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Marlon Brando, the PENG CHALLENGE and me

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

I'm yer Higgins and yer me little Eliza,

It's been a rough week.

I've been busting hump at work and no matter what I do, it's like I take one step forward and two steps back. We've all known situations like this, I'm sure.

Also, my best friend has been having problems with his son (Puberty is raising it's ugly head) and he just had to have a pet of 17 years put down. On top of that, the mother of a coworker of mine whom I've been good friends with for 20 years is having serious health issues.

Then I came home and read this and saw the Donkey in waistcoat, pinstriped trousers and spats and Athkatla in a ruffled pinafore, bonnet and with long russet hair all in ringlets.

Everything's OK now.

Thank you.

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If me Squerf don't get that piccie to Persephone he'll be getting ELEC-TRO-CUTION with me nice new 0% lethality, 100% stopping power StunoNobbit-cattle prod.

*pzzzzzzzzzzzzzitt* *zip*

Give me a Nobbit and I'll make the little bleeder hop.

*pzzzzzzzzzziitttt* *zap*

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender o' tha Paddock

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posted by the thissellmuncher:

*pzzzzzzzzzzzzzitt* *zip*

Give me a Nobbit and I'll make the little bleeder hop.

*pzzzzzzzzzziitttt* *zap*

No Nobbitts around here.

Speedbump, you feeble lackwit. I have returned turns that elicit no reply from yourself. Only a cannot find message.

Place your fingers in full view and RESEND your last file. I think you may have changed your email address and not told anyone.


[ August 03, 2002, 03:29 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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An update:

Something masquerading as a human being with the alias "Doug Beman" (does he keep hives??) has gone MIA.

He seems to think that knocking out a single pillbox from the rear qualifies as victory and so he doesn't need to return any further moves.

What's worse he then has the cheek to tell me to get a turn into him.

And it's a scenario with such great potential for Die a lot now.

Maybe the thought of playing a real game has scared him off....after all he's used to baby sitting you lot as his toughest tasks to date, so he qualifies as a gutless wimp (2nd class).

[ August 03, 2002, 04:33 AM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Damnit I take 5 minutes out for a bit of slap and tickle and everyone and his arse is on me back. Just back off, alright? Or SOD OFF

Now then, OGSF you skirt wearing sissy, where's my fecking turn, are you scared of my GREEN troops? Yes everybody, note he has allowed me GREEN troops! I'll still kick his arse.

My Brave Sir "4 Legged" Knight, YEKNODATHON, I can't seem to get owt right just lately, must be me mid life crisis, I've been chasing bits o skirt all over town, but they won't have it, there's nowt worse than being rejected ay?

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Originally posted by Andreas:

You know what to do, and I will be sitting here practising my CMBB tactics, ready to chew you up and spit you out at a mere moment's notice.

Good. Keep practising. You've still never beaten me have you? I'll have a Hungarian AT-rifle and you can have a Soviet Tank Army. Can't write more. My system reboots randomly when I'm online.
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Originally posted by Geier:

My system reboots randomly when I'm online.

For which we give thanks.

Have you considered that this is the universe's way of saying you aren't up to existing??

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Originally posted by Mike:

An update:

Something masquerading as a human being with the alias "Doug Beman" (does he keep hives??) has gone MIA.

He seems to think that knocking out a single pillbox from the rear qualifies as victory and so he doesn't need to return any further moves.

What's worse he then has the cheek to tell me to get a turn into him.

And it's a scenario with such great potential for Die a lot now.

Maybe the thought of playing a real game has scared him off....after all he's used to baby sitting you lot as his toughest tasks to date, so he qualifies as a gutless wimp (2nd class).

You have demonstrated a new level of gamey basticheness! Not only do you send me a message at 10pm that has NO new attached file, you conjured up a ferocious electrical storm that knocked out power just before 10pm (so I couldn't respond to your first drivelous post in the proper manner) and then wait until 8 this morning to send me to sodding file.

And now you have the cheek to point fingers at me. Well, little man, I'll have you know that was sitting at my silent, powerless computer all night, perfecting the ways I shall make your troops beg for an eternity of servitude cleaning the smelly stuff out of my Altamas rather than continue to face the commando hordes.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Probably started when Seanachai started hugging everyone

I know. He's rapidly turning into one of those "funny uncles". But, on the bright side, it probably won't be too long before we see his mug plastered across the TV screen as he's hustled into the backseat of a police cruiser.
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I am just going to sit over here in the corner. Not exactly crying, but teary-eyed nonetheless. If you feel the need to drop me a bone, you'll get the pleasure of seeing me devour it like an Irish Wolf-hound hearing poetry from CmPlayer.

