mode). I think tank MGs are not represented as powerful enough in the current CM games – very apparent in early period.

Better modelling of tank commanders getting killed or buttoning up.

Better modelling of grenade throwing – so tactic before assault and Hand to Hand with bayonets, etc

Options for larger and more real defensive systems such as minefields in depth rather than the odd booby trap representation that we have now - ok I admit these are not very playable for points games but should be available for scenario designers.

If you are going to do Pacific then Naval landings (nice for D-Day too) and jungle terrain.

Better modelling of real AI in operations and options for not just moving from one end of the map to the other. I tried to model a real battle where the Germans arrived on the side of the map! Also option to remove troops for operation designers after a fight – such as heavy artillery left behind in the chase phase of a battle.

Greater effort at accurately representing real troop organizations such as large squadron sized tank units. Can we move on from trying to represent paper organizations and try and represent the real understrength and battered real combat organizations used for the different periods. This could be flexible with players been able to pick and mix to a certain extent at Battalion level, ie optional levels of Infantry AT weapons such as AT-Rifles or PIATS - currently over strength compared with most real organizations.

Not interested in moving clouds and other such crap! Please concentrate on getting the gameplay right.

Ok Mike my Englsh is still crap but at least I am English ;)

[ August 29, 2005, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: Mark Gallear ]

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It's been a while since I posted. Such a good topic... I'm in general agreement with most previous suggestions.


1. Abstracted soldiers. We don't need to see everybody.


1. Improved AI.

2. Improved sound effects, (whats that? did you say 'Surround Sound'?)

3. Improved road movement for vehicles.

4. Mud, deep snow, starbursts.

5. Ability to set variable length of turns (e.g. instead of 1 minute perhaps 3 minutes)

[ August 29, 2005, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: norvandave ]

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Requests for CMX2

1. The ability to insert oneself into the game. For example, name a squad leader after yourself at the beginning of a battle. Then be able to track yourself and your squads performance throughout a series of battles; pull up statistics on number of kills, squad mates wounded, morale, weapons etc...which are cumulative. Save the statistics.

2. The ability to play back an entire scenario in movie format.

3. Improve convoy/vehicle movement commands.

4. Improve airstrike and artillery commands/functionality.

5. Tanks have the uncanny ability to spot AT guns and bazookas/panzerfausts way to quickly. Please fix this.

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1. Pushing bogged vehicles increases odds of unbogging.

2. Persistent smoke screens

3. Thin skinned AFV's not so resistent to AP ammo

4. More arty options and realism. Can on-board mortars fire where they can't see yet? They would certainly be inaccurate and the unobserved ground detonations would not be seen by the player.

5. Most important... Convoy vehicles command (with "stay on road" option.)


1. Huge maps


3. AI Player



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Don't Change

WEGO system

PBEM - I know wishful thinking but us Aussies its hard to find people in our timezone.

Your dedication to realism


Need a Campaign Experience addition, or even a two verus two campaign experience.

Operation editor much more involved, which would included reinforcement entry at varying times, more deloyment areas.

Smoke an AT gun then using area fire on the AT gun which has a fair bit of accuracy to knock it out, this option must be more realistic. Either smoke not as accurate as shells or Area fire not as accurate when firing at smoke.

Spotting of AT teams a lot harder, at the moment I think it very easy to spot two people, whereas even in brush they could be hiding in a ditch.

More terrain features, such as Anti Tank Ditches, fortified positions like bunkers that squads can enter, creeks just more and more hahah

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No change:

1 Scale (or at least coninue to be able to play at platoon/company/individual vehicle, even if the system can play bigger. Not interested in smaller - individual man)

2 realism priority over candy



5 no 100% control over individual units - TAC AI and panic reactions out of player control(but you can always improve he AI!)


1 Borg spotting to relative

2 more sophisticated C&C - chain of command, delays etc. Orders flow down the chain etc. Non-organic HQ can take command of a unit, but with penalties - higher delay, lack of full bonus. Full effects dependent on nationality, troop type etc. eg German Btn HQ from another Btn, small effects; British infantry HQ over tanks, bigger effect (at least pre 1944); Rumanian inf HQ over SS tank unit - almost no benefit.

3 Multplayer, integrated into the command system - that is player a can have a unit or group of sub units from the same inf btn, but can only have flexibility, say platoon of inf (out of the btn), and 3 tanks (out of a company) as a single command, if scenario designer allows it, and national characteristics/troop quality permits (i.e fairly flexible Ge elite, less so UK line, almost impossible Sov conscripts)

4 Advanced info on terrain before unit purchase in QB or equivalent (although not necessarily full map - fuzzy level 9 view?)

