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Emergency CPR - Challenge-Peng Resuscitation


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Welly, welly, well: The Bald One's wreaking sneeze that wrecked the Board also thus did to my original plan for a rather witty post to this, the Holy Mother Thread, about my impending impendencies.

Pity, really; I had such cleverness in reserve. Now I must like Lars in tactics commit all at once, likely to no avail....

Keeping things in the order that they must should should not be, some UPDATES aren't in order first:

The afforementioned Lars wants to give up, but I'd rather wait and grind his ego through the treads of my StuGs...

SpeedBump has shelled a building and is dancing like Seananchai hearing that Yeknod will be his 'steady'... the three companies that weren't in that little building will ask to cut in...

Cut into a dance? Why, who else but our dear Bard would be proffering offers that would make Pshaw blush in the locker room of the Russian Womens' Biathalon Team... dance with you my dearest Olde One??? I'd sooner guide your sad, green troops by the hand into the little litoral that I'm quite sure Berli has prepared for them!

Marlow has not been heard from in some time... given that last week I actually saw the map sober and found one FO and two recoilless rifles that are now hopelessly out of position, that's fine with me and mine.

And to what end all this? Some know and some suspect. Let me do what I can to muddy waters:

At 0500 Eastern US Time Sunday, I and that woman that rattles around this house whilst I'm playing CM are off to begin our adventure to Yellowest China. Why, you don't ask? To purchas--- er--- adopt our daughter, who rather foolishly, almost Aussie-like, decided to be born way the futz over there instead of in the same town where we live. Thus, from now until around Nine March, my life shall fall into that 'mind-numbing suckatude' that is usually only reserved for SSN's and people bending over saying "here's a pretty penny!" unknowing that bauhaus lurks right behind them.

I shall attempt to make updates to my blogspot (link in my sig) whenever I can -- airport kiosks, our escort's laptop -- but I can only guaratee one thing:

I loathe you all, my friends.

Be seeing you.

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Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bastables:

Bhahahah ssnother newbie attempting to inflict damage on the cess. Bigger morons than this have tried and failed, the fools all stoop to attack the pool and are cast out.

Cess is eternal, in the end you're all doomed to be devoured by the entropy that the pool represents.


As I have heard so many times from Seanachi's mouth, the MBT is the shining light of the BTS forum; it is the beacon of holiness and order that all shall one day aspire to. The entropy and chaos of which you speak is foreign from is rantings.

Also, if I must stoop to attack the pool, am I not then LARGER than the pool itself? If we, the rabble of the outerboard, are below the sanctitiy of Cess, how can we at the same time look down upon it? Should we not crane necks to the heavens in order to glimpse it?

I find your lack of knowledge about your beloved pool humorous, for I, the INFIDEL, have proven my mine superior to yours. My rational side suggests you standardize your dogma to avoid further embarassing incidents such as this, while my sadistic side says, "Continue, continue by all means."</font>

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Originally posted by Bastables:

The Pool is unmitigated chaos foolieo, many of the pool dwellers state dogma unconected with either reality or the pool in an attempt to undermine the dogma of the pool in that it has no dogma. You are now in the pool your fate has become entwined with ours the taint of the pool will remain with you forever.

Bah! You'll not trick me with your clever sayings and circular logic. Your bitch is with Seanachai then. As I understand he is a far senior member to you and you would do well to abide by his words lest he "bring the smack down on yo' ass."
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it sorely pains us to announce that, by his own admission, he was defeated by the AoG-s with the use of gamey sound tactics, gamey tanks and HTs and gamey regular Heer rifle squads who gamily killed and died in a GAME. Who is HE? you may ask? Elvis of course.

What was the game? CM of course. A loverly little byte battle from the fine folks at Der Kessel. Peter's Pinch (YOWCH!) by our own Mad Mensch. It is a bit of fun. Small, but plenty of action. and Short so an hour is plenty of time to play it TCP/IP.

Well Done Menshcy!

Boo! Elvis HISSSS!!!


