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In lieu of the <STRIKE>udder failure</STRIKE> temerity of Mace with regard to coughing up "The Vegemite Song" AGAIN for you desperate lot, I shall <STRIKE>instead</STRIKE> also offer this wonderful, catchy reprise for you all to sing gaily along to...

Ready Mister Musak?

*Tap, tap*

And a one, and a two, and a three, and a four,

"I like Aeroplane Jelly,

Aeroplane Jelly for me.

I like it for dinner,

I like it for tea.

A little each day is a good recipe.

The quality's high as the name will imply.

And it's made from pure fruit,

one more good reason why,

I like Aeroplane Jelly,

Aeroplane Jelly for me."

Ohhh, that sounded CRAP :mad: ! C'mon! PUT YER LUNGS INTO IT!! We'll stay here and <U>rehearse 50 times</U> if yer can't do better!


"I like Aeroplane Jelly,

Aeroplane Jelly for me.

I like it for dinner,

I like it for tea.

A little each day is a good recipe.

The quality's high as the name will imply.

And it's made from pure fruit,

one more good reason why,

I like Aeroplane Jelly,

Aeroplane Jelly for me."

Ahhhh! THAT'S better.......

That was just <U>bewdiful!</U> Especially the barbershop harmonies between Seanachai, Berli, Joe and Yeknodathon ;)

Hurry up Macey. I think the natives are <STRIKE>getting a mite restless</STRIKE> going to LYNCH us...!


{Bugger!! Beaten to the post AGAIN! Too bad. It will have to stand ...... besides I think these are vastly superior lyrics anyhoo...}

[ October 02, 2002, 04:26 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Mace, I am going to personally disembowel you, wrap your intestines around your neck and string you up from the nearest lamp post. Nothing personal, you understand. Crimes against humanity and all that

Back off!

I have a vegemite sandwich (actually it's vegemite on toast but same dif), and I'm not afraid to use it.



[ October 02, 2002, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Since I am too cool, (read: 'broke') to buy CMBB I thought I better just post something as I couldn't let a Peng thread go by without a sighting of your old Unca Stukey.

So there you go, your grey little lives are now enriched once again having been graced by the prescence of the gull winged one.


Poor old unca Stookie, even his ex- Squire is doing a 'wibble' impersonation.

Our poor old Leeo can't sort sort out a list of names. What a peanut.

Since I have ............

The Game:

The Time:

The inclination : (have to get that sorted, quicksmart)

A few of you so-called "players" of CMBB may wish to kick me around on the field of electronic combat. Feel free to hurl epithets in my general direction with the view to sending setups that you wish to crush me with. I'm waiting.......


ps (I wish Croda was still teaching me how to lose. Sigh)

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I hate you all.

I am cursed to drive to east Texas (where the family trees don't fork and the sheep are really nervous) three times this week.

I blame each and every one of you.

Everyone owes me turns, unless I owe you turns, in which case it is my pleasure to make you wait.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Finally I'd like to thank all of the posters for the support and caring they showed during my time of trial. I'll never have a tooth twinge on me again without thinking of you lot.


Don't mention it. No, I 'm serious -- don't say another word...ever.

When Joe mentioned that he had some teeth extracted, I thought that maybe he had sat on his dentures again.

My, that would be painful. wouldn't it?

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Agua Perdido you are a cretin of the worst kind. You are a mongrel and a currrrr, a mange-hound, a flea-bitten sack of infestation. Is that even your real name Agua?? Sounds kind of fishy, or at least wet. I hate you more now than ever before, and my hatred for you is just the tip of an iceberg of emotion so base, so hideous that many of these enotions do not even have names in any language now on earth. They have been suppressed since before man knew how to walk on two legs. I have plumbed deep into my reptilian psyche to find the proper amount of Uber-Hate for you, and my eyes glow red with it!!

Due to technical error, I was unable to record and watch "The Girls" last night, and have NO IDEA how Rorie's faring in her crazy-mixed-up love life. I am also wondering about Lorelie - I know she is strong, but that was really messed-up, what happened between Chris and her. What an ass.

In short, I have received news from the Ubergnome that our set-up is complete and we shall be able to tear each other's throats out in short order!

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Herr Berli, it would appear that you ARE a nice guy after all.

Either that or a complete drunk.....or both.

Perhaps you have just won the state lottery? or has a rich aunty recently popped her clogs?

