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Originally posted by Noba:

The beach was beautifull.

Well, Swanbourne Beach does have its good points, old chap! {nudge, nudge... wink, wink, say no MORE.. know what I mean?}

But not as good as the WHUPPIN' I have just this very minute meted out to your Nobbittruppen in the scenario YOU proffered to ME, titled "All or Nothink" - or somefink like that. It's rather ironic then that you end up with - ZIPPO! ON TURN 52 courtesy of a cringeing FULL and UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER!! {Sorry olde chappe - I'll stop shouting now shall I?}

Then the AI has the blatant GALL to call it a "Minor Allied Victory"? Criminal!


Especially when one considers that I had laid waste to half a city block and annihilated almost all opposition before driving up to the front steps of City Hall to receive your cheap imitation of the Key to the City.


Thank Berli CMBB fixes all these anomolies.



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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by R_Leete:

Dame Emma, being "across the pond" and all, is still a better drinking partner and conversationalist than most (if not all) of you sorry sods will ever be. Had she not already been granted the lofty perch of "Lady of the Cesspool", I'd give her boon to be Lord and master of all. Salutations, dear lady, and a good night to you. May the wine flow in your dreams, and leave you with nary a thought of a hangover.

"Cheers" R_Leete it's now the morning after the night/morning before.

I awoke after my usual 6 hours or so of sleep so I guess I'm still pretty much me.....

Black coffee in my hand (which is slightly shaky)

but that's just because It's cold in here this morning right? :D </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Roight, then, I'm here! Emma! Persephone? Now what the hell, email said wine party in the ...

Dear God, what happened to this place?!

Better late than never....

*Looks around the cesspool*

Hmmmmmmmm where did all that broken glass go?

Seanacoochiecoo did you do some chores while you were here?

Either that, or those little elves I saw before falling asleep were for real.

I blame Pansy Bleeder if he hadn't mixed those drinks then I wouldn't need this second cup of coffee...

Yep that's it.... it's all PLs fault.

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Morning glory to ya' Sis! How's th' head feel now after downing th "Hair of the Dog"? Hey, here's a link to our birthplace that I'm sure you'll find homesickening..


Ohhhhhhhhh Rutherglen never looked so good.

Ahhhhhhh the memories........ delusions???

Nahhhhhhh Rutherglen IS my hometown so I know it's for real. :eek:

Hey, remember how we used to drive to the pub at Ettamogah when we were in our early teens to get smashed? Haha. Ahh, tha good ol' days...


Arghhhhhhhhhhh I'll go back to that one later, all those flashing lights are making me feel queasy.

How are ya finding that Irish fog climate?


Your Big Bro,


Ahhhhhhh it's the Irish fog climate that's making everything look so fuzzy...

Thanks for that Big Bro for a minute there I thought I had a hangover..

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Well, Swanbourne Beach does have its good points, old chap! {nudge, nudge... wink, wink, say no MORE.. know what I mean?}
I was a good boy, and used the sunscreen !

The after action report by the person formaly known as AussieJeff, now to be called "I will use the gamey crew rush like there is no tomorrows" is pitifull. He has overwhelming superiority and can only get a minor victory. Talk about flaky generalship.

I did help him by losing my rocket artillery spotter; who was no where near the barrage that levelled half the town...EXCEPT for the one stray round that Ko'd him from 100 metres away! AND the 105 spotter that had to run for his life when the truck carrying infantry passed over the bridge covered by my well placed 20mm Flak gun THAT COULDN'T HIT THE TRUCK FROM 150 METRES OVER A FULL TURN ! BTS, please fix or do somefink !

Feh !

We now play the Demo - Yelnia....yes, we don't have the real game yet.



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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Roight, then, I'm here! Emma! Persephone? Now what the hell, email said wine party in the ...

Dear God, what happened to this place?!

Better late than never....

*Looks around the cesspool*

Hmmmmmmmm where did all that broken glass go?

Seanacoochiecoo did you do some chores while you were here?

Either that, or those little elves I saw before falling asleep were for real.

I blame Pansy Bleeder if he hadn't mixed those drinks then I wouldn't need this second cup of coffee...

Yep that's it.... it's all PLs fault.</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

My teeth still hurt damnit ...

How can they still hurt, when they were pulled? Do you have some strange psychic connection to severed body parts? I hate to think what a circumcision would be like...

Maybe that explains the constant grumpiness!

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Battle has been joined. The forces of Limburger cheese and revolting dress sense as commanded by ME are awaiting the futile onslaught of the hordes of "female" shotputters and cabbage soup merchants as commanded by Andreas "The half-naked anarchist" Biermann.

Condolences may be sent to Mr. Biermann's e-mail address. Donations in lieu of flowers to be sent to me. Lounge suit. 8:00 for 8:15.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Yes...that's exactly what happened! It was all Panzer Leaders fault! I think he should have his yarbles taken away again....he gets himself into too much trouble with those things.

Sorry Panzer Leader, just trying to do what's best for you.


Is that a painful procedure then :eek:

And will it mean a change of name to something more feminine?

If so then maybe we should start taking votes now!!!

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Everybody owes me a feckin' turn, so get of your duffs and get busy because in an hour and a half I have to watch the Steelers whup on the Brownies.

Wow. Tied 6-6 at halftime. A game almost as dull as you . . .</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

This from a guy whose idea of a "swell time" consists of watching Dallas episodes he taped on his Beta.

While DRINKING. If you're gonna gossip about my social life, get it straight, eh?

When it comes to the spice of life, you're the equivalent of a Taco Bell.
Could be worse. Could be {shudder} White Castle.

And remember, I can always upgrade to VHS. You, on the other hand, will always be an Ohioan.


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I am Croda, hear me roar.

(Just in case you forgot)

My chosen place of business has also seen fit to block Battlefront.com using its newest toy :SuperScout, may it meet Tantalus in Hades. As such, I can only post from home, where I am usually playing games, watching football, or downloading Chasey Lain movies on Kazaa.

What's that mean?

Thank the maker I chose to bless you with my presence this evening.

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You DARE disrespect White Castle?!?! Where else can one eat fifteen hamburgers in five minutes with change found in the ashtray?
Dining out will never be the same. Oh for the wide choices you get over in good old USA. Home of the "never let good taste get in the way of food".

Or should that be 'into food'.


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