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What a friggin joke! Why do I feel like a beta tester?

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Well, I'll make sure that the next time I run into the problem again I'll post pics of the situation I'm having so you don't take this as a frivolous claim.
As I suspected...

No moderator on any CM Forum has ever deleted a post of any sort. Never, ever, EVER! If you want to believe in this lie you have constructed for yourself, be my guest. Your proven track record for accuracy and intelligence in this thread alone makes me 100% sure that nobody will belive you.

(exception -> some WAREZ postings were deleted, and perhaps even a thread. But nothing deleted because of discourse, even if highly objectional like neo-Nazi crap)

The last time you got angry with me was because I had the "audacity" to ask for a more user-friendly editor- the ability to add different units or landscapes easily. Such as a Lunar surface or a Tropical jungle. What's the big deal with that? You could have the next big thing here...
I don't remember that thread at all, but from your wonderful showing in this thread I can imagine how it went. And that was you claiming we were lazy buttholes with no imagination or abilities. I probably corrected you by pointing out that you don't know what the Hell you are talking about. Just as everybody in this thread has done regarding your latest idiotic rant.

I'm not being an ass because I have an idea that I think MANY could appreciate.
On this I would agree. You are not an ass for any reason except for the fact that you present yourself as one. I am going to guess that in this Titanic Struggle Thread of Days Past (as your mind has made it out to me) you came up with something very obvious (i.e. an Editor with expanded capabilities) and then tried to insult us into doing it when we told you (correctly) that you have no idea how difficult it would be to make CM be open ended. After all, you are someone who can't grasp a simple feature that is present in not one, but two versions of CM, so who are we to say what can and can not be done. Cripes, all we did was make the game, like that was any big deal...

Then again, I'm not making a reputation out of myself as being the next Derek Smart...
Then what are you trying to do? Make a reputation for yourself as the Coke Machine?

I'm not the only one that thinks you can be rather brusque at times...
When someone starts up a thread calling 5 years worth of my life's work "a friggin joke", backed up by idiotic statements which took no time to prove 100% false, then accuses me of deleting a thread he participated in, and still has yet to admit that he is an uniformed loud mouth... yeah, I can be rather brusque. It is either that or I ban you right here and now. The choice is yours. Personally, banning you would be the easier thing for me to do.

However, if I see another thread like this started up by you again (this being two for two so far) I might just ban you anyhow. We have rules in this Forum about Trolling and contributing nothing productive. Now I admit, we are all getting a good laugh at your pitiful and shameless behavior, but there is a fine line which you would be wise to not tread. I might never delete threads, but I do ban trolls.


[ November 05, 2002, 02:33 AM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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Originally posted by Hurricane:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

The last time you got angry with me was because I had the "audacity" to ask for a more user-friendly editor- the ability to add different units or landscapes easily. Such as a Lunar surface or a Tropical jungle. What's the big deal with that? You could have the next big thing here... I'm not being an ass because I have an idea that I think MANY could appreciate.

Nazis on the moon? :eek: You've got to be joking.</font>
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Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

Well, I'll make sure that the next time I run into the problem again I'll post pics of the situation I'm having so you don't take this as a frivolous claim.

You mean like the first picture of the fat guy with the blue bases? ;)

The last time you got angry with me was because I had the "audacity" to ask for a more user-friendly editor- the ability to add different units or landscapes easily. Such as a Lunar surface or a Tropical jungle. What's the big deal with that? You could have the next big thing here... I'm not being an ass because I have an idea that I think MANY could appreciate.
Lunar surface or Tropical Jungle? Ahhem!! The BOOB security team needs to speak with you. Obviously you've a spy in our shop, and we won't stand for it! Lunar combat is penciled in as BOOB III, to directly follow our Jungle Fight of the Fat Souma Comanders in BOOB II. Do a search in the Gneral Forum under BOOB and you'll fiind all the info.
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Suicide-by-Steve said:

What a friggin joke!
That caught my attention.

