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Originally posted by Noba:

A few Carltons in the fridge.

ps. How did Geelong go today ?


Fancy an Emu or two??? Geez, Noba take it easy on Macey will ya? He might go and do somefink silly for revenge ... like whup-ass my doughty Krauts currently afflicting his Casa De Citadel. Naah! I just peeked and saw all his troops are wearing Geelong footy jumpers. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha They're goners for sure now...


PS: To Unca Stukey - nope!!

[ August 17, 2002, 06:23 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Noba - I just figured something out - the beer must be boosting my IQ tonite - NoddyOrBigAirs.

Or I guess it could just be some stoopid name that means nothing at all.

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Nah Tear Gas - not multiplying - addititve.

Although I guess that's still more math than you can handle.

And Noba - no problem.

Try again y'reckon....nah......why bother? It's not as if it took any effort the first time or that it would be worth looking at again. It's only you.

Maybe it ain't right - but it fits, so it'll do.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Hmph. The only Scottish I know is

"Och! Me puir wee bairns!"

--Lt. Cmdr Montgomery Scott, referring to the near-constant abuse of his engines by Capt. Kirk.

But you say it so well dalem ...

Thanks to Seanacoochiecoo and to the Evil One for the sing songs.

I must admit to not knowing the tune to the one posted by the Bard but enjoyed the lyrics none the less.

Here's a little of another Lauder song, I don't know all the lyrics but I'll have a go..

*Ahem, cough*

Every road through life is a long, long road,

Filled with joys and sorrows too,

As you journey on how your heart will yearn,

for the things most dear to you.

Keep right on to the end of the road, keep right on to the end,

Though the way be long, let your heart be strong, keep right on round the bend.

Though you're tired and weary still journey on, till you come to your happy abode,

Where all you love you've been dreaming of will be there at the end of the road...

For Hiram..... Keep the faith.

[ August 17, 2002, 10:00 AM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Well, here we are again. My (former) leige, would you please be so kind as to finally QUIT SAYING HOW GREAT AQUA PUERTO RICO IS!!! I mean really (really) how many times do we have to hear this before even we start to believe it? Don't bother answering, because it really (really) doesn't matter. Except to you. And those of us (your other former squires...remember us?) who this might be starting to get a complex (carbohydrate?) from it.

Anywhoo, in more impotent areas...

Mace, after sending two (2!) files in 1 (one!) day, has since returned to his flock and has forgotten me once again. I feel so...forgotten. Again. Ah well, it'll simply save the 'puter auto-surrendering for him. Gamey bastiche.

In the rubber (room?) match vs Simon, (we're 15-0 for him I think) I'm dying lots from a flank attack and things are looking good for another beeeyoooteefull loss to be chalked/penned/scribed (Lorak? you there?) next to my name. Gamey bastiche.

Speaking of gamey (and bastiche)...in our Gamiest Bastiche game Lurker is paralyzed with fear and horror at how so many of his pixeltruppen and splodey things can be de-pixellated and sploded by a bunch of arty and a few Super Pershings. Funny how that happens, eh.

And the rest of you (especially you ssn's) can just SOD RIGHT OFF!!

Except for the Ladies of course.



Former squire to Sir Joe Shaw and defender of Shavian House

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Originally posted by Persephone:

I have a piccy of Roxy! It was a full figure shot but I had to crop it to keep the file size down...sorry...but that's the way it goes.

Love your bathing suit Roxy! What store did you take...err....buy it from?


Hm. That pic makes me feel all funny in the same way pics of Kitty did.
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Croda, I can see how your might take my original post as brown-nosing. I actually took the time to notice you, and likened you to a piece of aged crap. That’s more attention and praise than you normally get. I guess I should have just stepped around you like everyone else, or just quietly wiped you off my shoes.

I don’t care which of your stoolies I crush. I am sure neither Boo nor Lurker would present much of a challenge. I must, however, insist, that we play with the parameters you originally suggested. I have already gone through the trials of Crodaburg with Lars, and a second go would be double jeopardy.

Why don’t you get your House of Croda jesters in order, and then tell me who should get the setup.

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Hey, Noba-D-Knows-The-Trouble-I-Seen, you've misquoted me in your sig. It should be, "I have learned that one useless man is called a disgrace, two become a law firm and three or more start a Cesspool."

Get it right, mate.

