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Originally posted by pcpilot:

One thing I do like about this forum is the generally very good civility of its denizens. We can even speak "heresy" as the lad at the top did and people all get into a discussion and not a "cusssession".

I do tend to appreciate the way BTS proceeds with its game development, but it does seem sometimes they take the "when its done" bit too far. They have a LOT of very interested people here whom they keep throwing bones to that have no beef. I can understand no precise date, thats asking a lot on something that does not allow it like software development. But a "window" for going gold at least wouldnt hurt in anyway I can think of. That would be some "beef" in my mind, not simply just screens, AAR's, etc.

I guess after the huge letdown with the half finished product Destroyer Command, I can see why they would want to make it right at BTS. But by the same token as a gamer who has been disappointed by all the hype and nailbiting waiting, Im gonna try my best not to get excited again until the product is out. :(

Man, this is nothing compared to the wait and total lack of any recent/relevent info on Team Fortress 2 from Valve. Here is a game that originally was set as a mod for Quake 2, and then it got delayed and delayed and delayed. We are coming up on Quake 4 and still not a peep. Valve also took the "when it's done" attitude but never really bothered to let people know how development was going at all. At this rate, "when it's done" is never and TF2 is most probably vaporware. BTS at least lets us know, every now and then, how development is going and gives us screenshots of those developments. They've already pushed the release till Q3 from Q1 but at least that is a time frame. Granted, I hate the wait but BTS has acted far more reasonable in balancing quality with release time than many developers out there. I still hate the wait though.....

[ May 21, 2002, 02:07 PM: Message edited by: Commissar ]

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Give me the game! Give me the game! :mad:

Waaahhh!! ooooo... can't wait.. grrrr.. where is it?!?!?!?!!!

No.. I can wait... take your time and finish... AAARRGGHHH!!

No I CAN'T wait!! Now! Now! Now! Bugs and all.

I hate bugs, "when it's ready" is good enough for me,


Woooo wooo wooo!

First quarter my butt.... sniff.. sniff. my butt smells funny. redface.gif

Good thing I have CMBO, the wait is much easier this time... :cool:

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Originally posted by Speedy:

I'm just waiting for Madmatt or Steve or whoever to make a post mentioning the imminent release so we can all start refreshing again.

When that day happens, let's see how fast the server handling the orders crashes from the onslaught. The rush of orders make me shiver.
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Please dont get me wrong fellas. I see absolutley nothing sinister in BTS keeping the release date underwraps. With the quality of CMBO and their good support of the community, I have no doubt of their integrity and workmanship either, I think it is very high on both counts. Im merely trying as best as my limited brain capacity and vocabulary allow to voice my wish for something more than "itll be done when its done". I dont expect an exact date, but some kinda idea would sure be nice like how far along are they now? 75% 80% When might they go Gold? Will they even tell us when they go Gold? Its difficult when you get caught up in the excitement of a really good product thats darn close to what you been looking for in a computer game since you put ASL on the shelf, you spend time on the forums, and playing the original game, and talking with everyone how cool this game will be...and then you find that youve only got to wait...and wait...and wait...

My life doesnt end or begin with this game, there's plenty to keep me happy, Church, fishing, hunting, freinds, etc. I am sure BTS has good business reasons for keeping things so quiet and up in the air. But it seems its also good business to give your potential customers a clue as to when they can enjoy your product so you dont have a bunch of them get bored and go elsewhere. I suppose since Im not likely to get an answer that its all academic... smile.gif Am I even making any sense to anyone? My former wife said no... :0)

PS. I did see where one fellow above said that BTS is talking now about a Q3 release. Rats, thats a long time...but its getting closer to what Ive been hoping for in the way of some beef on them bones.

[ May 22, 2002, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: pcpilot ]

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Originally posted by Cani:

Now, if I need to add some negative input I would say that it's scary that BTS don't dare to share their time plans with us. Obviously their management capabilities are a bit limited if they don't know (dare say) which month they're going gold with (hopefully) less than 3 months left in the development process.

you must work in marketing. Companies that give firm dates for release are giving you the deadline that marketing has given the developers not the date that the developers said it would be done. In my experience, there have been two companies that have not given release dates... BTS and Bungie (before they got swallowed up by the Evil Empire). Both produce superior products (Well, Bungie doesn't anymore, but they are now part of...). CMBB will be released when it is ready
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With the current state of the game industry such that patches are required to make a program useable, I don't mind the extra time needed to make the product right before they ask for my money. With a game that intends to cover so much detailed scope along with designers eager to include as much as possible in the final release, it stands to reason that the rationale of content and quality has won out over expedience.

I have faith in the liklihood that CM:BB will not only work right out of the box just like any other consumer product is expected to, but will also fulfiil our combined desire for a historically accurate and interesting East Front transformation of an already great franchise.

I wouldn't pre-order from just anybody, but with these guys I would.


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last summer i got a severe case of the CMBO. I have not realy recovered yet but im starting to see the light. i think that is whats outside the window anyway.

and now it seems i wil get the follow-up sympthoms of CMBO...

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

you must work in marketing.

I'm a programmer. As a programmer I know how much I can do in what timeframe. Because of that I can set a date when I'm ready. Marketing can't do that. I deliver my product at a specific date with a specific set of new features. My customer knows what they're buying 10 months before the release date, which never slips more than one month. Marketing tells the customers why the product is so good, why they should upgrade and why other similar products are so bad. Marketing doesn't tell me what to do, their task is to sell as many copies as possible as expensive as possible.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I'm not screaming for a release asap. I want BTS to tell us which year they're aming to release it. Why can't they give us an official statement (including a year)?

