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Pass the Lotion Peng, I need to get that full body Mutha Beautiful Challenge Tan

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Originally posted by Tank Man:

Yap! Yap! Yap! Grrrrrr....

This one is just soooo adorable. Croda, did it follow you home?

One thing first *BOOT* we have to *BOOT* teach it to be *BOOT* house trained.


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Jeez, now ya tell me. I let the little pillock send me a QB. If I'd known there was something of historic proportions such as the infamous "crodaburg" in the works, I'd have held off. Maybe for the second challenge, oh ye of twisted scenario design? I say that with the utmost respect. {cough, cough} Perhaps something along the lines of "artyfest"? Sorry, but I've already been introduced to "Jabos"

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You know, you tell yourself that you won't eat the whole box of Girl Scout peanut butter cookies. -crunch- -crunch- You tell yourself -crunch- -crunch- that you need to save some for later, or somefink. -crunch- -crunch- And then they're all gone -crunch- somehow, and -crunch- -crunch- you wonder if you can go on living.

Anyway. -crunch- -crunch-

goanna: Has guns on an island hitting me in the flank as I advance on foot toward victory flags that are at least six hundred leagues distant, as the crow flies. Kicking smack is probably more fun than this one.

OGSF: Just get yer damned butt in the town and die like a proper Scotsman wannabe.

leeo: I climbed the mountain and asked of the Sage "O Great One, which runs out soonest: my Green men or his Green artillery shells?" The Sage answered "It takes thrrrree licks to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop, you twisted panty peeker!" and booted me the hell off of his mountain.

seanachai: I thnk he has, like, the Germans, or something.

Terence: This game is an abomination before the gods of probability. It's been... odd.

dorosh: I am defeating the forces of Grogdom in this non-Pool rematch. I think.

I owe Croda and Speedbump setups. I will probably not get to them soon, as my boss keeps blabbing on about something called "work". I will play whatever they send my way, however.

-crunch- -crunch-

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Originally posted by Croda:

I sense a Crodaburg Challenge™ coming between these two *ahem*gentlemen*ahem*.

Stuka isn't a gentleman. Stuka is a suicide statistic waiting to happen. But sure... I'll send him a pbem.

By the way Stuka, if you don't like gasoline you could join an asteroid worshipping cult. They would be happy to provide you with some of their patented Hawaiian Punch-o-death.

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Ladies and Gentlemen of the CessPool,

I give you Literature.

I give you Architecture.

I give you Privies!

Henry Wimbush took up the thread of his interrupted discourse.

"All that you say, my dear Scogan," he began, "is certainly very

just, very true. But whether Sir Ferdinando shared your views

about architecture or if, indeed, he had any views about

architecture at all, I very much doubt. In building this house,

Sir Ferdinando was, as a matter of fact, preoccupied by only one

thought--the proper placing of his privies. Sanitation was the

one great interest of his life. In 1573 he even published, on

this subject, a little book--now extremely scarce--called,

'Certaine Priuy Counsels' by 'One of Her Maiestie's Most

Honourable Priuy Counsels, F.L. Knight', in which the whole

matter is treated with great learning and elegance. His guiding

principle in arranging the sanitation of a house was to secure

that the greatest possible distance should separate the privy

from the sewage arrangements. Hence it followed inevitably that

the privies were to be placed at the top of the house, being

connected by vertical shafts with pits or channels in the ground.

It must not be thought that Sir Ferdinando was moved only by

material and merely sanitary considerations; for the placing of

his privies in an exalted position he had also certain excellent

spiritual reasons. For, he argues in the third chapter of his

'Priuy Counsels', the necessities of nature are so base and

brutish that in obeying them we are apt to forget that we are the

noblest creatures of the universe. To counteract these degrading

effects he advised that the privy should be in every house the

room nearest to heaven, that it should be well provided with

windows commanding an extensive and noble prospect, and that the

walls of the chamber should be lined with bookshelves containing

all the ripest products of human wisdom, such as the Proverbs of

Solomon, Boethius's 'Consolations of Philosophy', the apophthegms

of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius, the 'Enchiridion' of Erasmus,

and all other works, ancient or modern, which testify to the

nobility of the human soul. In Crome he was able to put his

theories into practice. At the top of each of the three

projecting towers he placed a privy. From these a shaft went

down the whole height of the house, that is to say, more than

seventy feet, through the cellars, and into a series of conduits

provided with flowing water tunnelled in the ground on a level

with the base of the raised terrace. These conduits emptied

themselves into the stream several hundred yards below the fish-

pond. The total depth of the shafts from the top of the towers

to their subterranean conduits was a hundred and two feet. The

eighteenth century, with its passion for modernisation, swept

away these monuments of sanitary ingenuity. Were it not for

tradition and the explicit account of them left by Sir

Ferdinando, we should be unaware that these noble privies had

ever existed. We should even suppose that Sir Ferdinando built

his house after this strange and splendid model for merely

aesthetic reasons."

