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The Peng Challenge Thread - Landing Heads Up 49.87% of the Time

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Originally posted by Stuka:

I DO so enjoy wading through 30 lines of quotes to get to the inane one liner repartee.

Keep it up lads (sit down!), top work!

Did you actually count them?

When it comes to reparte' 30 lines is far too many, actually you could be described as a boob using only one sentence....... anyone who counts lines in a forum thread is a boob!

Hows that genius?

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Duh! Please, Mr Sir Flamin AJ- I'm a total masochist. Every man and his dog {DOWN Dalem!} have whupped mah spooty arse - except you! Please Sire! I beg of you - may I add you to the infinitely loooong list of opponents who are crushing the bejesub outta me?

I throw down my sow's ear purse at your magnificent feet, mighty Sir AJ, can you pull yourself away from thrashing the rest of the flock long enough to give me a whuppin' too? Please, Sir, send me an impossible setup so that I may pay penance to you. *shiver*...

By Berli's Flamin' Beard!!. Where the HELL did you spring from, lad? Was it Seanachai's loins - AGAIN? Well, whatever and as it may be - you have attempted a challenge - pissweak tho' it is - a very SMALL challenge in fact.

Are you a Kanigget? Are you an Olde One?? Yet YOU want to set the rules for this battle? Nay lad. It JUST WON'T DO..


Aaah! That felt GOOD!! The boot has been sorely missed these past weeks...

I shall send you a penance shortly. Oh, did I tell you the story about how, when I was a mere SSN scum floating aimlessly within, I was set a most malodorous task - that of winning the impossible - in the form of Jabos!??

Have you heard how I skillfully manhoovered my plucky Flosschentruppen around the pillock Hans's Uber defences of 35 AT guns and five squadrons of crack B17 bombers? And how I scored a MAGNIFICENT 73 to 27 loss - ostensibly one of the <U>best performances in THE HISTORY OF THE GAME</U>?? It's Cesspool Legend now, lad, and you will soon learn WHY!!

Sharpen your bayonet, lad, for FEAR and TERROR are about to visit your sorry spotted arse.

Sir Flamin' AJ

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Duh! Please, Mr Sir Flamin AJ- I'm a total masochist. Every man and his dog {DOWN Dalem!} have whupped mah spooty arse - except you! Please Sire! I beg of you - may I add you to the infinitely loooong list of opponents who are crushing the bejesub outta me?

I throw down my sow's ear purse at your magnificent feet, mighty Sir AJ, can you pull yourself away from thrashing the rest of the flock long enough to give me a whuppin' too? Please, Sir, send me an impossible setup so that I may pay penance to you. *shiver*...

By Berli's Flamin' Beard!!. Where the HELL did you spring from, lad? Was it Seanachai's loins - AGAIN? Well, whatever and as it may be - you have attempted a challenge - pissweak tho' it is - a very SMALL challenge in fact.

Are you a Kanigget? Are you an Olde One?? Yet YOU want to set the rules for this battle? Nay lad. It JUST WON'T DO..


Aaah! That felt GOOD!! The boot has been sorely missed these past weeks...

I shall send you a penance shortly. Oh, did I tell you the story about how, when I was a mere SSN scum floating aimlessly within, I was set a most malodorous task - that of winning the impossible - in the form of Jabos!??

Have you heard how I skillfully manhoovered my plucky Flosschentruppen around the pillock Hans's Uber defences of 35 AT guns and five squadrons of crack B17 bombers? And how I scored a MAGNIFICENT 73 to 27 loss - ostensibly one of the <U>best performances in THE HISTORY OF THE GAME</U>?? It's Cesspool Legend now, lad, and you will soon learn WHY!!

Sharpen your bayonet, lad, for FEAR and TERROR are about to visit your sorry spotted arse.

Sir Flamin' AJ</font>

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

And another thing.......I do feel de-knighting me is a little harsh. I mean, when a lot of the knights went to playing that evil flying game....IL2 Sturmovik....was there a call to de-knight them? NOOOOOOOO!

Hmmm... lesee... they still played CM... and... oh yeah, THEY OWNED THE FLIPPIN' GAME. Now, where would Bauhaus' copy of CMBB be? NOWHERE, 'CUS HE AIN'T ORDERED IT YET!

Back ta bein' an SSN for you BOY-O!

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Firrrst of all, a warm thanks tae tha myraid o' bastarrrrds tha expraised their condolences both ain tha 'Pool an' bah e-mail. Much appreciated.

Nooo, at's tha pleasure o' Clan OGSF tae wunce agin annoonce tha complete an' utter defeat o' Aussie Jeff tae tha tune o' 91 tae 9. Ah'm sure tha damper fed love nest fer randy blow flies wull bae along tae bleat aboot hoo haes Hungarian's were crrrap an' mah Ruskies were uber....but we didnae gi' a toss, eh? A herrin' slappin' as a herrin' slappin' ain mah book, an' AJ jus' received haes fraim mae.

