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The Peng Challenge Thread(s) Of Past And Present, Where Are YOU all Now?

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Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Frankly, at this point, the only thing you've got going for you is Shari, and I don't imagine it will take more than 3 nights of brutal, unrelenting harassment before she simply duct-tapes the phone to your head and makes you sleep on the couch.

Hey that sounds like fun!

Exactly what time in the real world is 3am in Snowville? </font>

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Yes Seanachai, we are bestest buds now. Damn it, that was supposed to be a secret, just between us. But you shall not put me in a bad mood, nay, you shant, I actually have an entire day with nothing to do except get my truck out of maintenance, so I shall lounge around, suckle off the taxpayer tit, and wave my hand lazily at the local Arabs they pay to come in and pick up garbage, clean latrines, wash dishes, etc at our base. ha ha, take that!!!

Stuka, still no word on whether or when I will be able to meet you in Doha, but I will let you know as soon as possible.

Seems that all the old timers are coming around, welcome back to the party Shandorf, you should have something in your In-Box from me.

That is all

[ January 10, 2006, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Yes Seanachai, we are bestest buds now. Damn it, that was supposed to be a secret, just between us. But you shall not put me in a bad mood, nay, you shant, I actually have an entire day with nothing to do except get my truck out of maintenance, so I shall lounge around, suckle off the taxpayer tit, and wave my hand lazily at the local Arabs they pay to come in and pick up garbage, clean latrines, wash dishes, etc at our base. ha ha, take that!!!

And your youngest daughter? When was the last time you sent me a picture of your children, you feck? Do you think that I continue to exist in this hideous state of failure without the promise of hope?! The hope that something good will come after us all?!

Do you know what, young NGCavscout? I no longer remember your real name. It's not to be wondered at, I no longer remember my own. But you have a nice house there, in Beloit. Nice kids. A nice wife. I remember that. I remember, that, as these things go, you were a nice guy.

It's amazing. So far, I've met Peng, Berli, Joe Shaw, Dalem, Lars, Papa Khann, Shandorf, Moriarity, Bauhaus, Rune, Patch and NGCavscout face to face. Also, the long gone DekeFentle.

One by one, they come to me. I am a fecking god.

Thank goodness it hasn't made me proud, or anything.

I'm still the humble, wild-haired half-wit, capering about the Wasteland.

I hope, before I die, to have met many more of you tossers.

Get a shuffle on, fer chrissake. I'm an old man, and the world's going to hell.

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Seanachai the family is doing well, new baby is due in March, and I should be home on leave for that. The kids miss me, and I miss them, but that is the price you pay I guess. Anna, the baby you met, is talking now, I got to say hi to her on the webcam last night, so that is great. Hard to believe how big she is getting, but Lisa says she still recognizes me when she sees pictures of me, so that is good. Eric and Emilie, the older two, are doing well as well, but the separation is hard for them. Luckily, they are old enough to understand that I am gone because I have to be, and that I haven't abandoned them.

I am being very careful over here, I have too much to go home to be trying to be all heroic and ****e. Plus, I would hate to get any of my guys hurt. Luckily, the 3 IED's my convoys have been hit with haven't hurt anyone, and the time we had an insurgent stick his AK over a berm and empty a magazine at us from about 100m away, he missed to. I just hope they don't start having marksmanship classes till I leave.

Thanks for solstice rabbit. We will have to invite you to Beltane 2007, we always have a great time. Yule '06 should be a good time as well.

Hey, a whole post with no insults, can't have that.

Mace, you sir, are an Australian.

there, that is better.

[ January 10, 2006, 11:36 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's amazing. So far, I've met Peng, Berli, Joe Shaw, Dalem, Lars, Papa Khann, Shandorf, Moriarity, Bauhaus, Rune, Patch and NGCavscout face to face. Also, the long gone DekeFentle.

One by one, they come to me. I am a fecking god.

And if you were willing to supply the grog you would get the Australians coming to worship too.
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Seanachai the family is doing well, new baby is due in March, and I should be home on leave for that. The kids miss me, and I miss them, but that is the price you pay I guess. Anna, the baby you met, is talking now, I got to say hi to her on the webcam last night, so that is great. Hard to believe how big she is getting, but Lisa says she still recognizes me when she sees pictures of me, so that is good. Eric and Emilie, the older two, are doing well as well, but the separation is hard for them. Luckily, they are old enough to understand that I am gone because I have to be, and that I haven't abandoned them.

