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Do I Challenge Peng or Wait for Roxy?

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Now that Joe Shaw has clarified his position, and my nails are done, and nose powdered; I'm once again fit for public consumption.


My dear sweet pitiful little boy. Does your mum know you sniff rats?

Do you realize the danger inherent in even hinting that I, Roxanne the Deceptive should be associated with rats in any way? I can have you drawn and quartered if I choose. Such are the powers of treachery, deception, and stunning beauty.

How dare you suggest for one second that I received forgiveness from The Olde Onesand that formerly meany Sherriff Joe just because I am a woman! I would not accept forgiveness if that were the case. I would banish myself to Coventry instead.

Now where's that cute geekygrog M. Dorosh? No matter, I will send him a setup as instructed.

[ August 07, 2002, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Evening All

Ooh whats happening here hmm , did I miss something ? . Ahh a new lady of the pool I see .

I think Lady in waiting is in fact an anagram for I gnaw nail tidy or A daily twin gin I just can't decide which one is the real one .

Welcome Roxanne

My liege Mace omitted some things from tne geat downunder , confectionary , yum yum

Minties , Caramello Koalas , Cherry Ripes , Twisties , Freckles , Frogs alive , Chicos , and of course Furry Friends .

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I just don't understand anymore...

Oh, wait I think I got it: it's Treeburst! He put that wig on his head and crept back in, sure that neither Madmatt nor Fionn wouldn't dare to hit a girl. (I'm not so sure about that...)

Why before you know it, we'll see a "Roxy's Invitational CM-n-Wine Spritzer Tourney" hosted by our hostess with the mostess, but the only drawback will be that the prize this time will be an African Fruity Chardonnay, while the runners up merely get four-packs of Seagrams Wine Coolers.

Speaking of confessions, I too have a confession to make. Many of you know me as Panzer Leader Man of men, King of the Road, el Mucho Macho Hombre, uber-menschen galore. Wise, strong, witty, with a charismatic smile, and a fun-loving twinkle in my eye, however there is another side of me:

On the outside I may be gruff and handsome, but I am truly a LESBIAN trapped in a man's body!!! Yes, it is true, I like the wemmin.

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Who the hell cares what handle someone is or is not using around here? If I believed in a deity I'd be sacrificing a goat right now to beseech he, she, or it to crush the whole lot of you stinking whiners into oblivion with a giant Slipper of the Gods. Of course, everytime I flip the light on in here to get just that done you all scatter like roaches, so said deity would have a helluva time, you can bet on that.

I mean seriously, for all any of you know I could run an IP spoof then register and post as P. Penny Pantaloon from Petaluma, who's in favor of rampant socialism, gun control, and reruns of I Love Lucy.

As long as P. Penny returns turns and/or screws around like a witty gentlebeing, who gives a flying fornicationary effort?

Sheesh, get over yourselves.

I join those who welcome you Roxy, be you man, beast, or mineral.

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Originally posted by Mike:

Oh..sorry...you don't do that, do you! well never mind - let me explain it to you, and I'll try to use words of one syllable.

Our friends in the USA and the UK and most places where CM is played are all in the Noth half of the globe. i, and sadly you, are in the SOUTH half.

Right! I have a 4x2 and I'm not afraid to use it!

Let me put this gently to you *THWACK*.

The Earth rotates, therefor the side that faces sun is what is called in 'daylight' *THWACK*. Both South and *THWACK* Northern Hemispheres.

Eg Japan (North Hemisphere) is roughly in the same timezone as Australia (Southern Hemisphere). Ergo *THWACK* when we are facing the sun they are facing the sun. Ergo it is daytime there when it is daytime here *THWACK*.

The reason our North American collegues are in the land of nod *THWACK* when we are awake is not because they are *THWACK* in the Northern Hemisphere, but because *THWACK* they are in another time zone *THWACK*.

Sheesh, Kiwi education - an oxymoron?


[ August 07, 2002, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Now, Chimpanzee Bleeder, it's good to see you are at least thinking a bit; but that fool TB is far too forthright to be me. The poor sod couldn't begin to even contemplate the crimes I have committed, and am still committing. To accuse me of being TB is more than a little insulting. Keep it up and I will have to send you a setup. Now run along, boy, so I can devise new deceptions and treachery in peace. ...and next time clean yourself up a bit before you address a lady.

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"Oxymoron" - a miss-spelling of Aussie Moron, which of course {b]Mace is the highly successful protptype.

I hope he eventually recovers from his self incflicted beating enough to lose a game or two to someone else.