Ah'm sae feckin' guid, Ah am. Ah'm grrreat. Ah bet yoo lot wish ye were mae, an' noo tha loathsome drool strings ye actually are (tha wee lassies excaipted o' course). Tuff, eh?


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bauhaus:

And another thing.......I do feel de-knighting me is a little harsh. I mean, when a lot of the knights went to playing that evil flying game....IL2 Sturmovik....was there a call to de-knight them? NOOOOOOOO!

Hmmm... lesee... they still played CM... and... oh yeah, THEY OWNED THE FLIPPIN' GAME. Now, where would Bauhaus' copy of CMBB be? NOWHERE, 'CUS HE AIN'T ORDERED IT YET!

Back ta bein' an SSN for you BOY-O!</font>

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Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Mace, Marlow I vaguely recall lackluster efforts on both your parts too. Send them if you got’em.

I seem to remember a game against some lowlife that might have been you. IIRC, you were so inept that I felt sorry for you and was letting you win. No matter, since that file is only a distant magnetic memory on my harddrive. No time for the past send a CMBB setup. Preferably a scenario, but I'll do a QB as well.
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Well, well, how very bizarre.

DekeFentle is alive, and now they're calling out for the death of Bauhaus.

On the whole question of Bauhaus, of course, I'm quite torn. To tear from him his Knighthood...well, we've never actually 'un-Knighted' someone, have we?

But consider his crimes. He no longer plays any form of CM. He has neither purchased, nor even ordered CMBB. He has abandoned the Mac platform, and quite gaily natters on about the new 'Windows' PC he hopes to soon have.

All of these, in my opinion, call for a serious 'knee-capping'. But I'm not sure I can see my way clear, as an Olde One, to actually un-Knighting him. I'm not sure why, when I come right to it.

I think, perhaps, it's the whole 'Saint' thing. I mean, right now, Bauhaus is our only Saint. Oh, shoddy, of course, and disgusting, that goes without saying. But 'St. Bauhaus of the Immaculate Thingy' is a part of the Cesspool Lore. A Tradition.

And without our traditions, we'd be like some sort of sorry wanker sitting around playing goddamn 'America's Army' and gibbering on how it teaches 'teamwork' and promotes 'not swearing'. Try as I might, I'm having a hard time with that 'teamwork and not swearing' thing.

Now, as the Peng Challenge Thread is the last refuge of the 'Rugged and Shiftless Individual', and since we all maintain such tidy and particular language because without the good and proper Forum enforced code of conduct, a word that rhymes with 'duck' would be used in place of all other forms of punctuation, and meaningful discourse, such as it is, would be at an end, I find it hard to understand what it is that Bauhaus is trying to say in his own defense.

But, before we move to the act of actually 'un-Knighting' him, shouldn't we first consider whether he is willing to mend his ways, moderate his behaviour, and set him, perhaps, a penance to do?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I'm just an old, confused softie . . .

Last time you acted this way we ended up with PL. Think hard about this one, Bard.

And send me a turn while you're at it.


[ November 07, 2002, 12:42 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:


Lord love a duck! Why do you always have to be so freakin' nice? Can't you say something mean and rotten for a change?

Now, look at these two words and see how nice the play with each other...



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Originally posted by bauhaus:

I'd rather spend a night with Mace than be defrocked. Now that I think of it, if I spend a night with Mace I'd probably end up being defrocked.

Why the audacity!!!

I would never, NEVER lower myself to defrock anyone...well actually, I would never NEVER defrock a bloke.

Not that I'm saying it's wrong for Bauhaus to wear a frock in the first place. What Bauhaus does in the privacy of his bedroom (which I understand includes a frock, whipped cream, can of motor oil, gerbils, and pictures of George Bush Senior) is no business of mine.

Defleecing however is another issue.

And he was another that flew in IL2.


Regardless, CMBO/CMBB is my first love (oh and sheep). Oh and I'm a tad partial to Ghost Recon, and X-Com, oh and Master of Magic. And Operation Flash Point..European Air War........Neverwinter Nights.......

Anyone know a good lawyer. I said, GOOD LAWYER
Oxy-moron. Not admissable in a court of law.

I ask for mercy. Forgive me all.
I forgive you since you admitted to enjoying a game of Ghost Recon, and I don't want to see you go.

But mainly you are the house pervert, and I know who'll be nominated as a replacement if you should ever leave (me).


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Originally posted by athkatla:

Hey, you drunken ossies, get ready for the soundest thrashing of your lives, worthless as they are, and I don't mean in CM. WE HAVE COME FOR THE ASHES AND WE ARE TAKING THEM HOME!

And the score, first day at stumps (Australia batting):


Probably the only ashes going home are those of the English Cricket team.


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