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So, who's as Cheery as an angryolized TNT Waffle?


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Mr Abbot I just resent turn 19 (I sent on Friday)- I haven't received anything from you since Wednesday, figured you either chickened out or were in a drunken stupor... I've been buzzing on muscle relaxants all weekend (for the train wreck that occasionally passes for my back) and this is the first time I thought to check the bb to see if you had won the powerball or something... :mad:

What can I say, mr's & vodka don't mix.. er maybe they mix a little too well.. :mad:

I now see in a message above that you sent a turn on the 28th - it must be lost in the stickyweb again... my ISP blew it's nose on Friday night just after I sent you the turn, I wouldn't be surprised if the idiots at Bell Sympatico killed my access just as Outlook was trying to d/l your email... :mad:

Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz...

I gotta crash now - I apologize for this snafu... :mad:

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Hmm, I have turn020 in my sent items folder. I will resend it again...checking date and time sent. Oct-28 1:04PM...well I have Netzero dial-up. It sure does live up to its name. Resending turn as i just awoke this lovely and unusually warm Monday morning at 3:26AM. I love the smell of napalm in the morning, it smells like….victory!

[ October 31, 2005, 07:41 AM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Here is a new Scenario I have concocted if anyone would like to give it a go. I have only play tested it verse the AI so some feedback would be appreciated.

It is a 2,800 (app.) Meeting Engagement based on a historical battle near the Chir River when the German’s were trying to launch a relief effort towards Stalingrad. The action was fought at the Russian State Farm named Settlement 79, or in Russian, Sowchos 79. This scenario is not a copy of the SL/COI battle of the same name but rather a different take on the battle.


General Brief

Title: State Farm Settlement 79

Type: Meeting Engagement

Date: December 8th 1942

Location: Chir River

Region: South

Weather: Clear and cold, light snow

Terrain: Hills giving into farmland

Wind: None

Turns: 35 variable

Author: Abbott

Best played: Two player. Either side if played verses the AI (computer free to place units).

Background: Early December 1942 and the 48th Panzer Corps was holding a line based on the Chir River near where it flows into the Don. It’s task being to hold the left flank of Hoth’s Fourth Panzer Army as it drives to relive the 6th Army at Stalingrad. Before any relief attempt could be launched units of the Russian 1st Armored Corps had forced their way across the Chir River in an attempt to disrupt the planned relief of Stalingrad.

Elements of the Russian 1st Armored Corps had penetrated deep into the German lines and were assembling at State Settlement 79 in preparation for an attack into the rear of the German 336th Infantry division. Before the planned attack could be launched the newly arrived (from Rostov) General Balck and his 11th Panzer Division, nicknamed the "Ghost" division moved to attack the Russian Tank forces at Sowchos (state settlement) 79.

Conclusion: The commander of the 336th infantry divisions request that General Balck launch a frontal attack on Sowchos 79 was refused. Instead General Balck decided to launch his main attack from the heights north and west of the State Farm where tanks could move more easily. On the day of December the 8th assets from the 11th Panzer division attacked into the valley from the heights around State Settlement 79. As the German Panzers were moving into the attack they destroyed a Russian Motorized Infantry column that was moving south along a road to link up with the forces that were holding the Settlement.

General Balck noted that the Russian soldiers fought bravely but after being attacked from two sides with close coordination from Panzers, Panzer Grenadiers and Artillery the Russian troops gave way and few were able to escape. General Balck had also positioned his engineers and anti-aircraft assets to the south of Sowchos 79 to complete the destruction of any enemy units that could be caught fleeing. By the end of the days battle 53 Russian tanks had been destroyed and Sowchos 79 was back in German possession.

Note: This is not a copy of the SL/CoI battle.

Reference: Panzer Battles, Major General F.W. Von Mellenthin, pages 204-214. ISBN 0-345-32158-8

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Well by now anyway Mr. Ruddy I have chucked enough T n T to knock out 6 or 7 anti tank guns so I would that the one is destroyed without any thought of or regard to your propaganda delivered by e-mail err…Carrier Pigeon. I bet that crew is still crawling away if it just hasn’t found a hole to slink into like the rest of your forces seem to have.

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*sounds of banjos playing in the background* It is 75 and sunny down here in the inbred-hillbilly southeast :cool:

Speaking of squealing like a pig,Pseudo's poor Russians are surrounded and slowly being ground into hamburger(some of it flame broiled,hehehehe) :mad: >:-p

Sergei,and Wallybob have both turned into non-turn senders :mad: Truth be known,they are probably off on some romantic get-away together :mad: Whichever of you two is the dominant one,how about get off(eewwww)of the other and send a turn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111 :mad:

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