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Purpose of the thread is a kind of online poll. If you like an idea just repeat it to show your support for the idea and add your new ideas or wishes for SC2.

Please don´t discuss the different ideas in this thread.

Unit balance:

- armies strengthen the defense (upgrade against corps)

- tanks more weakly in defense (Main strength is the attack and speed, however right now this unit is "over strength" and should be more vulnerable for counter attacks)

- higher value of the carriers ship to ship

- shortening the range of the amphibious transporters

- All the other houserules( Terif ) should be addressed as discussed before.

Play-technical changes:

- change of the diplomacy system

- higher costs of action points for attacks

- Russian winter should stand for "random unit damage" if these units are in the Russian winter

-possible entrenching of units from nations not in the war

- changes of. effects of attacks on neutral countries in particular Turkey

- Changes of the of the plunder system

Play changing game:

- faster transmission with TCP/IP

- Scroll on the map during the opponents movements –

-showing convoy routes on the main map

- Report should be more meaningful = improvement of "intelligence tech?"

- more hotkeys

- Windowsmode for SC2

- sandstorms in the desert would be nice.

[ May 09, 2006, 05:28 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]

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I'd like:

1) Clicking on the war map makes it go away and centers the main map at that point.

Its a simple thing, but I use the war map a lot to spot still flashing units and then I have to close it and click on the mini map to find them. Would be much more intuitive the other way.

2) Something to make amphibious in the face of defensive air units more difficult. This has been addressed ad nauseum in another thread, largely by me, and it needs to be addressed but there is no strong consensus on HOW.

3) This one will be controversial but allow the options of letting the AI 'abuse' the undo move rule as a way of doing better recon. In other words, like a human who has no self respect, it could move units around untill it spots something as a way of finding enemy units. It would still be restricted that once it does spot something, it can't move any further, but it would allow the AI to 'search around' for subs, destroyers, unoccupied cities, etc.

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1) Clicking on the war map makes it go away and centers the main map at that point.

Its a simple thing, but I use the war map a lot to spot still flashing units and then I have to close it and click on the mini map to find them. Would be much more intuitive the other way.

I already asked for that to be put on the mini-map with blinking dots. Hubert seemed receptive. ;)
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1. Allow all naval assets, including fleets on the allied side, to be viewed on the convoy map.

2. Allow fleets and air units an auto interception attack against amphibious transports before they land on a beach.

3. PLunder fixed.

4. Soft build limits for amphibious transports that are different for each major country.

5. No placement of fleets from the production queue in a port that wasn't occupied before the fleet was started, i.e., can't place Prinz Eugen in Axis occupied Brest.

6. Restarts in PBEM can't be done without some restart message.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. A hotkey button (preferably near or beside the 'next unit' hotkey) that marks a unit as 'considered' – meaning it no longer flashes on the map nor is cycled to when the 'next unit' key is pressed. Also a right-click option to 'garrison' a unit, meaning each turn it no longer flashes on the map nor is cycled to until you manually turn off the option (or move the unit). A small thing, but when the board is full of units, cutting down on distractions is always helpful.

2. The ability to 'mark' a unit, so that if you try to end your turn before you move the marked unit you get a pop up reminding you of the unit(s) you've marked.

3. The ability to reassign hotkeys (or at least doing away with the 'ctrl' modifier – i.e. just 'm' for the map instead of ctrl+m).

4. When you select an HQ (that's set to manual or auto-assist) instead of 2 colours (attached and unattached (in range)), a third colour, to distinguish between 'attached to another HQ' and 'completely unattached' would be helpful.

5. Allow units to temporarily overstack. i.e. allow a unit to move to a tile where an unmoved unit is. Failing that, allow two units to swap positions.

Originally posted by Sombra:

If you like an idea just repeat it to show your support for the idea

- armies strengthen the defense (upgrade against corps)

- higher value of the carriers ship to ship

- shortening the range of the amphibious transporters

-possible entrenching of units from nations not in the war

- Changes of the of the plunder system

- more hotkeys

2) Something to make amphibious in the face of defensive air units more difficult.

1. Allow all naval assets, including fleets on the allied side, to be viewed on the convoy map.

5. No placement of fleets from the production queue in a port that wasn't occupied before the fleet was started, i.e., can't place Prinz Eugen in Axis occupied Brest.

-Recorded Games

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to see instead of a 'Bar-Graph'which indicate's losses,...an actual 'tabulation of losses',...meaning, an 'exact count'.

I understand the 'Bar-Graphs',...such as with the '+' symbol indicating that losses are higher than the limit of the Graph,...but, i would still prefer an 'Actual Numerical Count'!.

Does anyone else feel this way?.

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1. A better AI D-Day.

2. Marking a unit so that you don't see with the "next unit" button.

3. A better AI D-Day.

4. A message when someone restarts in PBEM.

5. A better AI D-Day.

6. Allow units to swap positions.

7. A better AI D-Day.

2, 4 and 6 are optional, 1, 3, 5 and 7 are crucial IMHO.

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Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

If you move the mouse over the bar graphs a number should pop up telling you the exact number... not on a per unit type basis but exact in terms of land, air and sea etc.

I learn something new every day. smile.gif But wouldn't it have been easier to just always list the number at the top of each bar? ;)

* It'd be nice to be able to tell at a glance what type of unit is carried on each amphib/troop transport ship (tank vs. inf vs. HQ) without clicking on it. Atleast have LCT and LCI (tanks and infantry, and maybe even invent an LCH for headquarters) for the 2D sprites. Which brings me to ...

* Separate counters for each main upgrade tech of every unit in the game. While some of the units do have multiple upgrades that increase their strength (like AT and Infantry weapons for Corps and Infantry), Tanks and Air only have one each. For Infantry units the Infantry Weapons could be the main upgrade tech.

* More consistency between upgrades indicators. Currently (reading from top left (position 1) to bottom right (position 3) ), the upgrades are listed as:

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> AirB Inf AF Tank

1 AT Mot -- --


3 LRA IW Adv Hvy</pre>

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