There is no crying in CM! Now mail me out my turn Herr Panzy, you sorry exscuse for an arm chair Field Marshal!
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That evil wolf-fondler CMplayer is up to his gamey tricks again! Taking advantage of my little pussy cat that refused to fire smoke when immobilised and surrounded by his powder puff yanks. Like the big yellow streaked coward he is, he then decided to decorate my kitty's turret with a piat round, therefore killing off the only viable weapon system I have left to fight him.

No doubt he'll be on here crowing about his big success soon, well he can just sod off cos he's one big fart of a gamey bastiird!!

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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Goodness, Geier, it suddenly clicked.

Goddamit, Geier, can't you get anything right? Next time, before handing the revolver to Seanachai and telling him to look down the barrel, put some bullets into it.</font>
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Originally posted by athkatla:

his powder puff yanks.

Are you referring to instances of my tugging at a powder puff...? Because I've never heard of the Red Devils being referred to as yanks before.

But I understand... in the process of taking 90% casualties you never did ID any of my guys. Well, luckily you can look at the flagpoles...see the Union Jacks? Good.

Glad we got that cleared up.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The Thread title is from that Neil Young song, isn't it?

It isn't from the Disney movie anyway. May I also refer to the last page of the last, much inferior Thread, were I wrote some beautiful poetry based on something else that hasn't been made into a Disney movie.

Too bad you had to give it away since I guess that a lot of posters whose posts I don't read were confused. I so enjoy that.

Croda is a bastard too, just like you.

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Originally posted by Mike:

snippage of Mike's usual blather

...I'll shoot myself first.

Bravo. Tis a fine idea, young man. A tad overdue, but still a fine idea.

If you're in need of assistance, by all means sound off. In place of a blindfold, I'm sure Boo would be willing to loan you the paper sack he normally covers his mug with. And if I weren't afraid of being trampled to death under the cloven hooves of the rest of the Poolers, I'd sprint to your side and snatch the firearm from you so I could pull the trigger myself.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

I'm sure Boo would be willing to loan you the paper sack he normally covers his mug with.


How did you know I was the Unknown Comic?

Two things:

Secondly, you're a writer and yet you ended that sentence with a prepostion. Illiterate git.

Lastly, send me a move, you preposterous blow-hard.

Firstly, (I lied, there were three things) I will end this with a proposition. If I give you a quarter, will you go play in traffic?


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Originally posted by Geier:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

The Thread title is from that Neil Young song, isn't it?

It isn't from the Disney movie anyway. May I also refer to the last page of the last, much inferior Thread, were I wrote some beautiful poetry based on something else that hasn't been made into a Disney movie.

Too bad you had to give it away since I guess that a lot of posters whose posts I don't read were confused. I so enjoy that.

Croda is a bastard too, just like you.</font>

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

There is no crying in CM! Now mail me out my turn Herr Panzy, you sorry exscuse for an arm chair Field Marshal!

Followed by...

Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Better to be an aem-chair (black leather of course) field marshal than a foot-stool piss-pot corporal, eh?

Here we have a classic example of how the new rules can improve things. So, Focker n Leader, SHUT THE F... Yes, dammit, I know... but it's needed... oh bother
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All of you low life, knuckle dragging, sheep shagging, poofty poncing, ankle biting, bum wiping, toe dancing, nose picking, lint licking, short bus riding, pasty wearing, panty fluffing, Brittany Spears hangers-on, low grade Morons want to send me a turn, go right ahead.

Unless you've forgotten how to hit the send button.

Between that, the fact that M'Lud Croda has stopped whupping me upside the head and that my squire Lurker is off Berli knows where, almost makes me want to pull a dalem and go in search of the perfect distillation of hate.

Because one thing I've learned here is that where one useless man may be called a disgrace and two become a law firm, three or more become CessPoolers!

[ August 03, 2002, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Because one thing I've learned here is that where one useless man may be called a disgrace and two become a law firm, three or more become CessPoolers!
Now there's a quote worth bottling ! Boo has admitted to learning one thing.

I shall steal it for my Sig.


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