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I see Peng people challenging around like regular people

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

So..there is a vacancy?

Yes Stickypixie, you can take my place on the 'Full Investigation of Seanachai's Actions' committee.

Of course as there are no more non-thread closing actions of Seanachai left to investigate...

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I hereby declaim and proclair ... stoat shall be placed into the care and responsibility of rleete who shall instruct him in the duties and responsibilities of a proper Knight of the CessPool ...



You might as well pack it in Stoat. rleete couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I hereby declaim and proclair ... stoat shall be placed into the care and responsibility of rleete who shall instruct him in the duties and responsibilities of a proper Knight of the CessPool ...



You might as well pack it in Stoat. rleete couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel. </font>

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It's sad to be playing against people who would do anything to win isn't it.

I've spoken before about Stuka "neglecting" to inform me that he'd played the same scenario before, but being a non-double-blind player just doesn't stack up against some players. Stuka, being Australian, isn't the brightest bulb in the garden (it's tulip season isn't it) and really hasn't the guile to try to sneak something over.

Others might, for example, create a QB Attack scenario in which they were the attacker ... nothing wrong with that of course ... unless the turns somehow, MYSTERIOUSLY, end up being TWICE that of the standard QB. No need to hurry in that case of course, take your time and blow the snot out of every bush and rock before you get close.

Still others might, one can suppose, create a QB scenario from an existing map ... only reasonable you might say, unless you know that they have SEEN the map and you haven't. Might make it a bit unfair when purchasing troops you might say.

I'd suggest appointing a commission to review the situation but we'd have to exclude a couple of people who served on the F.I.S.A. Committee ... conflict of interest and all that.

I note, apropos of nothing at all, that I'm NOT currently playing either NG Cavscout nor juan_gigante ... just as a point of interest.

Sad what some people will do to win.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It's sad to be playing against people who would do anything to win isn't it.

blah blah blah

I note, apropos of nothing at all, that I'm NOT currently playing either NG Cavscout nor juan_gigante ... just as a point of interest.

Sad what some people will do to win.


As soon as my computer arrives (checking watch), I will reinstall CMBB and you can send me a setup, gamey as you want.

Hopefully you can avoid using any more big words like Apropos, they give me a headache. Or maybe that is just the normal effect you have on people....

[ May 22, 2006, 12:23 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It's sad to be playing against people who would do anything to win isn't it.

Others might, for example, create a QB Attack scenario in which they were the attacker ... nothing wrong with that of course ... unless the turns somehow, MYSTERIOUSLY, end up being TWICE that of the standard QB. No need to hurry in that case of course, take your time and blow the snot out of every bush and rock before you get close.


Yes, Joe. Yes, yes, yes... I had to read almost these exact same words in the E-mail message that accompanied your last turn.

I didn't even really look at the amount of turns in this QB I set up. I imagine it's somewhere between 40-50 which could only mean that you consider 20-25 turns as being NORMAL on a medium map.

Why is that? Do you have a problem keeping things up for extended periods?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It's sad to be playing against people who would do anything to win isn't it.

Others might, for example, create a QB Attack scenario in which they were the attacker ... nothing wrong with that of course ... unless the turns somehow, MYSTERIOUSLY, end up being TWICE that of the standard QB. No need to hurry in that case of course, take your time and blow the snot out of every bush and rock before you get close.


Yes, Joe. Yes, yes, yes... I had to read almost these exact same words in the E-mail message that accompanied your last turn.

I didn't even really look at the amount of turns in this QB I set up. I imagine it's somewhere between 40-50 which could only mean that you consider 20-25 turns as being NORMAL on a medium map.

Why is that? Do you have a problem keeping things up for extended periods? </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

It's sad to be playing against people who would do anything to win isn't it.

Others might, for example, create a QB Attack scenario in which they were the attacker ... nothing wrong with that of course ... unless the turns somehow, MYSTERIOUSLY, end up being TWICE that of the standard QB. No need to hurry in that case of course, take your time and blow the snot out of every bush and rock before you get close.


Yes, Joe. Yes, yes, yes... I had to read almost these exact same words in the E-mail message that accompanied your last turn.

I didn't even really look at the amount of turns in this QB I set up. I imagine it's somewhere between 40-50 which could only mean that you consider 20-25 turns as being NORMAL on a medium map.

Why is that? Do you have a problem keeping things up for extended periods? </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

...{snipped} ... Not exactly quoting? How about not quoting at all, but simply REFERRING to the E-mail. You're the one with the poor imagination who has to repeat the same things in various venues. How dull your mind must be.

HAH ... read YOUR OWN WORDS you dissembler you ...
I had to read almost these exact same words in the E-mail message ...
ALMOST THESE EXACT SAME WORDS ... seems pretty close to "the next best thing to it" to ME there Sparkless.

...{snipped} ... No, you didn't use my name in your post. I used my name in your post. I'm not embarrassed to admit you were talking about me behind my back, telling tales out of school, hanging out your dirty laundry, dishing dirt, spanking the monkey... wait, that's something different...
It is?

...{snipped}...Yes it is. I'm not anal like some people around here {cough}Joe{/cough}, but I think the counter stays at whatever it was set at for the previous QB.

