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Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public, Now & Forever, Until the Last Breath Leaves Me

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Oh Joe, don't be so persiflagalistical about the whole thing.

I don't know why, but I'm thinking of Mary Poppins.

I always feel a bit odd when I think of Mary Poppins. She was practically perfect in every way, you know.

Excuse me, I'll be back in a little while.</font>

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I'm sick and tired...um, strike that. YOU ALL are sick and tired! Why don't one of you do something useful for a change, like fix Mr Spkr's ISP, or stab Joe with a pitchfork until he sends me a turn! While you're at it, do a number on Herr Oberst too.


I didn't forget about the picture I owe you, I just haven't had time to borrow the digital cam. I'll get to it, probably much sooner than Joe will get to my turn file.

Meester Speeker,

Check the tourney thread when you get a chance. I don't want to foul the Mutha Beautiful with my tourney crap. What, you're still reading this thread?! Go to the tourney thread, man!

Treeburst155, Squire to More-owes me a turn-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes.

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Ahh lovely words of introduction and villany Ser Seanch' The sounds of actual language rather than the gutteral mewlings of refuse pulled me out of the daydreams of another time.

Of course you owe me in CMBO, but your recent no doubt undeserved respite has given you time. Other malcontents not otherwise keeping up with their obligations, Agua has surpassed even his most dilatory passive agression. He refuses to get back the turns in whinch he dies.

Hiram is well himself, and we await his turn. I do so admire the lovely Ardennes landscape in which my casting of his soul to perdiiton (because not even Berli would take an option) proceeds apace.

Perhaps there are others of you, perhaps not. Never mind. In the spirit of our bard, loathing is such sweet sorrow. I wave a limp wrist in the rest of your general direction as the thought of bestirring myself for te general likes of this crowd, only roils my bowels.

au revoir......until we meet again

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

"Oh Pepper Corn, oh Pepper Corn.

Wherefore art thou, Pepper Corn?"

In jail setting up house with a rather large miscreant named "Bubba" if there's any justice.

Be advised that I am sending you a set up and for the first time in one our games, you will NOT be the jack-booted thugs. You will be the Russian rabble romping through the ruins and I will portray the lifestyles of the Reich and Fascist.

Deal with it, Sparky.

My dear Boo-Boo, must I remind you that one autocratic regime that cared not one whit for its citizens is just as good as another? Or in other words, by all means please do hasten your efforts to produce said setup file. My superior tactical awareness is fluent in both Bolshevik and Fascist.

At least I get to be the good guys. Again. And stuff. Neener-neener.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Papa Khann:

My superior tactical awareness is fluent in both Bolshevik and Fascist.

i.e., "I can run away screaming in either language"
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Which of you dodgy gits even have to forty bucks for this game, and who lives in a civilized enough nation to actually be deigned worthy of owning it? If you meet these two requirements,SEND ME A FECKING SET-UP!!!

I will be sure to add hatred later, but for now, I just want a game, so MOVE MOVE MOVE.

Oh, Andreas my little Germanic dandy, how about shooting me over one of your little Bitte-Battles, eh?

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I will be sure to add hatred later, but for now, I just want a game, so MOVE MOVE MOVE.

You'll have to do better than that, Mouse. See if you can match MrSpkr's "ohhh, I'll add you to my list but I won't actually PLAY you because I'm TOO AFRAID" behavior to REALLY get the hatred going. Then get back to us, m'kay?
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:


Which of you dodgy gits even have to forty bucks for this game, and who lives in a civilized enough nation to actually be deigned worthy of owning it? If you meet these two requirements,SEND ME A FECKING SET-UP!!!

I will be sure to add hatred later, but for now, I just want a game, so MOVE MOVE MOVE.

Oh, Andreas my little Germanic dandy, how about shooting me over one of your little Bitte-Battles, eh?

Since i've yet to actualy play a full game, your cry for help worked and i will send you a setup NancyLeader .
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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Joe Surrenders to Treeburst in Demo Scenario On Turn Three!!

Tell 'em how it was, Joe. Tell 'em about the withdraw orders, the crying for mommy, the panicked shooting of your own guys. Tell 'em how your girlies ran with the first shell impact! Go on, tell 'em!

Squire Treeburst155 out.

LIES! Of course I don't know why I bother to mention that fact since everyone, and I mean EVERYONE knows that you lie like a rug.