[lilt]Yes Macey - I know all that, as you would hve noticed if you'd actually comprehended my post instead of merely looking at it.

I guess it's my fault for using too many polysyllabilic words in the explaination.

Never mind - who actually cares?

Now this Foxy chick thing - at last - someone with a bit of sense. Yes saying TB is her/him/it is definitely an insult.

TB never had to hide behind any personae and if he was here he'd call you out for such a slander.

However he's the finest TB never to have graced the pool (well not much) and is currently banned for expressing an opinion, and so I shall stand for him instead.

Rather than the normal size 10 Jungle boot, I shall, however, indeference to your appaernt femaleness, slap you around with a pair of cotton gloves - plat, plat (whadaya expect?? cotton isn't that noisey!!)

There you go you brazen hussy, you sower of discord in the pool, you Jezebel with the hair of Samachisom on your skissors, you Mata Hairy, you temptress and seductress and generall all round stirrer.

Lady-in-waiting[/]?? what kind of title is that?? In waiting for what? For a jolly god thrashing of CMBO is all I can think of - so have at it - send me somethign and we'll get the punishment out of the way ASAP.

Delightedly yours


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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

Minties , Caramello Koalas , Cherry Ripes , Twisties , Freckles , Frogs alive , Chicos , and of course Furry Friends .

Very good, Squire Simon, your education is progressing nicely.

Of course there are also wagon wheels, tim tams, jaffas.....


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Speaking of confessions, I too have a confession to make. Many of you know me as Panzer Leader Man of men, King of the Road, el Mucho Macho Hombre, uber-menschen galore. Wise, strong, witty, with a charismatic smile, and a fun-loving twinkle in my eye

No, we never knew you that way.
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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

Minties , Caramello Koalas , Cherry Ripes , Twisties , Freckles , Frogs alive , Chicos , and of course Furry Friends .

Very good, Squire Simon, your education is progressing nicely.

Of course there are also wagon wheels, tim tams, jaffas.....


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

Excuse me, but I'm on a witchhunt!! Thats hardly fair, seeing as I posted my thoughts and was immediately jumped on by about 6 of you!

I didn't jump on you, I hit you with a stick!


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Don't tell me - you lost The Brick?

No, no. It's still here. He's having me gild it, for some strange reason. I suppose it's to be presented to the new S-SSN (sorta-SSN) seen lurking hereabouts.

Boo, Crodaturd file sent. Let's get it over and done with, before the next generation comes out, eh?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Otherwise we skip over it and wonder, for the briefest of moments, whether there was a grain of worth lost somewhere in there.

Oh, come ON Berli! Get serious! Everyone knows Ossified Jeff is a complete and utter buffoon and that much like his underwear, there's little hope of change.</font>
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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Where the h*ll is Elvis when we need him most?

Probably trying to think up something to say.

Why are you worring about him tho', when you could be playing CM???


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

So stop simpering and straining yer brain for the definition of "PROBE" {think something deep and meaningful} and then SEND A FECKIN' TURN. My plucky lads are sick of playing "Old Maid" in the interim.....

Sir AJ

Knight of The HoB

It's on it's way, you large odiferous piece of toe-jam. My God, but you do go on, don't you? I can see you capering (Yes, I said capering!) about in front of your monitor, mail order dentures residing next to you in an old rusty can that used to contain Cling peaches. All the while you bang away at your keybord, spittle flying about your head, while you screetch, "Send me a turn! Send me a feckin' turn!"

It's a wonder your neighbors haven't had you committed by now. Oh wait. They're Australian too.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Mike, .....I can't even tell what you're trying to say.

This neither news to me nor important.

[ August 07, 2002, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Mike:

sometimes I think that one of the great joys of being in the Southern Hemisphere of our great polluted planet is sleeping through the waking hours of those in the north.

You mean you sleep 24 hours a day???
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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Need I go on, and on, and on ...... ?? Ahh. I see. You already know these things off by heart. Ok then, it's over to you, Stuka for a Brissie boy's peculiar slant...

Sir Aussiejeff

Knight of the HoB

Hijacking this to give the South Australian perspective, we are cultured down this way we drink our beer with a wine chaser, oh and Vegemite for the palate.
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What can I say - I work..er...attend for the Govt.

Actually I though everyone on here was asleep - or drugged, or perhaps suffering from rigor mortis - it's how I explain the general level of posting and tone of het place.

Perhaps you need to adopt one of the above to fit in a bit better??

But I'm sure we'd all rather you just sodded off - prefereably with a boot print implanted on your buttocks!

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