Oh and BuzzCut? Go eat a bug. When my squire Lurker is through with you, he won't even bother to spit out the bones. That's a figure of speech, boyo. We all know that invertabrates don't have bones.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

I have a piccy of Roxy! It was a full figure shot but I had to crop it to keep the file size down...sorry...but that's the way it goes.


Love your bathing suit Roxy! What store did you take...err....buy it from?


Lies!!! Deceit!!! Subterfuge!!!

That... that... that thing is not the Boxy of my nightmares. I am engaged in battle with She of the Bovinity, and I sure would have remembered if I had seen something like that on the battlefield.

Your shallow attempt to lure my brave soldaten from their secret hidey places will fail.

Oh yes... tricksy she is... but we'll not fall for her games...

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Originally posted by Mike:

who's this Mustard Pong thingie - is someone trying to capitalise on the mystical magical nature of the MBT??

After all we have Uber Gnomes, dirty old men and Sir Alphabet Soup - what stranger set of fantastical and unlikely createures is oine ever likely to encounter???

Theonly reason I can think of for him being faster and meaner than anything is that he's been dropped from a great height and is still accelerating, while meanness of course comes from the contemplation of a sudden cessation of velocity.

As for smarter?? Doesn't seem likely since he's still posting here.

Nonetheless I shall do my best to disabuse him of any such notion - so send me a setup you pulsimonious pultrudinous parasite!!

Dear Dork:

It is our policy to require that any challengers send US a set up. Especially scum sucking newbies such as yourself. You were a bit late on the uptake too - I find that right now I have more games than I want. A veritable plethora. So. Wait. Send one in a week or two. I may or may not respond.

In other news: erm lesse Whatever it was that Seanacahai said I whole heartedly disagree with it. And the thing that Berli mentioned I also disagree with that. So if it was regarding the thing about SSNs or elevating someone to Serf or somefink, I say "NO!" In a loud, strong baritone.

Now as to Roxy having a pool-boy for her very self, I like the idea, but I think Emma and Persephone should get them too. Even if they do not have pools. It is a win-win kind of thing that keeps everyone happy. The pool-boy gets a story he can tell his pals about, The lady get's a bit of underaged excitement, and the Lady's man gets the Lady out of his hair for a little while.

And so it goes.


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Originally posted by Nestor:

[rather pale and vapid taunt snipped]

Athkatla!!! Inform this SSN that I am a full fledged knight in good — well in halfway decent — well actually in rather piss poor — standing, but a knight all the same. I simply do not have time to play every fresh face that wanders into the place. Besides I'm on dishes and laundry duty this month. No, it simply won't do.

edit: and while you're at it, see it you can spot eleven errors in that SSN's taunt. It was on page eight, I believe.

[ August 17, 2002, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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The radiant beauty, Roxanne, glides gracefully into the parlor. Attired in a stunning red gown provided by the sweet Lady Emma, she fully sparkles with the finest of jewels, liberated...er borrowed from the boudoir of Lady Persephone. Even her marble pedestal, on which her Heroes so gently place her, is adorned with ribbons, and flowers from the garden.

What is the occasion? Why is the bonny lass not scrubbing the castles? Is that not her lot as a Lady In Waiting? After all, she's allowed to work at her own pace....and a slow pace it is, too.

Is the lass daft? Does she presume to elevate herself to the status of, Lady Of The One True Thread? This after driving Sherriff Joe mad with requests for Pillock Boys? Has the Lady lost her marbles, perhaps in the same bog as Panzer Leader lost his yarbles?

Gather round her pedestal. Listen to her soft voice. She will answer your questions.....

What a gorgeous day this is....and so many of my Heroes here to visit with me, too! What do you think, boys? Would I not make a fine Lady of the Pool?

Oh, don't get upset, Sherriff Joe. That is not what I am about. The occasion is the return of the Knights of yore. I've read so much about them.

Welcome home, dashing Knights of Yore! Let us make merry, in your honor! Let us partake of The Cup Of Peng with zeal this day. Let there be jousting, and barroom brawls such as we've never seen before.

Papa Khan should be released from his fetters for the occasion, and given a small Panzer Armee to play with.

We should find a fine pair of marble yarbles for Knight Panzerleader, and Mohammed should come down off the mountain.

Let there be an abundance of PoolBoys as caterers to the party, with foofie drinks for all the Ladies, complete with umbrellas!

