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Emergency CPR - Challenge-Peng Resuscitation


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Marlow! Di Ah menshun tha' 'Ah feckin' hate yoo Jimmy? Did Ah? Ah noo hate ye worse than Ah hate tha weepin' pustule Croda! Di ye play test tha abomination ye call "Rainy Day Blues"? Or di ye just "run at thru ye cretin haid a few teems"? Ah've gi a non-Pooler kickin' mah spotty arrrse on account o' ye "tank destroyers vs half tracks" experiment.

Name ye poison ye golly-eyed pillock...Ah'm gwintae sink tha toe o' mah pixeltruppen's hobnailed boots aintae ye squshy bits mon!

Ooooh, Ah feckin' hate ye!


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OberDroopyScoobyDoobey ! Where is our next set up you carefully collected pile of smallpox scabs!?!

Something with tanks would be splendid.

And if possible, one not quite so gamely rigged in your favour like that last one.

See to it ya great wooley git.

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Oh, medical update on the fiery curry-snorting gopher-dragon? Humble as I am, me Lady, I'd like to see him pass a potato to a Pucinni love duet.

Idjit, I know he passed some assorted vegetables and chunks o' chicken...but not any potatoes that I'm aware of.


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Marlow ye snivellin' wee doo-doo haid! Ah'm gwintae gi' ye guts tae mah wee span'l fer a jump rope! Name ye poison, ye fart ain a croowded bar! Feckin' scenario designers should bae licensed!!!

Stuka, Ah'll gi tae ye soon enuff laddy. Di ye notice Ah killed Dalem bah playin' as tha German's ain "Armoured Ambush"? Ah'll gi ye some tanks, laddy!


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Persephone:

I know he passed some assorted vegetables and chunks o' chicken...but not any potatoes that I'm aware of.

Were there diced carrots? There are always diced carrots. It's like your body stores up all the diced carrots it ever ate for those special moments, like seeing Panzer Leader half-drunk and naked.

None of you are getting any turns except for Noba and chrisl, both of whom I can play by just hitting the Go button. Oooh, big shiny Go button. Shiny, shiny, shiny Go button.

Sorry - where was I? Oh yes. You bastages who make me think are getting NO turns because I've put my whole weekend into programming the heck out of the fruit of the loins of Gates-slut. World domination shall be mine, albeit on a very small and pixelated level.

Sledge59 in particular is getting NO TURNS. At least until my carnivore stops wandering round in circles like Yeknod on a bad day. (Does he ever have good days?)

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None of you are getting any turns except for Noba and chrisl, both of whom I can play by just hitting the Go button.
Well, you could use that tactic in our game too, since it matches up perfectly with what would have to pass for your current set of "tactics". But have it your way, you will meet Berli in good time as I am nothing if not patient.

Now then, I have been less than happy with the rate at which several of you chicks send your turns and I have been reviewing and updating my Things to Kill and Eat list of late. Rising sharply to the top of that list due to the quality of their bile, frequency of posting with rants about speed of turn replies and general malodorousness are:

dalem: I think it is high time that I plumb the depths of one stupid enough to actually move TO Minnesota. I am also interested in finding out through turn accompanied repartee how well that long hair is going down in the land of the hot dish. Perhaps the real estate agents will show you some places other than near the rendering plants if you catch the inherent suggestion in “maybe we should stop off for a haircut and a shave first?”.

Croda: As it appears he will actually be sticking around this time, his debasement by the Forces of Scaliness is also well overdue. Oh sure, he can put the boot into Hiram (and don’t we all love doing that), but I am thinking that facing some stiffer (down bauhaus! I said stiffer not stiffy) competition, he will fold like cheap origami.

I am thinking that a third party setup at fifty paces will be the best way to settle these two kaniggets’ hash, but am open to consideration of other options before rejecting them and going with my initial recommendation. Moriarty can typically be counted on to set something up although I personally think Berli might be the go for one of these setups given the current mood he is likely in.

And finally, I think it might be time for a rematch with the (SWOHST) Scottish Winter Olympics Haggis Spewing Team. A scenario is certainly good enough for your ilk, so pop off with the name of one you fancy, Jimmy, before I come over there and tie dye all your tartans in pastel colours, jam a rotten herring up your bagpipes and sell your wee spaniel off to work as a mascot for a Welsh footy club.

[ February 25, 2002, 01:08 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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Originally posted by Goanna:

dalem: I think it is high time that I plumb the depths of one stupid enough to actually move TO Minnesota.