For example, if you set up a QB - Allied Attack with you as the Germans and made the map freaking huge and then set it up so the atttacker would only have 20 turns to try to take over the dozen or so flags you had set up at the back of the map, then the next time you set up a game, even if it was a Meeting Engagement, also on a huge map with your troops much closer to the single flag, well protected behind woods and steep slopes and deep ravines... on an island... then the counter would still show 20 turns.


AHA ... so you ADMIT that you've done this BEFORE! How many people have you tricked in this fashion eh? Oh the shame of it lad, the shame of it.

I'll fight on, but NOW the entire body of the CessPool KNOWS the TRUTH ... and the TRUTH shall set them free.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

HAH ... read YOUR OWN WORDS you dissembler you ... </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I had to read almost these exact same words in the E-mail message ...

ALMOST THESE EXACT SAME WORDS ... seems pretty close to "the next best thing to it" to ME there Sparkless.</font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

HAH ... read YOUR OWN WORDS you dissembler you ...

ALMOST THESE EXACT SAME WORDS ... seems pretty close to "the next best thing to it" to ME there Sparkless.</font>
Yeah... and I never denied referring to your E-mail. But, I can't be blamed for your lack of originality. Do you still not get this? Do I have to draw you a diagram? Act it out with finger puppets?

...{snipped}...Yes it is. I'm not anal like some people around here {cough}Joe{/cough}, but I think the counter stays at whatever it was set at for the previous QB.

For example, if you set up a QB - Allied Attack with you as the Germans and made the map freaking huge and then set it up so the atttacker would only have 20 turns to try to take over the dozen or so flags you had set up at the back of the map, then the next time you set up a game, even if it was a Meeting Engagement, also on a huge map with your troops much closer to the single flag, well protected behind woods and steep slopes and deep ravines... on an island... then the counter would still show 20 turns.

See? </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />AHA ... so you ADMIT that you've done this BEFORE! How many people have you tricked in this fashion eh? Oh the shame of it lad, the shame of it.

I'll fight on, but NOW the entire body of the CessPool KNOWS the TRUTH ... and the TRUTH shall set them free.


No. Those were merely examples. I used exaggerated, gamey conditions because I wanted something that would be readily recognizable to you from your work with Ker Dessel*.

(* For when you want to play Combat Mission in the worst way!) [/QB]</font>

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Boo being gamey IS NOT NEWS, Joe. Try to keep up, huh?

I see that being deathly ill this weekend was not in vain; at least I missed all the minor functionaries (emphasis on minor) quibbling. You goons could bore a corporate accountant to death.

But, as is right, I have prevailed. Justice is served (with a parsley garnish and asparagus on the side).

STOAT! Front and center, boyo. I have a few "chores" for you.

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Dear frigging Peng in a drainpipe!

I must say I’m surprised by my own surprise at Joe Shaw’s incredulous ability to add ‘rules & regulations’ to a simple, fricking ‘Quick Battle’!

I expect he’ll need to see my bank statements and have my turn triple signed by my next of kin before we even get to the bleedin’ set-up screen!

Oh & he too sent me the EXACT same nonsense in a supposedly private fricking email (Joe does it really count as private if its entire contents have already been posted in the ‘Pool?)!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Those were merely examples. I used exaggerated, gamey conditions because I wanted something that would be readily recognizable to you from your work with Ker Dessel*.

(* For when you want to play Combat Mission in the worst way!) AHA! So you ADMIT the scenario you sent me was GAMEY!


Again, no. The EXAMPLES I used incorporated gamey conditions. Have you been slacking off on your meds again? You seem more dense than usual. If that's at all possible.

{I tell you people, it's like he's a Stuart against MY Panther.)

If by that you mean you lumber about, taking forever to maneuver in any direction, while I, nimble and fleet of...er...track can get behind you to put the proper BOOT in... I would agree.

p.s. The CORRECT Marketing Slogan for Ker Dessel is ... When It's Called A Setup For A Reason.

Don't talk to ME about marketing! I was working in marketing back before you had even dispossessed your first widow, Sirrah!

I used a former tag line because I FELT like it!

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Its the PShaw! and Boo! Show!!!

Am I to IGNORE his slimy little intrigues? Is it the place of a gentleman to let such slights and impugnations of HONOR go unchallenged?

I think that not even YOU Peng bereft of honor though you be, would recognize that.

Besides ... I had shown him to be the fool and left his defense in the dust.


p.s. Sorry, I'm watching a Three Musketeers remake.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

Its the PShaw! and Boo! Show!!!

snipped bafflegab</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Besides ... I had shown him to be the fool and left his defense in the dust.


Not so much, no...

You just showed yourself to be a whiney, girly-girl. who would most likely get LOADS of enjoyment by counting the number of angels dancing on the head of a pin... and then critiquing their form.

BTW, did you like the way my MkIII shot your TD as it cowered BEHIND that building? Now that's some fancy shootin', pardner! And it did it TWICE!

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Nidan1 you pathetic snot!

You ain’t even good enough to have the aspiration of being up MY nose!

I mean you’re being brutalised by my Romanians!

Romanians with popguns!

I suppose the best thing that can be said about you is that you somehow manage to send the correct turns to the correct people (when you send them)… most unlike Bumbling Boo.

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