The FACT, of course, is that I offered you the option, the choice of either continuing with a crummy DEMO scenario or playing a brand new, full game, finely honed (hang on a second ... yeah, it's NOT by Andreas so it might be reasonable) complete Scenario. You, obviously, chose the later and NOW are trying to claim victory. It's just like you Treeburst155, you haven't changed since you crashed your IL-2 to prevent me from getting a kill. You are despicable!


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Oh, for the love of Fred (long may he be banned). Ten minutes after the last post, and it slips halfway down the page, filled with "I got it in (insert name of yet another god-forsaken rat hole)" posts. Like anyone cares. Bunch of damn nimrod's.

In game news, Seanachai has beaten me in "The Crossroad", which he had played before. Guilty of gameyness in the first degree. Next, he'll go on about having informed me of the fact. Let him produce evidence to the contrary, I say. Until then, I shall declare it a moral victory. May the hole in your wall widen faster than the postcards to cover it, oh blathering one.

I spent the weekend at the lovely hunting cabin in the woods. Copious supplies of beer, in a variety of flavors, were laid in beforehand. The 4-wheelers were gassed up and ready to roll (gotta do the red-neck thing right, donchaknow) All was right with the world. That is, until the damn bear decided to destroy my brand new cooler, and steal the remaining venison steaks. The bastard even managed to break two bottles of porter. For that, it must now die.

Anyone care for a nice bearskin rug, replete with multiple shotgun holes?

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Alright, you putrescent piles of perfidous platitudes (echoes of Deke Fenkle Fenkle<small> Fenkle</small>);

Since your brains are rejects for consideration to be Frankenstienian(bolded, because whom better to represent the MBT but one whom tries to improve mankind via corpular manipulation?) candidates, I'd like to propose the following:

Let us preface the name of turns intended for CMBO with the letters "C M B O;" henceforth, let turns intended for CMBB be prefaced with the letters "C M B B." Some of us may have games going in both genres.

Really, that's not so hard, is it? If so, perhaps you can ask your favorite pet to explain the intricate details.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Alright, you putrescent piles of perfidous platitudes (echoes of Deke Fenkle Fenkle<small> Fenkle</small>);

Since your brains are rejects for consideration to be Frankenstienian(bolded, because whom better to represent the MBT but one whom tries to improve mankind via corpular manipulation?) candidates, I'd like to propose the following:

Let us preface the name of turns intended for CMBO with the letters "C M B O;" henceforth, let turns intended for CMBB be prefaced with the letters "C M B B." Some of us may have games going in both genres.

Really, that's not so hard, is it? If so, perhaps you can ask your favorite pet to explain the intricate details.

Excellent idea, I am highly surprised that your vestigial brain had enough power to figure that out.
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Uh, let's just stop playing CMBO altogether now, okay? Oh, I'm sorry are you one of those throw-backs who "can't empathize with the commie-rat-bastids" or were you a weepy "CMBO was the greatest, I'm never leaving" kind?

Perhaps your "computer is crap and can't get up the gumption for a game of freecell, much less CMBO" or you think "CDV is nazi-revisionist trying to take over the world (again) through the purposeful tampering of otherwise solid games?"

That's it, you are the lucky recipient who is going to play me in an operation (no, not that kind, Bauhaus) Let me find the one that has "huge" describing it the most. Expect a file, a BIG file.

Oh, and dunderhead, it's <big>FOR CMBB!!!</big>

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Alright, you putrescent piles of perfidous platitudes (echoes of Deke Fenkle Fenkle<small> Fenkle</small>);

Since your brains are rejects for consideration to be Frankenstienian(bolded, because whom better to represent the MBT but one whom tries to improve mankind via corpular manipulation?) candidates, I'd like to propose the following:

Let us preface the name of turns intended for CMBO with the letters "C M B O;" henceforth, let turns intended for CMBB be prefaced with the letters "C M B B." Some of us may have games going in both genres.

Really, that's not so hard, is it? If so, perhaps you can ask your favorite pet to explain the intricate details.

No, no, no, no Leeo ... gee, I bet you hear that a lot don't you?

I think that we need to preface all CMBO turns with "Beyond Overlord and/or After Normandy" while all CMBB turns are listed as "Godless Commies and Facist Tyrants Battle On The Soil of Mother Russia" OR ... we could use a code see, and you'd take the first three letters of YOUR name, add the square root of the turn number and divide the whole mess by 1941 if it's CMBB and 1956 if it's CMBO!



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