I am so glad I didn't buy this game... I would have been sorely pissed indeed.
I guess it's ovbious where you stand

Minor gripes indeed, but I could go on with the minor gripes- this equals a mess in my opinion.
The problem, in my opinion, isn't your gripes, it's your manner of whining about them. I'm always interested to see what people like and dislike about the game, and also glad to see others offering ideas, help, and information.(Such as actual pictures in this post).

If you (or anyone for that matter) suggest Battlefront turns the landscape lunar, or tropical, or whatever, that's fine by me.

But your post is just plain rude. I think that's more the issue for those "flaming" you than anything else. Do you not see that?

I'll not argue that the game is perfect. But I don't think it's half as bad (or even a tenth) as you make it out to be. Nevertheless, I respect your opinion, but would respect it more if you were less arrogant about the whole thing.

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Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

I have had the problems of not being able to click and form a selection box around a unit a couple of times. No frivilous claim there. I could not turn off the bases IN A SCENARIO (I will post the pic when I get around to it). No frivilous claim there.

Frankly, since I regard you as both a liar, and a fool, I find these claims so much loud-mouthed posturing.

Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

When I have been disproved wrong... I admit it. If you'd slow down there junior, I may have the time to explain to you what I am talking about.

Child, you've had to admit that most of your claims are wrong. The only thing that stands would be complaints about the 'index' in the manual (nothing to do with 'beta-testing'), and the 'uninstall' feature you so desperately need. Again, nothing to do with game play. Did CMBO, that you're such an expert on, have an 'uninstall' feature? This is, after all, one of your 'supporting points' about the 'need for a patch'.

Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

I know the original game inside and out- and I like it (I could kick your ass at it). I want a patch for this new game. Deal with it.

Again, I think you're a liar. I also think you're only point in posting is to cause trouble (I'm starting to recall when I last saw your name, and it was the same kind of empty posturing and baiting that we're seeing now). Deal with it? Why I am. I don't believe your claims, I think you're a liar, and I think you're a fool. Deal with that.
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The only reason I think that we're not enabled to do this is because I think BTS plans on using this same engine for the next few years...
So say you, eh? Then apparently you have missed the fact that for the last two years we have talked quite openly about ditching the current game engine after CMBB just like you missed the fact that since CMBO Alpha you can't turn Bases off in the Editor/Setup Phase. So again, you do nothing but reinforce a rather negative image of your grasp on all things factual.

And the reason why CM's engine is not open ended is because in order to do that we wouldn't have been able to keep CM focused. Name me a generic game engine that doesn't feel generic and you will score at least ONE point in the positive column. But me thinks you might not understand the core concepts involved and therefore continue to delude yourself that you had an original thought that I found so threatening that I deleted it before the masses could be enlightened.


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Isn't it nice when a polarizing opinionizer like this can remind us all of why we stick with this game, company and forum? Thank you, Suicides, for focusing my attention on how much I appreciate informed, civil discussion of factual and reasonable issues.

BTW Suicides, when you can improve upon this game with one of your own, please let us know because I'm sure I'll want to experience the fruits of your astute research and programming.

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Steve, i see you are reading this thread and therefore i'll take the opportunity to ask the chief directly, if there is a hope, that the auto-sneak moving-directions will be reworked/adjusted?
There will be some tweaks in 1.01, but nothing major. As has been covered in the previous discussions about this subject, there is more than one opinion about how it behaves and why. This is not a black and white issue. However, we do agree that some tweaking was worth trying.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

I have had the problems of not being able to click and form a selection box around a unit a couple of times. No frivilous claim there. I could not turn off the bases IN A SCENARIO (I will post the pic when I get around to it). No frivilous claim there.

Frankly, since I regard you as both a liar, and a fool, I find these claims so much loud-mouthed posturing.

Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

When I have been disproved wrong... I admit it. If you'd slow down there junior, I may have the time to explain to you what I am talking about.

