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Peng Challenges the Rodina to a Dance

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Originally posted by Mace:

Some of us still do! *swishes hair*

Oh stop it!

I've met you in person and you do NOT have a mullet cut.

You have an excruciatingly tight perm that is bleached white.

Its no wonder all those shearers keep chasing you.

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Originally posted by Noba:

As you might know, YOU as the challenger send the setup......Make it a Meeting QB, NO SNOW, 1944 and I shall be Russians. You can be anyone else - Italians ! Yes, I fancy kicking in Italian heads for a change.
Rules!, Rules! I prefer to make my own rules, I will send you a set-up, with the following modifications, I will play as the Germans... if I was inclined toward ritual suicide (which I'm not) I would play as the Aussies. (not included in game). NO SNOW is OK, I wouldn't want you to get your tootsies frostbitten, and I forgot that slugs are cold-blooded creatures. Would 1250-1500 points be to your liking?

[ October 12, 2002, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Flamin' A.J. let's get a few things straight here. I am an American, and we have a taste for the biggest, baddest, fastest, mutha-feckin'est ****e around.

You however, are Australian, which sentences you and your ilk to the oldest, brokenest, rustiest, easiest to figure out, ****e in town.

Obviously this proves that my Super-Fast Roadrunner Ethernet Cable, Co-axial, Flash-bang Internet service is not at fault and that it is your rickety old, served by an operator named "Marm" cloth-wrapped copper wire internet (barely) service to blame.

Now, figure it out and process, man PROCESS!!!

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Flamin' A.J. let's get a few things straight here. I am an American, and we have a taste for the biggest, baddest, fastest, mutha-feckin'est ****e around.

Problem is, you're from Missouri, a land from which all decent, intelligent folk fled after the state adopted the rather lurid slogan 'Show me!' as an official motto.

Coincidentally, there are large number of Roman Catholic priests living in your little section of Fox River Grove. Go figure.


Edited to annoy Andreas.

[ October 12, 2002, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Flamin' A.J. let's get a few things straight here. I am an American, and we have a taste for the biggest, baddest, fastest, mutha-feckin'est ****e around.

Problem is, you're from Missouri, a land from which all decent, intelligent folk fled after the state adopted the rather lurid slogan 'Show me!' as an official motto.

Coincidentally, there are large number of Roman Catholic priests living in your little section of Fox River Grove. Go figure.


Edited to annoy Andreas.</font>

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

<font size=-1>A lawsuit it is!!! And for good measure, we'll skip the lawyers and go straight to the STENOGRAPHERS. I have Pandora Peaks, Nikki Knockers, and Penelope Pumpkins lined up to take dic-

tation for my side of the courtroom. How about you?</font>

You have time to ask them their names?


Goanna has sent a couple of platoons of T34's and most of a company against two poor little squads in a factory. What a meanie. On the bright side, his schwerpunkt is right in the middle of an artillery barrage. I can hear the screaming from the other side of the battlefield.

Papa Kahn is busily defending Yet Another Churchyard with Yet Another Platoon of Godless Commies in Yet Another Cute Little Map By Andreas. So far I'm down a halftrack, and he's down a church, so I figure we're even.

Malakovski is holding the thin grey line against my onrushing hordes of T34s and tank-riding infantry. Except that from my side of the battlefield it feels more like herding cats. They seem to do roughly the same amount of damage, too. I'm hoping that they can close with his cute lil Panzers and claw their eyes out.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

My computer doesn't seem to be equipped with an ALT key (superior model I'm guessing). Guess you're SOL

But I'll bet it does have a nice shiny wheel and a pair of hamsters named Bert and Alvin. So you've got that going for you, which is nice...


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Mikhail is sooo-oo passe.

Thank you for your efforts in pointing out, once again, that you are an idiot. We appreciate your efforts in not letting us forget this very important point</font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Oh, Oh, another vapid comment from the Lone Star State.....ever wonder why there are no sheep in Texas, and why you cant find wading boots in any store?.....reminds me of the old song... "there'll never be another ewe"

Squire Nidan1 (have I mentioned how droll and pointless your username is -- or is that why you chose it?), I recognize that, being from New York, you think the rest of the world ends at the Hudson River. Therefore, I shall forgive your confusion of Odztraylya with Texas.

For this evening, a twenty page paper on "Ordinary Evil: Berli as the Mouse of His Own Little World".

Oh, and muck out the stables while you are at it.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>Okay, the following is now my favorite post from the Outerboards. Here it is, in its entirety (sans smiley-thingie):

"can u get the toud AAA/ATG's to re-lumber after u have diploud them."