And I will come here, to the Peng Challenge Thread, until the sky falls and the rivers run backwards. And this is why. You just keep taking care of yourself, lad. And know that I...er, hate you. A lot.

You're a good lad, NGCavscout.

Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I am being very careful over here, I have too much to go home to be trying to be all heroic and ****e. Plus, I would hate to get any of my guys hurt. Luckily, the 3 IED's my convoys have been hit with haven't hurt anyone, and the time we had an insurgent stick his AK over a berm and empty a magazine at us from about 100m away, he missed to. I just hope they don't start having marksmanship classes till I leave.

And I shan't cease prayers to the Goddess until you are home. After that, you're on your own. Well, I may render up a prayer to you and yours for a while more. But that's just because I'm weak.

Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Thanks for solstice rabbit. We will have to invite you to Beltane 2007, we always have a great time. Yule '06 should be a good time as well.

Never mention it, lad. The rabbit did all the real work.

Guidance and guarding to you and yours in this new year. Let you come home safe to your children, and every father come home safe to his children.

As the Goddess sees me, and hears me, and knows her own, let you and yours know joy.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Prolly suckling at some government teat somewhere

Well he definitely wasn't sucking at mine!

btw good news for Boo

Say what?

Iowa wants to make English the official language in that state. A new Bill would require all official Iowa documents and meetings to be handled in English. Critics argue that it sends a negative message to people who do not speak English.

So I want to know if it does indeed send a negative message to him?

[ January 11, 2006, 12:53 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Why did I say 'no worries'...where the hell did THAT come from?!

Thats your inner Aussie speaking.

You 'merkins all have it, you're just too damn meek to step up to the plate and accept it.

Take Shaw for example, I've had to stuff his inner Aussie down his bloody throat and still he resists.....Uber Meek I tells ya....Uber.

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I have, lately, been dreaming about my sister. She comes to me, and she tells me things. Mostly, she tells me that I'm stupid. She's dead, so she should know, I figure.

A long December and there’s reason to believe

Maybe this year will be better than the last

I can’t remember the last thing you said as you were leavin’

Now the days go by so fast

I miss her a lot, you know. She was way smart. Always looking to take care of us all, and she never could. We were too chaotic a bunch, and the most of them...they didn't need taking care of. Probably just me, and I was glad to be there, to be what she saw needed taking care of.

The smell of hospitals in winter

And the feeling that it’s all a lot of oysters, but no pearls

She always took after our Dad, you see. Outside the drinking and anger, that is, and just kept herself to being busy and dramatic and wanting to make sure everyone was happy.

She was...shiny.

Drove up to the Hillside Manor sometime after two a.m.

And talked a little while about the year

I guess the winter makes you laugh a little slower,

Makes you talk a little lower about the things you could not show her

And it’s been a long December and there’s no reason to believe

Maybe this year will be better that the last

I can’t remember all the times I tried to tell myself

To hold on to these moments as they pass

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And I remain. Amidst the fools, the idjits, the SSNs. Despite Ol' Foul Joe's Rules. Despite all.

Despite the belittlement of my own fine self, and despite the abuse. Despite the fact that there's not one poster in six that could turn a good phrase, or mock like they meant it, or do more than muddy the waters of Challenge.

I am given over to the knowledge that, this is as good as it gets.

Man, all I can say is: Gods bless the night. And gods bless Dylan.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I wish I Gnu a Lemur,

one that said "Ptang" and "Frink!"

He would titillate my femur

when given beer to drink.

I wish I Gnu a Lemur,

That I could pet right now,

I'd feed it up on Hand Grenades,

And Throw it at a Cow.

I wish I Gnu a Lemur,

That liked to cook spaghetti,

He would scrub and shine the pots and pans,

And quote Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

May I just say that my large, thuggish henchman Boo...


This is so completely humourous, Boo, that only a feckin' phone call could encompass it. Expect a call...

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Originally posted by Mace:

btw good news for Boo

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Say what?

Iowa wants to make English the official language in that state. A new Bill would require all official Iowa documents and meetings to be handled in English. Critics argue that it sends a negative message to people who do not speak English.

