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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

I found a quote which pretty well describes Seanachai.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally written by Thomas Fuller:

Old age is not so fiery as youth, but when once provoked cannot be appeased.

The killer? It's from a book called Gnomologia. </font>
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Originally posted by Abbott:

Sean I can't help it. I always seem to laugh loudest at the things that would make a screaming liberal cry in his latte. But I am pleased that you seem to be (maybe just a little) your cheerful old self again. The therapy must be working.


Latte. You red-neck, cracker, double-wide-hugging, 'lost the muffler on the truck 100,000 miles and 3 years ago and never looked back' bugger!

Put us back to back, heels butted to heels, and tote up the tale of our days, and I'd be willing to be that you've drunk more 'lattes' than I have, you crawling conservative shame to America!

In my Liberal America, the first thing we're taught is the proper use of a 6x scope. Ignore the mythology that Fox News shows you of 'liberals' waving signs and linking arms and smiling and using bullhorns to lead people to chant ****e so stupid that only being completely ripped right straight to the tits makes it seem reasonable.

That's for the kids that are mad at the fact that their parents don't have any more interest in the world than where their next tax-break and martini are coming from. That's for the the weird outsiders with divots in their souls from having been shat on every time they suggested that we should all get along. That's for the waterheads that consider the concept of 'eating a dog or cat' to be the equivalent of genocide.

What a real liberal wants, Abbott, is Justice. Justice comes with executions. This ain't your daddy's liberalism. This is your great-grandad's liberalism. This is the 'liberalism' that gathered outside the mine and factory gates to shout at the bosses' thugs. This is the 'liberalism' that demands accountability. This is the 'liberalism' that drives the head of a daisy through the concrete to seek the sun.

But, yes, I am quite a bit happier these days. Damn near completely recovered my sense of humour. Life in this far Northern clime, deep in winter, and surrounded by the Scandinavian descendants from the cast of an Ibsen play can wear you down, especially as you get older and more cranky.

It is good to be me.

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Originally posted by rune:

If Boo becomes a Senior Knight, I demand to be made an Olde One.


That's not going to happen. Let me explain why.

Well, for one, I've actually met you. All praise to your whisky and beer, but...you are too arrogant. You would seek to rule, to decide, and it is much too important to you to always be right.

Secondly...how best to describe this? With you in the mix, oh Rune, we would no longer have Three Olde Ones, we would have Four.

Now, follow me on this: A chair has four legs. Very stable, your average chair. But, push it over to the right, the left, back or front, it falls the same way. It's stability is irrespective of its number of legs. Oppose two legs to the other two legs, and it will still fall over. Oppose one leg with all three other legs, and it can't fall at all. It breaks.

Now, take a stool with three legs. Push it over, and there will always be two legs on their sides. One leg will be ascendant. Even if two legs combine, they cannot overturn the third leg, without leaving one of the legs lying on the floor.

A Three-legged stool is strongest. Even when two combine against one, the two together cannot totally win. They can only defeat the third.

Besides the entire 'mythic' quality, there's the fact that neither Berli, Peng or I are ever going to let you get a leg up.

Besides, you don't 'become' an Olde One. You simply 'are' an Olde One.

If you've ever noticed ****e about us, you've noticed that we don't so much 'rule', as 'exist'.

That's one of the whole bloody differences between us and the Goodalers. They have no myths. With that lot, it's a bloody free-for-all, a lot of drunken anarchists claiming 'first amongst equals' status with a lot of other drunkards.

I have always admired their 'Wild West' individualism, if not their intelligence. Going to the Cheery Waffle thread is like going to a saloon on the frontier. Chaos is a virtue. Order is a vice. It is the triumph of ego.

But coming to the Peng Challenge Thread is like coming to The World. Order is hammered out of Chaos, and Chaos rebels. Hierarchies are imposed, and overthrown, and yet remain.

The Justicar would convince everyone that The World is a progression. You arrive, you are accepted, you achieve, and then you piss about with abandon. But still within strictly defined rules, and traditions, and conventions.

