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The Death Clock of the PENG CHALLENGE Thread Tolls for Thee

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

He is, in short, a dim bulb with little hope of improvement.

A dim bulb eventually burns out.

See, there is hope of improvement.</font>

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Leave the office for a few hours to attend an off-site meeting and see what happens? The MBT becomes like a monkey house fed entirely on methamphetamines. Wait. Strike that. A pack of hopped up Howler monkeys would at least be entertaining. You lot are just sad.

First off, the case of Mr. Gnat. I was going to give the lad a second chance. After all, we were ready to send Athoverelbows to Coventry and look how he's turned out. OK, bad example, but be that as it may, I hesitate to gainsay Bauhaus simply because he's unpredictable and skittish around humans. So, Coventry it is.

More importantly, I'd like to tell you about this dream I had last night. In it, I was driving this monstrously huge steam roller (Although I'm fairly sure they no longer operate on steam, but I don't know what else to call them) and I was driving it down this narrow dead end alley (this really isn't the interesting part...I have this dream constantly). It seems that you all were in the alley in front of me. Each and every denizen of the Pool! There you all were, capering about and screaming, pushing each other out of the way to escape the relentless approach of the heavy roller. Oh, the popping, grinding and squishy sounds you all made when enevitably you slipped or were pushed under by your fellow Cesspuddlians.

Did I mention that I was driving the roller au natural? No? Well, no matter. I don't believe there's anything Freudian about it.


I awoke this morning refreshed and happy for the first time in months! Even my skin cleared up!

I'm planning on hopping into bed early tonight in hopes that the dream proves to be of the occuring nature.

Sweet dreams.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

{snipped the lot cos it was so unbelievably boring}

So your puss-filled skin has cleared up eh? That must be a great relief to your good lady and of no interest to us whatsoever!

[ July 24, 2002, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: athkatla ]

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Now listen, Anklebiter, I helped you out on smileys, let me give you a piece of advice for those huge feckin' quotes.

We just read the garbage, we don't need to see the whole bloated thing again in all its bolded glory. Either quote the pertinent parts or quote none of it, or better yet: don't post at all!

Now, then, Boo, for you: shouldn't your dreaming brain still be intelligent enough to know that even in dreams it is not acceptable to steamroller the ENTIRE MBT??

Pick an individual, man, and dream about him, but not ALL OF US!

[Edited to note that Athena was wise enough to fix his own error of judgement before I rebuked him. Good show, lad!]

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Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

So, my dear athkatla, I am afraid that, as a wayward and unappreciative subject of the Empire, you must be punished. Perhaps a Quick-Battle, or, even better a scenario administered by either Rune or Yeknodathon (or both).

Originally posted by athkatla:

Listen you kalifornicating dweller, if I wasn't busy losing PBEM's to all and sundry I'd take your challenge …

If, by this, you mean that you have too many PBEMs to handle, I would remind you that you have too much to handle making yourself a bowl of cereal in the morning, and that one more PBEM isn’t really going to add to your difficulties. Perhaps I can teach you a few lessons and you’ll be able to give your other opponents a better game.<HR>

OMG, I nearly fell asleep reading all that blah blah, until you finally got to the matter in hand. Ok you dimwit, I've tried to save you face, but you are determined to loose in battle to a lowly serf like me, so be it! Send me a setup and prepare to die!

[ July 24, 2002, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: athkatla ]

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Since none of you have anything interesting to say, I thought I'd grace your puny brains with these gamiest of gamey updates.

R_Late: Has been vanquished by the minions of Panzer Armee Khann. Again. Now he wants another game. I swear the boy is like a broken record. I throttle him and he chirps "Do it again, Papa". (Come to think of it, R_Late scares me.)

Boo_Rattly: Is being vanquished by the minions of Panzer Armee Khann. At least he's taking it laying down. Much easier for me that way. I don't like it when they squirm and wriggle.

NoButt: Has felt the sting of my superior tactical awareness and apparently is reeling in shock. We're 10 turns in and already he's reduced to stumbling about and mumbling odd bits about the "glory days" when he and Mace used to play ASL in a pasture using Mace's flock as Russian "mammal wave" troops.

Joe: Must have grown bored with throttling me severely because I haven't had a turn from him in many days. Joe, wake up. It's YOUR turn to hit the "GO" button.

Pantless Leader: Has decided that despite his armor laying in flames, he might as well press on with his squishy bits. Unfortunately for me, it's working.

dalem: My former Liege turned Lesion and I have just started. It's really too early to tell if the horrendous tank casulties he's suffered at the hands of my superior tactical awareness will undo him for the next 35 or so turns.

SomeNachos: The frolicking git blew up my mobile arty! You're going to pay for this, cheese boy.

If I forgot anyone, it's because you're all so very insignificant.


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Wipe that stupid grin off your face and send a fecking turn!

*liltingly* Oh, and 'prepare to die'! [/girly voice]

Judging by that [/girly voice] minus any hint of a prefix, am I to suppose that everything you've said up to this point is in a girly voice? That explains a lot, and where's my turn, girly voice?

[ July 24, 2002, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Judging by yhat [/girly voice] minus any hint of a prefix, am I to suppose that everything you've said up to this point is in a girly voice? That explains a lot, and where's my turn, girly voice?