Aldous Huxley

Crome Yellow

Can you imagine it? Cess castle simply must have privies in the tops of the towers!

Note: SSN’s and other assorted cockroaches may read but NOT comment.


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What the hell is taking you so long rleet? Its the video portion of a 500 pt pbem. Are you so mentally retarded that there is way too much for you to comprehend? I sent that at 5:00 and now its 10:00 and I find you posting. You got a job to do here buddy... And BTW, running your brits down a road gets them shot up, but you probably know that. Oh wait! You haven't even watched the turn yet have you?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

EXCUUUUSE ME! I thought you guys had rules, protocols. If I'd known it was all empty posturing I would've just tossed in some fecal matter and let it go at that.

We do, but you didn't read OR understand them.
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

EXCUUUUSE ME! I thought you guys had rules, protocols. If I'd known it was all empty posturing I would've just tossed in some fecal matter and let it go at that.

We do, but you didn't read OR understand them.</font>
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

EXCUUUUSE ME! I thought you guys had rules, protocols. If I'd known it was all empty posturing I would've just tossed in some fecal matter and let it go at that.

We do, but you didn't read OR understand them.</font>
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Generalized insults will get you nowhere fast around here. There are many rules and traditions not listed in the first post. One fine tradition is that any SSN who can't be bothered to learn enough about the place to post a halfway decent challenge will be told to sod off. Failing even that, you will then be ignored.


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Originally posted by Tank Man:

What the hell is taking you so long rleet? Its the video portion of a 500 pt pbem. Are you so mentally retarded that there is way too much for you to comprehend? I sent that at 5:00 and now its 10:00 and I find you posting. You got a job to do here buddy... And BTW, running your brits down a road gets them shot up, but you probably know that. Oh wait! You haven't even watched the turn yet have you?

Speed kills, Del.
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Originally posted by dalem:

Speed kills, Del.

So does an MG round, whats your point?

See.. its these one line posts that really get me. Do you get some sort of telepathy after you rise in rank here? If so, is it like Aqua-man's power to talk to fish? except with sad, sorry half-wits like Stuka?

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Originally posted by Sledge59:


Generalized insults will get you nowhere fast around here.

I still prefer me old mate 'Boo' to that 'Tank-girl' chappy though.

And Croda, you can take that 'Crodaburg' garbage, roll it flat, fold it into a wedge shape and insert it. One does have standards you know.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sledge59:


Generalized insults will get you nowhere fast around here.

I still prefer me old mate 'Boo' to that 'Tank-girl' chappy though.

And Croda, you can take that 'Crodaburg' garbage, roll it flat, fold it into a wedge shape and insert it. One does have standards you know.</font>

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Shoo Tankey, Shoo!

Offend my eyes no more with your presence.

Your kind are more suited to the outer boards. You are a square peg in a round hole, a fish out of water, a Croda in a mensa meeting.

In short, you don't belong. Try next door, I hear theyr'e looking for an ankle biter like yourself.

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Originally posted by Tank Man:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Speed kills, Del.

So does an MG round, whats your point?

See.. its these one line posts that really get me. Do you get some sort of telepathy after you rise in rank here? If so, is it like Aqua-man's power to talk to fish? except with sad, sorry half-wits like Stuka?</font>

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For a while now I've been trying to get a copy of my wife's grandfather's memoirs of his time in the 10th Armored Divsion on the web for all to share in as I think it is a fantastic story.

Well, today is the day. For you, my fellow Cesspooligans, I'd like to offer up this little story to read. I honestly hope you enjoy it. Please pass along any comments you have. You can get it here.



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Originally posted by mensch:


Mensch displays his new range of toys for the mentally deranged*

Trouble is, he's grown so accustomed to playing with them he just can't bring himself to part with his newly 'made' friends.


* SSNs, especially the most recent additions, need not fear. Mensch will soon be releasing an set for the Mentally lacking!

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Originally posted by History Buff:

I've useally avoided Peng threads, until now and I think I will again.

That's fine. We won't have to issue you with the obligatory Sod Off then.

What a bunch of gits!!!!
What a classic taunt. It must have taken you all week to think that one up.

Hardly worth the effort, was it?

My mother can beat the lot of you!
Awfully nice of you to offer, but Kitty normally provides my beatings.

Oh, and now and then we'll play a game of CMBO as well.


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