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Well then, let me be the first to wish Seanachai well by horribly misquoting a comedian whose name I cannot recall.

Originally said by some guy:

"I was at the store looking at get-well cards, but I couldn't find one that I really liked. I mean, get well soon? **** that ****. Get well now."

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The Final ridge AAR: A messianic production

Sir 37mm Leading light of the House of (sigh) JD Morse (sigh) & general top bloke


NG Cavscout who claims that he once spanked a Swede or sumfink

Now I ain’t no cruel geezer, I gain no pleasure from witnessing the embarrassing coming & goings of you damned fools… no pleasure, no damned pleasure at all.

And so I can honestly say that I feel a certain hesitancy when asked to judge something or other that one of you have crafted… shall I be truthful & tell thee truly what I think so as you do not disturb me ever again or shall I salve your fragile ego’s most of which probably cannot sustain another pounding?

I’m a great believer in the idea that you have to be cruel to be kind.

And so Boo came up to me a couple of months ago parading his brand new toy… it is said that everyone has a novel within him or her… I don’t know who said it nor care really but in Boo’s case it ain’t true… he has a single CMAK scenario within him.

A RIDGE TOO FAR, he called it.

And boy did he plead with me to ‘try it out’… going on & on & on about how much time he’d slaved over the damned thing. He sent me the game file three times, I ‘lost it’ each & every time & still he didn’t get the fecking hint. Finally he cornered me when I challenged NG Cavscout & the battle was arranged.

Oh dear… In short I had three AT guns whilst NG Cavscout had 19 armoured vehicles (more if I include halftracks). NG also had a huge infantry advantage & more artillery than you could shake a stick at (I’m not sure that’s an analogy that works now that I think about it)… Boo also gave him a 150mm ubergun just for good measure.

Each 6pounder would have to destroy 6 AFV’s each (at least), anything less would give NG an unassailable armoured advantage.

Well NG’s artillery quickly knocked out one of my guns & rather than waiting for the others to fall to the same fate I decided to open up.

I did quite well really knocking out 8 AFV’s, but I have to say that against anybody else I probably wouldn’t have done even that well (dear Peng you can tell Cavscout’s National Guard).

The remainder of the armoured horde then calmly proceeded to slaughter my infantry.

So I asked myself, should I surrender?

I wanted to especially as Boo had specifically mentioned in the briefing that there would be no reinforcements and yet I couldn’t believe that there wouldn’t be… and I was right 25 minutes in they turned up.

One platoon of infantry appeared in open ground.

Most got cut down of course & it eventually dawned on me that the dozens of Grant tanks I was hoping for were just never gonna appear… even watching the clumsy oaf NG Cavscout lose yet another tank by getting too close to my infantry couldn’t improve my mood.

I surrendered

Oh & Boo, stick to the rock rubbing from now on, there’s a good chap?

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Now, now, now, Sir Sir37mm. Now, now, now. Now. Now. Nownownownow...now.

That's all I really wanted to say.

No, really. Dear former Squire, had you but waited patiently until the enemy was in the open no-man's land in front of your positions, you could have cut him to ribbons. (You know all about ribbons and bows and things of that nature, I'm sure.)

He would have fled back into the desert to die with his blackened tongue hanging out like a fly-speckled strip of beef jerky.

Or, he would have blown you into little tiny wet pieces all over The Ridge Too Far.

Too close to call, really.

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Hey, I never said I had any tactical acumen. I don't even think I am that good operationally. My great strength lies in the "strategery".

Now 37mm don't feel bad just because your Engineers started surrendering in whole sale lots. I mean, what else do you expect them to do when their commander allows their flanks to be rolled up like cheap balls of yarn the kitten is done batting around.

As for the burning tanks, well my infantry troops needed to roast some marshmallows, and I knew you would need something to salve your ego with, so I decided to give you a few things to feel good about, obviously your performance alone wasn't going to cut it. Much like what you hear from the ladies what?

Hopefully your gamey edge hugging in our current battle will allow you to eke out a win, much like you did in the Syria abortion you foisted upon me, and then you can trumpet your superiority to the rooftops, dancing a clumsy little jig on the cobblestones, wearing your finest green slicker to keep the rain off, because your mum doesn't let you go out in the weather with out your slicker, rubbers for your feet, and of course your drool bucket.

Then, as a scion of house Morse we can't really expect all that much from you now can we?

The following picture says all you need to know about the battle


[ November 09, 2005, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Patchy:


This is a better nurse for Seanachai.

And we can only hope that she doesn't trust the accuracy of oral thermometers.

(Or the ones that go in your ear, either!) </font>

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