No, meathead, the '/' cancelled *liltingly*. You see, we humans (most of us, Rat excepted of course), are smarter than UBB and HTML. Besides I've got a deep, throaty, manly voice, as in [booming] You'll get yer doggarn turn when I'm danged good 'n ready.[/booming] Besides, aren't you supposed to be at work? Goldbrick.
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Now, then, Boo, for you: shouldn't your dreaming brain still be intelligent enough to know that even in dreams it is not acceptable to steamroller the ENTIRE MBT??

Pick an individual, man, and dream about him, but not ALL OF US!

Gee, I'd really love to do that Palsied Goober, but obviously, subconsciously, you all are equally worthy of my hate.

I am an equal opportunity hater.

Dreaming about just one of you seems like it wouldn't be utilizing my R.E.M. time to my best advantage.

And really, it's no different than saying "I loathe you all". (And I do, ya know.)

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Joe: Must have grown bored with throttling me severely because I haven't had a turn from him in many days. Joe, wake up. It's YOUR turn to hit the "GO" button.
You're right about one thing and wrong about another ... so all in all your average has improved significantly.

You are quite correct that all I need do in order to defeat you is press GO repeatedly.

You are quite INcorrect in that I sent turn 26 on the 12th and have seen NO REPLY from you! Naturally I hoped you'd been hit by a bus or something and would be returning to the CessPool no earlier than NEVER. Imagine my disappointment when you surfaced like one of the really large chunks that DO surface here in the CessPool from time to time.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You're right about one thing and wrong about another ... so all in all your average has improved significantly.

You are quite correct that all I need do in order to defeat you is press GO repeatedly.

You are quite INcorrect in that I sent turn 26 on the 12th and have seen NO REPLY from you! Naturally I hoped you'd been hit by a bus or something and would be returning to the CessPool no earlier than NEVER. Imagine my disappointment when you surfaced like one of the really large chunks that DO surface here in the CessPool from time to time.


{wobbles to the surface}

Hi everybody!

{sinks back down}


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

SomeNachos: The frolicking git blew up my mobile arty! You're going to pay for this, cheese boy.


It was lovely, too. Less than 30 seconds into turn one and a Wespe is converted into a scenic monument, replete with plaque, on top of a hill.

Some 800+ meters, and the Wespe even got off the first shot.

Pigeons were already settling on it as the turn ended, and I could clearly hear the curses of the surviving crew as they dodged away from the vehicle, zig-zagging between workmen moving in to erect park benches nearby. It's anticipated that the scenic overlook will eventually be named 'Seanachai's Victory'.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Doug Beman:

{wobbles to the surface}

Hi everybody!

{sinks back down}

House Persiflage would like to apologize for the reduction in our usual service efficiency ("We Keep The Scum Pinned Down At The Bottom Of The Pool So That You Don't Have To" ), and would like to take the opportunity to assure our usual customers that this is merely a TEMPORARY condition. Chiefly because we miss our petite general. However, you can rest assured that this Beman character, or "one of the three posters that everyone would most like to see dead" *, will shortly be restored to his usual position, i.e. face-down in the black gloopey murkey stuff at the very very bottom.

* Untergnome rent-a-quote service

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Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

Sorry that piccy doesn't count Buzzsaw...you still have to send your piccy!

My mother told me not to send personal information to strangers on the internet. I am pretty sure that goes double for known associates of Satan. Still, I'll see what I can get you.</font>
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Whoever does the changing of the guard, hows about not posting a link this time? *whispers* we might manage to lose the rooster and the rat.

And what is this, some kind of Chinese New Year of SSNs? Rats, Cocks, Donkeys... pah.

[ July 24, 2002, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's anticipated that the scenic overlook will eventually be named 'Seanachai's Victory'.

More than likely it will be his only real victory in the rest of the game. He starts off like some kind of mad bomber, then fizzles out as the turns play on. Note to his opponents: he loves to face hummels. That's why they're erecting the plaque, m'lord. It happens so rarely, that it is an important event.
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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

I'm looking for a challenge and not having much luck. I'll try posting a gentle tease at brave Sir Aussiejeff and hope he falls for it. Failing that, I'll just send him the latest tape of ChuMPlayer's "Frolix with Wolves." That's enough to wake up Grover Cleveland.


Don't bother with the tape, Doh! Beawoman (unbolded because I am unsure of your standing in THIS hallowed place). I've already seen it and it wasn't a patch on "Big Bird Goes To Hollywood III".

However, I note the pathetic and desperate yearning you expressed within your limpwristed pseudo-challenge. Perhaps instead you would like to enjoin with the <U>less-than-a-SSN</U> Rodent in a mudwrestling match to see who is the scummier before proceeding to the GO! square.

Better be quick though. I hear the "Coventry Pest Control Co." is in the vicinity....

Sir Flamin' AJ

[ July 24, 2002, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Pick an individual, man, and dream about him, but not ALL OF US!

No thanks FlamePanzerLeader, has the thought ever crossed your mind that not everyone is of that persuasion? No i don't see how it could now that it has become quite apparent where your true thoughts dwell.

When your done daydreaming about George Michael and yourself "bumping" into each other in the mens room send me that set up ok Liberace?

[ July 24, 2002, 10:58 PM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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