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Sweet! I got laid off - more time for CMBB!!!!!

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I got laid off this time last year with enough resources to keep myself amused and busy.

I've had to fill in the gap in the CV by saying Self-taught/Correspondance studied my way through intermediate Desktop CM:BO. Then I damn well get a proper f/t job starting in two weeks

Suppose now I'll have to go part-time with my advanced CM:BB studies :( Enjoy it you full-timers smile.gif

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Originally posted by Wicky:

Suppose now I'll have to go part-time with my advanced CM:BB studies :( Enjoy it you full-timers smile.gif

I'm on 50% and can tell you it still is too much.

Myabe I will have to reduce even more in the future. But then I might have some financial troubles sooner or later. If you see me begging, plse drop a coin in my hat...

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Check this out my boss is so cool he said

he would provide the beer and snacks for

the install party when CMBB arrives , and told

me not to show up unless I needed a break

from the game or my carpel tunnel flares up.

(probable the wrists will go first)


no layoff insight,

self employed

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To all lose wishing to be laid-off; be careful of what you wish for. As an Electronics Tech; I have suffered badly from the Great Tech Bust. In my new job I get 20% less pay, work longer and harder, and get almost no benifits. the grass where are is often more green than you think.

On a side note It is good to be back, I have been gone from the Battlefront scene for a long time. It is interesting to see how much and how little has changed. I am downloading the demo now I hope that CM:BB has fixed some of the things I really disliked about CM:BO.

Last note my Member number# in low hundereds guess there were fewer of us back then than I had thought.

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Originally posted by Len:

I took early retirement 4 years ago, aged 50, but then took a f/t job last november.

(damn contract was only supposed to last 2 months.......lol).


i feel your pain...i only made it 6 months (after retiring) before i let someone talk me into a p/t job for a few months. it became f/t in 2 weeks, and has lasted 2 years --- with no end in sight!!

only thing keeping my head on my shoulders is the 'queen' is still working. if she, too, were retired and i did this.... i shudder to think!!

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Originally posted by kmead:

I just missed that bullet last Wednesday. They let half my department go (well a little more than half 5 out of 9). Now we have one manager for each employee in my group. I suspect it will become "well Karl if you just move the mouse this way we think you will create better results..." The guys who left got 6 mos severance, vacation pay, 6 mos COBRA and retraining at management company.

I got , three more people's workload added to mine. :mad:

I don't think you actually dodged the bullet then :D
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Welcome to the club, I haven't had a job in over 6 months now!

You know the Germans work 420 hours a year less than we --And when I say 'we', I mean you-- slaving Americans, yet their productivity exceeds ours.

Now the French are the worst when it comes to time off, they are seemingly always on vacation. Truth-be-told, we --again, you-- work far too much in this country.

All play and no work makes Robert a dull boy.

All play and no work makes Robert a dull boy.

All play and no work makes Robert a dull boy.

All play and no work makes Robert a dull boy.

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Originally posted by AnonymousOxide:

Welcome to the club, I haven't had a job in over 6 months now!

You know the Germans work 420 hours a year less than we --And when I say 'we', I mean you-- slaving Americans, yet their productivity exceeds ours.

Now the French are the worst when it comes to time off, they are seemingly always on vacation. Truth-be-told, we --again, you-- work far too much in this country.

All play and no work makes Robert a dull boy.

All play and no work makes Robert a dull boy.

All play and no work makes Robert a dull boy.

All play and no work makes Robert a dull boy.

No beer and no TV make Homer something something.


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Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B:

Does not.

I don't believe those numbers for France. Unless it's because half the country is unemployed so the ones that are working work extra hard to support the others.

Also, Americans may work harder, but we generally have/want more stuff so that makes sense. If I didn't want any material goods other than food and a place to live I could get by on a LOT less money (hence less working hours.)

[ September 15, 2002, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]

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I've been laid off for 8 months (here in the U.S.).... my unemployment extension will be running out at the end of October... I'm an Oracle DBA and the job market here really is sucking bigtime for IT guys........ I've sent out over 1300 resumes and in all this time have had only 3 interviews...... it's starting not to be so fun...... I hope all hear who are in the same boat as I find the job of their dreams.....

And the REALLY sucky part is I don't have the extra dollars right now to purchase CMBB.......


Cleveland Ohio USA

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This isn't directly related to CMBB, but what I'm posting is constantly running around in my mind and I figured I'd post it.

I'm in an odd, possibly enviable, possibly psychologically troublesome situation. As a single guy with no expensive hobbies and a few years of earning a lot more than I spend, I'm not afraid of going broke if I lose my job.

However, all my life I've been surrounded by people with a very strong work ethic; parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc all work very hard at their jobs (of course, maybe if they'd been able to earn more at those jobs they would have been able to take vacations, retire, etc). Psychologically I consider my job very important to my concept of self-worth; like many Americans, I am what I do. I could be unemployed for a year (or more, as long as there are no catastrophes) but fear I would "slip" if I were unemployed (either voluntarily or involuntarily) for just a few weeks.

At the same time, I'm working in a position, and for a company, where I'm neither happy, nor confident, nor developing myself personally/ professionally. I keep telling myself I'll start looking for a new position, but never really do. Part of my mind says "be glad you have a job at all, because if you didn't you'd be a loser*" and another part says "suck it up, do the job and cash the paychecks until either you figure it out or they can you."

I feel like a mouse in a wheel. I've considered entering a counseling or therapy program but my current employer's health plan doesn't cover it, and I don't have enough money to spend hundres of dollars/hour out of my own pocket.


*I'm not calling unemployed people losers. Being unemployed doesn't make a person a loser. But in my mind, being unemployed would make me a loser.

[ September 16, 2002, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Doug Beman ]

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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

As a single guy with no expensive hobbies and a few years of earning a lot more than I spend, I'm not afraid of going broke if I lose my job.

I could be unemployed for a year (or more, as long as there are no catastrophes) but fear I would "slip" if I were unemployed (either voluntarily or involuntarily) for just a few weeks.

At the same time, I'm working in a position, and for a company, where I'm neither happy, nor confident, nor developing myself personally/ professionally. I keep telling myself I'll start looking for a new position, but never really do.


If I were you I would start looking for another job. Or do something else what you are inetersted in. And you can afford it as you said.

And why not leaving your job and start looking in a few months from now? Go travelling and visit CM players around the world. Travelling on your own does develop your personality for sure. Don't need any doctors for that.

Or do something you were dreaming of. Skydiving or whatever.

And then look afterwards for a new job.



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I've been sending my resume around, but pursuing a new job takes time and I'm not about to signal to my superiors that I'm looking for a new position until I have an interview or 3 to go on.

I'm going to talk with my boss one-on-one (even if I have to demand an appt) to express my misgivings and get a look at the "roadmap" to see if there's the possibility of remediation within the current setup.


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