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I fell out of the Peng Tree and hit every Challenge on the way down

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

Why Ms P, are you-a-flirtin with me?

Duh_Capt, No...I just want the satisfaction of humiliating you in front of the Cesspool community. You could use a little bit of humbling.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

"Why do I stay and hound the Peng thread?"

Excellent question from the flat-headed lad in the back.

Because It is a dried out old fossil currently being used by a few dried out old fossils as a personal "cyber-club" when that was never in fact the Intent or Spirit of the Cess.

Now as living proof (or close facsimile there of) A Senior Chief Nerd Knight wants to a) send me packing and B) ensure the likes of me never get in here again.

And how does he want to do this?


Ah yes the last bastion of the truly untalented, attempting to leave a mark on the world.

"Take form B, with three annotated signatures from Senior Nerds. Go to wicket B and take the eye test. Fill out your Bio and we will have you in for an interview in 4 to 6 weeks."

Ah, the cutting edge of the Cesspool!

Or perhaps that is too much perhaps Joey-Joe-Joe simply wants a dictatorship council with himself and some cronies letting in whoever they like into the "sacred circle"..again the cutting edge of Peng.

This place is a dying monster. If you read through you will see the same tired old "zingers" being tossed about like gasps of air from puss filled lungs.

Why am I here? Because once there was a dream that was Cess and I will persevere to bring it back before the fading eyes of the forum.

Even if some would prefer it otherwise!!

Now Sir-Oh-I-Am-Far-To-Senior-A-Geek-To-Have-To-Answer-A-Challenge-From-The-Likes-Of-You!-Why-I-Never!!

If you do indeed wish to kick me off this waste heap, you can at least show some small evidence that you do indeed have a pair and take me on, one on one.

If you are too busy getting your skirt in an uproar, I can understand but don't hide behind your title and cane. Especially as you try to forge some sort of vote to toss me off the island.

Now come on Ol' Yeller put you money where your somewhat over-developed mouth is and send me a setup file.

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

"Why do I stay and hound the Peng thread?"


Ah yes the last bastion of the truly untalented, attempting to leave a mark on the world.

"Take form B, with three annotated signatures from Senior Nerds. Go to wicket B and take the eye test. Fill out your Bio and we will have you in for an interview in 4 to 6 weeks."

Ah, the cutting edge of the Cesspool!

Shh! (Don't bring it up.) It's all Joe knows, really. Well that, and what Sir Walter Raleigh really sounded like in person, because he's really really old.

So let him have his red tape and be happy. It's not really plugged in to anything.

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Sigh. Joe, Joe, Joe - your Challenge (such as it were) is accepted.

Our match shall be not so much a game of CMBO as it is a morality play. Your long absence from this land shall be punished (i.e., you will be the French), and my fine illustrated children's book shall be rewarded (i.e., I shall be the Waffen SS, or maybe the Fallschirmjagers).

There shall be great numbers of 'splodey thingies and armoragigs moving back and forth throughout the land. Great 'splosions of fire and steel shall ring out throughout the land. Geysers of blood shall be ripped from the troops, and large globs of turf shall be thrown into the air.

And when all is said and done, your cheese-eating surrender monkeys shall be shining my boots and mowing my lawn.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Sigh. Joe, Joe, Joe - your Challenge (such as it were) is accepted.

Our match shall be not so much a game of CMBO as it is a morality play. Your long absence from this land shall be punished (i.e., you will be the French), and my fine illustrated children's book shall be rewarded (i.e., I shall be the Waffen SS, or maybe the Fallschirmjagers).

There shall be great numbers of 'splodey thingies and armoragigs moving back and forth throughout the land. Great 'splosions of fire and steel shall ring out throughout the land. Geysers of blood shall be ripped from the troops, and large globs of turf shall be thrown into the air.

And when all is said and done, your cheese-eating surrender monkeys shall be shining my boots and mowing my lawn.


So ... that would be a Yes? I got confused with all the improbabilities you were tossing about as if they were fact.

I should really have one of the Olde One create a scenario for us since you ARE a co-partner in Ker Dessel* and, therefore, are not to be trusted ... but THEY aren't to be trusted either so ...