[ May 24, 2002, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: Cani ]

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Originally posted by joeski:

How about the 4th of July?

LOL....that's funny. First of all, this thread is useless. They won't give a release date. No need to.

Secondly, no beta or demo has been released. It will be a good month plus after that happens.

Thirdly, and we who played the original beta years ago know that BTS will take their time, and rightly so. I'd rather have them get the game right and take their time doing it. There are too many good games out there to worry about when CMBB will be released. But that being said, my prediction (not that it's worth anything): easily third quarter. If it happens before that, great....but I don't think so.

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Originally posted by Moon:

Cani, this year. This is an official statement.

Hey, this looks like fun -- I'll take it from here.

All I want is an official statement from BTS saying which month they will release it in -- I don't care about the year or day.

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I agree with CANI and PCPILOT. I have purchased everygame since Flight Commander form this great company. I agree their workmanship and integrity is second to none. I have, however do not understand this concept of when its ready, so there!! Come on guys. You dont even know which quarter it will be released, even at this late in the project :(

Oh well I would settle for a one liner saying we are say..........80% complete. OR whats the big deal about giving one a 60 day window for ESTIMATED completion of the project. I think we are are mature enough, if you miss it!! SO What at least you tried and if it takes longer to make a better product great!

Just would like to know if I should tune in for September or start re-freshin in a week or two.



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I agree with the above post...

The "when it's done" policy does have the appearance of being somewhat draconian. We know we'll get a great game from you, and you have to know that we'll be more than forgiving if you're off on your estimate. If you were putting out crummy games this would not be the case.

It's your policy, and ultimately we'll be forced to comply with it, whether we respect it or not. You have a tremendous amount of good will from us, and you have to know that. But the "when it's done" policy might give the impression that you don't completely respect or trust your customers. I believe it is possible that you're being a little bit coy about all this, although I'm willing to leave room for doubt.

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I have a few thoughts and questions about BTS and release dates too, if not a rant.

What on earth will anyone do with the exact month or day of the release? How does it affect our lives, exactly? Will it bring more food to the table or save our love life? It would be interesting to know I'll be playing the game in the 4th of September but really it would not change my life dramatically for the better, infact it wouldn't change my life at all. Now let us try to accept this.

In my humble opinion it is good enough that we can trust BTS to deliver the game, unlike several other companies whose marketing creates extreme hype about vapor and fail release dates eternally or years or sell us beta products to make the deadline.

Consider what responsibility is there for BTS to set a release date just to please us. That would be stupid and illogical to do, even if in your mind they do have such a responsibility to their fans and buyers. We know they are making a good product, and I believe if they knew for sure its going to be out in the 29th of July they'd tell us. I don't think BTS is holding critical information from us out of spite or just for fun. Can you imagine Moon and Matt discussing the release date with a glass of whiskey at the secret BTS base and enjoying keeping the secret from us?

Moon: Heh. If they just knew it'll be relased next week.

Matt: Yeah. Ha ha ha, but they don't. How amusing to me. I feel special for not telling them.

Moon: Me too. I enjoy keeping a secret from people who want to know it. Also, I have a lot of bones I could throw but I won't! Muahahaha!

Matt: Muahahaha.

Yeah, sure. If they don't know the date, they won't make it up for us, that would be breaking a promise and cause an uproar far worse then this. In the end it would hurt their credibility and everyones expectations much more.

Anyone working in the game business (or even coding) should appreciate the fact that there are many factors that can screw up release dates, and when it is something creative you end up with a mystery wrapped inside an enigma, if not a taco with special sauce. Its not building a lego castle where you finish one layer in 10 minutes and know your finished when you reach 20.

We've seen the pictures, we've seen the articles and the best thing is we are playing CM:BO today. CM:BB will come out, when its done.

Thanks bye.

[ May 25, 2002, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: Ligur ]

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Originally posted by Ligur:

infact it wouldn't change my life at all. Now let us try to accept this.

Accept that it does not affect your life?

lol.. you people who are actively objecting, by laboring on your "lack" of urgent desire, to the need of others strike me as even more irritating than those continually demanding updates and release dates.

Speak for yourselves! Or better yet, let your indifference speak for itself by remaining silent.

Let the rest jump up and down in anticipation and, occasionally, utter a perhaps silly but nevertheless heartfelt plea for another bone smile.gif


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Originally posted by Mattias:

Accept that it does not affect your life?

lol.. you people who are actively objecting, by laboring on your "lack" of urgent desire, to the need of others strike me as even more irritating than those continually demanding updates and release dates.

Speak for yourselves! Or better yet, let your indifference speak for itself by remaining silent.

Let the rest jump up and down in anticipation and, occasionally, utter a perhaps silly but nevertheless heartfelt plea for another bone smile.gif


Hey I am really trying to suppress my horrible, unnatural need to know the release date, don't ruin it. Let us all accept we don't even want to hear it.
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I agree with what Ligur had to say. I thought it was well thought out and made some decent points.

But on the other hand I wouldn't mind updates a little more timely. Nothing big, maybe a couple screens shots here and there just to keep the adrenilin flowin'.

The "when it is done" policy has never bothered me

because with this company I know it will be done. And that when it is done, I know it's gonna be ass kicking and not lacking like so many other games I waited and waited for. Our hearts and minds are in good hands here fellas. I am not bowing in some kinda sycophantic worship when I say this. I think we all know that there aren't a helluva alot of game companies that care about their products like BTS does. And in the end I'd much rather be told the truth than get my hopes up for a date that may not be met. I think when they know, they'll say it.


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