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Originally posted by OGSF:

Marlow ye maloderous stain ain a dero's underpants! Och hoo Ah hate ye! Mah curdlin' despision fer ye as akin tae the waill fermainted loathin' Ah carry fer Croda tha damp spot. Ah'm feeve moves aintae tha piece o' malignant cannivin' ye call "Rainy Day Blues".....after four bleedin' turrrns, Ah've haid 75% o' tha skankin' bits' of German units bloown awah bah furtive bazooka bastaarrrds an' feckin' wun shot wonders. Ooooh Ah feckin' hate yooo laddie, an' Ah'm gwintae rip ye kidneys' oot through ye laift eye socket wi' a rusty coat hanger ain' our current gam tae prove at tae ye!


Snicker, Snicker, Chuckle Chuckle

Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah feckin' hate yoo Marlow.



I gave you a recon company, and I guess you found the enemy, didn’t you.

Wait, did you say we're currently playing a game? I couldn't quite decipher the gibberish, but thats what it sounded like. News to me, but I would be happy to have your ears for my collection.

[ February 24, 2002, 12:19 AM: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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Originally posted by Iskander:

Marlow has not been heard from in some time... given that last week I actually saw the map sober and found one FO and two recoilless rifles that are now hopelessly out of position, that's fine with me and mine.

Since we have exchanged a turn or three in the past week, I guess you've been playing our turns so far in the bag that it is causing memory lose. That would explain the "skill" you have shown in the battle so far.
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Me: Loss.

OGSF: Not Loss.

He cheated, I was better. He had a hundred Tiger Is, I had four Daimlers and a tin of peaches. He shot last and hit first. I hate this travesty of a man.

[ February 24, 2002, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by dalem:


Me: Loss.

OGSF: Not Loss.

He cheated, I was better. He had a hundred Tiger Is, I had four Daimlers and a tin of peaches. He shot last and hit first. I hate this travesty of a man.

Och aye, Ah'm a feckin' hero mon! Oi! Stuka, thus were tha scenario ye got ye wee botty slapped ain as tha Germans. [Homer Simpson crying]Oohoohooh! There were hundreds of British tanks![/Homer Simpson crying].

Ah'm grrreat, Ah am! Tha raist o' ye are A Big Girl's Blouse!

Marlow ye a nostril load o' a cat's fart!


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Originally posted by Yeknod:

Oh, woe, my work, my artistry... where is it, eh? Persephone's donkey poem?... woe, wail, gnash.

Maintenance work, pah! . This is a Cesspoolcide.

Idjit Yeknod

I agree that it was Cesspoolcide! I'm posting the poem again just for you Yeknod.

The Donkey

When fishes flew and forests walked

And figs grew upon thorn

Some moment when the moon was blood

Then surely I was born.

With monstrous head and sickening cry

And ears like errant wings

The devil's walking parody

On all four-footed things.

The tattered outlaw of the earth,

Of ancient crooked will;

Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb,

I keep my secret still.

Fools! For I also had my hour;

One far fierce hour and sweet:

There was a shout about my ears,

And palms before my feet.

- G.K. Chesterton

[ February 24, 2002, 02:56 AM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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Well then.

I am not, may I say, angry. Not angry, tho an incarnation, whatever it's worth, of the Mother Beautiful Thread, has been lost.

Not closed, mind you, as has occured a thousand times before, but lost!

Now, I will just say this:

What have we learned? That, perhaps, endlessly nesting quotes and graphics will screw over the UBB? Hmm, yes, that seems like a reasonable conclusion. Good, then. We've all found another way to break the goddamn Board. Should we do so in the future? Not if we want to be welcome in this Thread ever, ever again.

Now, others might argue differently, and I wasn't around when the smack went down, but it seems reasonable to conclude that we've lost an entire incarnation of the Thread of threads due to 'stupid thread tricks'

In the future, could we show more consideration for the almost endless stream of gibberish we are capable of?

A Thread is a terrible thing to waste...

[ February 24, 2002, 03:29 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknod:

Oh, woe, my work, my artistry... where is it, eh? Persephone's donkey poem?... woe, wail, gnash.

Maintenance work, pah! . This is a Cesspoolcide.

Idjit Yeknod

I agree that it was Cesspoolcide! I'm posting the poem again just for you Yeknod.

The Donkey

When fishes flew and forests walked

And figs grew upon thorn

Some moment when the moon was blood

Then surely I was born.

With monstrous head and sickening cry

And ears like errant wings

The devil's walking parody

On all four-footed things.