5 List of units on your side visible at start of scenario (not current status, just 'what have I got under cammand')

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WW2 (at least)

Turn system

Sim rather than game




1 - Contiuous, all turns playback option

2 - Simple 'campaign'play where you buy a force, it fights, it's value is recalc'd. You can play the force again in any battle in the same theatre as long as battle is a later date by having it as a buy option in the force list. Force with new re-inforcements fights again, is recalc'd. Continue til end date of conflict. Unit stats kept and unit rename options.

3 - Higher level campaign over lay a la the CM x10 system allowing large formation gaming with engagements then (optionally) resolved by a generated battle on the current CM scale


4 - option to get to see map (in some form) before unit selection in a QB

Not asking too much, heh. Thanks for your continuing work.

[ August 30, 2005, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: Fenris ]

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1 - COVER and CONCEALMENT - This needs to be programmed as well as the differing penetration abilities of small arms. Obviously, damage needs to be tracked as well. That way my .50 caliber will be able to dismantle the house my opponent is hiding in. smile.gif Then my squaddies can have their fun.

2 - IN GAME OOB MENU - This drop-down menu will enable me, at a glance, to check on my entire force. I can do so already, but it takes a long time and a repetitious "+" and "-" scrolling. No gameplay changes, just a better player experience.

3 - PRE-GAME OOB MENU - Same as above, but the attributes of individual units are changeable. Again, I can do so already in the editor, but with a lot of workload. (Ammo loadouts, leadership levels, etc.)

4 - CAMPAIGN SYSTEM - I want to EASILY give my men a series of battles. Between battle tweaks are allowed; wounded, ammo, replacements, etc.

5 - HIGHER FIDELITY ARMOR SYSTEM - Track the energy status of penetrating weapons; internally map ACTUAL locations of systems in a vehicle; each system has a property relating to kinetic energy and allowed damage limits; track vehicle status based on internal damage.

E.g., a shell penetrates a turret side: it has, say, 2,000 unites of Kinetic Energy remaining. Mounted on the same turret side is the tank's radio. It has a value of 200 KE. The shell destroys the radio and has 1,800 KE's leftover. The assistant gunner is rated at 1,000 KE. Hmm, he's toast. Now the shell has 800 KE. It can't get out. It now wounds the Gunner.

Vehicle status: radio inop; no assistant loader, so greatly increased load times; wounded gunner, so reduced accuracy, or perhaps a totally inop gun/coax.

See Panzer Elite's internal model.


1 - PBEM

2 - Play vs. Computer

3 - All the other good stuff. smile.gif



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No change:

Simplicity of play. Too many games seem to keep adding complexity with each upgrade at the expense of playability. If you do add more detail (i.e. every man in a squad can fire at a different target) allow this to be turned off.

WWII as the theatre of operation. Eventually from Poland to Berlin

WEGO system: the best solution I have seen

Easy MODs

Great support


Optional on/off: A level of spotting that allows you to designate the overall commander and only see what he sees. All other information about troop positions is sketchy, occasionally updated by new reports

Better road movement, especially convoys

Effect of camouflage: I often feel that a well hidden gun gets spotted far too easily. Maybe I'm just a sore loser

Mac compatible regardless of G5 vs Intel

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1 - 5³) Keep the PBEM feature

5³+1) Keep the we-go-system


1) Movement orders with waypoints for groups

2) I'm missing a sneak order that doesn't result in crouching.

3) Dynamic weather effects, weather changing during the battle, weather that varies from one edge of the map to the other (at least on large maps).

4) A realistic artillery system with realistic artillery effects. There is a threat running about this.

5) Let me have a beautiful landscape. Gras and flowers rolling in the wind, water wistheling a melody in brooks, sweet villages with friendly, happy people and dogs and cats and cows and horses. Let me bring death and destruction over this girly bull****.

I don't want:

Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

Play-aid: can we please be able to turn off the display of dead units.

I want 5a : Soldiers of Fortune Mode - Can we please turn on gutts, gore, exploding heads and bellys, scattered limbs and burning people running around, with realistc sound effects? War is hell!

[ August 30, 2005, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]

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1. Better AI waypoint calculation. I hate seeing my vehicles advancing in reverse because two drivers had an argument.

2. Addition of convoy command would be a big help

3. Expanded Operations options like random reinforcements and/or random arrival.

4. Fully articulated track systems would be nice instead of the 1 pixel deep stencils we have now.

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