So I want to know if it does indeed send a negative message to him? </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I wish I Gnu a Lemur,

one that said "Ptang" and "Frink!"

He would titillate my femur

when given beer to drink.

I wish I Gnu a Lemur,

That I could pet right now,

I'd feed it up on Hand Grenades,

And Throw it at a Cow.

I wish I Gnu a Lemur,

That liked to cook spaghetti,

He would scrub and shine the pots and pans,

And quote Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

May I just say that my large, thuggish henchman Boo...


This is so completely humourous, Boo, that only a feckin' phone call could encompass it. Expect a call... </font>

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Recently I made contact with the older sister of my long deceased friend Rick Canova... ( Seanachai I blame you for bringing on this bout of melancholy).

http://www.thevirtualwall.org/ At this URL is a website run by the Vietnam Memorial Fund, it has a data base containing the names of all of those who sacrificed during the Vietnam War. I visit it from time to time, and plug in the names of guys I knew. My best friend from those days, Rick, is on the wall.

Well, the last time I visited, there was an electronic rememberance from Rick's sister and brother. I have been corresponding with her, and her children. It brings back wonderful memories, and also horrible ones.

Well anyway, I read the threads on this forum about the new game, and combat in Iraq and elsewhere and I want to scream. I do not consider myself a special man because I survived combat. Maybe years ago, when I was younger, I thought there was something special to it...I still get dragged into emotional highs when I hear the "Marine Corps Hymn", but now in my 60th year on this planet, I realize that war and destruction are one of the follies of mankind, people will always be at odds, and in my little world, the safety and happiness of my family and friends is paramount, I don't really care anymore about what goes on elsewhere. Call me selfish or narrow-minded, but that's the way I feel.

I have always been interested in war games and things military, but lately that interest is waning, I can't see an end to the death and destruction...I don't like what the new policies of the government is doing to my country. We spend so much time, energy and imagination coming up with new ways of vaporizing our "enemies". Time that could be spent elsewhere, I guess, finding cures for diseases and so forth.

I don't want to glorify war and the military any more. Young men, and now women as well...die, and are maimed by war...both physically and pyschologically. Those who serve suffer hardships that the rest of us (Americans in particular), can never imagine. There is just too much suffering in the world... and there should not be, especially with the immense wealth that resides in certain pockets of the globe.

I want to go in the "US MARINES" thread again and shout at the top of my lungs to all the people in there dispassionately discussing the great killing machine that is the US Marine Corps. I tried with one post, but no one listened, to explain to them how ****ed up war is, and how the people in it are just pawns. My friend Rick died in 1966, his sister wrote to me that "Ricky will always be 20 years old in my heart" Try to imagine the feelings that go into that statement. I'm am sure it has been made in similar fashion by poeple troughout time who have had to deal with the violent death of a loved one.

I don't know...it just made me think.....if I'm not posting often...you will know why.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Frankly, at this point, the only thing you've got going for you is Shari, and I don't imagine it will take more than 3 nights of brutal, unrelenting harassment before she simply duct-tapes the phone to your head and makes you sleep on the couch.

Hmm. it would be kinda nice to have my own phone back...
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Nidan, you are only a couple of years older than my dad {would have been} and he held much the same viewpoint. That's why - my mom tells me - he wanted so much to have a girl when they had kids...so his child would never be drafted.

He nearly went ballistic when I announced at 18 that I was considering going into military service and, because of his vehement stance that I not do so, I didn't. Now I'm glad I didn't.

I thought it would get easier the longer he was gone, but it hasn't. Matter of fact, I miss him more now than when he died in April '04. When I see someone around his age who would have had similar experiences sharing like you've done, it makes me miss him all the more.

I worry for those I know who serve (like NG cavscout, may he return safe and whole to his family) and those I don't know...may they all be safe and well.

A heartfelt virtual *hug* to you, Nidan. I can relate, somewhat, to how you feel having heard the same from my father for years.

It's, unfortunately, human nature still to fight instead of talk...to kill each other over land and possessions, wealth and want instead of finding ways to share all that this planet has to offer. For all our "superiority", we are a pathetically short-sighted lot and this planet would be better off without us.

Damn...must be the weather...dreary, cold and rainy...

I need some hot chocolate.

[ January 11, 2006, 06:37 AM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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