My heart warmeth and my Paypal account runneth over.

I will pen thee privately on the morrow, right after I order CMBB.

Thank ewe.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Mace:

<font size=-1>I have a vegemite sandwich (actually it's vegemite on toast but same dif), and I'm not afraid to use it.</font>


Vegemite is but a pale imitation of the Real Stuff, ie Marmite. Eat Vegemite and your tongue sends vague "hmmm, bit salty, bit sour" messages to your brain. Eat Marmite and your tongue runs screaming for the hinterland. I'm sure Yeknodathon will back me up on this one.

Also, that piece of toast doesn't have anywhere NEAR enough Vegemite on it - wimps, the lot of you. The sooner Berli gets you strung up and out of the gene pool, the better.

Gamey Updates:

All the whining about Cemetery Hill on the outerboards is true - it's hideously one-sided. Panzer Armee Kahn is down three clankety things, a big boomey thing, and several lots of squishy things. With nothing else to fire at, my brave grave-diggers are amusing themselves by taking bets on how long the remaining clankety thing is going to take to knock down the church with 20mm cannon fire.

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:eek: <--- This is Spastic Jones , if you encounter him use extreme caution for he is known to be extremly paranoid and will do everything to avoid capture.

He is wanted on this forum for disturbing the peace of mind of the citizens of this forum. The mere sight of him can infuriate most otherwise peaceful posters.

If you see Spastic Jones again use extreme caution, he scours around looking for nicotine, usualy in the form of a ciggerette, if you carry these you are in danger of being incesently hounded by him for a free hand out of your hard earned tobacco. He is notorious for showing up to drinking establishments without these cigerettes he craves so much.

For these reasons Spastic Jones has been moved up to rank#1 on the top 10 annoying list.

If you encounter him, contact Mr.Peng immedietly.

Thank you for your time Ladies , and Poolermen .

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"Lay me down, below the ground, to bathe in mother's love,

While jackboots pound, treads rumble the ground, and shells shake the ground above.

Not I to save, in my loamed shallow grave, peace have I finally found,

left to others the struggle, while safe here I snuggle, free from care below dark earthen mound."

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

Back off!

I have a vegemite sandwich (actually it's vegemite on toast but same dif), and I'm not afraid to use it.

Mace...That looks disgusting!


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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

(All sorts of really, really pointless blabbering SNIPPED because it was really, really pointless blabbering.)

For these reasons Spastic Jones has been moved up to rank#1 on the top 10 annoying list.

Wrong-o, Sparky. You're still at the top of the Annoying People Who Should Have Been Left On A Rocky Windswept Crag At Birth list.

Thank you for your time Ladies , and Poolermen .

Go eat a bug.
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

...[spittle-flecked blithering]...

Due to technical error, I was unable to record and watch "The Girls" last night!

So, you're spinning that restraining order as a "technical error," eh? I thought you had to stay 500 feet from the daycare center at all times, anyhow. Telephoto lens?

Panzer Leader, you brainless prat, your impotent rage is whinier than Jess and Rory bickering in the grocery store because Jess took up with "Shane" (as it 'come back!') after Rory didn't write or call all summer; less menacing than Francine, leader of the "Puffs" attempting to strong arm Rory into influencing Paris to make her first initiative as class president the raising of school uniform hemlines by 1.5"; more awkward than Emily and Lorelei having lunch at Luke's; more petulant than whatsisname showing up at Friday dinner to complain that Lorelei is keeping Rory from him; and vastly more pathetic the sight of... [snicker] Kirk... [chortle] of Kirk actually... [guffaw] Kirk trying to-- oh, hell, wait for the reruns [hee].

Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

I wonder what the Ladies would slang us handsome lot with? {Apart from pillocks, since we already KNOW that!}

Care to toss some denigrating labels our way gals?


Simple really..... On a day to day basis it would be Guy, Fella, Bloke, Man. (nothing out of the ordinary)

Denigrating men only comes into our vocabulariy when someone makes us angry for no reason other than to make themselves feel good. A woman would never do such a thing. Eh Persephone ;)

A sample of such words would be...

Nahhhhh there might be children reading this.....

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Mace, I am going to personally disembowel you, wrap your intestines around your neck and string you up from the nearest lamp post. Nothing personal, you understand. Crimes against humanity and all that

Back off!

I have a vegemite sandwich (actually it's vegemite on toast but same dif), and I'm not afraid to use it.



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