Child, you've had to admit that most of your claims are wrong. The only thing that stands would be complaints about the 'index' in the manual (nothing to do with 'beta-testing'), and the 'uninstall' feature you so desperately need. Again, nothing to do with game play. Did CMBO, that you're such an expert on, have an 'uninstall' feature? This is, after all, one of your 'supporting points' about the 'need for a patch'.

Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

I know the original game inside and out- and I like it (I could kick your ass at it). I want a patch for this new game. Deal with it.

Again, I think you're a liar. I also think you're only point in posting is to cause trouble (I'm starting to recall when I last saw your name, and it was the same kind of empty posturing and baiting that we're seeing now). Deal with it? Why I am. I don't believe your claims, I think you're a liar, and I think you're a fool. Deal with that.</font>
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Aw, c'mon guys, can't we see that Suicides-by-Steve is actually a cover for somebody with another agenda besides what he's putting himself across as?

I'm serious. He sounds like a professional 'troll.'

When I first saw his post I thought of some social science professor showing his class how internet communities defend their 'kin' from apparent attacks against the validity of the community. He's using all the rhetoric to prove his point. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but look at his name and his sig. It's like he was expecting to be flamed.

Just a heads up so we don't make dumbass examples of ourselves...(I'm a Yale grad student in anthropology and this sounds an awful lot like a hokey class experiment...I've been lurking this site for a long time...)

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"However, if I see another thread like this started up by you again (this being two for two so far) I might just ban you anyhow. We have rules in this Forum about Trolling and contributing nothing productive. Now I admit, we are all getting a good laugh at your pitiful and shameless behavior, but there is a fine line which you would be wise to not tread. I might never delete threads, but I do ban trolls."

Well, do what you will. If you think that by me having an opinion is trolling- then so be it. I can't be held responible for your last "five years worth of work". You seem to take this too much to heart. It's a forum board, and by banning my critique you are in fact banning problems with your game. I'm seriously responding to posts, and I'm getting flamed for it. So what? I will defend myself.

I've posted about 10 posts in this thread, and if you take the time to look back and read them, you'd see that in fact I'm NOT the troll you make me out to be. You take my sentences out of context and then you threaten to ban me... Sorry if what I said offends you so much- it did the first time, so I don't expect miracles this time.

Besides, the only thing I see in the credits with your name on it is Quality Assurance, Design, and Artist. Damn, I can use Photoshop as well. Quality Assurance? I don't think you're doing your job that well, if you want me to be blunt. I'm not that satisfied, and you don't want to facilitate others to my critiques and concerns- you want to simply ban me so I go away.

I'm NOT cutting you up for your last five years worth of time and effort- in fact your company has done a fine job with CMBO- but if you can't accept some criticism, then do what you will! I take it I am now banned- so have your final shot, and have a good one.

If you give me the chance to post my screens of the errors I've been having, then fine, but I assume you don't want my input regardless- even though I wasn't directing it at you to begin with. If I wanted to bitch at you regarding your game, and how you've been wasting your life- I would have sent you an email. I didn't, nor was it my intention for you to get involved- but it was welcomed none-the-less, it spruced up a rather dull monday night.

I'll post this in my review section under Concerns on my page for reference though.

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Could you imagine if CMBB was available in the USA via retail? Many more copies of the game would fall in the hands of the brain dead folks. Then again, I have had alot of laughs from all this.

A fool is born every minute, and this "Suicides-by-Steve" must have been born 20 times.


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Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

in fact your company has done a fine job with CMBO

And I think the majority here would agree with me that Battlefront has done even a far better job with CMBB.

Now Suicidal Steves, would you like a bit more rope to hang yourself with, or would you rather prefer to apologise for coming across as a bit of a dill?


[ November 05, 2002, 03:32 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Suicides, anyone whom reads this post or our forum can see that this isnt about us not being able to take constructive comment...hell look at any page on our forum and you will find many polite and useful conversations about possible tweaks to CM.