But the Olde Ones abide within the Wasteland. Before the folk arrive, there is nothing. Formless. Without Rules. Undefined. And when they arrive, they impose Order. And Traditions. And Rules. And even, Rebellion.

And We smile. Berli, by his nature, defined Rebellion. Peng by his nature, defined Disorder. And I, by my nature, defined Order. We do no define this place. We simply created it. You lot define it.

And then we, the Olde Ones, move on. And you always follow after; arguing, demanding and complaining.

If Creation exists long enough, it begins to lap itself.

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Originally posted by Bugged:

I've read the rules of this thread and you, sir, are out of line.

That's tellin' him, sweetheart. But aren't you supposed to slap him too?

(Actually, a kick in the nuts would be more appropriate, but I suppose you are too ladylike for that. Look here, I'll do it for you. [Kicks Joe in the nuts. Hard.] There. I feel so much better now.)


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

(Actually, a kick in the nuts would be more appropriate, but I suppose you are too ladylike for that. Look here, I'll do it for you. [Kicks Joe in the nuts. Hard.] There. I feel so much better now.)

A kick in the nuts is a lot more fun to witness, especially when a lady of the pool does it.

And note I said 'witness', not 'experience'.

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I envisioned him as tied spread-eagle and bending backwards over some kind of frame that would hold him in place. The force of the kick could then be measured by how far his head advanced along a graduated scale. All very scientific and fair, you see. And of course, the number of kicks would be easy to count.

All in all, I think "Joe kicking" should be added as an event to the next Summer Olympics.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bugged:

Look here.

*holds up personal invite into this thread (scroll down, way down), extended by the great Seanachai himself*

I've read the rules of this thread and you, sir, are out of line.

Sigh. Time to put on my Olde One robes, hat and mystical jewelry. In the Old One biz, we call it the 'Authority Aura Strap-On'.

Joseph, has there been anyone who has shown you more support than I? Has there ever been another Olde One more accepting of your almost...magical preoccupation with Duty-Place-Rules?

There has not.

So, Josephus, what am I to make of the fact that, while questions are being asked about 'Silverwaregate', you are DISRESPECTING A LADY OF THE 'POOL?!

As far as I know, Shaw spoken with cold precision, abjuring the more familiar 'Joe', there is only one being who may show disrespect to the Ladies of the 'Pool.

Usually it's Peng, because he's a swine. And Mark IV could usually get away with it, because he had an insouciant attitude in general.

But, whoever or whatever it might be, it is not you, Joe. As the very most demented keeper of completely made-up and often completely buggered traditions, you must show respect for the Ladies of the 'Pool.

Even when they get crazy, or violent, or way strange. That's just how it goes. If they do, of course, it's not inappropriate to offer them a cooling drink or, if necessary, use a dart rifle.

But with respect, Joe. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bugged:

Look here.

*holds up personal invite into this thread (scroll down, way down), extended by the great Seanachai himself*

I've read the rules of this thread and you, sir, are out of line.

Sigh. Time to put on my Olde One robes, hat and mystical jewelry. In the Old One biz, we call it the 'Authority Aura Strap-On'.

Joseph, has there been anyone who has shown you more support than I? Has there ever been another Olde One more accepting of your almost...magical preoccupation with Duty-Place-Rules?

There has not.

So, Josephus, what am I to make of the fact that, while questions are being asked about 'Silverwaregate', you are DISRESPECTING A LADY OF THE 'POOL?!

As far as I know, Shaw spoken with cold precision, abjuring the more familiar 'Joe', there is only one being who may show disrespect to the Ladies of the 'Pool.

Usually it's Peng, because he's a swine. And Mark IV could usually get away with it, because he had an insouciant attitude in general.

But, whoever or whatever it might be, it is not you, Joe. As the very most demented keeper of completely made-up and often completely buggered traditions, you must show respect for the Ladies of the 'Pool.

Even when they get crazy, or violent, or way strange. That's just how it goes. If they do, of course, it's not inappropriate to offer them a cooling drink or, if necessary, use a dart rifle.

