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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Wait a minute, if someone owes me a turn, but it's just a movie, without orders and hence no save, then they have to send it to me, but.... I won't be able to open it, will I? Awww crap. OGSF do I have to reinstall CMBB v.0 for your lame ass?

Tee hee.
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Wait a minute, if someone owes me a turn, but it's just a movie, without orders and hence no save, then they have to send it to me, but.... I won't be able to open it, will I? Awww crap. OGSF do I have to reinstall CMBB v.0 for your lame ass?

Tee hee.</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Jeeze, what kind of an idiot doesn't backup the original before running the patc ... oh ... never mind.

Quite - the same sort that doesn't understand wha sort it is that does it in the first place.

And the score is 376 for 12 in the feast innings of the annual Joe vs Joe match played her at the Gobbler.

"That was a fine shot by Joe - he's smashed this for six. Not that it was a bad ball from Joe, pitched on a length and around middle and off-colour, but Joe's simply picked it up with the middle of the bat and sent it out of the ground. A fine score against his own best efforts and great example to idiots everywhere."

"Yers, Thank you Reetchy, I couldn't agree more."

[ November 21, 2002, 09:51 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Mike:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Jeeze, what kind of an idiot doesn't backup the original before running the patc ... oh ... never mind.

Quite - the same sort that doesn't understand wha sort it is that does it in the first place.

And the score is 376 for 12 in the feast innings of the annual Joe vs Joe match played her at the Gobbler.

"That was a fine shot by Joe - he's smashed this for six. Not that it was a bad ball from Joe, pitched on a length and around middle and off-colour, but Joe's simply picked it up with the middle of the bat and sent it out of the ground. A fine score against his own best efforts and great example to idiots everywhere."

"Yers, Thank you Reetchy, I couldn't agree more."</font>

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Originally posted by Persephone:


Aww, now see? All afternoon I was trying to wrap my head around the concept of Berli as a high school cheerleader, thanks to that psychotic interlude that PL tried to pass off as a valid analogy concerning his yarbleless state.

And now I've got a real live picture that's going to make me feel headachey and quite sad for a long, long time.

Thank you Persephone. Thank you, so very, very much.

[ November 21, 2002, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Wait a minute, if someone owes me a turn, but it's just a movie, without orders and hence no save, then they have to send it to me, but.... I won't be able to open it, will I? Awww crap. OGSF do I have to reinstall CMBB v.0 for your lame ass?

Tee hee.</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

MrSpnkr, you prevaricating pantaloon! Why don't you tell the good...er...um...well, tell these yokels WHY I didn't "get" any of your vehicles. Because you didn't HAVE any vehicles!

A minor detail that does not detract from my overwhelming victory in any manner.

But I did manage to knock out 4 of your aircraft. By the way, didn't you tell me that there were only three planes?
No, I said there was never more than two or three at a time. of course, you know those crazy fly-fly boys. By the end of the match, most of the squadron had a go at you (funny how art imitates life, or what passes for it in Ohio).


[ November 21, 2002, 11:50 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lurkur:

I need to point out that Marload only need weigh the same as a duck for us to burn him. Only someone with something to hide would make such an obvious attempt at misdirection. I say to the scales with him!

Back with you, Junior Squire of questionable lineage and unpleasant odor.

I claim Knightly right to create the battle for this one and his stable mate in the joust to determine who gets the “pleasure” of sharing BooBoo’s bed.

I shall send it tonight if something more important doesn’t come along.</font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

O thank the gods. Someone new finally registered on the forum with a username based on a German gun/cannon/general/tank/wrench/tieclip.

That almost never happens.

Yeah, I wanted to be Uberpanzersuppetruppeunterbadassfuher88mm/L71_875m/sTungstenMofo, but it was taken.

Had to settle on this lame non-German name.

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

O thank the gods. Someone new finally registered on the forum with a username based on a German gun/cannon/general/tank/wrench/tieclip.