Every time BFC does a new release, it's like the carnival coming to town.</font>

Mon petite mullet, I will see your little towed-weapons boy and raise you THIS gem:

Hi i have just got cmbb i have already got cmbo ,i loaded cmbb played a game and when i went to use the hotkey`s ie:pessed p to place say ,it thought the shift was down and switched paths and fire off/on and this happened with every hot key ,now the keyboard is ok and i havent switched anything in the game off ive used the zoom in and out and i think it was after this it started, i deleted the game reloaded and it`s ok now but in case it happen`s again have you come across ir before i could still move the troop`s by the space bar and select, but say i wanted to rotate and pressed r the building roof`s would come off ,which it would if i had pressed shirt at the same time i,ive got w98se.
Note that he did a complete reinstall because he didn't spot that his caps lock key was on. Talent like that doesn't come naturally - it must be WORKED for. Personally, I suspect Panzer Leader has a second identity.
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Originally posted by PondScum:

Mon petite mullet, I will see your little towed-weapons boy and raise you THIS gem:

Note that he did a complete reinstall because he didn't spot that his caps lock key was on. Talent like that doesn't come naturally - it must be WORKED for. Personally, I suspect Panzer Leader has a second identity.

Oh man. That makes me miss my days as a phone tech support guy.

Wait a minute, no it doesn't.

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Originally post by MrSpkr:

Oh, and muck out the stables while you are at it.
My Liege , the stables have been duly burnished, shall I move your straw mat back in?

What would you have me do with the empty cans of Woolite ?...return them for deposit, or would you rather clang them against your empty skull at the next Sooner's game?

The essay on the malevolent personage of Berli is in progress, however I am running out of adjectives to describe " one who carnally violates small marsupials "

Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Makes you kind of homesick for all your kin, don't it?

[ October 12, 2002, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Why would a family reunion make him homesick?

R_Late, had you a family... well, a human family, anyway... you might be able to appreciate how seeing relatives can sometimes make one yearn for the grassy green fields of their youth. In your case, I'm sure they decided to detain you at the institution indefinately, so not to worry. Now scamper back to your hole and send me a turn, git.


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Originally posted by Maastrictian:

The cesspool spreads.


p.s. This is my first, and god-willing, last post to this damnitable thread. Thought this would amuse you all.

I found this part of the website visited especially disturbing:

Peng 1.0.0 Prophetie


Peng client works with Kde, and Gnome. Display trouble with Gnome, didn't allow us to release Peng Prophetie 1. Now, we can. After many tests, we found the problem. It was caused by the window manager Sawfish v0.3x who had problems with window resizement. Gnome users will have to update Sawfish to v1 (or newer) to use Peng correctly.

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

I think this is entirely unrelated to the MBT. My proof, courtesy of the "About Peng" webpage:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Peng is ... stable and secure.

What more evidence do we need?</font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

But post-Communist literary examinations of the work reveal the Master to be something less.

I did not know that Billy Bob Bubba's "Books I read when stoned on the A&M campus in the sixties" counted as "literary examinations" outside of the Panhandle but there you are.

Any literature that

1. Inspired one of the three best rockn'roll songs ever

2. Was recommended to Berli by my not-the-least humble self

IS a masterpiece and DOES feature the commie version mixed with the Rodina folklore of that lovable ol' Mr Morningstar. So there.

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Ahem. (The name Peng being used not in its literal sense of course.)



Challenge come and me want get tuuuurns.


Email-me email-me email-me email me emai-ai-ail me

Challenge come and me want get turns.

Play all night and a drink-a rum!

(Chorus: Challenge come and me want get turns)

Hit GO button 'til the morning come!

(Ch: Challenge come and me want get turns)

Come Mister turn-send man, send your turns to me-e

(Ch: Challenge come and me want get turns)

Come Mister turn-send man, send your turns to me-e

(Ch: Challenge come and me want get turns)

Six tanks, seven tanks, eight tanks boom!

(Ch: Challenge come and me want get turns)

Six tanks, seven tanks, eight tanks boom!

(Ch: Challenge come and me want get turns)


Email me-e-ee oh!


Email me, email me, email me, email me...

A beautiful bunch of ripe infantry

Hides the deadly anti-tank gun!

Six tanks, seven tanks, eight tanks boom!

(Ch: Challenge come and me want get turns)

Six tanks, seven tanks, eight tanks boom!

(Ch: Challenge come and me want get turns)


Email me-e-ee oh!


Email me, email me, email me, email me...

Come Mister turn-send man, send your turns to me-e

(Ch: Challenge come and me want get turns)

Come Mister turn-send man, send your turns to me-e

(Ch: Challenge come and me want get turns)



Challenge come and me want get turns.


Email me-e-ee oh!


Email-me email-me email-me email-me-e-e-e

(All) Challenge come and me want get turns.......

Thank you! Good night!

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