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Guest PondScum

With delusions of grandeur, Croda babbled:

In the Braveheart with armor category, Pondscum and I have battled to a draw.
You lying swine, we've never fought. I'm sure you will blame the effects of your advanced case of foot-and-mouth for making this grievous mistake, but it is a calumny, sir, a CALUMNY. Besides, since you're clearly in the middle of a relapse I should nip in quickly to beat you like a gong before you make a temporary recovery. Send me a setup. Armor sounds nice. Clankety clankety BANG.
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:


He's describing his battle with me... wherein, had he real troops, he would be winning. Alas, he took the Pommies and is getting his ass kicked (He has even lost one of his Churchills... even though I made the mistake of not purchasing a single antitank weapon)</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Pity about the Queen Mum. Last generation with any sense of why the whole lot of them shouldn't be imprisoned.

I thought they were all imprisoned. Why would they stay on that pale and drizzly little island thingamajiggy unless they had to?
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Seanachai: Yes, I've got to shovel more snow in the morning, and work some temp hours. But I'm planning on some serious posting later in the week.

Mace: Take care, you useless bloody git of an Olde One. See you tomorrow night.

Mace: btw, before you retire for the night tell me Seanachai, what's snow?


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Seanachai: Yes, I've got to shovel more snow in the morning, and work some temp hours. But I'm planning on some serious posting later in the week.

Mace: Take care, you useless bloody git of an Olde One. See you tomorrow night.

Mace: btw, before you retire for the night tell me Seanachai, what's snow?


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Seanachai: Yes, I've got to shovel more snow in the morning, and work some temp hours. But I'm planning on some serious posting later in the week.

Mace: Take care, you useless bloody git of an Olde One. See you tomorrow night.

Mace: btw, before you retire for the night tell me Seanachai, what's snow?


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Originally posted by PondScum:

With delusions of grandeur, Croda babbled: I must remind myself to send a ceasefire request to that brave Squire AussieJeff before he annihilates my remaining Hamstertruppen in that dastardly "Foothills" scenario.

Oh, how come you get a post from Cruda relating to MOI? What the feck is going on here? 'Tis a CONSPIRACY I say!! 'Fess up you lot.

Oh, and Croda old chap, just hit the goddamn G-G-G-G-G-G-O! button, puhleese......

And while I'm on a pathetic rant about opponents begging orf or mysteriously going AWOL when I start winning, I hereby in a jealous fit of pique claim moral victory in my byte-battle against the a-forementioned but unseen Sludge36 who has not returned a file in a month of Sundays...

Sod the lot of ye, rant, rant .....etc


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

And while I'm on a pathetic rant about opponents begging orf or mysteriously going AWOL when I start winning, I hereby in a jealous fit of pique claim moral victory in my byte-battle against the a-forementioned but unseen Sledge59 who has not returned a file in a month of Sundays...

Sod the lot of ye, rant, rant .....etc


Be quiet, you Aussie sod! You're not entitled to claim a victory over my missing Squire. When he returns to the fold, you'll have your chance to whinge, and gibber, and make small mewling noises over the lack of turns in which you were being humiliated and shorn like a sheep.

[ April 02, 2002, 02:46 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Good grief..

This is an outrage!! The Mutha Beautiful <STRIKE>is</STRIKE> was dropping like a brick, saved from humiliation in the nick of time by yours truly. C'mon you Northern contingent rabble. Time to sound Revellie! It's <STRIKE>7.50am</STRIKE> 9.25am and not a mouse!

Get posting chaps. It's way past time for the Last Post, Lights Out and my beauty sleep.



[ April 02, 2002, 09:27 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ah, Mace, 'snow' is a wonderous substance!

It's as white as the purest lamb's fleece, and as soft as the softest lamb's fleece, and floats down from heaven as softly as angel's tears, and dances on the wind like eiderdown, and turns every landscape into a magic kingdom of beauty and wonder, and melts on your face like a kiss from the wind.

And it covers every sodding surface at least 6 inches deep every f'ing time it snows, and it all has to be removed from every bloody public walkway, and it's six times heavier than the heaviest sin, and causes innumerable car accidents every time it shows up, and several fatalities, between the car wrecks and the heart-attacks suffered while shoveling it, and it remains magical, and beautiful, if for no other reason than it will never, ever sully itself by falling on Australians.

Standing, applauding with tears flowing freely down his cheeks like crystal clear water from sun warmed icicles.

Beautiful, just beautiful Seananchai! Boy, for a midwesterner, you sure talk pretty.

It's hard to believe that all that could come from someone who's sole literary touchstone was Gold Key Comic Books.

I stand in awe of your talent, but then again I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Real troops? I've beaten you so many times using British troops that the English Board of Tourism and the Crown are both sending me Christmas Cards. The one with the stylized snowflakes and the Royal Family all grinning at the camera is just nasty.

Unlike yourself, OGSF doesn't cheat. Every battle I've had with you have been so surreal that I'm convinced they were created by Dali
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Pity about the Queen Mum. Last generation with any sense of why the whole lot of them shouldn't be imprisoned.

I thought they were all imprisoned. Why would they stay on that pale and drizzly little island thingamajiggy unless they had to?</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ah, Mace, 'snow' is a wonderous substance!

It's as white as the purest lamb's fleece, and as soft as the softest lamb's fleece, and floats down from heaven as softly as angel's tears, and dances on the wind like eiderdown, and turns every landscape into a magic kingdom of beauty and wonder, and melts on your face like a kiss from the wind.