I want to see revelry and mirth abound! I want taunts and brawls penned with the cobra's venom.

And finally, I want squire Athkatla to stand by me throughout the revelry. He can protect me from the errant bottle of ale that will surely sail my way.

Welcome home, mighty Knights of Yore!

[ August 17, 2002, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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And now for some all new legal UPDATES!

Lars has fallen before the litigation juggernaut. Of course, he led the French, and it IS Lars we are talking about here, so none of this should be surprising to any of you.

Here are some snippets from a post-battle interview with Lars:

Lars on Armor tactics:


"When I have a lot of the clenkety thingies, I like to group them real close together. That way, when all of them die in a couple of turns, the crews can keep each other company until it's time for the surrender!"

Lars on the Panther:


Lars: "Panthers? We hatess them, my preciouss, we hateses them alls!"

Lars has filed an appeal, delaying disbursement of the winnings, err, judgment, including my attorney's fees. For that, he has made the List.

Otherwise, another crushing victory for the Litigious Horde.

Yeknod has missed the deadline for filing his latest response. I have filed a motion to compel and expect the Court to Order production of his turn shortly. We are still struggling with this abomination Foul Joe inflicted on us months ago. I am winning, of course.

Speedbump has performed, well, truly pathetically against the Defense Counsel for the Litigious Horde. He is rushing his last company of men into the waiting arms of death, and begging for us to finish him off. His pleas are in vain -- we bill by the hour.

Joe has filed for a continuance. We are awaiting a ruling on that one -- but he is still losing rather badly.

Boo_Radley has pathetically lost all his tanks by turn 8. He is dying in droves. His one glimmer of hope ('I saw your paralegals running for cover on your right flank!') has turned to dust: Those weren't paralegals, those were secretaries off to get the booze for the celebration. The jury won't be out long on this one.

r_leete is still a loser -- as if y'all didn't know that.

AussieJeff insists on demolishing and burning buildings without a permit. We are charging him with battery and arson, but not assault -- no reasonable jury could classify his pathetic meanderings as an assault.

The Litigious Horde already filed suit against Wildman for illegal parking of a military vehicle. We will soon amend our complaint to include charges of smoking in a public place and incompetent use of military assets. This one will be over quickly.

Roxy has become a favorite client. Not only will she put a couple of my kids through college based upon my hourly billables, she is also silly enough to move troops through large open areas.

That is all.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

r_leete is still a loser -- as if y'all didn't know that.

Hey, we aren't even playing. I really...Huh? What's that, again? Oh...I see. Nevermind, then.

Edit your damn pics, you overpaid leech. Scrolling is just not kosher.

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Hmm, seems close enough, and Berli says if he has to read one more Thread started by Panzer Leader, his eyes will melt and run down his face.

But don't worry, Panzer Leader! I'm working to find good things to say about you, and I'm sure that some day he will come around.

So, everyone play nice here and I will go to open the way.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hmm, seems close enough, and Berli says if he has to read one more Thread started by Panzer Leader, his eyes will melt and run down his face.

But don't worry, Panzer Leader! I'm working to find good things to say about you, and I'm sure that some day he will come around.

So, everyone play nice here and I will go to open the way.

Hmm? What are you talking about? Oh (Jack Black face again) you were having one of *those* conversations again...
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Originally posted by Roxy:

... squire Athkatla stands by Boxy while surrounded by all the revelry possible in the Sunshine Home for the Aged. Occasionally he swats down the errant bottle of ale that was swiftly sailing at Boxy, cast by a grumpy old man (no Berli is not there. It's a different grumpy old man)...

... from a dark corner of the room, the faint creak of a Yew bow being drawn is heard... a pause...

"Black arrow, who was my father's, and his father's before him, I have oft used you yet always retrieved you. If this is to be your last flight, strike swiftly and true. Miss not thy mark... bad enough what she does, but now she deigns to use the fair lady Persephone in her plans..."

a terrible twang followed by a venomous hiss as the arrow sped towards it's mark...


Shock registers on squire Athkatla's face as his eyes dart to the terrible wound...

Boxy, stunned, also looks in horror at the arrow... the arrow protruding from Athkala's breast... the arrow with a small piece of paper tied round it.

Removing the paper she unrolls it and reads...

"Where's my turn?"

[ August 17, 2002, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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