That almost never happens.

Yeah, I wanted to be Uberpanzersuppetruppeunterbadassfuher88mm/L71_875m/sTungstenMofo, but it was taken.

Had to settle on this lame non-German name.</font>

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

O thank the gods. Someone new finally registered on the forum with a username based on a German gun/cannon/general/tank/wrench/tieclip.

That almost never happens.

Yeah, I wanted to be Uberpanzersuppetruppeunterbadassfuher88mm/L71_875m/sTungstenMofo, but it was taken.

Had to settle on this lame non-German name.</font>

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They say there is always a silver lining... DON'T BELIEVE THEM!!!

Well, maybe...

Considering it is 5:22am, and I arrived at my office at 7:15am, YESTERDAY!

The only silver lining possible is that I did get the 1.01 patch in a blistering 2 minutes, 15 seconds.

To sleep, perchance to dream... of rockets falling on Berli's position and knocking out his AT guns... of Seanachai's pasty-faces Brits dropping some arty on themselves for a change... of Boxyburst155's gum-chewers taking all their damned crickets home with them and leaving gamily defended woods to my brave soldaten. "He attacks and I defend," you say... "In the woods, at night," you say... "Infantry only, where Garands outfire Mausers any day of the week," you say... "Well, f that," I say... "I'm attacking!" Oh, and a couple of other gits whom I vaguely recall making some half-intentioned agreement to setups... I guess I just need to finish my maps, and find the Russian equivalents of green, 4F's to give them to fight with...

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:


Aww, now see? All afternoon I was trying to wrap my head around the concept of Berli as a high school cheerleader, thanks to that psychotic interlude that PL tried to pass off as a valid analogy concerning his yarbleless state.

And now I've got a real live picture that's going to make me feel headachey and quite sad for a long, long time.

Thank you Persephone. Thank you, so very, very much.</font>

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Glad to see you are OK> After reading the outer board, with titles like "Patch is out", I thought Berli would get grumpy {OK, even more then usual], knowing you were out.

Then when I saw mirror sites for Patch, i figured Berli just doesn't allow mirrors in your home, and people were being nice to you.

In other news....

Marlow has my creations of evil. I await his picking of an opponent he truly despises, so they can play this one. Fall Blau must be experienced in person. smile.gif I still hope he picks Joebob , and causes Joebob's Commodore 64 to melt down.


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Originally posted by rune:

Marlow has my creations of evil. I await his picking of an opponent he truly despises, so they can play this one. Fall Blau must be experienced in person. smile.gif I still hope he picks Joebob , and causes Joebob's Commodore 64 to melt down.


My computer has roughly the same specs as the ones that Jo Xia posted the other day, so it may melt down my computer as well. So be it, a sacrifice to the brave brave leader of the House of Ruin who bravely ran away. Now to find a victi ... I mean opponent.
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Originally posted by rune:


Glad to see you are OK> After reading the outer board, with titles like "Patch is out", I thought Berli would get grumpy {OK, even more then usual], knowing you were out.

Then when I saw mirror sites for Patch, i figured Berli just doesn't allow mirrors in your home, and people were being nice to you.

In other news....

Marlow has my creations of evil. I await his picking of an opponent he truly despises, so they can play this one. Fall Blau must be experienced in person. smile.gif I still hope he picks Joebob , and causes Joebob's Commodore 64 to melt down.


{([)]) rune ... you mispelled Ruin.

(99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall] You haven't been around here much lately ... can we keep it that way?

9a0 (I don't know about you but I get tired of having to SHIFT to get the brackets so I'm starting a new trend where "9" and "0" in the appropriate places would be assumed to be brackets): It's an Atari 800 you great goof ... don't you have to take a Beta bath or something? Perhaps brush your Beta teeth or comb your Beta hair?

It must be difficult for you now that the Beta has been supplanted by THE REAL THING and you're no more special than you used to be ... {hint} think Olympics.