Hey, um, I'm not into dudes, but that's okay; I'm flattered.

I am also interested in finding out through turn accompanied repartee how well that long hair is going down in the land of the hot dish. Perhaps the real estate agents will show you some places other than near the rendering plants if you catch the inherent suggestion in “maybe we should stop off for a haircut and a shave first?”.

Bring it on, monkeyboy. I take it you have some experience here in the good old craton? And as far as third party, sure, whatever. I'm not picky. I can squash you into jelly just as easily with one type of setup as the next.
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Originally posted by PondScum:

Sledge59 in particular is getting NO TURNS. At least until my carnivore stops wandering round in circles like Yeknod on a bad day. (Does he ever have good days?)

No, I don't. Everyday is miserable but today is just too awful to be miserable. I hate days.

What a fine idea, I don't think I'll be sending turns to BodgedInBehind either. He's also miserable. His miserable advance is... well, pathetic.

Idjit Yeknod

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Originally posted by Persephone:

No, it was chicken curry...but I did eat some lamb...how do you feel about that Macey! Baaaaaah!...Baaaaaah!

Did you count your sheep to make sure none were missing?


XXX) I love Lamb curry, roast lamb and ug-boots

98.5) Australia has more sheep than people, I'm not going to notice a few missing, and I really don't have the time for a head count either

$###%) So that's what Pansy-leader looks like? Persephone, please work your graphical charm on that picture.


[not edited at all]

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Right. So the normal thread full of geeks insulting each other where I normally find opponents has died an ignominious death so we can all thrash about aimlessly in some onion related campaign game.... So Im reduced to looking for a game here.

My problem is that there is no obvious way to tell who to challenge without simple saying "some one play me... waah."

So tell me, which one of you incoherent, feckless poop-mongering cheez-buckets is a Scum Sucking Squire, or a Stoopid Newbie, or what the hell ever rank Im entittled to challenge? Whichever one of you qualifies, I hereby challenge you to a game of CM.

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Originally posted by PHALLVS MINIMVS:

So Im reduced to looking for a game here.

Oh lucky us

My problem is that there is no obvious way to tell who to challenge without simple saying "some one play me... waah."
I can see why reading might not be obvious to you

So tell me, which one of you incoherent, feckless poop-mongering cheez-buckets is a Scum Sucking Squire, or a Stoopid Newbie, or what the hell ever rank Im entittled to challenge?
Sorry, we ain't doin' your work for you
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Originally posted by PVLLVS MAXIMVS:

which one of you incoherent, feckless poop-mongering cheez-buckets is a Scum Sucking Squire, or a Stoopid Newbie, or what the hell ever rank Im entittled to challenge?

Refer to photo, previous page.


(that'll scare him off)

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Originally posted by Mace:

$###%) So that's what Pansy-leader looks like? Persephone, please work your graphical charm on that picture

You mean that was the original UNTOUCHED


And here was me thinking that PATCH had already worked her magic on that..


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Originally posted by Goanna:

Croda: As it appears he will actually be sticking around this time, his debasement by the Forces of Scaliness is also well overdue. Oh sure, he can put the boot into Hiram (and don’t we all love doing that), but I am thinking that facing some stiffer (down bauhaus! I said stiffer not stiffy) competition, he will fold like cheap origami.

Sounds like a great idea. Whom do you have in mind for stiffer competition? I've recently put the boots to a whole load of worthless gits and could use another. Whom were you suggesting?


Surely you jest!

The little lizard boy dares tackle The Nefarious Legion of Croda??? The owner of the ears. The master of Crodaburg. I have wasted the Scot, I have wasted the Leeo, I have wasted that Terence thing that roams around here from time to time. I have shandorfffff reduced to 'it's a hard map' and 'my email doesn't work' excuses. I have collected more body parts in the past month than the IRS has collected taxes.

If you care to bring your scaley ways to my neighborhood, then you had better be prepared to be bludgeoned by your own tail. For if you lose to me, that tail will be hanging on the wall next to the ears.

A third please prepare a tasty little fight for:

The Battle for the Uber-Lizard Tail!!!

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Croda you grotty little pimp. Stop picking on the Lizard, you know he will kick your Non-Australianbutt. Just as you are getting your troops to dig their own graves against me, so will the Lizard King bury anything you put up against him.

Actually, your style; (sorry - wrong word)your meanderings across the map reminds me of the Uber Gnome's pitifull attempts to make a decent fight. Must be a trait of you overseas chumps.


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