I repeat my call for attention to that which is sorely lacking in the profile of he who would be Squire ... is no one minding the store here?


* Ker Dessell - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way!

[ June 17, 2002, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I repeat my call for attention to that which is sorely lacking in the profile of he who would be Squire ... is no one minding the store here?

Are you sure you want to know where he is located? Planning a road trip soon, Joe?

Oh, and an Old Ones scneario would be fine if you can pry them away from their grog porn lon genough to do it.

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

attempting to leave a mark on the world

Do one with Pippu, again. He had a funny voice.


I'm back. Blah, blah, blah.

Seanachai has at last fallen (again) before our forces of righteousness (or at least of superior violence). It was an almost direct replay of our previous game, which asked the eternal musical question, "can a company of vets hold back a battalion of regulars?" The answer has, again, proven to be "no" in a major key. So, Lorak, mark against Seanachai's name one of those things we record, while we labor on, unnumerated.

In our match with Joe Shaw, we ask the eternal musical question, "can a company of vets with tanks and engineers overrun a battalion of crippled, unarmed Cub Scouts?" The answer here appears to "yes," although things are still playing out at the agonizingly slow pace anything plays out with me.

In the rest of our matches, that is no music at all. jdmorse and stevetherat have some chance of further replies from us, in spite of the dreadful mauling they are inflicting on our forces. As for Croda and Lars (with whom we vaguely recollect that we are setting up games, and whom we strongly recollect are at least chowderheads if not downright brainless prats), we despair of continuing (read: "starting") our contests with you, and offer to convert them to CMBB games at no additional cost as soon as we have a copy on our hard drive.


Agua Perdido

[Not edited for MarkIV's benefit: I had a marvelous barbecued tri-tip roast when I was in Santa Barbara last month.]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I repeat my call for attention to that which is sorely lacking in the profile of he who would be Squire ... is no one minding the store here?

Are you sure you want to know where he is located? Planning a road trip soon, Joe?

Oh, and an Old Ones scneario would be fine if you can pry them away from their grog porn lon genough to do it.</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Perhaps WE should play Arty Fest '45 and show these cretins how it's done? Perhaps a DUAL match of Jabo! in which we play simultaneous games on both sides to see who gets the better score? How about a game with nothing but static units involved?

A double Jabos! scenario would be fun -- something about hoisting you on your own petard (or something French, anyway).

Let's put our thinking caps on ... well, in YOUR case it would the big pointy cap that you wore so often in Law School whilst standing in the corner but you get the idea.
That's a damn lie! They often let me sit.


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So how come no one told me that strawberries get all mushy when I freeze them "for later"? That blows. They last like ten seconds after I bring them home from the store. And now I find out that freezing them is just a cruel hoax. That's unfair.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by MrSpkr:

And when all is said and done, your cheese-eating surrender monkeys shall be shining my boots and mowing my lawn.

Goddamit, can no-one around here get anything right anymore? That's cheese-eating surrender monkeys to you.

Get it right, or your ass is mine.

[ June 17, 2002, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

So how come no one told me that strawberries get all mushy when I freeze them "for later"? That blows. They last like ten seconds after I bring them home from the store. And now I find out that freezing them is just a cruel hoax. That's unfair.

Dalem, didn't anyone ever tell you that life is unfair?


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Originally posted by dalem:

So how come no one told me that strawberries get all mushy when I freeze them "for later"? That blows. They last like ten seconds after I bring them home from the store. And now I find out that freezing them is just a cruel hoax. That's unfair.

Wash them, top them, than put them on a sheet tray in the freezer until frozen, then bag them for later. Alternatively, go to the grocery store and buy the bags of pre-frozen, they are perfectly adequate for your purposes, although I should warn you that there is no credible, peer-reviewed evidence for the efficacy of frozen strawberry enemas. Still, if that's your bag, you go, dog.
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Another Monday in the middle of a fecking drought by yours falsly. That would be me to the rest of you.

Where to begin? Perhaps with The_I'm so full of myself? Nope. Waste of time. Maybe he will just Sod Off if we're lucky and ignore him for a wittle while wonger. Should I green-nose my great wonderful all knowing perfect in every way liege, the Great Wonderful All Knowing Perfect In Every Way Sir Joe? Naw, better not. Might look like I'm sucking up. Or something. Maybe some downdates for those who really don't care would be in disorder.