The tattered outlaw of the earth,

Of ancient crooked will;

Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb,

I keep my secret still.

Fools! For I also had my hour;

One far fierce hour and sweet:

There was a shout about my ears,

And palms before my feet.

- G.K. Chesterton</font>

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I am lost, for the moment, in brooding. I am filled with a sort of despair, balanced by a sense of anger.

Folk such as Captain Wacky shall await my answer to their rather fatuous claims.

I am an Olde One contemplating the Nature of All Things, and making serious decisions.

Until my return, my Squire, Sledge59, shall maintain a certain orderly dismissal of useless bastards, and inform all others that I...ponder.

Sledge59, approach, lad. I am growing old, lad. Oh, mind, I was old when most of this lot were listening to their parents scream about 'counseling' after catching them peering in at their sister while she was dressing.

But, I wonder if I have the energy, imagination, and joy necessary to maintain the Peng Challenge Thread in these harsh days.

Aid the Justicar, lad, and see to the other Olde Ones, and do ought that is in your power to maintain the glory of the Peng Challenge Thread.

I must consider.

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How I spent my winter vacation

Part One: Parsifal, or how to make your ass numb for several days.

Wagner! (bolded because if he were here, he'd damned well be a knight) One of the truly great things about Wagner is that you can always count on him for some gratuitous sex and violence...

er what was that you said Persephone? WHAT!? You're joking, right?

...Oh bother... seems that after Wagner did his level best to become the father of Europe he decided to write an opera about good Christian virtues (You know the ones that say that anything that you might enjoy is bad {'course those virtues have kept me in business}), and that opera's name is Parsifal. Ok, no sex and no violence. What is left you ask? Five hours of Parsifal repressing his natural sex drive. Must admit that the music was absolutely amazing. Wagner really was THE MASTER of his craft. The set was... how to put this... ARGH! MY EYES! MAKE THE BAD SET DESIGNER STOP! The floor of the stage sloped up to for the back wall of the stage... but was decorated as if flat. This means we have chars on the wall. Five hours of staring at a bad Escher rip off... with some Geiger thrown in for the second act (a translucent pelvic bone that the singers were behind... had a bit of trouble figuring out what that had to do with Grail Knights). Anyway, my ass was numb after that five hour extraviganza, and remained so throughout the following day.

To be continued...

[ February 24, 2002, 04:32 AM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Well then.

I am not, may I say, angry. Not angry, tho an incarnation, whatever it's worth, of the Mother Beautiful Thread, has been lost.

Are you sure you're not angry? I would say you're maybe just a little bit on the angry side. It was the nesting quotes that did it...not my silly graphics.

A Thread is a terrible thing to waste...
That is very true.


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Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

Fair, point Cap'n, is was a hefty smack, as I remember, and all the more pleasurable with the things he muttered in me ear... but its was all a bit lengthy and he had to smack me a few more times to renew me interest.

Cap'n Tacky, as kitsch goes, passable for the outerboards. Sod Off.

Idjit Yeknod

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Well then.

I am not, may I say, angry. Not angry, tho an incarnation, whatever it's worth, of the Mother Beautiful Thread, has been lost.

Are you sure you're not angry? I would say you're maybe just a little bit on the angry side. It was the nesting quotes that did it...not my silly graphics.

A Thread is a terrible thing to waste...
That is very true.


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Originally posted by Diceman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

My wonderfully eloquent flipoff of Diceman, ruined! Gone forever! Lost! I guess I'll just have to sum it up with "nyah nyah nyah!"

I'm sure it was a wondrously articulate, elitists, snobbish, and caustic diatribe. eekdroolA.gif Dambed I missed it. sad2.gif Speaking of missing - Yeknodathon: my e-mail system is suffering a conspicuous absence of a setup from you. If you got a message from some wanker called Eric Scurlock, or discus@peoplepc.com, that's me you Idjit. If you can pull yourself away from that Milwaukee Vibrator, crotch rocket, thumper, or whatever bucket of bolts you wish you could be riding, if it wasn't February, make your purchases or send a counter setup.</font>
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I can't wait for part two of Berli's - Night at the Opera.

It really does promise to be .... an Upwelling - of emotion, of course !

Perhaps because his arse went to sleep, his autonomics stopped functioning - causing much.....unusual responses.


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