But with respect, Joe. </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bugged:

Look here.

*holds up personal invite into this thread (scroll down, way down), extended by the great Seanachai himself*

I've read the rules of this thread and you, sir, are out of line.

Sigh. Time to put on my Olde One robes, hat and mystical jewelry. In the Old One biz, we call it the 'Authority Aura Strap-On'.

Joseph, has there been anyone who has shown you more support than I? Has there ever been another Olde One more accepting of your almost...magical preoccupation with Duty-Place-Rules?

There has not.

So, Josephus, what am I to make of the fact that, while questions are being asked about 'Silverwaregate', you are DISRESPECTING A LADY OF THE 'POOL?!

As far as I know, Shaw spoken with cold precision, abjuring the more familiar 'Joe', there is only one being who may show disrespect to the Ladies of the 'Pool.

Usually it's Peng, because he's a swine. And Mark IV could usually get away with it, because he had an insouciant attitude in general.

But, whoever or whatever it might be, it is not you, Joe. As the very most demented keeper of completely made-up and often completely buggered traditions, you must show respect for the Ladies of the 'Pool.

Even when they get crazy, or violent, or way strange. That's just how it goes. If they do, of course, it's not inappropriate to offer them a cooling drink or, if necessary, use a dart rifle.

But with respect, Joe. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And now, simply because I did not recognize Bugged as a reputed Lady of the Pool I am accused by YOU of violating the Traditions of the Sacred CessPool.

MAY I POINT OUT that YOU need to bold Bugged's name even if she's been away from posting here? *giggle*

Pfffft, what happen to accountability? Perhaps we need a new Justicar who can keep track of things (or at least give him a good flogging)?

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And now, simply because I did not recognize Bugged as a reputed Lady of the Pool I am accused by YOU of violating the Traditions of the Sacred CessPool.

MAY I POINT OUT that YOU need to bold Bugged's name even if she's been away from posting here? *giggle*

Pfffft, what happen to accountability? Perhaps we need a new Justicar who can keep track of things (or at least give him a good flogging)? </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And now you bring up the discredited and out of date Silverwaregate incident ... NO ONE CARES ABOUT SILVERWAREGATE Seanachai ... save perhaps Mr. ORDINARY KNIGHT Boo Radley and, apparently now that your brain synapses are firing in approximately the correct order, YOU.


Ah, you admit that as Seanachai's synapses are firing in approximately the correct order, he has taken an interest in Silverwaregate. As any right thinking person should.

And Ordinary Knight or not, I will not rest until justice is served, Joe. Until I hear the creaking and popping of your aged, brittle knees as you kneel and apologize to the fair Lady you ill treated, I will not rest.

Maybe a quick nap or three, but that's it!

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You red-neck, cracker, double-wide-hugging, 'lost the muffler on the truck 100,000 miles and 3 years ago and never looked back' bugger!

Thanks for the compliments Steve after reading your post I suddenly found myself having the urge to jump up and down and burn a Mexican flag. I figured I should at least go outside of the trailer first eh.. Go figure. I have a couple of rusty 55-gallon drums out back of my shop for just such occasions anyway.

Do you think it was the liberals who thought of recruiting Muslims to send to a NASCAR race last week? Complete with cameramen ready to record every and all threats and insults directed at them by race fans. What a surprise when no one at the track even noticed them! Some folks say it was because the Redneck gentlemen in attendance displayed a live and let live attitude towards their fellow man. I think they were just to damn drunk to notice that the guys were Muslims to begin with. I mean exactly what does a real live Muslim in a Jeff Gordon hat look like anyway? Have you ever saw one urself? Personally I have a hard time spotting one unless I am glancing at em across a rifle sight, and then a Mark Martin T-shirt would probably throw me off to.

Those guys shouting and waving signs that say WWJ Bomb also confuse me. I mean it seems pretty dumb that they wouldn’t already know the answer before they asked the question. I mean everyone knows that Dale Jr. would only bomb the guys in front of him on race day. Who would Junior bomb, come on, give me a break!

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