9finnish0 I'm already playing Marlow and a tough, uphill struggle it is to get him to understand my emails. I may have to put on a No More Than Two Syllables feature on my spellchecker so that he can grasp the meaning ... of course he was your Squire so I suppose we can't expect too much, the acorn falling from the tree and so forth.


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Don't you mean Atari 800XL? (With 48K!)*

*Actually, I think there was some kind of mumbo-jumbo about it being 64k, but then only 48k was useable - GAWD knows why.

All I know is that "Midway!" loaded in about 3 minutes on my Atari, but when I went to Roge's house, it was like 15 minutes waiting for that damn Commodore to stutter up to speed

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Joebob ,

You are the last one to talk. If you look at the fine idiots...errr...graduates of House Shaw , without throwing up mind you, you would see at least I had lawyers. Yes, someone had to do it, and I stood up and let the lowlifes...err....pond scum....errr.....lawyers in.

You think there is nothing else going on behind the scenes? Poor Joebob , totally clueless as always. smile.gif

As for your and Marlow's battle. Feck, why do I care? Start a new one, let there be explody things, and burning things, and grinding of teeth [sorry Joebob , for a second I thought you had some].

Marlow , you admit to having almost the same computer as someone from Yewtah? Berli's Home, do you still drive in a horse and buggy? Try to get into this century at least. After all, was it not Harv who said: "I have dirt younger then Joebob "?

Go forth and Die-a-lot now....


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Don't you mean Atari 800XL? (With 48K!)*

*Actually, I think there was some kind of mumbo-jumbo about it being 64k, but then only 48k was useable - GAWD knows why.

All I know is that "Midway!" loaded in about 3 minutes on my Atari, but when I went to Roge's house, it was like 15 minutes waiting for that damn Commodore to stutter up to speed

And thank you for that fascinating look into the average daily life of Computer Geeks In Love, or whatever it was.

Still living, are we? Haven't been offered drinks that fizzle and smoke from Delaney yet?


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Originally posted by rune:

Joebob ,

You are the last one to talk. If you look at the fine idiots...errr...graduates of House Shaw , without throwing up mind you, you would see at least I had lawyers. Yes, someone had to do it, and I stood up and let the lowlifes...err....pond scum....errr.....lawyers in.

You think there is nothing else going on behind the scenes? Poor Joebob , totally clueless as always. smile.gif

As for your and Marlow's battle. Feck, why do I care? Start a new one, let there be explody things, and burning things, and grinding of teeth [sorry Joebob , for a second I thought you had some].

Marlow , you admit to having almost the same computer as someone from Yewtah? Berli's Home, do you still drive in a horse and buggy? Try to get into this century at least. After all, was it not Harv who said: "I have dirt younger then Joebob "?

Go forth and Die-a-lot now....


Did you have to study to be such an idiot or are you just naturally gifted that way?

It's The Shavian House you cretin and if you had spent a tenth of the time HERE as you spend "chatting" with your buddys on MadMatt's server you'd know that ... OH, I'M SORRY ... you were doing important BETA ... stuff, weren't you {snort}.

As to the quality of Squires, I have raised FOUR fine Squires to Knights of Renown in the CessPool and that doesn't even count Papa Khann about whom the less said the better in virtually everyone's opinion. So you see rune I have you trumped in both quantity and quality.

As to my Loyal and Trustworthy Former Squire Harv, I KNOW ... I just KNOW that he would never say anything that disrespectful about his former liege. I also know not to trust anything you say ... you sir ... ARE A LIAR! If you're man enough you'll take offense ... if not you'll confirm my opinion of you.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Still living, are we? Haven't been offered drinks that fizzle and smoke from Delaney yet?


I feel I ought to apologize.I didn't mean to get your hopes up, Boo Radley. PL drinks with ease knowing I'm far too lazy to plan and carry out his death.

Now if an opportunity presents itself...


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