And it covers every sodding surface at least 6 inches deep every f'ing time it snows, and it all has to be removed from every bloody public walkway, and it's six times heavier than the heaviest sin, and causes innumerable car accidents every time it shows up, and several fatalities, between the car wrecks and the heart-attacks suffered while shoveling it, and it remains magical, and beautiful, if for no other reason than it will never, ever sully itself by falling on Australians.

Now that's artistry. See that, you SSN's, that's a properly constructed taunt, that is.

But it occurs to me that, perhaps, Seanachai, the Antipods not being blessed with a nice, fresh, clean, snowfall, we could send them something else.

How about today's freezing rain?

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As a part of striving for a sense of normalcy, I will now do some Game Updates:

Croda I won, he didn’t. Nanner nanner boo boo

Elvis I won, he didn’t. See above kindergarten taunt. We are starting a new game and he already tagged a panzer I had hanging out. I’ll be sure to zip up better in the future.

JDMorse I’m playing the same scenario against him as I am vs Elvis. Thus far, Elvis is winning on points. I'm not really planning on winning either game, but it should be mildly interesting.

Speedbump He’s attacking with armor thingies and I’m dying in droves.

I won’t be starting any new games against other opponents because I’m trying to finish more games. I was 2-0 for the month of March!!

My humor isn’t quite back yet, so make up your own taunts. I’m trying to let CM be a distraction from reality.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

noo bae tellin' mae aboot tha broon stained marsh-mallow tea bagged Sassanach Thomas bleedin' Atkins bastaarrrds wha' die lak span'l poots o'er a candle-lit birrrthdee cake!


See, I got everything except this part. I was actually, through copious amounts of toil and sweat and screwing my face into all sorts of contortions while my tongue hung limply over my lower lip, able to understand the gist of the diatribe. (I minored in haverin' in college, you see.)

But this...he's either upset that some small dog relieved itself on top of his birthday cake or it's a coded message for help.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

noo bae tellin' mae aboot tha broon stained marsh-mallow tea bagged Sassanach Thomas bleedin' Atkins bastaarrrds wha' die lak span'l poots o'er a candle-lit birrrthdee cake!


See, I got everything except this part. I was actually, through copious amounts of toil and sweat and screwing my face into all sorts of contortions while my tongue hung limply over my lower lip, able to understand the gist of the diatribe. (I minored in haverin' in college, you see.)

But this...he's either upset that some small dog relieved itself on top of his birthday cake or it's a coded message for help.</font>

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All this talk of snow, drizzle and freezing rain reminds me that I have to turn the sprinklers on when I get home tonight. How I envy you blokes having nature do the job for you when I have to leave the barbeque and tediously amble across the patio to turn on the retic. What a waste of 30 secs of an autumn evening. Thank goodness I don't have to put my tinnie down otherwise it would be all but unbearable.

Some individuals have been remarkably tardy. Geier also appears to be snowed in or under or somefink. How a 15 turn game can last 2 months is mystifying. Bastables has no such excuse, though it is hardly suprising that a Kiwi git should continue to struggle with the 'complexities' of the PBEM process. Must of contracted some tropical brainfever in Timor rendering him even more dullwitted than usual.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Attention all Squires and Newly Kannigetted Pondscum!

I am requesting that you all send me your photographs.

Be wary, fair Persephone, for Pondscum is not what he appears to be!

He is in reality a COMPUTER GROG for Microdaft, and he may be very well be their spy amongst us!!!!!



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Originally posted by Wildman:

Ah, Boo (not bolded because not only do I not care if your a squire or serf, but I don't feel like reviewing past MBTs to find out) you know so little, yet you preen so often.

Go ye and harken to the first Mother Beautiful Thread lost upon ages of yore. Seek ye the truth and then ye shall desire nothing more that to gouge your eyes out of their sockets.

Go ye in search of hamsters, wombats, and Giant Otters. Then ye too will understand the ranting of the fake Scots man.

I give thee one clue to start thy journey into the darkness...

Aiken is a bloody, sissy POM

Now go and come back victorious or return on your shield, and pass me an ale before ya go lad. Be good to an aging knight.

Boo Radley, squire to Croda The Colorfully Attired at your service good Sir Kanniggit. So you want me to search for the Genesis Thread, that which is only spoken of in hushed terms by ancient mages and wizards most fearful and wizened.

It would be my most supreme pleasure.

But know this. I do it not out of deference to you, Sir Wild Turkey Man. I do it because I'm going right by there anyway. We're all out of rye bread and I feel the need for a Yoo-Hoo.

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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

Attention all Squires and Newly Kannigetted Pondscum!

I am requesting that you all send me your photographs.

...I'm waiting.


Only the vain and foolish need reply.</font>
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Posted by Simon The Grog

All this talk of snow, drizzle and freezing rain reminds me that I have to turn the sprinklers on when I get home tonight. How I envy you blokes having nature do the job for you when I have to leave the barbeque and tediously amble across the patio to turn on the retic. What a waste of 30 secs of an autumn evening. Thank goodness I don't have to put my tinnie down otherwise it would be all but unbearable.
I agree oh honoured one. We have glorious weather at this time of the year, in fact all year compared to those poor overseas persons. Perhaps you should invest in an automatic system..save those 30 seconds every chance you get.

More elbow time available that way.

Don't forget the water restrictions, unless you have your own supply of course.


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