4<sup>7</sup>/8: Lurker is proving to be a caged monkey alright. Moving armor into my killing zones, waltzing his infantry directly into my guns and running his support troops towards where my arty is falling. I'm trying hard to lose to him after the first two failed attempts but he is making it very difficult for me to climb the unladder. Bastage.

In conclusion, Fionn is going to crush me. Or should I say has crushed me. 5 turns in and I'm down 30% of my strength and I haven't even seen him yet. It's perfect. Do losses as a squire to the Great Wonderful All Knowing Perfect In Every Way Sir Joe Shaw count on the unladder, or do I have to wait until I reach the suckiness of knaggit?

First, Mace is...well...Mace. I'll lose anyways.

N<sup>th</sup> Simon and I are merrily shelling the living crap out of everything where there is nothing. Of course with the fog thicker than shyte we really don't have a choice because LOS is measured in millimeters and anything spotted dies quickly and horribly. So far I think I'm winning the die quickly and horribly part.

And remember dalem...never allow strawberries to freeze during cold weather. Apparently freezing during warm weather is fine however.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Dammit Seanachai! Why can't we just crucify him. Why does every one want to make this more difficult than it needs to be?

I suppose you had something like this in mind:

CMplayer's Crucifixion 1024220132.4093943932.jpg

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Dammit Seanachai! Why can't we just crucify him. Why does every one want to make this more difficult than it needs to be?

I suppose you had something like this in mind:

CMplayer's Crucifixion 1024220132.4093943932.jpg</font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Dammit Seanachai! Why can't we just crucify him. Why does every one want to make this more difficult than it needs to be?

I suppose you had something like this in mind:

CMplayer's Crucifixion 1024220132.4093943932.jpg</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I repeat my call for attention to that which is sorely lacking in the profile of he who would be Squire ... is no one minding the store here?

Why thank you, most excellent Justicar for pointing out that blemish upon the otherwise impeccable profile of my squire. I, of course, assume full responsibility for the oversight.

Hey The_Capt! Where the hell do you live? Inquiring minds want to know. If you ever want to get a game with Joe (whom you are not treating with the respect I asked of you as your one and only squirely duty, I might add, *boot*) you will have to learn to observe a few formalities. I know it smarts, especially when the old man just isn't fair (which is just about always since he forgets what he didn't say yesterday) but just show you're man enough to swallow the bullet and...and...

...Oh, the Profile, right. Yes a place of origin would be desirable in the profile. OAO.

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A REAL Squire, Harv, posted the following question of his liege: In conclusion, Fionn is going to crush me. Or should I say has crushed me. 5 turns in and I'm down 30% of my strength and I haven't even seen him yet. It's perfect. Do losses as a squire to the Great Wonderful All Knowing Perfect In Every Way Sir Joe Shaw count on the unladder, or do I have to wait until I reach the suckiness of knaggit?
Oh I say, well done indeed Harv. I had despaired that perhaps the wheat planting, harvest, weeding whatever the hell you do this time of year to wheat thing was keeping you too busy to deal with your duties as Squire.

A loss of ANY kind is to be courted, but a loss to Fionn and in only 5 turns, is practically a thing of beauty. Remember that it's not the winning or losing that counts but that idiot kid back in the back of the room that keeps drooling and counting on his fingers, that's what counts.

As to whether or not to list the loss, absolutely it should be listed. You are a legitimate Squire of the CessPool (unlike some nee-do-wells I could mention but won't) and you are playing a member (albeit an honorary member) of the CessPool.

Your paper for tonight will be a scholarly treatise on "Qood Squire, Bad Squire, A Case for Justicariate Review." I expect you to pull heavily from the postings of the more recent batch of substandard Squires and compare and contrast them to the writings of Agua Perdido, Lars, Speedbump and yourself.

I don't want a hatchet job on the poor yokels, a simple post by post comparison will show them for the lackwitted, drool beslimed, barely literate Neanderthals that they are ... no need to rub it in I think


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