This is simply about you being rude and insulting...nothing more. If you havnt yet worked it out this will get you no where in life, and I honestly feel sorry for people like you, as it must be a very sad way to live. Its amazes me how people can loose all levels of politeness when they can hide behind their computer screen, but I guess it gives them a brief moment of power that they so crave.

You may have valid points but thus far you havnt pointed out one, unless you include those you were totally incorrect about. To be honest, I dont want to hear any of your problems either due to your childish attitude. We have plenty of polite posters whom will inform us if they are having a true problem and I look forward to them posting them.


[ November 05, 2002, 03:36 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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In the interests of fairness I'd like to gently point out that while you'll see my name in almost all of the threads about CM:BB being hard to like, you will never see it attached to rude or overly combative posts. No one is demanding you like the game, or even play it. There have been a handful of threads just in the past week where some of us have discussed what we don't like about the game, and even some things that might indeed be "broken". Steve G himself (who does a little more than work in Photoshop, sir) has even commented in several of them to help us understand his vision of the game. None of these threads were censored, deleted, or in any other way compromised. They are all alive and well and ready for mature discourse.

But you began this thread with a distinct lack of tact, and that is what is incensing those of us who are incensed and bothering to comment. I'm actually a little embarrassed and wondering now if any of my complaint posts read even slightly as rude as yours do.

So to sum up, learn some tact, learn a little about WWII, and/or learn a little about your OS (if it didn't write anything to the Registry then there's nothing that can't be deleted via Explorer or a DOS prompt).


You have truly proved that pictures are worth a thousand words. Excellent!


If you really want Nazis on the Moon read Rocket Ship Galileo by R.A. Heinlein - a fun little tale from the Golden Age of Science Fiction.


[ November 05, 2002, 03:39 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by Loki:

Could you imagine if CMBB was available in the USA via retail? Many more copies of the game would fall in the hands of the brain dead folks.

Exactly- then this board would be a flamin'. People like you would be laughed off the boards for supporting bugs like this... I support small developers as much as I can. Shifting Suns (Devils Whiskey); Paradox Games (Europa Universalis); Malfador Machinations (Space Empires IV Gold); and BTS (CMBO), so I am familiar with your fan base fanaticism- your derogitory post doesn't surprise, nor offend me in any way.
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Originally posted by Loki:

Could you imagine if CMBB was available in the USA via retail? Many more copies of the game would fall in the hands of the brain dead folks. Then again, I have had alot of laughs from all this.

A fool is born every minute, and this "Suicides-by-Steve" must have been born 20 times.


Although i don't agree with Suicide-by-Steve, i have to admit that your post is even worse, 'cause it seems you are not capable to differentiate if somebody has an opinion you don't share or getting personal.

Or do you just like to stand on the side of the majority and therefore getting strong enough to become personal without reason against someone who did in no way attack you personally?

[ November 05, 2002, 03:42 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]

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Well, if we're making accusations, I think the person who started this thread stole the warez version of CMBB and CMBO, and has a PDF manual he downloaded. He also hasn't read it, because then he wouldn't have made a dick of himself bleating about unit bases.

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Sodball, I must admit I believe there to be a hidden agenda behind these posts, but I dont know what it is. It seem strange that someone can manage to download an Alpha of Doom 3 which appears to only be on pirated sites from what Ive read, yet cant manage to delete a game of his HD.

Even more interesting is that he seems to live in the same town as our number one fan, Gunny Bunny. Maybe its something in the water up there.

Im going to lock this thread. Suicides, I hate rude people but I beleive everyone is entitled to a second chance and we can all have an off day. I also going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you are a genuine fan whom wishes to be a part of the community. The choice is yours from where on in.

To anyone reading this in the future take note. Im not locking this becuase we dont wish to discuss possible enchancements or bugs with out games...a quick search on our forum will answer that concern. I am locking it for the same reason I would ask you to leave my presence if you spoke to me in this way in person. Life it too short to deal with people in such a way...


[ November 05, 2002, 04:21 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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